Dynamically use current date in OUTPUT EXPORT filename - spss

Stripped down example code using a static file name:
My question is how to generate a datestamped file. I have tried using $DATE, '$DATE' and running it through a macro but can't seem to find the syntax.

Hey this is a really nice Idea for saving backups in a running syntax production - I will use this myself from now on :) .
So the following syntax works for me:
compute tdy= $time.
formats tdy (date11).
select if $casenum=1.
write out="somepath\datemacro.sps" /"define !dated__filename () !quote(!concat('YOUR FILE NAME',' ','", tdy, "','.pdf')) !enddefine.".
Insert file ="somepath\datemacro.sps".
delete vars tdy.
The file name you used in the code above is now stored in a macro with the date added, and you can use it here:
Note that you can change "YOUR FILE NAME" into anything you like, including adding a path. And you can also change ".pdf" so save other kinds of files.
EDIT: Also of course change "somepath" to a valid path on your machine.


Lua require does not work but file is in the trace

I'm trying to require files in Lua, in one case it is working, but when I want to simplify the requirements in updating the LUA PATH the file is not found, but it is in the trace!
To reproduce my require problem I did the test with the package.searchpath function, which takes the required key and the Lua path in arguments.
So the code :
print('MY LUA PATH')
local myLuaPath = "?;?.lua;D:\\Projets\\wow-addon\\HeyThere\\?;D:\\Projets\\wow-addon\\HeyThere\\src\\HeyThere\\?;D:\\Projets\\wow-addon\\HeyThere\\test\\HeyThere\\?"
print('package search core.add-test')
print(package.searchpath('core.add-test', myLuaPath))
print('package search test.HeyThere.core.add-test')
print(package.searchpath('test.HeyThere.core.add-test', myLuaPath))
The result :
package search core.add-test
nil no file 'core\add-test'
no file 'core\add-test.lua'
no file 'D:\Projets\wow-addon\HeyThere\core\add-test'
no file 'D:\Projets\wow-addon\HeyThere\src\HeyThere\core\add-test'
no file 'D:\Projets\wow-addon\HeyThere\test\HeyThere\core\add-test'
package search test.HeyThere.core.add-test
So the first try with 'core.add-test' should work with the 'D:\Projets\wow-addon\HeyThere\test\HeyThere\?' value in the path but fails...
In the trace, there is the file I want!
no file 'D:\Projets\wow-addon\HeyThere\test\HeyThere\core\add-test'
But with the same LUA PATH but starting in a parent folder the file is found... Second test with 'test.HeyThere.core.add-test' found from the 'D:\Projets\wow-addon\HeyThere\?'
-> test\HeyThere\core\add-test.lua
Can someone explains to me why it doesn't work the first time?
My current directory is D:\Projets\wow-addon\HeyThere
My lua.exe is in D:\Projets\wow-addon\HeyThere\bin\lua but is added to my PATH variable (I'm on Windows)
I set the LUA_PATH environment variable and execute
lua "test\test-suite.lua" -v
The code inside test-suite.lua is the test code described above
As #EgorSkriptunoff suggested, adding file extansion in the path resolve the problem...
Wrong path D:\Projets\wow-addon\HeyThere\?
Good path D:\Projets\wow-addon\HeyThere\?.lua
The extension should be in the path variable because in the require the dot is replace and used as a folder separator.

Lua io.write() not working

I am using a luvit Lua environment to run my lua code through my control panel. I am looking to write to a .txt file, but with the simple code that i am running, its not working.
The reason I wish to write to a .txt file is to log notices from my Discord Bot I am working on in the Discordia library.
I have a folder called MezzaBOT. In this file i have a write.lua file and also a log.txt file. I have this simple code in my write.lua file:
I then run in my command promt with Luvit environment:
>luvit Desktop\mezzabot\write.lua
I don't get any errors but the log.txt file continues to stay empty. Am I missing a line in my code, or do i need to access log.txt differently?
edit: my new code is the following
file = io.open('log.txt')
file:write('hello', '\n')
and it is not making a new line for each time with \n
edit B:
Ok, i found my problem, its creating a log.txt in my C:\Users\PC.
One other problem is when writing, its not making a new line with the \n. Can someone please help me?
Lua, by default, opens files in read mode. You need to explicitly open a file in write mode if you want to write to it (see manual)
file = io.open('log.txt', 'w')
file:write('hello', '\n')
Should work :)

how to replicate "WEB-INF/resources/apps/xbl/orbeon/us-state"

I try replicate the example with file "zip-states.xpl" in diretory "WEB-INF\resources\apps\xforms-sandbox\services" and files directory /WEB-INF/resources/apps/xbl/orbeon/us-state.
In my case, the first file (zip-states.xpl),I changed the value from select="doc('/xbl/orbeon/us-state/states.xml')/states/state to select="doc('/xbl/orbeon/colombia/states.xml')/states/state.
After, I copied the files from "apps/xbl/orbeon/us-state" to "apps/xbl/orbeon/colombia", and change file name us-state.xbl to colombia.xbl
In file colombia.xbl, I changed value from "src="oxf:/xbl/orbeon/us-state/state.xml" to src="oxf:/xbl/orbeon/colombia/state.xml" and I go to the test form , but its not working.
I try created the same case, for change the value in state.xml for colombia states but in other file.
Please, I hope you can help me
Many thanks.

PHPEXCEL weird characters on form inputs

I need some help with PHPEXCEL library, everything works great, I'm successfully extracting my SQL query to excel5 file, I need to give this file to transport company in order to auto collect informations about packages, unfotunately the generated excel file has some ascii characters between each letter of the cell text, and when the excel file is imported you need to manually delete these charaters.
If I open the excel file, everything is fine I see: COMPANY NAME, If I open the excel file with notepad++, I see the cell values this way: C(NUL)O(NUL)M(NUL)P(NUL)A(NUL)N(NUL)Y N(NUL)A(NUL)M(NUL)E
If I open again the file with excel and save, then reopen with notepad++ I see COMPANY NAME.
So I do not understan why every time I create an excel file using PHPEXCEL my every letter of all words are filled with (nul) every letter.
So how do I prevent the generated excel file to include (nul) between every word????
Also if you open the original excel file generated from PHPExcel samples are also filled with (nul) and if you open and save it, the (nul) is gone.
Any help would be appreciated, thanks.
what is the (nul) ??? 0x00??? char(0)???
ok, here is the example:
ini_set('display_errors', TRUE);
ini_set('display_startup_errors', TRUE);
if (PHP_SAPI == 'cli')
die('Disponibile solo su browser');
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/Classes/PHPExcel.php';
$objPHPExcel = new PHPExcel();
->setTitle("Import web")
->setSubject("Import File")
->setCellValueExplicit("A1", "COMPANY")
->setCellValue('A2', 'SAMSUNG');
header('Content-Type: application/vnd.ms-excel');
header('Content-Disposition: attachment;filename="TEST.xls"');
header('Cache-Control: max-age=0');
header('Cache-Control: max-age=1');
header('Cache-Control: private',false);
$objWriter = PHPExcel_IOFactory::createWriter($objPHPExcel, 'Excel5');
As you can see from this little example, this scripts creates a file excel5 with 2 cells, A1 = COMPANY, A2 = SAMSUNG
when I send this file to the transport company, they import the file into their system, but as you can see from the picture, there is an weird character between each letter.
so I noticed every time I open the generated Excel5 with notepad++ file I get:
If I save the save with excel and then open it again with notepad++ I get:
and this file is ok for the transport company
so my question is, how should I avoid the file generated to contain thi '(nul) charachter between each letter????
some help?
weird characters
I found the soluion by myself, I explain just in case anyone has also this problem:
there is not way to change the way the excelfile is encoded by PHPEXCEL
so I figured out the problem was reading the file, I did some simulations and reproduce the problem, every time a read the file and put the result into inputs a get weird characters:
If I set the output enconding enconding as follows:
the file loads fine, so the problem was not creating the excel file, but reading the excel file.
If I print the variable with ECHO I get: "COMPANY",
if I put the variable on input as value I get: "C�O�M�P�A�N�Y�"
setting the output solves the problem, but I would like to know why the difference when I put the variable on input as value, thanks

TCPDF - How to generate a TTF file from PHP?

I am using TCPDF 6.0.20, PHP 5.3.8.
Since my PDF will contain some Chinese Character (Simplified and Traditional), I decide to use font name: cid0cs.
Now, since a lot of users replied that they don't have that font installed, I need to embed this font to the PDF.
However, in http://www.tcpdf.org/fonts.php it says how to embed a TTF file using addTTFfont(), but NO WAY to create that font.
The only file that I found in tcpdf/fonts/ is cid0cs.php, which is NOT a TTF file.
I tried to run the script in tcpdf/tools/tcpdf_addfont.php and use the command line below:
c:\tcpdf>php tools/tcpdf_addfont.php -t CID0CS -o . -i fonts/cid0cs.php
and it returns:
--- ERROR: can't add fonts/cid0cs.php
How can I create the cid0cs.ttf file so that I can embed it using addTTFfont()?
I found the solution and record the process in my blog post below:
The key point is: I found the font that can display Traditional and Simplified Chinese.
cmd and run php
run this command : \ABSOLUTE PATH TO\tcpdf_addfont.php -i \ABSOLUTE PATH TO\myfont.ttf
if it works fine, you will find 3 files of myfont in /TCPDF/fonts
you might find some help here : http://queirozf.com/entries/adding-a-custom-font-to-tcpdf
