where to find epuf format? - epub

I want to read a epub and I know it is zipped.
and I want to ask that where is the format of the epub ?
for example
if should start at .opf and in there is a xml of package
but what is inside package? I want to find the version 2.0 and 3.0 format

EPUB format can be found on (at this posting time)
EPUB Open Container Format (OCF) 3.2
Final Community Group Specification 08 May 2019
and for an older specification,
Open Packaging Format (OPF) 2.0.1 v1.0.1
Recommended Specification September 4, 2010


How can I diff Swagger to compare and find the differences of 2 versions

if I can get a guide on how I can use a diff tool or some inbuilt diff in swagger to compare 2 swagger API versions and then I can use it to add documentation notes.
If you use swagger 2 specification, you could use the swagger diff library.
There is a maven plugin for Java application : https://github.com/Sayi/swagger-diff
Or use Agnostic Java application by comparing the swagger file https://github.com/civisanalytics/swagger-diff
And for open api 3 specification you could use open api diff (you could find maven plugin or binary diff tool)
All these tools let to get a details report about the changed, breaking change between the specification file.
And then if you want, you could include the step in continuous integration step.
If you have only one file to describe all version api, you should find a way to split version file to execute the diff.

MS project parser offsets

I need help with Microsoft Project. I am writing parser for mpp format and I'm reading it like a ole container, but the problem is I don't really know offsets in storages. I tried hard but I could not find them. Currently I'm working at 2007 version (12).
I look after MPXJ, which parses the MPP 8, 9, 12 and 14, file formats. You may find it helpful to look at the code used by MPXJ... and you may even find you can use MPXJ anyway rather than writing your own parser.

MS Word support on iOS [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 11 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Reading a .doc (MSWord) file in ObjectiveC?
I am writing a printing application that supports to select image and send over Internet for ePrinting.
My client is asking whether it is possible to open MS Word and select/extract some image for above printing method
Is there any way to open MS Word document in my application ? OR is there any third-party (paid is not a problem) for opening and extracting pages in MS Word ?
Take a look at the QuickLook.framework. That can read all MS Office formats. Also can print from a supported AirPrint printer.
Your best bet would be to export to PDF, and utilise some image extraction from there.
Useful libraries for this (check which work on iOS)
There is an open source library called wordview, which you might want to take a look at. It is for MS Word formats up to Word 2000. The newer ones are XML-ish anyway, so you can probably parse them yourself using any XML reader you like.
Update: Notice that the license for this library is GPL. Not sure if that is compatible with your requirements.
Update 2: The wv2 branch seems to be LGPL, so it should fit all purposes.

How to convert ODT to DOC/RTF without openoffice.org

Is there any way to convert odt documents to doc or rtf on linux without openoffice or any library that relies on having openoffice installed ?
OpenOffice.org and its derivatives (LibreOffice, Symphony, etc) currently have one of the best converters between ODF and the Microsoft formats (besides the ODF support built into MS Office).
If those converters are not an option for you, you can choose between some alternatives: Foremost you might want to check out the KOffice project which also offers command line tools for file conversion:
KOffice - File Filters
Then there is another open source project with a free BSD license available on SourceForge:
OpenXML/ODF Translator
This project offers not only add-ins for Microsoft Office, but also a stand-alone command line version which also runs on Linux.
Then there would also be a different approach: You can automate Google Docs using command line tools:
googlecl: Command line tools for the Google Data APIs
Google Docs file conversion have internally been based on the OpenOffice.org file filters, but as far as I know they have been replaced by Aspose, a library for document formats.
Aspose is available in several versions, and as you have a Linux dependency you might want to check out their Java version.
Aspose.Words for Java
The library has its price, but you won't find another library that is not a full office suite with that quality.
If you don't want to use OpenOffice, Google Docs is your best bet. Cross-platform, web-based, and free, it takes about 2 minutes. You would upload the file, and check convert, then redownload as a doc or pdf (depends on what you want).
You could try this freeware (Docx2Rtf) and run it under WINE.
Checkout unoconv. It relies on OpenOffice.org its core, but it doesn't rely on any GUI packages. I assume this is what you want?
Use http://zamzar.com/ It has great support for all those formats. And is not reliant on any other installed program.
And of course, being a web page, it will work on any OS.

Converting dxGrid to cxGrid

I'm converting existing database driven application from D7 to D2009, therefore I won't be able to use dxGrids anymore. Is there any automatic way to convert dxGrid components to cxGrids? If not, what would you suggest me in order to gain time converting them manually?
Here is a issue on the Dev Express site that address this issue
In brief, you should perform the
following steps to convert your
current project:
1) Install both versions of the
ExpressQuantumGrid (v3 and v6) for
Delphi6; 2) Convert your old grid's
layout to the latest product version
(please refer to the "Converting to
ExpressQuantumGrid" topic in the
ExpressQuantumGrid's documentation to
find more information on this
subject); 3) Adjust your code to use
the latest product version; 4) Install
the latest version of the
ExpressQuantumGrid (v6) for Delphi
2007; 5) Use the converted project in
Delphi 2007.
From the help file that they refer to:
ExpressQuantumGrid provides an Import
dialog at design time for importing
settings from third-party grid
controls and converting them to the
native properties of the
ExpressQuantumGrid. Three types of
grid components can be imported to
· ExpressQuantumGrid3 (TdxDBGrid) and
ExpressQuantumGrid3 Layout
· standard TDBGrid
· W2W InfoPowerGrid 3000 (TwwDBGrid)
ExpressQuantumGrid by VCL may have the migration support you need.
