How to adjust feature importance in Azure AutoML - machine-learning

I am hoping to have some low code model using Azure AutoML, which is really just going to the AutoML tab, running a classification experiment with my dataset, after it's done, I deploy the best selected model.
The model kinda works (meaning, I publish the endpoint and then I do some manual validation, seems accurate), however, I am not confident enough, because when I am looking at the explanation, I can see something like this:
4 top features are not really closely important. The most "important" one is really not the one I prefer it to use. I am hoping it will use the Title feature more.
Is there such a thing I can adjust the importance of individual features, like ranking all features before it starts the experiment?
I would love to do more reading, but I only found this:
Increase feature importance
The only answer seems to be about how to measure if a feature is important.
Hence, does it mean, if I want to customize the experiment, such as selecting which features to "focus", I should learn how to use the "designer" part in Azure ML? Or is it something I can't do, even with the designer. I guess my confusion is, with ML being such a big topic, I am looking for a direction of learning, in this case of what I am having, so I can improve my current model.

Here is link to the document for feature customization.
Using the SDK you can specify "feauturization": 'auto' / 'off' / 'FeaturizationConfig' in your AutoMLConfig object. Learn more about enabling featurization.
Automated ML tries out different ML models that have different settings which control for overfitting. Automated ML will pick which overfitting parameter configuration is best based on the best score (e.g. accuracy) it gets from hold-out data. The kind of overfitting settings these models has includes:
Explicitly penalizing overly-complex models in the loss function that the ML model is optimizing
Limiting model complexity before training, for example by limiting the size of trees in an ensemble tree learning model (e.g. gradient boosting trees or random forest)


ML algorithm suggestion for databases that change a lot with time after model training

I have a classification problem and I'm using a logistic regression (I tested it among other models and this one was the best). I look for information from game sites and test if a user has the potential to be a buyer of certain games.
The problem is that lately some sites from which I get this information (and also from where I got the information to train the model) change weekly and, with that, part of the database I use for prediction is "partially" different from the one used for training (with different information for each user, in this case). Since when these sites started to change, the model's predictive ability has dropped considerably.
To solve this, an alternative would be, of course, to retrain the model. It's something we're considering, although we'll have to do it with some frequency given the fact that the sites are changing every couple of weeks, considerably.
other solutions considered was the use of algorithms that could adapt to these changes and, with that, we could retrain the model less frequently.
Two options raised were neural networks to classify or try to adapt some genetic algorithm. However, I have read that genetic algorithms would be very expensive and are not a good option for classification problems, given the fact that they may not converge.
Does anyone have any suggestions for a modeling approach that we can test?

When true positives are rare

Suppose you're trying to use machine learning for a classification task like, let's say, looking at photographs of animals and distinguishing horses from zebras. This task would seem to be within the state of the art.
But if you take a bunch of labelled photographs and throw them at something like a neural network or support vector machine, what happens in practice is that zebras are so much rarer than horses that the system just ends up learning to say 'always a horse' because this is actually the way to minimize its error.
Minimal error that may be but it's also not a very useful result. What is the recommended way to tell the system 'I want the best guess at which photographs are zebras, even if this does create some false positives'? There doesn't seem to be a lot of discussion of this problem.
One of the things I usually do with imbalanced classes (or skewed data sets) is simply generate more data. I think this is the best approach. You could go out in the real world and gather more data of the imbalanced class (e.g. find more pictures of zebras). You could also generate more data by simply making copies or duplicating it with transformations (e.g. flip horizontally).
You could also pick a classifier that uses an alternate evaluation (performance) metric over the one usually used - accuracy. Look at precision/recall/F1 score.
Week 6 of Andrew Ng's ML course talks about this topic: link
Here is another good web page I found on handling imbalanced classes: link
With this type of unbalanced data problem, it is a good approach to learn patterns associated with each class as opposed to simply comparing classes - this can be done via unsupervised learning learning first (such as with autoencoders). A good article with this available at Another suggestion - after running the classifier, the confusion matrix can be used to determine where additional data should be pursued (I.e. many zebra errors)

Working with inaccurate (incorrect) dataset

This is my problem description:
"According to the Survey on Household Income and Wealth, we need to find out the top 10% households with the most income and expenditures. However, we know that these collected data is not reliable due to many misstatements. Despite these misstatements, we have some features in the dataset which are certainly reliable. But these certain features are just a little part of information for each household wealth."
Unreliable data means that households tell lies to government. These households misstate their income and wealth in order to unfairly get more governmental services. Therefore, these fraudulent statements in original data will lead to incorrect results and patterns.
Now, I have below questions:
How should we deal with unreliable data in data science?
Is there any way to figure out these misstatements and then report the top 10% rich people with better accuracy using Machine Learning algorithms?
-How can we evaluate our errors in this study? Since we have unlabeled dataset, should I look for labeling techniques? Or, should I use unsupervised methods? Or, should I work with semi-supervised learning methods?
Is there any idea or application in Machine Learning which tries to improve the quality of collected data?
Please introduce me any ideas or references which can help me in this issue.
Thanks in advance.
Q: How should we deal with unreliable data in data science
A: Use feature engineering to fix unreliable data (make some transformations on unreliable data to make it reliable) or drop them out completely - bad features could significantly decrease the quality of the model
Q: Is there any way to figure out these misstatements and then report the top 10% rich people with better accuracy using Machine Learning algorithms?
A: ML algorithms are not magic sticks, they can't figure out anything unless you tell them what you are looking for. Can you describe what means 'unreliable'? If yes, you can, as I mentioned, use feature engineering or write a code which will fix the data. Otherwise no ML algorithm will be able to help you, without the description of what exactly you want to achieve
Q: Is there any idea or application in Machine Learning which tries to improve the quality of collected data?
A: I don't think so just because the question itself is too open-ended. What means 'the quality of the data'?
Generally, here are couple of things for you to consider:
1) Spend some time on googling feature engineering guides. They cover how to prepare your data for you ML algorithms, refine it, fix it. Good data with good features dramatically increase the results.
2) You don't need to use all of features from original data. Some of features of original dataset are meaningless and you don't need to use them. Try to run gradient boosting machine or random forest classifier from scikit-learn on your dataset to perform classification (or regression, if you do regression). These algorithms also evaluate importance of each feature of original dataset. Part of your features will have extremely low importance for classification, so you may wish to drop them out completely or try to combine unimportant features together somehow to produce something more important.

Use feedback or reinforcement in machine learning?

I am trying to solve some classification problem. It seems many classical approaches follow a similar paradigm. That is, train a model with some training set and than use it to predict the class labels for new instances.
I am wondering if it is possible to introduce some feedback mechanism into the paradigm. In control theory, introducing a feedback loop is an effective way to improve system performance.
Currently a straight forward approach on my mind is, first we start with a initial set of instances and train a model with them. Then each time the model makes a wrong prediction, we add the wrong instance into the training set. This is different from blindly enlarge the training set because it is more targeting. This can be seen as some kind of negative feedback in the language of control theory.
Is there any research going on with the feedback approach? Could anyone shed some light?
There are two areas of research that spring to mind.
The first is Reinforcement Learning. This is an online learning paradigm that allows you to get feedback and update your policy (in this instance, your classifier) as you observe the results.
The second is active learning, where the classifier gets to select examples from a pool of unclassified examples to get labelled. The key is to have the classifier choose the examples for labelling which best improve its accuracy by choosing difficult examples under the current classifier hypothesis.
I have used such feedback for every machine-learning project I worked on. It allows to train on less data (thus training is faster) than by selecting data randomly. The model accuracy is also improved faster than by using randomly selected training data. I'm working on image processing (computer vision) data so one other type of selection I'm doing is to add clustered false (wrong) data instead of adding every single false data. This is because I assume I will always have some fails, so my definition for positive data is when it is clustered in the same area of the image.
I saw this paper some time ago, which seems to be what you are looking for.
They are basically modeling classification problems as Markov decision processes and solving using the ACLA algorithm. The paper is much more detailed than what I could write here, but ultimately they are getting results that outperform the multilayer perceptron, so this looks like a pretty efficient method.

What subjects, topics does a computer science graduate need to learn to apply available machine learning frameworks, esp. SVMs

I want to teach myself enough machine learning so that I can, to begin with, understand enough to put to use available open source ML frameworks that will allow me to do things like:
Go through the HTML source of pages
from a certain site and "understand"
which sections form the content,
which the advertisements and which
form the metadata ( neither the
content, nor the ads - for eg. -
TOC, author bio etc )
Go through the HTML source of pages
from disparate sites and "classify"
whether the site belongs to a
predefined category or not ( list of
categories will be supplied
beforhand )1.
... similar classification tasks on
text and pages.
As you can see, my immediate requirements are to do with classification on disparate data sources and large amounts of data.
As far as my limited understanding goes, taking the neural net approach will take a lot of training and maintainance than putting SVMs to use?
I understand that SVMs are well suited to ( binary ) classification tasks like mine, and open source framworks like libSVM are fairly mature?
In that case, what subjects and topics
does a computer science graduate need
to learn right now, so that the above
requirements can be solved, putting
these frameworks to use?
I would like to stay away from Java, is possible, and I have no language preferences otherwise. I am willing to learn and put in as much effort as I possibly can.
My intent is not to write code from scratch, but, to begin with putting the various frameworks available to use ( I do not know enough to decide which though ), and I should be able to fix things should they go wrong.
Recommendations from you on learning specific portions of statistics and probability theory is nothing unexpected from my side, so say that if required!
I will modify this question if needed, depending on all your suggestions and feedback.
"Understanding" in machine learn is the equivalent of having a model. The model can be for example a collection of support vectors, the layout and weights of a neural network, a decision tree, or more. Which of these methods work best really depends on the subject you're learning from and on the quality of your training data.
In your case, learning from a collection of HTML sites, you will like to preprocess the data first, this step is also called "feature extraction". That is, you extract information out of the page you're looking at. This is a difficult step, because it requires domain knowledge and you'll have to extract useful information, or otherwise your classifiers will not be able to make good distinctions. Feature extraction will give you a dataset (a matrix with features for each row) from which you'll be able to create your model.
Generally in machine learning it is advised to also keep a "test set" that you do not train your models with, but that you will use at the end to decide on what is the best method. It is of extreme importance that you keep the test set hidden until the very end of your modeling step! The test data basically gives you a hint on the "generalization error" that your model is making. Any model with enough complexity and learning time tends to learn exactly the information that you train it with. Machine learners say that the model "overfits" the training data. Such overfitted models seem to appear good, but this is just memorization.
While software support for preprocessing data is very sparse and highly domain dependent, as adam mentioned Weka is a good free tool for applying different methods once you have your dataset. I would recommend reading several books. Vladimir Vapnik wrote "The Nature of Statistical Learning Theory", he is the inventor of SVMs. You should get familiar with the process of modeling, so a book on machine learning is definitely very useful. I also hope that some of the terminology might be helpful to you in finding your way around.
Seems like a pretty complicated task to me; step 2, classification, is "easy" but step 1 seems like a structure learning task. You might want to simplify it to classification on parts of HTML trees, maybe preselected by some heuristic.
The most widely used general machine learning library (freely) available is probably WEKA. They have a book that introduces some ML concepts and covers how to use their software. Unfortunately for you, it is written entirely in Java.
I am not really a Python person, but it would surprise me if there aren't also a lot of tools available for it as well.
For text-based classification right now Naive Bayes, Decision Trees (J48 in particular I think), and SVM approaches are giving the best results. However they are each more suited for slightly different applications. Off the top of my head I'm not sure which would suit you the best. With a tool like WEKA you could try all three approaches with some example data without writing a line of code and see for yourself.
I tend to shy away from Neural Networks simply because they can get very very complicated quickly. Then again, I haven't tried a large project with them mostly because they have that reputation in academia.
Probability and statistics knowledge is only required if you are using probabilistic algorithms (like Naive Bayes). SVMs are generally not used in a probabilistic manner.
From the sound of it, you may want to invest in an actual pattern classification textbook or take a class on it in order to find exactly what you are looking for. For custom/non-standard data sets it can be tricky to get good results without having a survey of existing techniques.
It seems to me that you are now entering machine learning field, so I'd really like to suggest to have a look at this book: not only it provides a deep and vast overview on the most common machine learning approaches and algorithms (and their variations) but it also provides a very good set of exercises and scientific paper links. All of this is wrapped in an insightful language starred with a minimal and yet useful compendium about statistics and probability
