python Z3 how to use if without else - z3

I try to use z3 do some easy math, condition is if without else.
for (i = 0; i <= 15; ++i)
if (s1[i] > 64 && s1[i] <= 90)
s1[i] = (s1[i] - 51) % 26 + 65;
if (s1[i] > 96 && s1[i] <= 122)
s1[i] = (s1[i] - 79) % 26 + 97;
for (i = 0; i <= 15; ++i)
result = key[i];
if (s1[i] != result)
return result;
from z3 import *
key = list(b"Qsw3sj_lz4_Ujw#l")
s1 = [BitVec('s1_%d' % i, 8) for i in range(len(key))]
s = Solver()
for i, n in enumerate(key):
con1 = If(Or(64 < s1[i], s1[i] <= 90), (s1[i] - 51) % 26 + 65 == key[i])
con2 = If(Or(96 < s1[i], s1[i] <= 122), (s1[i] - 79) % 26 + 97 == key[i])
Got error. TypeError: If() missing 1 required positional argument: 'c'

If takes three arguments; (1) condition, (2) then result, and (3) else result. You've only provided two. You can substitute True if you don't care about the else case constraint:
con1 = If(Or(64 < s1[i], s1[i] <= 90), (s1[i] - 51) % 26 + 65 == key[i], True)
and similarly for con2.
Note that there's no such thing as an If without else in z3.
While this will fix your "syntax" error, it won't fix the mistake you're making in your model; if any, of course. (As stated, your conditions are unsat, which I presume wasn't what you were expecting.) You should really consider what how the program changes (or doesn't change) when the condition is false, and instead of constraints like this, you should model how the variables themselves change after putting them into SSA (single-static assignment form.)


Proving a covariance inequality in Dafny, use contradiction?

I am trying to prove the following property in Dafny: covariance(x,y) <= variance(x) * variance(y), where x and y are real.
First of all, I would like to know if I am interpreting covariance and variance correctly. Thus, I make the following question: is it the same proving covariance(x,y) <= variance(x) * variance(y) and proving covariance(x,y) <= covariance(x,x) * covariance(y,y)? I make this question because the variance usually appears to the power of 2 (i.e., sigma^2(x)), which confuses me.
However, I understand from that this equivalence holds. Concretely, the following is stated: The variance is a special case of the covariance in which the two variables are identical.
I also take one of the definitions of covariance from that link. Concretely: cov(x,y)=(1/n)*summation(i from 1 to n){(x_i-mean(x))*(y_i-mean(y))}.
Thus, assuming that I must prove covariance(x,y) <= covariance(x,x) * covariance(y,y) and that covariance is defined like above, I test the following lemma in Dafny:
lemma covariance_equality (x: seq<real>, y:seq<real>)
requires |x| > 1 && |y| > 1; //my conditions
requires |x| == |y|; //my conditions
requires forall elemX :: elemX in x ==> 0.0 < elemX; //my conditions
requires forall elemY :: elemY in y ==> 0.0 < elemY; //my conditions
ensures covariance_fun (x,y) <= covariance_fun(x,x) * covariance_fun (y,y);
Which cannot be proven automatically. The point is that I do not know how to prove it manually. I made this (not useful) approach of a contraction proof, but I guess this is not the way:
lemma covariance_equality (x: seq<real>, y:seq<real>)
requires |x| > 1 && |y| > 1; //my conditions
requires |x| == |y|; //my conditions
requires forall elemX :: elemX in x ==> 0.0 < elemX; //my conditions
requires forall elemY :: elemY in y ==> 0.0 < elemY; //my conditions
ensures covariance_fun (x,y) <= covariance_fun(x,x) * covariance_fun (y,y);
if !(covariance_fun(x,y) < covariance_fun(x,c) * covariance_fun (y,y)) {
assert !(forall elemX' :: elemX' in x ==> 0.0<elemX') && (forall elemY' :: elemY' in y ==> 0.0<elemY'); //If we assume this, the proof is verified
assert false;
My main question is: how can I prove this lemma?
So that you have all the information, I offer the functions by which covariance calculation is made up. First, the covariance function is as follows:
function method covariance_fun(x:seq<real>, y:seq<real>):real
requires |x| > 1 && |y| > 1;
requires |x| == |y|;
decreases |x|,|y|;
summation(x,mean_fun(x),y,mean_fun(y)) / ((|x|-1) as real)
As you can see, it performs summation and then divides by the length. Also, note that the summation function receives mean of x and mean of y. Summation is as follows:
function method summation(x:seq<real>,x_mean:real,y:seq<real>,y_mean:real):real
requires |x| == |y|;
decreases |x|,|y|;
if x == [] then 0.0
else ((x[0] - x_mean)*(y[0] - y_mean))
+ summation(x[1..],x_mean,y[1..],y_mean)
As you can see, it recursively performs (x-mean(x))*(y-mean(y)) of each position.
As for helper functions, mean_fun calculates the mean and is as follows:
function method mean_fun(s:seq<real>):real
requires |s| >= 1;
decreases |s|;
sum_seq(s) / (|s| as real)
Note that is uses sum_seq function which, given a sequence, calculates the sum of all its positions. It is defined recursively:
function method sum_seq(s:seq<real>):real
decreases s;
if s == [] then 0.0 else s[0] + sum_seq(s[1..])
Now, with all these ingredientes, can anyone tell me (1) if I already did something wrong and/or (2) how to prove the lemma?
PS: I have been looking and this lemma seems to be the Cauchy–Schwarz inequality, but still do not know how to solve it.
Elaborating on the answer
I will (1) define a convariance function cov in terms of product and then (2) use this definition in a new lemma that should hold.
Also, note that I add the restriction that 'x' and 'y' are non-empty, but you can modify this
//calculates the mean of a sequence
function method mean_fun(s:seq<real>):real
requires |s| >= 1;
decreases |s|;
sum_seq(s) / (|s| as real)
//from x it constructs a=[x[0]-x_mean, x[1]-x_mean...]
function construct_list (x:seq<real>, m:real) : (a:seq<real>)
requires |x| >= 1
ensures |x|==|a|
if |x| == 1 then [x[0]-m]
else [x[0]-m] + construct_list(x[1..],m)
//covariance is calculated in terms of product
function cov(x: seq<real>, y: seq<real>) : real
requires |x| == |y|
requires |x| >= 1
ensures cov(x,y) == product(construct_list(x, mean_fun(x)),construct_list(y, mean_fun(y))) / (|x| as real) //if we do '(|x| as real)-1', then we can have a division by zero
//i.e., ensures cov(x,y) == product(a,b) / (|x| as real)
//if |a| == 1 then 0.0 //we do base case in '|a|==1' instead of '|a|==1', because we have precondition '|a| >= 1'
var x_mean := mean_fun(x);
var y_mean := mean_fun(y);
var a := construct_list(x, x_mean);
var b := construct_list(y, y_mean);
product(a,b) / (|a| as real)
//Now, test that Cauchy holds for Cov
lemma cauchyInequality_usingCov (x: seq<real>, y: seq<real>)
requires |x| == |y|
requires |x| >= 1
requires forall i :: 0 <= i < |x| ==> x[i] >= 0.0 && y[i] >= 0.0
ensures square(cov(x,y)) <= cov(x,x)*cov(y,y)
Proving HelperLemma (not provable?)
Trying to prove HelperLemma I find that Dafny is able to prove that LHS of a*a*x + b*b*y >= 2.0*a*b*z is positive.
Then, I started to prove different cases (I know this is not the best procedure):
(1) If one of a,b or z is negative (while the rest positive) or when the three are negative; then RHS is negative
And when RHS is negative, LHS is greater or equal (since LHS is positive).
(2) If a or b or z are 0, then RHS is 0, thus LHS is greater or equal.
(3) If a>=1, b>=1 and z>=1, I tried to prove this using sqrt_ineq().
With a=1, b=1, z=1, RHS is 2; now, choose x to be 0 and y to be 0 (i.e., LHS=0). Since 0<2, this is a counter example.
Am I right? If not, how can I prove this lemma?
lemma HelperLemma(a: real, x: real, b: real, y: real, z: real)
requires x >= 0.0 && y >= 0.0 //&& z >= 0.0
requires square(z) <= x * y
ensures a*a*x + b*b*y >= 2.0*a*b*z
assert square(z) == z*z;
assert a*a*x + b*b*y >= 0.0; //a*a*x + b*b*y is always positive
if ((a<0.0 && b>=0.0 && z>=0.0) || (a>=0.0 && b<0.0 && z>=0.0) || (a>=0.0 && b>=0.0 && z<0.0) || (a<0.0 && b<0.0 && z<0.0)) {
assert 2.0*a*b*z <=0.0; //2.0*a*b*z <= 0.0 is negative or 0 when product is negative
assert a*a*x + b*b*y >= 2.0*a*b*z; // When 2.0*a*b*z <= 0.0 is negative or 0, a*a*x + b*b*y is necessarily greater
if (a==0.0 || b==0.0 || z==0.0){
assert a*a*x + b*b*y >= 2.0*a*b*z;
else if (a>=1.0 && b>=1.0 && z>= 1.0){
assert a*a >= a;
assert b*b >= b;
assert a*a+b*b >= a*b;
assert square(z) <= x * y;
//assert square(z) == z*z;
//assert sqrt(z) <= sqrt(x*y);
//assert (x==0.0 || y == 0.0) ==> (x*y==0.0) ==> (square(z) <= 0.0) ==> z<=0.0;
assert a*a*x + b*b*y >= 2.0*a*b*z;
//INDEED: COUNTER EXAMPLE: a=1, b=1, z=1. Thus: RHS is 2; now, choose x to be 0 and y to be 0 (i.e., LHS=0). Since 0<2, this is a counter example.
Edited after clarification/fixing of post condition.
Here is attempt to do it in Dafny using calculation and induction.
Few comments on verification
Since task at hand is verification, I assumed sqrt function and some of its properties. HelperLemma is provable provided we assume some properties of sqrt function. There are two assumption in verification that is easy to prove.
function square(r: real) : real
ensures square(r) >= 0.0
r * r
function sqrt(r: real) : real
function {:fuel 2} product(a: seq<real>, b: seq<real>) : real
requires |a| == |b|
if |a| == 0 then 0.0
else a[0] * b[0] + product(a[1..], b[1..])
lemma sqrt_ineq(a: real, b: real)
requires a >= 0.0 && b >= 0.0
requires a <= b
ensures sqrt(a) <= sqrt(b)
lemma sqrt_square(a: real)
ensures sqrt(square(a)) == a
lemma CauchyBaseInequality(a1: real, a2: real, b1: real, b2: real)
ensures square(a1*b1 + a2*b2) <= (a1*a1 + a2*a2) * (b1*b1 + b2*b2)
calc <= {
square(a1*b1 + a2*b2) - (a1*a1 + a2*a2) * (b1*b1 + b2*b2);
a1*b1*a1*b1 + a2*b2*a2*b2 + 2.0*a1*b1*a2*b2 - a1*a1*b1*b1 - a1*a1*b2*b2 - a2*a2*b1*b1 - a2*a2*b2*b2;
2.0*a1*b1*a2*b2 - a1*a1*b2*b2 - a2*a2*b1*b1;
- square(a1*b2 - a2*b1);
lemma HelperLemma(a: real, x: real, b: real, y: real, z: real)
requires x >= 0.0 && y >= 0.0
requires square(z) <= x * y
ensures a*a*x + b*b*y >= 2.0*a*b*z
lemma CauchyInequality(a: seq<real>, b: seq<real>)
requires |a| == |b|
ensures square(product(a, b)) <= product(a, a) * product(b, b)
if |a| <= 2 {
if |a| == 2 {
CauchyBaseInequality(a[0], a[1], b[0], b[1]);
else {
var x, xs := a[0], a[1..];
var y, ys := b[0], b[1..];
calc >= {
product(a, a) * product(b, b) - square((product(a, b)));
(x*x + product(xs, xs))*(y*y + product(ys, ys)) - square(x*y + product(xs, ys));
x*x*y*y + y*y*product(xs, xs) + x*x*product(ys, ys) + product(xs, xs)*product(ys, ys)
- x*x*y*y - square(product(xs, ys)) - 2.0*x*y*product(xs, ys);
y*y*product(xs, xs) + x*x*product(ys, ys) + product(xs, xs) * product(ys, ys)
- square(product(xs, ys)) - 2.0*x*y*product(xs, ys);
{ CauchyInequality(xs, ys); }
y*y*product(xs, xs) + x*x*product(ys, ys) - 2.0*x*y*product(xs, ys);
CauchyInequality(xs, ys);
assume product(xs, xs) >= 0.0;
assume product(ys, ys) >= 0.0;
HelperLemma(y, product(xs, xs), x, product(ys, ys), product(xs, ys));
lemma cauchyInequality_usingCov (x: seq<real>, y: seq<real>)
requires |x| == |y|
requires |x| >= 1
requires forall i :: 0 <= i < |x| ==> x[i] >= 0.0 && y[i] >= 0.0
ensures square(cov(x,y)) <= cov(x,x)*cov(y,y)
var x_mean := mean_fun(x);
var y_mean := mean_fun(y);
var a := construct_list(x, x_mean);
var b := construct_list(y, y_mean);
assert cov(x, y) == product(a, b) / (|x| as real);
assert cov(x, x) == product(a, a) / (|x| as real);
assert cov(y, y) == product(b, b) / (|x| as real);
CauchyInequality(a, b);
Verification of Helper Lemma
function square(r: real): real
ensures square(r) >= 0.0
r * r
function abs(a: real) : real
ensures abs(a) >= 0.0
if a < 0.0 then -a else a
function sqrt(r: real): real
requires r >= 0.0
ensures square(sqrt(r)) == r && sqrt(r) >= 0.0
lemma sqrtIneq(a: real, b: real)
requires a >= 0.0 && b >= 0.0
requires a <= b
ensures sqrt(a) <= sqrt(b)
lemma sqrtLemma(a: real)
ensures sqrt(square(a)) == abs(a)
lemma sqrtMultiply(a: real, b: real)
requires a >= 0.0 && b >= 0.0
ensures sqrt(a*b) == sqrt(a) * sqrt(b);
lemma differenceLemma(a: real, b: real)
requires a >= abs(b)
ensures a - b >= 0.0 && a + b >= 0.0
lemma HelperLemma(a: real, x: real, b: real, y: real, z: real)
requires x >= 0.0 && y >= 0.0
requires square(z) <= x * y
ensures a*a*x + b*b*y >= 2.0*a*b*z
var sx := sqrt(x);
var sy := sqrt(y);
assert sx * sx == x;
assert sy * sy == y;
if (a >= 0.0 && b >= 0.0) || (a < 0.0 && b < 0.0) {
calc >= {
a*a*x + b*b*y - 2.0*a*b*z;
a*a*sx*sx + b*b*sy*sy - 2.0*a*b*sx*sy + 2.0*a*b*sx*sy - 2.0*a*b*z;
square(a*sx - b*sy) + 2.0*a*b*sx*sy - 2.0*a*b*z;
2.0*a*b*sx*sy - 2.0*a*b*z;
2.0*a*b*(sx*sy - z);
sqrtIneq(square(z), x * y);
assert sqrt(x * y) >= sqrt(square(z));
sqrtMultiply(x, y);
assert sx * sy >= sqrt(square(z));
assert sx * sy >= abs(z);
differenceLemma(sx*sy, z);
assert sx*sy >= z;
else {
calc >= {
a*a*x + b*b*y - 2.0*a*b*z;
a*a*sx*sx + b*b*sy*sy + 2.0*a*b*sx*sy - 2.0*a*b*sx*sy - 2.0*a*b*z;
square(a*sx + b*sy) - 2.0*a*b*sx*sy - 2.0*a*b*z;
- 2.0*a*b*sx*sy - 2.0*a*b*z;
- 2.0*a*b*(sx*sy + z);
sqrtIneq(square(z), x * y);
assert sqrt(x * y) >= sqrt(square(z));
sqrtMultiply(x, y);
assert sx * sy >= sqrt(square(z));
assert sx * sy >= abs(z);
differenceLemma(sx*sy, z);
assert sx*sy >= -z;

How to solve nqueen problem with Z3 solver

I write a formula to solve nqueen problem. It finds one of the solution but I want find all solution how I generalize to all solution for this formula:
from z3 import *
import time
def queens(n,all=0):
start = time.time()
sol = Solver()
# q = [Int("q_%s" % (i)) for i in range(n) ] # n=100: ???s
# q = IntVector("q", n) # this is much faster # n=100: 28.1s
q = Array("q", IntSort(), BitVecSort(8)) # n=100: ??s
# Domains
sol.add([And(q[i]>=0, q[i] <= n-1) for i in range(n)])
# Constraints
for i in range(n):
for j in range(i):
sol.add(q[i] != q[j], q[i]+i != q[j]+j, q[i]-i != q[j]-j)
if sol.check() == sat:
mod = sol.model()
ss = [mod.evaluate(q[i]) for i in range(n)]
# Show all solutions
if all==1:
num_solutions = 0
while sol.check() == sat:
m = sol.model()
ss = [mod.evaluate(q[i]) for i in range(n)]
sol.add( Or([q[i] != ss[i] for i in range(n)]) )
num_solutions = num_solutions + 1
print("num_solutions:", num_solutions)
print("failed to solve")
end = time.time()
value = end - start
print("Time: ", value)
for n in [8,10,12,20,50,100,200]:
print("Testing ", n)
For N=4 I try to show 2 solution
For N=8 I try to show all 92 solution
You got most of it correct, though there are issues with how you coded the find-all-solutions part. There's a solution for N-queens that comes with the z3 tutorial here:
You can turn it into an "find-all-solutions" versions like this:
from z3 import *
def queens(n):
Q = [Int('Q_%i' % (i + 1)) for i in range(n)]
val_c = [And(1 <= Q[i], Q[i] <= n) for i in range(n)]
col_c = [Distinct(Q)]
diag_c = [If(i == j, True, And(Q[i] - Q[j] != i - j, Q[i] - Q[j] != j - i)) for i in range(n) for j in range(i)]
sol = Solver()
sol.add(val_c + col_c + diag_c)
num_solutions = 0
while sol.check() == sat:
mod = sol.model()
ss = [mod.evaluate(Q[i]) for i in range(n)]
num_solutions += 1
sol.add(Or([Q[i] != ss[i] for i in range(n)]))
print("num_solutions:", num_solutions)
This'll print 2 solutions for N=4 and 92 for N=8.

Is there a more succinct way of performing the same task below? Rounding down to nearest 1 or 5mod6

var n = 27;
void main() {
while (n>=5)
if ( (n) % 3==0 && (n) % 2==0 ){
else if ( (n) % 3==0 && (n) % 2!=0 ){
else if ((n) % 3!=0 && (n) % 2==0){
print((n/6).floor()*6 +(1));
else { n=n+1;}
I was looking for a way to have an input reduced to the nearest 1 or 5mod6 (for n>=5) and came up with the code above in Dart (project is in flutter). Does anyone have any better way of doing the same thing?
The result (rounded down input) will then be passed to another function.
For the current n value of 27 the console will print 25... try other values 24 maps to 23, 23 to itself, 22,21,20 to 19, 19 to itself, 18 to 17, 17 to itself, 16,15,14 to 13.....and I hope you get the idea.
I would get rid of the loop by finding the next lower multiple of 6 and then adding 1 or 5. The code ends up being shorter, and I think it expresses your intent much more clearly than code involving % 3 and % 2.
int lowerMultiple(int n, int multipleOf) =>
((n - 1) / multipleOf).floor() * multipleOf;
void main() {
var n = 27;
var m = lowerMultiple(n, 6);
print((n - m) >= 5 ? (m + 5) : (m + 1));
The above code should work for integers less than 5 as well, including non-positive ones.

Math in Dart - working with numbers other than base 10

I was trying to do some math in something other than base 10, and wanted to get some input from the Dart community on possible directions I can take.
So, for example, suppose p = 2. Then, looking at 100 in base 2:
100 = (1 · 26
) + (1 · 25
) + (0 · 24
) + (0 · 23
) + (1 · 22
) + (0 · 21
) + (0 · 20
100 base 2 = 1100100
Add 1 to each digit and multiply the answers together:
(1 + 1)(1 + 1)(0 + 1)(0 + 1)(1 + 1)(0 + 1)(0 + 1) = 8
Try it for 3:
100 = (1 · 34
) + (0 · 33
) + (2 · 32
) + (0 · 31
) + (1 · 30
100 base 3 = 10201
(1 + 1)(0 + 1)(2 + 1)(0 + 1)(1 + 1) = 12
In Dart, I came up with the following;
int rows = 1000000000;
int total = 0;
for(int i = 0 ; i < rows ; i++ ){
total += i.toRadixString(7)
.map((s) => int.parse(s) + 1)
.reduce((prev,next) => prev*next);
print('${total} results');
This does work, and seems to be ok for small number of rows. But for larger numbers, it is really quite slow.
As shown, I am converting an int to a string (resulting in a string representation of a number), splitting it, mapping the split characters back to ints, adding 1 to each int, and then multiplying them all together.
Am I missing something when it comes to working with numbers in Dart, other than base 10?
Going through the string seems inefficient. How about doing it directly?
int digitProduct(int n, int base) { // non-negative n and base only
int product = 1;
while (n > 0) {
int digit = n % base;
n = n ~/ base;
product *= (digit + 1);
return product;
main() {
int rows = 1000000000;
int total = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
total += digitProduct(i, 7);
print("${total} results");
Also 1000000000 is a pretty big number. If it takes a microsecond per row, it will still take ~16 minutes to complete.
Division by arbitrary bases is slow. If you hardcode the base to be 7, it'll probably be significantly faster (I expect ~90% of the time spent in digitProduct to be used on ~/ and %).

A* only works in certain cases

My a* path finding algorithm only works for certain cases but I don't understand why. Every node in my grid is walkable so in theory every path should work. I believe the error is in this line:
PathFindingNode *neighbor = NULL;
if ((y > 0 && x > 0) && (y < gridY - 1 && x < gridX - 1))
neighbor = [[grid objectAtIndex:x + dx] objectAtIndex:y +dy];
In function -(void)addNeighbors:, the line
if ((y > 0 && x > 0) && (y < gridY - 1 && x < gridX - 1))
neighbor = [[grid objectAtIndex:x + dx] objectAtIndex:y +dy];
has bug because if curNode is on boundary, it does not add neighbors to the queue. So that the algorithm will never reach endNode in the four corners (i.e. [0,0], [gridX-1,0], [0,gridY-1], [gridX-1,gridY-1]).
