docker-Java stop timeout - docker

i'm using the java-docker client from here:
I trying to figure out how to set the stop timeout for the docker stop command.
So i'm using in java the method dockerClient.stopContainerCmd(containerId)).exec(); but there is no option for the stop timeout, like the docker cli provides. Maybe someone has already solved the problem or has an idea ? :-)

dockerClient.stopContainerCmd() returns a StopContainerCmd object, and that has a .withTimeout() method. You should be able to add this into your call chain:
.withTimeout(new Integer(60)) // appears to be seconds


PEPPER (SoftBank Robotics): ALSpeechRecognition Engine issue - How to restart it when it doesnìt work?

During my test on Pepper, I found some difficulties in realizing continuative collaborative dialog.
In particular, after about 10 minutes, it seems that the ALSpeechRecognition engine stops working.
In other words, Pepper dialog panel remains empty and/or the robot does not understand my words, even if the structure worked some minute before.
I tried to stop and restart it (i.e., the engine) via SSH terminal, by using:
qicli call ALSpeechRecognition.pause 1
qicli call ALSpeechRecognition.pause 0
It should restart the engine according to the guidelines shown here, but it does not work.
Thank you so much guys.
According to the tutorial, starting and stopping the speech recognition engine is done by subscribing/unsubscribing it.
The recommended way to do this is unsubscribing and subscribing back to it. For me it also worked changing the speech reco language and chaging it back to the one you had previously.
Luis is right and to do so just create a function as below given and call it if ActiveListenning event comes false from ALSpeechRecognition module. Note: Use ALMemory module to get data from ALSpeechRecogntion.
asr_service = ALProxy("ALSpeechRecognition",ip,port)
memory = ALProxy("ALMemory",ip,port)
def reset():
ALS = memory.getData("ALSpeechRecognition/ActiveListening")
if ALS==False:

Lua script in FreeSWITCH exits bridge immediately when bypass_media = true

How do I make the script wait for the bridge to terminate before continuing when I have "bypass_media" set to true?
This snippet -
freeswitch.consoleLog("err","session before="..tostring(session:ready()).."\n")
freeswitch.consoleLog("err","session after="..tostring(session:ready()).."\n")
from an audio perspective, it works perfectly with bridge_media set to either true or false, and a wireshark trace shows the audio either passing through (false) or end to end (true).
But with bypass set to true, the script continues without pausing, and the session is no longer ready (session:ready() == false).
The channel seems to go into a hibernate state, but I have housekeeping to do after the bridge is finished which I simply cannot do.
Same happens if i do the bridge in XML dialplan, immediately carries on causing my housekeeping to fire early.
FreeSWITCH (Version 1.6.20 git 43a9feb 2018-05-07 18:56:11Z 64bit)
Lua 5.2
EDIT 1 -
I can get "api_hangup_hook=lua housekeeping.lua" to work, but then I have to pass tons of variables and it fires up a new process/thread/whatever, which seems a little overkill unless that's the only way.
I have a workaround, but would still like an answer to the question if anyone has one (ie how to stop the bridge exiting immediately).
If I set this before the bridge :
session:execute("set","api_hangup_hook=lua housekeeping.lua "..<vars>)
then "housekeeping.lua" fires when the bridge actually terminates (which is long after the script does).
In housekeeping.lua I can then do :
and it seems to have the correct values in them, allowing me to do my housekeeping.
My problem with this is the uncertainty of playing with variables from a session that appears to have gone away from a script that fires at some point in the future.
Anyway, it'll have to do until I can find out how to keep control inside the original script.

Python FTP hang

Say I want to use FTP in Python using the ftplib. I begin with this:
from ftplib import ftp
ftp = FTP('')
If the FTP server is not online, however, it will hang right there indefinitely. The only thing that can kick it out is a keyboard interrupt as far as I know. I've tried this:
ftp.connect('','21', 5)
With the five being a five second timeout. But the problem here is that I do not know of any way to use that line without first assigning ftp something. But if the server is offline, then the "ftp =" line will hang. So what use is ftp.connect()'s timeout function?!?
Does anybody know a workaround or anything? Is there a way to time out the "ftp = FTP(xxx)" command that I haven't found? Thanks.
I'm using Python 2.7 on Linux Mint.
Your call to connect() is redundant since FTP() method documentation states:
When host is given, the method call connect(host) is made.
Also, since Python 2.6, FTP() does have a timeout parameter:
class ftplib.FTP([host[, user[, passwd[, acct[, timeout]]]]])
The optional timeout parameter specifies a timeout in seconds for blocking operations like the connection attempt (if is not specified, the global default timeout setting will be used).

Net-ssh timeout for execution?

In my application I want to terminate the exec! command of my SSH connection after a specified amount of time.
I found the :timeout for the Net::SSH.start command but following the documentation this is only for the initial connection. Is there something equivalent for the exec command?
My first guess would be not using exec! as this will wait until the command is finished but using exec and surround the call with a loop that checks the execution status with every iteration and fails after the given amount of time.
Something like this, if I understood the documentation correctly:
server = NET::SSH.start(...)
server.exec("some command")
start_time =
terminate_calculation = false
trap("TIME") { terminate_calculation = (( - start_time) > 60) }
ssh.loop(0.1) { not terminate_calculation }
However this seems dirty to me. I expect something like server.exec("some command" { :timeout=>60}). Maybe there is some built in function for achieving this functionality?
I am not sure if this would actually work in a SSH context but Ruby itself has a timeout method:
server = NET::SSH.start ...
timeout 60 do
server.exec! "some command"
This would raise Timeout::Error after 60 seconds. Check out the docs.
I don't think there's a native way to do it in net/ssh. See the code, there's no additional parameter for that option.
One way would be to handle timeouts in the command you call - see this answer on Unix & Linux SE.
I think your way is better, as you don't introduce external dependencies in the systems you connect to.
Another solution is to set ConnectTimeout option in OpenSSH configuration files (~/.ssh/config, /etc/ssh_config, ...)
Check more info in
what I did is have a thread that's doing the event handling. Then I loop for a defined number of seconds until channel closed.If after these seconds pass, the channel is still open, then close it and continue execution. not firing on remote server

I've implemented in windows service to run tasks. And everything works fine on local workstation. But once it's deployed to remote win server host, it just hangs after initialization.
ISchedulerFactory schedFact = new StdSchedulerFactory();
// get a scheduler
var _scheduler = schedFact.GetScheduler();
// Configuration of triggers and jobs
var trigger = (ICronTrigger)TriggerBuilder.Create()
.WithIdentity("trigger1", "group1")
var jobDetail = JobBuilder.Create(Type.GetType(job.Key)).StoreDurably(true)
.WithIdentity("job1", "group1").Build();
var ft = _scheduler.ScheduleJob(jobDetail, trigger);
Everything seems to be standard. I have private static pointer to scheduler, logging process stops right after jobs are initialized and added to scheduler. Nothing else happens after.
I'd appreciate any advices.
Found some strange events in event viewer mb according
Restart Manager - Starting session 2 - ‎2012‎-‎07‎-‎09T15:14:15.729569700Z.
Restart Manager - Ending session 2 started ‎2012‎-‎07‎-‎09T15:14:15.729569700Z.
Based on your question and the additional info you gave in comments, I would guess there is something going wrong in the onStart method of your service.
Here are some things you can do to help figure out and solve the problem:
Place the code in your onStart method in a try/catch block, and try to install and start the service. Then check windows logs to see if it was installed correctly, started correctly, etc.
The fact that restart manager is running leads me to believe that your service may be dependent on a process which is already in use. Make sure that any dependencies of your service are closed before installing it.
This problem can also be caused by putting data-intense or long running operations in your onStart method. Make sure that you keep this kind of code out of onStart.
I had a similar problem to this and it was caused by having dots/periods in the assembly name e.g. Project.Update.Service. When I changed it to ProjectUpdateService it worked fine.
Strangely it always worked on the development machine. Just never on the remote machine.
UPDATE: It may have been the length of the service that has caused this issue. By removing the dots I shortened the service name. It looks like the maximum length is 25 characters.
