How to Authorize once in Swagger UI in case of multiple swagger definitions - swagger-ui

I need to Authorize in the Swagger UI once by hitting Authorize Button.
Is it possible to switch between different swagger endpoints and have token pre-set on all of them? Now it doesn't understand I already authenticated or loses received token on different Swagger endpoint / definition.
I configure SecurityDefinitions/SecurityRequirements once via AddSwaggerGen method.
Then I add multiple endpoints in UseSwaggerUI:
app.UseSwaggerUI(c =>
groupNames.ForEach(groupName => c.SwaggerEndpoint(
$"/swagger/{groupName}/swagger.json", $"API Name - {groupName}"));


limit query params in swagger

is there a way to limit swagger query params? for example - if somebody submits a GET request like:
and accidentally typed in /users/bob?products=10 - is there a swagger property I can add that will then throw an error?
Swagger allows you to describe the REST APIs. If product is the only query parameter allow, then the server should throw an exception if it finds other query parameters in the request from the client.
In other words, there's no way in Swagger to say parameters with certain names are not allowed as other parameters not documented in Swagger are disallowed by default.

What happens when we pass extra field in request body(JSON) in a OpenAPI POST endpoint

I was working on Swagger generated OpenAPI specification and I noticed that if we pass some extra fields in PUT/POST API endpoint, then the server doesn't throw any error, even though it process all valid/necessary field.
So my doubt is that
Should the server throw error in this case?
Is it the OpenAPI standard to allow unknown fields and then ignore them?
In Swagger specification 2.0 there is no option to reject the extra fields passed in the request body. Server will only accept those fields that are allowed in the request definition and other fields will be ignored.
If you want to disallow extra fields then you can handle these in the backend manually.

Run a flow from another flow in Twilio

How can I run a flow from another flow in Twilio Studio Flow?
Help with defining the To and From HTTP parameters:
I am a beginner in programming so I am failing to understand the brief notes given in support docs, namely specifying HTTP additional parameters for "To" and "From".
Additional details from comment:
I am trying to run REST API triggered Flow B from primary Flow A by using an http request widget in Flow A in the format below: (as suggested in a similar problem posted on this portal) Widget: HTTP Request [][2] Content Type: Form URL Encoded KEY:VALUES To:+1234567890 From:+2773123456 I am getting error 401. I tried to swap the To number with the From number without success
There are 2 ways you can trigger one twilio studio flow from another
Method 1:
Use the TwiML Redirect Widget. Place the widget where you need it and specify the target studio flow URL there. Studio URLs have the following format{AccountSid}/Flows/{FlowSid}
Method 2:
Do the same as above programmatically. You can send twilio a twiML response such as the one below
let twiml = new Twilio.twiml.VoiceResponse();
if (something) {
method: 'POST'
}, '{AccountSid}/Flows/{FlowSid1}');
} else {
method: 'POST'
}, '{AccountSid}/Flows/{FlowSid2}');
For more info, check out
Assuming you are not trying to bridge the call between the two flows, this should be possible. To simplify:
You have a call come in on Flow A ("Incoming Call" trigger on Flow A).
Flow A executes its logic.
That logic triggers Flow B by calling its REST API endpoint so that it makes a new outbound call ("REST API" trigger on Flow B).
This last thing is the hard part. Make sure you are looking at the docs for the REST API Execution resource. To trigger a new flow, you need to make a POST request which supplies the To and From parameters.
If you are a beginner at programming, it might be helpful for you to start with a separate HTTP client like Postman to start to get familiar with the structure of an HTTP request, and learn the full extent of what is required to successfully make this API request before you start trying to cram it into Studio and automate it.
That said, this request should be possible to do within the Studio Make HTTP Request widget. If you make your content type Application/JSON, you can pass the To/From parameters directly in a JSON-formatted request body, like this:
"To": "+19995551234",
"From": "+12345556789"
To be perfectly honest, I don't know what the widget means by "Http Parameters". This could be HTTP Headers, URI parameters, or something else. I think the JSON form is clearer.
I came across the same situation. The solution for authentication is to change the url to include AccountSid and AuthToken
Instead of Application / Json, use Form Parameters. Then add individual parameters below, for To, From, and Parameters​ (JSON string) for other variables.

Spring Security OAuth2 with Reddit - how to set "duration"

I am currently using Spring Security OAuth2 with Reddit - and trying to pass the duration parameter when redirecting the user to an authorization URL.
This URL is constructed via getRedirectForAuthorization - which is a private method in AuthorizationCodeAccessTokenProvider - so it's not immediately clear how the duration parameter should be added in.
Am I missing anything?
You can add query parameters to the authorization request using a RequestEnhancer. You can inject one into the AccessTokenProvider and the DefaultRequestEnhancer includes a list of parameters to include (empty by default).

Apigee doesn't seem to support the OAuth 2 specification, is there a reason why?

We're making requests for bearer tokens using client_credentials OAuth 2 grant flow with Apigee. According to the spec:
4.4.2. Access Token Request
The client makes a request to the token endpoint by adding the
following parameters using the "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
format per Appendix B with a character encoding of UTF-8 in the HTTP
request entity-body:
REQUIRED. Value MUST be set to "client_credentials".
If we make a call however we get an error like this:
{"ErrorCode" : "invalid_request", "Error" :"Required param : grant_type"}
It seems that using Apigee we have to send grant_type as a query parameter.
Why is this? We have clients of Apigee that are unable to use OAuth libraries in their language of choice because of the way that Apigee deals with OAuth 2, and it would be good to know if there is by-design or not.
In addition it doesn't seem like it supports grant_type in the post body and sending id and key using basic auth.
Turns out you do not need to send in grant_type as a query parameter. There is a <GrantType> element in your GenerateAccessToken policy that takes in a variable. For instance, I can use the following:
<OAuthV2 name="GenerateAccessToken">
<!-- This policy generates an OAuth 2.0 access token using the password grant type -->
<!-- This is in millseconds -->
<GenerateResponse enabled="false">
In this example, the grant_type is passed in as user.grant_type. But user.grant_type can be anything-- header, query param, form param, or even a hard-coded value. This way, you (the developer) are provided maximum flexibility on how you want to send in the grant_type.
Can you paste the exact API call that you are making (obviously you should obfuscate the key and secret)?
I'd like to understand what you say when you say "Apigee" -- it could mean API BAAS ( or a proxy that you defined using API services and attached an OAuth 2 policy to, or something else?
