Return ActionResponseBuilder from function when called from mobile Gmail Compose - google-workspace-add-ons

I recently started to receive some reports from users that this stopped working recently, but only on mobile. I've been able to reproduce it with the demo cat application by changing the onGmailInsertCat to
function onGmailInsertCat(e) {
return CardService.newActionResponseBuilder()
.build(); // Don't forget to build the response!
On desktop this shows a notification but on mobile nothing happens. I've seen similar results when I return a new card instead. Is there still a way to return a new card on mobile/iOS gmail?


Authenticate with Firebase on IOS using a Phone Number

I am working on a Xamarin Forms application and using an iPhone simulator to test the Firebase authentication using phone number. I have checked all project setup needed on to Console and inside the app but I am getting the
Method name: DidReceiveRemoteNotification
Information: {
"" = {
warning = "This fake notification should be forwarded to Firebase Auth.";
all the time. I know that because I am using a simulator I will have to go through recaptcha process for this that has also been done (Added Url Scheme for that). Any help or suggestion that can help me to get this problem sorted will be a great help.

Cordova-plugin-facebook-4: logEvent method not working on iOS

I currently have an ionic app, which uses the following plugin: so that users can login to my app using the Facebook SDK, and so that I can track certain custom events, using the logEvent method.
Since it is an ionic app, I have a iOS and an Android build of the app. The custom events are working as expected on the Android platform. The strange thing is that in iOS, when an event is fired, I can clearly see the success event handler being called, indicating success, however, going to the Facebook analytics, I can clearly see that no custom event data is being saved. It tracks the usual app opens etc, it's just that custom events don't seem to be getting recorded for iOS.
Just to be clear any of this logging happens after the user has already logged in, I have heard it only works for iOS if you are authenticated with FB first.
So I have a generic function first:
$scope.fbLogEvent = function(eventName, params, valueToSum) {
if (valueToSum == null) {
valueToSum = 1;
if (!'browser')) {
return facebookConnectPlugin.logEvent(eventName, params, valueToSum, function(success) {
return'FB', eventName, 'event has been logged');
}, function(error) {
return console.error(error);
I then call the following function to do the actual tracking
$scope.fbLogEvent('item-requested', { item: $scope.item });
It works perfectly on Android
When I add an item on iOS (using Safari developer logging on the app running on my phone), I can see that the success function is called, because it logs the following message: FB item-requested event has been logged.
I have tested this with the latest version of the plugin (just to be sure), but that did not seem to make a difference.
UPDATE 3/3/2017 - for what it's worth, it does seem to pickup these events if they predefined events, as opposed to custom events.

Ti.Facebook doesn't open authorize with FB app installed

EDIT: DEAR PEOPLE FROM THE FUTURE, trey-jones has fixed this issue by implementing setLoginBehavior, FBSDKLoginNative seems to have issues on FB's end not with the module.
MacOS X 10.10.5
Ti SDK 5.1.1.GA - 5.1.2.GA
iOS 9.2
Ti.Facebook 5.0.0 - 5.0.1
My project settings (tiapp.xml) are fine (it works on every other case on both iOS and Android).
Code I'm using to invoke the login:
var fb = require('facebook');
If the Facebook app is installed to the device the fb.authorize() doesn't open up. I did not see any iOS system level messages when this happened either.
Has anyone else had luck using fb.authorize with the new sdk on iOS devices WITH the app installed. With no fb app on the system it correctly opens the browser based view.
EDIT: I have managed a workaround for this (it is not pretty) based on the fact that login works with AppC's KitchenSink.
The workaround is to add a Ti.FB loginButton to the code, doesn't matter if its not visible, initializing this will fix whatever is causing custom login's .authorize() to not work.
//Workaround button:
var fbHaxBtn = fb.createLoginButton({
readPermissions: ['email'],
visible: false
//It needs to be added to the window/doesn't need to be visible though
//Then in our custom button's code, we can fire as normal:
function doLoginClick{
fb.initialize(); //I was having unexpected issues dropping this line on Android, although the docs say its deprecated.
Will keep this ticket updated if/when this thing gets a formal fix.
This is my second answer on this question. I believe that my original answer offers some value to the conversation and that is why I am leaving it, but it still did not consistently solve the problem of the facebook authorization not working.
The consistent solution turned out to be modifying the official Ti.Facebook module. I will submit a pull request for this change (1 line), but for now, you can get the working module here:
This consistently allows users to authorize by explicitly setting the login behavior to use the browser, rather than the native facebook app through fast app-switching. This is actually the intent of Facebook's developers.
I was unable to determine what is causing it to fizzle when trying to use the native app to login - it should try the next option, which is the browser - but this works, and doesn't require a TiFacebookButton either.
I hope it helps someone else!
EDIT: This answer does not solve the original question. I have left it here in case it helps with related difficulties using the Ti.Facebook module. See my other answer, to actually solve the problem. END EDIT
I commented above, but after doing so encountered some more strange behavior, with the result being that I could not reliably use the workaround given (fbHaxButton). I want to explain what was happening in my case, and show my own workaround (which is also not pretty). It's possible that the root cause is the same for both of us.
I have not bothered with Android yet, so this answer is specific to iOS.
When I started this process, I came to the conclusion that authorize was correctly opening the facebook website in safari to allow authorization, but was not firing the login event upon returning. To handle this I had already implemented the following:
facebook = require('facebook');
Ti.App.addEventListener('resumed', function (e) {
var launchOptions = Ti.App.getArguments();
if(!launchOptions.url) {
return console.warn('Ignoring resume event with no url argument.');
// this lib =
var URI = require('vendor/uri'),
uriComponents = URI.parse(launchOptions.url),
expectedScheme = 'fb',
expectedHost = 'authorize';
// I would like to be more specific about the uri, but we are limited
// in Titanium, and this will allow us to pretty certain
// that FB is sending us back to our app
if( < 0 || !== expectedHost) {
return console.warn('Resume event received, but scheme is incorrect. Ignoring.');
// synthesize login event
facebook.fireEvent('myapp:login', {
success: 1,
token: facebook.getAccessToken(),
facebook.addEventListener('myapp:login', function onFacebookAuth(e) {
facebook.removeEventListener('myapp:login', onFacebookAuth);
if(!e.success) {
// do fail action
// do success action
So, originally I was firing and listening for an event called 'login', which the facebook module supposedly (according to the docs) will fire after authorization is complete.
In my case, this event was being fired while my app was in the background, after authorize was called, but before the user actually clicked 'OK' in facebook. My listener would respond to this event (logging, etc), but seemed to occur in a separate thread, or somehow otherwise become disconnected from my app, as it never passed its result along to the UI. I am using Q.js (kriw-kowal) and I belive this is where the disconnect is occuring.
Ceasing to listen to 'login', and simply handling my own synthesized event has fixed my issue.
I felt that this was very difficult to explain. If you have feedback about that, and how I can be more clear about what I believe is happening, or if you believe that I have reached wrong or incomplete conclusion, let me know - I'll try to update this answer to be better.

Meteor.isCordova and Server side

I am running a Meteor app on both browsers and mobile phones. What I want to do is to update the Accounts.urls.verifyEmail accordingly, so the web app opens if the user registered from the web app, and the mobile app gets launched if the user registered from the mobile app.
This is how I am trying to :
Accounts.urls.verifyEmail = function(token) {
if (Meteor.isCordova) {
return 'lybe://email_verification/' + token;
else {
return Meteor.absoluteUrl('email_verification/' + token);
However, even when registering from the mobile app, Meteor.isCordova returns false.
How can I differentiate on the server from Web and Mobile app?
Meteor.isCordova seems to return true on the client side only.
Any suggestion is most welcome
Accounts.urls.verifyEmail is called from server then you cannot use Meteor.isCordova. I think you can checking in email_verification page if client is ios or android or browser and redirect to correct user.
Or you can modify Accounts package and sending client type (ios, android, browser..) when user register

Close a mobile web application running under Trigger.IO

What is the best practise for telling your application to close when hosting it with Trigger.IO?
I want a button on the front to exit the application... I heard that for Android; works, but got an error saying exitApp() didnt exit, but am hoping there is a more cross browser solution.
You can use forge.event.backPressed to listen for back button presses, and optionally quit the app there. E.g.:
forge.event.backPressed.preventDefault(function () {
forge.event.backPressed.addListener(function (closeMe) {
closeMe(); // this closes the app
James posted the documented method of closing the app, but the internal method can also be called like this:'event.backPressed_closeApplication');
This method is confirmed to work on Android, unsure whether it will work on iOS.
