Creating different types of workers that are accessed using a single client - dask

My question was horrifically put so I delete it and rephrase entirely here.
I'll give a tl;dr:
I'm trying to assign each computation to a designated worker that fits the computation type.
In long:
I'm trying to run a simulation, so I represent it using a class of the form:
Class Simulation:
def __init__(first_Client: Client, second_Client: Client)
self.first_client = first_client
self.second_client = second_client
def first_calculation(input):
with first_client.as_current():
return output
def second_calculation(input):
with second_client.as_current():
return output
def run(input):
return second_calculation(first_calculation(input))
This format has downsides like the fact that this simulation object is not pickleable.
I could edit the Simulation object to contain only addresses and not clients for example, but I feel as if there must be a better solution. For instance, I would like the simulation object to work the following way:
Class Simulation:
def first_calculation(input):
client = dask.distributed.get_client()
with client.as_current():
return output
Thing is, the dask workers best fit for the first calculation, are different than the dask workers best fit for the second calculation, which is the reason my Simulation object has two clients that connect to tow different schedulers to begin with. Is there any way to make it so there is only one client but two types of schedulers and to make it so the client knows to run the first_calculation to the first scheduler and the second_calculation to the second one?

Dask will chop up large computations in smaller tasks that can run in paralell. Those tasks will then be submitted by the client to the scheduler which in turn wil schedule those tasks on the available workers.
Sending the client object to a Dask scheduler will likely not work due to the serialization issue you mention.
You could try one of two approaches:
Depending on how you actually run those worker machines, you could specify different types of workers for different tasks. If you run on kubernetes for example you could try to leverage the node pool functionality to make different worker types available.
An easier approach using your existing infrastructure would be to return the results of your first computation back to the machine from which you are using the client using something like .compute(). And then use that data as input for the second computation. So in this case you're sending the actual data over the network instead of the client. If the size of that data becomes an issue you can always write the intermediary results to something like S3.

Dask does support giving specific tasks to specific workers with annotate. Here's an example snippet, where a delayed_sum task was passed to one worker and the doubled task was sent to the other worker. The assert statements check that those workers really were restricted to only those tasks. With annotate you shouldn't need separate clusters. You'll also need the most recent versions of Dask and Distributed for this to work because of a recent bug fix.
import distributed
import dask
from dask import delayed
local_cluster = distributed.LocalCluster(n_workers=2)
client = distributed.Client(local_cluster)
workers = list(client.scheduler_info()['workers'].keys())
with dask.annotate(workers=workers[0]):
delayed_sum = delayed(sum)([1, 2])
with dask.annotate(workers=workers[1]):
doubled = delayed_sum * 2
# use persist so scheduler doesn't clean up
# wrap in a distributed.wait to make sure they're there when we check the scheduler
distributed.wait([doubled.persist(), delayed_sum.persist()])
worker_restrictions = local_cluster.scheduler.worker_restrictions
assert worker_restrictions[delayed_sum.key] == {workers[0]}
assert worker_restrictions[doubled.key] == {workers[1]}


Is this Ruby code using threads, thread pools, and concurrency correctly

I am what I now consider part 3 of completing a task of pinging a very large list of URLs (which number in the thousands) and retrieving a URL's x509 certificate associated with it. Part 1 is here (How do I properly use threads to ping a URL) and Part 2 is here (Why won't my connection pool implement my thread code).
Since I asked these two questions, I have now ended up with the following code:
###### This is the code that pings a url and grabs its x509 cert #####
class SslClient
attr_reader :url, :port, :timeout
def initialize(url, port = '443')
#url = url
#port = port
def ping_for_certificate_info
context =
tcp_client =, port)
ssl_client = tcp_client, context
ssl_client.hostname = url
ssl_client.sync_close = true
certificate = ssl_client.peer_cert
verify_result = ssl_client.verify_result
{certificate: certificate, verify_result: verify_result }
rescue => error
{certificate: nil, verify_result: nil }
The above code is paramount that I retrieve the ssl_client.peer_cert. Below I have the following code that is the snippet that makes multiple HTTP pings to URLs for their certs:
pool = do
[LARGE LIST OF URLS TO PING].each do |struct|
ssl_client ="*.", "www."), struct.scan_port)
cert_info = ssl_client.ping_for_certificate_info
struct.x509_cert = cert_info[:certificate]
struct.verify_result = cert_info[:verify_result]
#Do some rails code with the database depending on the results.
So far when I run this code, it is unbelievably slow. I thought that by creating a thread pool with threads, the code would go much faster. That doesn't seem the case and I'm not sure why. A lot of it was because I didn't know the nuances of threads, pools, starvation, locks, etc. However, after implementing the above code, I read some more to try to speed it up and once again I'm confused and could use some clarification as to how I can make the code faster.
For starters, in this excellent article here (ruby-concurrency-parallelism) . We get the following definitions and concepts:
Concurrency vs. Parallelism
These terms are used loosely, but they do have distinct meanings.
Concurrency: The art of doing many tasks, one at a time. By switching
between them quickly, it may appear to the user as though they happen
simultaneously. Parallelism: Doing many tasks at literally the same
time. Instead of appearing simultaneous, they are simultaneous.
Concurrency is most often used for applications that are IO heavy. For
example, a web app may regularly interact with a database or make lots
of network requests. By using concurrency, we can keep our application
responsive, even while we wait for the database to respond to our
This is possible because the Ruby VM allows other threads to run while
one is waiting during IO. Even if a program has to make dozens of
requests, if we use concurrency, the requests will be made at
virtually the same time.
Parallelism, on the other hand, is not currently supported by Ruby.
So from this piece of the article, I understand that what I want to do needs to be done concurrently because I am pinging URLs on the network and that Parallelism is not currently supported by Ruby.
Next is where things get confused for me. From my part 1 question on Stack Overflow, I learned the following in a comment given to me that I should do the following:
Use a thread pool; don't just create a thousand concurrent threads. For something like
connecting to a URL where there will be a lot of waiting you can
oversubscribe the number of threads per CPU core, but not by a huge
amount. You'll have to experiment.
Another user says this:
You'd not spawn thousands of threads, use a connection pool
(e.g so you have maximum
20-30 concurrent requests going (this maximum number should be
determined by testing at which point network performance drops and you
get these timeouts)
So for this part, I turned to concurrent-ruby and implemented both a CachedThreadPool and a FixedThreadPool with10 threads. I chose a `CachedThreadPool because it seemed to me that the number of threads needed would be taken care of for me by the Threadpool. Now in concurrent ruby's documentation for a pool, I see this:
pool = do
# some parallel work
I thought we just established in the first article that parallelism is not supported in Ruby, so what is the thread pool doing? Is it working concurrently or in parallel? What exactly is going on? Do I need a thread pool or not? Also at this point in time I thought connection pools and thread pools were the same just used interchangeably. What is the difference between the two pools and which one do I need?
In another excellent article How to Perform Concurrent HTTP Requests in Ruby and Rails, this article introduces the Concurrent::Promises class form concurrent ruby to avoid locks and have thread safety with two api calls. Here is a snippet of code below with the following description:
def get_all_conversations
groups_thread = do
channels_thread = do
[groups_thread, channels_thread].map(&:value).flatten
Every request is executed it its own thread, which can run in parallel because it is a blocking I/O. But can you see a catch here?
In the above code, another mention of parallelism which we just said didn't exist in ruby. Below is the approach with Concurrent::Promise
def get_all_conversations
groups_promise = Concurrent::Promise.execute do
channels_promise = Concurrent::Promise.execute do
[groups_promise, channels_promise].map(&:value!).flatten
So according to this article, these requests are being made 'in parallel'. Are we still talking about concurrency at this point?
Finally, in these two articles, they talk about using Futures for concurrent http requests. I won't go into the details but I'll paste the links here.
1.Using Concurrent Ruby in a Ruby on Rails Application
2. Learn Concurrency by Implementing Futures in Ruby
Again, what's talked about in the article looks to me like the Concurrent::Promise functionality. I just want to note that the examples show how to use the concepts for two different API calls that need to be combined together. This is not what I need. I just need to make thousands of API calls fast and log the results.
In conclusion, I just want to know what I need to do to make my code faster and thread safe to make it run concurrently. What exactly am I missing to make the code go faster because right now it is going so slow that I might as well not have used threads in the first place.
I have to ping thousands of URLs using threads to speed up the process. The code is slow and I am confused if I am using threads, thread pools, and concurrency correctly.
Let us look at the problems you have described and try to solve these one at a time:
You have two pieces of code, SslClient and the script which uses this ssl client. From my understanding of the threadpool, the way you have used the threadpool needs to be changed a bit.
pool = do
[LARGE LIST OF URLS TO PING].each do |struct|
ssl_client ="*.", "www."), struct.scan_port)
cert_info = ssl_client.ping_for_certificate_info
struct.x509_cert = cert_info[:certificate]
struct.verify_result = cert_info[:verify_result]
pool =
[LARGE LIST OF URLS TO PING].each do | struct | do
ssl_client ="*.", "www."), struct.scan_port)
cert_info = ssl_client.ping_for_certificate_info
struct.x509_cert = cert_info[:certificate]
struct.verify_result = cert_info[:verify_result]
In the initial version, there is only one unit of work that is posted to the pool. In the second version, we are posting as many units of work to the pool as there are items in LARGE LIST OF URLS TO PING.
To add a bit more about Concurrency vs Parallelism in Ruby, it is true that Ruby doesn't support true parallelism due to GIL (Global Interpreter Lock), but this only applies when we are actually doing any amount of work on the CPU. In case of a network request, CPU bound work duration is very negligible compared to the IO bound work, which means that your usecase is a very good candidate for using threads.
Also by using a threadpool, we can minimize the overhead of thread creation incurred by the CPU. When we use a threadpool, like in the case of, we are literally restricting the number of threads that are available in the pool, for an unbound threadpool, new threads are created for everytime when a unit of work is present, but rest of thre threads in the pool are busy.
In the first article, there was a need to collect the result returned by each individual workers and also to act meaningfully in case of an exception (I am the author). You should be able to use the class given in that blog without any change.
Lets try rewriting your code using Concurrent::Future since in your case too, we need the results.
thread_pool =
executors = [LARGE LIST OF URLS TO PING].map do | struct |
Concurrent::Future.execute({ executor: thread_pool }) do
ssl_client ="*.", "www."), struct.scan_port)
cert_info = ssl_client.ping_for_certificate_info
struct.x509_cert = cert_info[:certificate]
struct.verify_result = cert_info[:verify_result]
I hope this helps. In case of questions, please ask in comments, I shall modify this write up to answer those.

How to use Redis pipeline in Ruby for a loop?

I am using the Ruby gem
I want to use pipeline to send several Redis commands in 1 network trip to the Redis server. How can I do this if I have a loop?
For instance, would this work? Or would it simply send all the commands one by one?
cache = #blah blah
normalized = cache.pipelined do
urls.each do |url|
key= "key:#{url}"
key2 = "key2:#{url}"
The phrasing "one network trip" is a misunderstanding. All pipelined mode does is send in other commands while waiting on the results of the previous ones. This is in contrast to the default where each request blocks until completed.
If that Ruby library blocks then it will issue them sequentially, and I believe it blocks on anything that requires results. There are asynchronous libraries that do make much better use of the pipelined mode because it's easier to match results to variables in that model. It's also a lot more work.
Normally you use pipelined for doing multiple assignments, not retrieval. That way you don't need to wait for the result of an INCR to complete before moving to the next one, you can just fire-and-forget.
If you're looking to do quick retrievals, use MGET.

ActiveJob: how to do simple operations without a full blown job class?

With delayed_job, I was able to do simple operations like this:
Is it possible to do the same with Rails' new ActiveJob? (without creating a whole bunch of job classes that do these small operations)
ActiveJob is merely an abstraction on top of various background job processors, so many capabilities depend on which provider you're actually using. But I'll try to not depend on any backend.
Typically, a job provider consists of persistence mechanism and runners. When offloading a job, you write it into persistence mechanism in some way, then later one of the runners retrieves it and runs it. So the question is: can you express your job data in a format, compatible with any action you need?
That will be tricky.
Let's define what is a job definition then. For instance, it could be a single method call. Assuming this syntax:
Model.find(42), 2)
We can use the following format:
class: 'Model',
id: '42', # whatever
method: 'foo',
args: [
1, 2
Now how do we build such a hash from a given call and enqueue it to a job queue?
First of all, as it appears, we'll need to define a class that has a method_missing to catch the called method name:
class JobMacro
attr_accessor :data
def initialize(record = nil) = {}
if record.present?[:class] = record.class.to_s[:id] =
def method_missing(action, *args)[:method] = action.to_s[:args] = args
The job itself will have to reconstruct that expression like so:
data[:class].constantize.find(data[:id]).public_send(data[:method], *data[:args])
Of course, you'll have to define the delay macro on your model. It may be best to factor it out into a module, since the definition is quite generic:
def delay
It does have some limitations:
Only supports running jobs on persisted ActiveRecord models. A job needs a way to reconstruct the callee to call the method, I've picked the most probable one. You can also use marshalling, if you want, but I consider that unreliable: the unmarshalled object may be invalid by the time the job gets to execute. Same about "GlobalID".
It uses Ruby's reflection. It's a tempting solution to many problems, but it isn't fast and is a bit risky in terms of security. So use this approach cautiously.
Only one method call. No procs (you could probably do that with ruby2ruby gem). Relies on job provider to serialize arguments properly, if it fails to, help it with your own code. For instance, que uses JSON internally, so whatever works in JSON, works in que. Symbols don't, for instance.
Things will break in spectacular ways at first.
So make sure to set up your debugging tools before starting off.
An example of this is Sidekiq's backward (Delayed::Job) compatibility extension for ActiveRecord.
As far as I know, this is currently not supported. You can easily simulate this feature using a custom-defined proxy-job that accepts a model or instance, a method to be performed and a list of arguments.
However, for the sake of code testing and maintainability, this shortcut is not a good approach. It's more effective (even if you need to write a little bit more of code) to have a specific job for everything you want to enqueue. It forces you to think more about the design of your app.
I wrote a gem that can help you with that But be aware that I believe that having methods all around your code that might be executed in workers is the perfect recipe for disaster is not handled carefully :)

Sidekiq threads accessing global variable

I have a controller that spins off 6 sidekiq threads for faster parallel processing of a large file. Before that however I want to provide these threads with a few variables that should be available accross all threads because they variables themselves are fairly memory intensive. (it is only reading from that, not writing, so the concurrency issues doesn't exist)
In other words my controller looks like this
def foo
$bar1 = ....
$bar2 = ...
I don't want to put those global vars into the perform methods because serializing those to redis chokes the entire thing. My issue is that the workers cannot see these variables and die because of a no method error (i.e. trying to call .first on on of them gives that error because the var is nil for the workers).
How come? Is there any other way to do this that won't kill my memory? (i.e. I don't want to take up most of the mem with 6x the same large array)
Sidekiq runs on a separate process, so it doesn't share the same memory as the initiator of the worker.
If the data is static, you might want to load it on the start of the sidekiq process (maybe when you configure the sidekiq server).
If it changes per task, you should model it in a way where you can create a global repository to hold it (if redis is not good for this, maybe you can try memcached)...

Need alternative to filters/observers for Ruby on Rails project

Rails has a nice set of filters (before_validation, before_create, after_save, etc) as well as support for observers, but I'm faced with a situation in which relying on a filter or observer is far too computationally expensive. I need an alternative.
The problem: I'm logging web server hits to a large number of pages. What I need is a trigger that will perform an action (say, send an email) when a given page has been viewed more than X times. Due to the huge number of pages and hits, using a filter or observer will result in a lot of wasted time because, 99% of the time, the condition it tests will be false. The email does not have to be sent out right away (i.e. a 5-10 minute delay is acceptable).
What I am instead considering is implementing some kind of process that sweeps the database every 5 minutes or so and checks to see which pages have been hit more than X times, recording that state in a new DB table, then sending out a corresponding email. It's not exactly elegant, but it will work.
Does anyone else have a better idea?
Rake tasks are nice! But you will end up writing more custom code for each background job you add. Check out the Delayed Job plugin
DJ is an asynchronous priority queue that relies on one simple database table. According to the DJ website you can create a job using Delayed::Job.enqueue() method shown below.
class NewsletterJob <, :emails)
def perform
emails.each { |e| NewsletterMailer.deliver_text_to_email(text, e) }
Delayed::Job.enqueue("blah blah", Customers.find(:all).collect(&:email)) )
I was once part of a team that wrote a custom ad server, which has the same requirements: monitor the number of hits per document, and do something once they reach a certain threshold. This server was going to be powering an existing very large site with a lot of traffic, and scalability was a real concern. My company hired two Doubleclick consultants to pick their brains.
Their opinion was: The fastest way to persist any information is to write it in a custom Apache log directive. So we built a site where every time someone would hit a document (ad, page, all the same), the server that handled the request would write a SQL statement to the log: "INSERT INTO impressions (timestamp, page, ip, etc) VALUES (x, 'path/to/doc', y, etc);" -- all output dynamically with data from the webserver. Every 5 minutes, we would gather these files from the web servers, and then dump them all in the master database one at a time. Then, at our leisure, we could parse that data to do anything we well pleased with it.
Depending on your exact requirements and deployment setup, you could do something similar. The computational requirement to check if you're past a certain threshold is still probably even smaller (guessing here) than executing the SQL to increment a value or insert a row. You could get rid of both bits of overhead by logging hits (special format or not), and then periodically gather them, parse them, input them to the database, and do whatever you want with them.
When saving your Hit model, update a redundant column in your Page model that stores a running total of hits, this costs you 2 extra queries, so maybe each hit takes twice as long to process, but you can decide if you need to send the email with a simple if.
Your original solution isn't bad either.
I have to write something here so that stackoverflow code-highlights the first line.
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
before_filter :increment_fancy_counter
def increment_fancy_counter
# somehow increment the counter here
# lib/tasks/fancy_counter.rake
namespace :fancy_counter do
task :process do
# somehow process the counter here
Have a cron job run rake fancy_counter:process however often you want it to run.
