gsub regex only match if beginning of string or has space - ruby-on-rails

I have a bunch of phrases with missing apostrophes, and I have an array of fixes like so:
phrase = "i d let some"
def contractions_to_fix
{ missing: "let s", fixed: "let's" },
{ missing: "i d", fixed: "i'd" }
I'm trying to loop through the array of contractions to replace them, like this:
contractions_to_fix.each do |contraction|
if phrase.include? contraction[:missing]
idea_title.gsub! contraction[:missing], contraction[:fixed]
The goal, for this example, would be to return "i'd let some"; however, every regex I've tried so far returns an incorrect response.
For example:
contraction[:missing] results in "i'd let'some
/\bcontraction[:missing]\b/ results in "i d let some"
Any help would be much appreciated!

The easiest way to code the exact requirement in your title is to flip your condition around: "isn't preceded or followed by a non-space":
idea_title.gsub!(/(?<!\S)#{Regexp.escape(contraction[:missing])}(?!\S)/, contraction[:fixed])
Though /\b#{...}\b/ should work for the example you gave. Your problem is likely the fact that you feed a String as the pattern into gsub! instead of Regexp, so you are literally looking for \b (backslash and lowercase B), not a word boundary. Try it with
idea_title.gsub!(/\b#{Regexp.escape(contraction[:missing])}\b/, contraction[:fixed])

arr = [
{ missing: "let s", fixed: "let's" },
{ missing: "i d", fixed: "i'd" }
h = arr.reduce({}) { |h,g| h.merge(g[:missing]=>g[:fixed]) }
#=> {"let s"=>"let's", "i d"=>"i'd"}
r = /\b(?:#{h.keys.join('|')})\b/
#=> /\b(?:let s|i d)\b/
"i d want to let some".gsub(r, h)
#=> "i'd want to let some"
This uses the (second) form of String.gsub that takes a hash as a second argument and has no block.
One may alternatively calculate h as follows.
h = { |g| g.values_at(:missing, :fixed) }.to_h
#=> {"let s"=>"let's", "i d"=>"i'd"}


In Ruby, how to return a sentence with each word reversed in place?

I want to write a method that takes a string as an argument and returns the same sentence with each word reversed in place.
reverse_each_word("Hello there, and how are you?")
#=> "olleH ,ereht dna woh era ?uoy"
I tried:
def reverse_each_word(string)
array = []
new_array=array <<string.split(" ")
array.collect {|word| word.join(" ").reverse}
but the return is
["?uoy era woh dna ,ereht olleH"]
The whole sentence is reversed and not sure why there is [ ]
any help??
As an alternative approach, you could use gsub to find all words and reverse them:
str = "Hello there, and how are you?"
str.gsub(/\S+/, &:reverse)
#=> "olleH ,ereht dna woh era ?uoy"
/\S+/ matches one or more (+) non-whitespace (\S) characters
def reverse_each_word(string)
new_array = string.split(" ")
new_array.collect {|word| word.reverse }.join(" ")

Find various ways of allocating fruit to people

# Example 1
People = ["Terry", "Merry"]
Fruit = ["Apple","Grape","Peach"]
# Possible solutions:
# Example 2
People = ["Terry", "Merry", "Perry"]
Fruit = ["Apple","Grape"]
# Possible solutions:
Stuck trying to solve this recursively (necessary for this exercise, though let me know if you don't think recursion is possible).
I feel like basically I start by assigning a random person a fruit, and then add that to all possible solutions that arise from the smaller subset of assigning remaining people remaining fruit.
E.g., for Example 1, I assign Terry an Apple, and then aggregate that with the remaining possible options of what Merry can get (either Grape or Peach).
Then just repeat changing up the fruit assigned to the first random person (e.g., with Terry getting Grape then Peach, in Example 1).
I feel like this sounds so straightforward but I'm struggling.
It can be done recursively as follows.
def hmmm(people, fruit)
adj_fruit = fruit + [nil]*([people.size-fruit.size, 0].max)
recurse(adj_fruit).map { |a| }
def recurse(fruit_left, fruit_selected = [])
return [fruit_selected + fruit_left] if fruit_left.size == 1
fruit_left.each_with_object([]) do |f,a|
recurse(fruit_left - [f], fruit_selected + [f]).each { |e| a << e }
hmmm(["Terry", "Merry"], ["Apple", "Grape", "Peach"])
#=> [{"Terry"=>"Apple", "Merry"=>"Grape"}, {"Terry"=>"Apple", "Merry"=>"Peach"},
# {"Terry"=>"Grape", "Merry"=>"Apple"}, {"Terry"=>"Grape", "Merry"=>"Peach"},
# {"Terry"=>"Peach", "Merry"=>"Apple"}, {"Terry"=>"Peach", "Merry"=>"Grape"}]
Here adj_fruit #=> ["Apple", "Grape", "Peach"]
hmmm(["Terry", "Merry", "Perry"], ["Apple", "Grape"])
#=> [{"Terry"=>"Apple", "Merry"=>"Grape", "Perry"=>nil},
# {"Terry"=>"Apple", "Merry"=>nil, "Perry"=>"Grape"},
# {"Terry"=>"Grape", "Merry"=>"Apple", "Perry"=>nil},
# {"Terry"=>"Grape", "Merry"=>nil, "Perry"=>"Apple"},
# {"Terry"=>nil, "Merry"=>"Apple", "Perry"=>"Grape"},
# {"Terry"=>nil, "Merry"=>"Grape", "Perry"=>"Apple"}]
Here adj_fruit #=> ["Apple", "Grape", nil].
We can see map's receiver in hmmm by removing .map { |a| } from its last line.
def hmmm(people, fruit)
adj_fruit = fruit + [nil]*([people.size-fruit.size, 0].max)
hmmm(["Terry", "Merry"], ["Apple","Grape","Peach"])
#=> [["Apple", "Grape", "Peach"], ["Apple", "Peach", "Grape"],
# ["Grape", "Apple", "Peach"], ["Grape", "Peach", "Apple"],
# ["Peach", "Apple", "Grape"], ["Peach", "Grape", "Apple"]]
A more conventional solution, such as the one following, would not employ recursion.
def hmmm(people, fruit)
(fruit + [nil]*[people.size - fruit.size, 0].max).
map { |a| }
This produces the same return values as those shown above for the recursive solution.
See Array#permutation and Enumerable#zip.
If len(people) <= len(fruit), then you can use
for pieces in itertools.permutations(fruit, len(people)):
assign the pieces of fruit to the people in order
If len(people) > len(fruit), then use
for eaters in itertools.permutations(people, len(fruit))
assign the eaters to the fruit in order, and the others get nothing
I don't know how to combine the two separate cases into a single case
I now see that this was supposed to be solve recursively. Misread the original.
Let's look the possibilities for
assignment(people, fruit):
If len(people) == 0, then you're done, with the empty solution. (Not to be confused with no solution.)
If len(fruit) == 0, then no one gets any fruit. Again, this is an actual solution.
If len(people) <= len(fruit), then the first person gets some piece of fruit, appended onto all possible results of the remainder of the people getting the remainder of the fruit.
If len(people) > len(fruit), then either the first person does or doesn't get a piece of fruit, and recursively the rest of the people get whatever's left.
It's left as an exercise to you how to code this.
For anyone's future reference, this was my answer using recursion.
NOTE that "nil" overcounts; since "nil" is treated as a unique entry, the code reads {"Terry"=>"apple","Merry"=>"nil","Perry"=>"nil"} and {"Terry"=>"apple","Perry"=>"nil","Merry"=>"nil"} as 2 distinct solutions. I did not investigate further because this isn't super realistic for the exercise that this is a part of.
I also didn't investigate further for same reason, but using string "nil" versus nil yielded different results
def pure5(people, fruit, solution = [])
people_count = people.size
fruit_count = fruit.size
diff = people_count - fruit_count
diff.times { fruit << "nil" } if diff > 0
people.each do |p|
fruit.each do |f|
if people.size == 1
obj = {}
obj[p] = f
solution << obj
partial_solution = pure5(people - [p], fruit - [f])
partial_solution.each do |s|
s[p] = f
solution = solution + partial_solution
return solution

How to check if each word in an array contains a substring and reject those in Ruby on Rails?

a = a.reject { |x| ["GOOD", "VALID"]}
I don't want words that contain substring VALID or GOOD.
Output should be ["SUPER"] only.
grep_v would work:
a = a.grep_v(/GOOD|VALID/)
#=> ["SUPER"]
You could say this:
a = a.reject { |x| x.include?("GOOD") || x.include?("VALID")}
What in? does is to check if the receiver is present in the array passed as argument, meaning:[1, 2]) # true[1, 2]) # false
That's to say, it checks for the "whole" object, rather than a part of it.
If you want to reject the elements in your array that match with VALID and/or GOOD, you can use =~:
["SUPER", "SOME_VALID", "ROME_INVALID", "SUPER_GOOD"].reject { |word| word =~ /VALID|GOOD/ } # ["SUPER"]
Notice, this is also going to reject words like "VALIDITY", "GOODNESS", etc.
You could use include?:
a.reject { |x| ["GOOD", "VALID"].any?{ |word| x.include?(word) } }
#=> ["SUPER"]

Parsing a string list with multiple values into JSON

I have about thirty thousand records with a string column that has been stored in the following format, with different keys:
"something: this, this and that, that, other stuff, another: name, another name, last: here"
In rails, I want to change it into a hash like
something: [ "this", "this and that", "that" ],
another: [ "name", "another name" ],
last: [ "here" ]
Is there a way to do this elegantly? I was thinking of splitting at the colon, then doing a reverse search of the first space.
There are about a hundred ways to solve this. A pretty straightforward one is this:
str = "something: this, this and that, that, other stuff, another: name, another name, last: here"
key = nil
str.scan(/\s*([^,:]+)(:)?\s*/).each_with_object({}) do |(val, colon), hsh|
if colon
key = val.to_sym
hsh[key] = []
hsh[key] << val
# => {
# something: ["this", "this and that", "that", "other stuff"],
# another: ["name", "another name"],
# last: ["here"]
# }
It works by scanning the string with the following regular expression:
\s* # any amount of optional whitespace
([^,:]+) # one or more characters that aren't , or : (capture 1)
(:)? # an optional trailing : (capture 2)
\s* # any amount of optional whitespace
Then it iterates over the matches and puts them into a hash. When a match has a trailing colon (capture 2), a new hash key is created with an empty array for a value. Otherwise the value (capture 1) is added to the array for the most recent key.
A somewhat less straightforward but cleverer approach is to let the RegExp do more work:
MATCH_LIST_ENTRY = /([^:]+):\s*((?:[^,]+(?:,\s*|$))+?)(?=[^:,]+:|$)/
def parse_list2(str)
str.scan(MATCH_LIST_ENTRY).map do |k, vs|
[k.to_sym, vs.split(/,\s*/)]
I won't pick apart the RegExp for this one, but it's simpler than it looks. Regexper does a pretty good job of explaining it.
You can see both of these in action on here:
If str is the string given in the example, the desired hash can be constructed as follows.
str.split(/, *(?=\p{L}+:)/).
each_with_object({}) do |s,h|
k, v = s.split(/: +/)
h[k.to_sym]= v.split(/, */)
#=> {:something=>["this", "this and that", "that", "other stuff"],
# :another=>["name", "another name"],
# :last=>["here"]}
str.split(/, *(?=\p{L}+:)/)
#=> ["something: this, this and that, that, other stuff",
# "another: name, another name",
# "last: here"]
This regular expression reads, "match a comma followed by zero or more spaces, the match to be immediately followed by one or more Unicode letters followed by a colon, (?=\p{L}+:) being a positive lookahead".
result_hash = {}
string.scan(/(?<key>[\w]+(?=:))|(?<value>[\s\w]+(?=(,|\z)))/) do |key,value|
if key.present?
result_hash[key] = []
current_key = key
elsif value.present?
result_hash[current_key] << value.strip
then jsonize:
json =

Ruby find combination

I am trying to take input as a string.
Then I need to find all the possible combination and distinct combination but I am unable to do so.
input = "aabb"
Output I need to print all Combination =
Now Distinct combination
Then I need to count the letters and do a summation
For this
result = 1+1+1+1+2+2+2+3+3+4
Similarly for the other combination I need to find summation.
You can use Array#combination.
To get all combinations:
input = "aabb"
res = []
input.size.times { |n| res << input.chars.combination(n+1).map { |a| a.join } }
#=> ["a", "a", "b", "b", "aa", "ab", "ab", "ab", "ab", "bb", "aab", "aab", "abb", "abb", "aabb"]
distinct combinations:
#=> ["a", "b", "aa", "ab", "bb", "aab", "abb", "aabb"]
to count the letters and do a summation:
#=> [1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4]
# => 18
To get all the substrings of your input (or more generally to get all subsequences of an Enumerable) you can use something like this:
def subsequences(e)
a = e.to_a
indices = (0..a.length - 1).to_a
.reject { |i, j| i > j }
.map { |i, j| a[i..j] }
You would use that on your string like this: subsequences(input.chars).map(&:join). The chars and join are only necessary because Strings are not Enumerable, but the subsequences function does not really need that. You can just take out the first line and it should still work for strings (anything that has a "slicing" subscript operator, really ...).
Note also that this is not the only way to do this. The basic problem here is to iterate over all ordered pairs of indices of a sequence. You could also do that with basic loops. I just happen to find the cartesian product method very elegant. ;)
Once you have your first list in a variable, say list, the second task is as easy as list.uniq, and the third one is solved by
