Catch all the monkeys on a tree (Graphs) - graph-algorithm

I got this question in a recruitment test a few days ago. I basically could not do anything -
We are given a tree(tree is a connected graph where every pair of nodes have a single simple path between them) with n nodes(also edge length between nodes), and a starting node where we have a monkey catcher with a constant speed of 1 unit/sec. Monkeys are very agile with an arbitrarily large speed(infinite speed) and are trying to avoid the catcher. They are aware of each other's positions and try to maximise the total time it takes for the catcher to catch them. Catcher is trying to minimise this time.
If at a moment of time a monkey and the catcher are at the same position, the monkey is caught, however many are there.
We have to find the time it takes for the catcher to catch all of them.
Edit - We are also given the number and starting nodes of all the monkeys.
From Sergio's comment - I forgot to clarify that monkeys know the catcher and each other's positions and the catcher knows all the monkeys's positions at all times.
Please help


Apache-camel Xpathbuilder performance

I have following question. I set up an camel -project to parse certain xml files. I have to selecting take out certain nodes from a file.
I have two files 246kb and 347kb in size. I am extracting a parent-child pair of 250 nodes in the above given example.
With the default factory here are the times. For the 246kb file respt 77secs and 106 secs. I wanted to improve the performance so switched to saxon and the times are as follows 47secs and 54secs. I was able to cut the time down by at least half.
Is it possible to cut the time further, any other factory or optimizations I can use will be appreciated.
I am using XpathBuilder to cut the xpaths out. here is an example. Is it possible to not to have to create XpathBuilder repeatedly, it seems like it has to be constructed for every xpath, I would have one instance and keep pumping the xpaths into it, maybe it will improve performance further.
return XPathBuilder.xpath(nodeXpath)
.namespace(Consts.XPATH_PREFIX, nameSpace)
.evaluate(exchange.getContext(), exchange.getIn().getBody(String.class), String.class);
Adding more details based on Michael's comments. So I am kind of joining them, will become clear with my example below. I am combining them into a json.
So here we go, Lets say we have following mappings for first and second path.
pData.tinf.rexd: bm:Document/bm:xxxxx/bm:PmtInf[{0}]/bm:ReqdExctnDt/text()
This would result in a json as below
tinf: {
rexd: <value_from_xml>
instId: <value_from_xml>
Hard to say without seeing your actual XPath expression, but given the file sizes and execution time my guess would be that you're doing a join which is being executed naively as a cartesian product, i.e. with O(n*m) performance. There is probably some way of reorganizing it to have logarithmic performance, but the devil is in the detail. Saxon-EE is quite good at optimizing join queries automatically; if not, there are often ways of doing it manually -- though XSLT gives you more options (e.g. using xsl:key or xsl:merge) than XPath does.
Actually I was able to bring the time down to 10 secs. I am using apache-camel. So I added threads there so that multiple files can be read in separate threads. Once the file was being read, it had serial operation to based on the length of the nodes that had to be traversed. I realized that it was not necessary to be serial here so introduced parrallelStream and that now gave it enough power. One thing to guard agains is not to have a proliferation of threads since that can degrade the performance. So I try to restrict the number of threads to twice or thrice the number of cores on the operating machine.

Calculating a full matrix of shortest path-lengths between all nodes

We are trying to find a way to create a full distance matrix in a neo4j database, where that distance is defined as the length of the shortest path between any two nodes. Of course, there is the shortestPath method but using a loop going through all pairs of nodes and calculating their shortestPaths get very slow. We are explicitely not talking about allShortestPaths, because that returns all shortest paths between 2 specific nodes.
Is there a specific method or approach that is fast for a large number of nodes (>30k)?
Thank you!
There is no easier method; the full distance matrix will take a long time to build.
As you've described it, the full distance matrix must contain the shortest path between any two nodes, which means you will have to get that information at some point. Iterating over each pair of nodes and running a shortest-path algorithm is the only way to do this, and the complexity will be O(n) multiplied by the complexity of the algorithm.
But you can cut down on the runtime with a dynamic programming solution.
You could certainly leverage some dynamic programming methods to cut down on the calculation time. For instance, if you are trying to find the shortest path between (A) and (C), and have already calculated the shortest from (B) to (C), then if you happen to encounter (B) while pathfinding from (A), you do not need to recalculate the rest of the cost of that path; it is known.
However, creating a dynamic programming solution of any reasonable complexity will almost certainly be best done in a separate module for Neo4J that is thrown in into a plugin. If what you are doing is a one-time operation or an operation that won't be run frequently, it might be easier to just do the naive solution of calling shortestPath between each pair, but if you plan to be running it fairly frequently on dynamic data, it might be worth authoring a custom plugin. It totally depends on your needs.
No matter what, though, it will take some time to calculate. The dynamic programming solution will cut down on the time greatly (especially in a densely-connected graph), but it will still not be very fast.
What is the end game? Is this a one-time query that resets some property or creates new edges. Or a recurring frequent effort. If it's one-time, you might create edges between the two nodes at each step creating a transitive closure environment. The edge would point between the two nodes and have, as a property, the distance.
Thus, if the path is a>b>c>d, you would create the edges
a>b 1
a>c 2
a>d 3
b>c 1
b>d 2
c>d 1
The edges could be named distinctively to distinguish them from the original path edges. This could create circular paths, which may neither negate this strategy or need a constraint. if you are dealing with directed acyclic graphs it would work well.

Cluster Analysis for crowds of people

I have location data from a large number of users (hundreds of thousands). I store the current position and a few historical data points (minute data going back one hour).
How would I go about detecting crowds that gather around natural events like birthday parties etc.? Even smaller crowds (let's say starting from 5 people) should be detected.
The algorithm needs to work in almost real time (or at least once a minute) to detect crowds as they happen.
I have looked into many cluster analysis algorithms, but most of them seem like a bad choice. They either take too long (I have seen O(n^3) and O(2^n)) or need to know how many clusters there are beforehand.
Can someone help me? Thank you!
Let each user be it's own cluster. When she gets within distance R to another user form a new cluster and separate again when the person leaves. You have your event when:
Number of people is greater than N
They are in the same place for the timer greater than T
The party is not moving (might indicate a public transport)
It's not located in public service buildings (hospital, school etc.)
(good number of other conditions)
One minute is plenty of time to get it done even on hundreds of thousands of people. In naive implementation it would be O(n^2), but mind there is no point in comparing location of each individual, only those in close neighbourhood. In first approximation you can divide the "world" into sectors, which also makes it easy to make the task parallel - and in turn easily scale. More users? Just add a few more nodes and downscale.
One idea would be to think in terms of 'mass' and centre of gravity. First of all, do not mark something as event until the mass is not greater than e.g. 15 units. Sure, location is imprecise, but in case of events it should average around centre of the event. If your cluster grows in any direction without adding substantial mass, then most likely it isn't right. Look at methods like DBSCAN (density-based clustering), good inspiration can be also taken from physical systems, even Ising model (here you think in terms of temperature and "flipping" someone to join the crowd)ale at time of limited activity.
How to avoid "single-linkage problem" mentioned by author in comments? One idea would be to think in terms of 'mass' and centre of gravity. First of all, do not mark something as event until the mass is not greater than e.g. 15 units. Sure, location is imprecise, but in case of events it should average around centre of the event. If your cluster grows in any direction without adding substantial mass, then most likely it isn't right. Look at methods like DBSCAN (density-based clustering), good inspiration can be also taken from physical systems, even Ising model (here you think in terms of temperature and "flipping" someone to join the crowd). It is not a novel problem and I am sure there are papers that cover it (partially), e.g. Is There a Crowd? Experiences in Using Density-Based Clustering and Outlier Detection.
There is little use in doing a full clustering.
Just uses good database index.
Keep a database of the current positions.
Whenever you get a new coordinate, query the database with the desired radius, say 50 meters. A good index will do this in O(log n) for a small radius. If you get enough results, this may be an event, or someone joining an ongoing event.

Is there a cleverer Ruby algorithm than brute-force for finding correlation in multidimensional data?

My platform here is Ruby - a webapp using Rails 3.2 in particular.
I'm trying to match objects (people) based on their ratings for certain items. People may rate all, some, or none of the same items as other people. Ratings are integers between 0 and 5. The number of items available to rate, and the number of users, can both be considered to be non-trivial.
A quick illustration -
The brute-force approach is to iterate through all people, calculating differences for each item. In Ruby-flavoured pseudo-code -
for each (PERSON in (people except USER)) do
for each (RATING that PERSON has made) do
if (USER has rated the item that RATING refers to) do
MATCHES[PERSON's id] += difference between PERSON's rating and USER's rating
lowest values in MATCHES are the best matches for USER
The problem here being that as the number of items, ratings, and people increase, this code will take a very significant time to run, and ignoring caching for now, this is code that has to run a lot, since this matching is the primary function of my app.
I'm open to cleverer algorithms and cleverer databases to achieve this, but doing it algorithmically and as such allowing me to keep everything in MySQL or PostgreSQL would make my life a lot easier. The only thing I'd say is that the data does need to persist.
If any more detail would help, please feel free to ask. Any assistance greatly appreciated!
Check out the KD-Tree. It's specifically designed to speed up neighbour-finding in N-Dimensional spaces, like your rating system (Person 1 is 3 units along the X axis, 4 units along the Y axis, and so on).
You'll likely have to do this in an actual programming language. There are spatial indexes for some DBs, but they're usually designed for geographic work, like PostGIS (which uses GiST indexing), and only support two or three dimensions.
That said, I did find this tantalizing blog post on PostGIS. I was then unable to find any other references to this, but maybe your luck will be better than mine...
Hope that helps!
Technically your task is matching long strings made out of characters of a 5 letter alphabet. This kind of stuff is researched extensively in the area of computational biology. (Typically with 4 letter alphabets). If you do not know the book then you might want to get hold of a copy. IMHO this is THE standard book on fuzzy matching / scoring of sequences.
Is your data sparse? With rating, most of the time not every user rates every object.
Naively comparing each object to every other is O(n*n*d), where d is the number of operations. However, a key trick of all the Hadoop solutions is to transpose the matrix, and work only on the non-zero values in the columns. Assuming that your sparsity is s=0.01, this reduces the runtime to O(d*n*s*n*s), i.e. by a factor of s*s. So if your sparsity is 1 out of 100, your computation will be theoretically 10000 times faster.
Note that the resulting data will still be a O(n*n) distance matrix, so strictl speaking the problem is still quadratic.
The way to beat the quadratic factor is to use index structures. The k-d-tree has already been mentioned, but I'm not aware of a version for categorical / discrete data and missing values. Indexing such data is not very well researched AFAICT.

Which Improvements can be done to AnyTime Weighted A* Algorithm?

Firstly , For those of your who dont know - Anytime Algorithm is an algorithm that get as input the amount of time it can run and it should give the best solution it can on that time.
Weighted A* is the same as A* with one diffrence in the f function :
(where g is the path cost upto node , and h is the heuristic to the end of path until reaching a goal)
Original = f(node) = g(node) + h(node)
Weighted = f(node) = (1-w)g(node) +h(node)
My anytime algorithm runs Weighted A* with decaring weight from 1 to 0.5 until it reaches the time limit.
My problem is that most of the time , it takes alot time until this it reaches a solution , and if given somthing like 10 seconds it usaully doesnt find solution while other algorithms like anytime beam finds one in 0.0001 seconds.
Any ideas what to do?
If I were you I'd throw the unbounded heuristic away. Admissible heuristics are much better in that given a weight value for a solution you've found, you can say that it is at most 1/weight times the length of an optimal solution.
A big problem when implementing A* derivatives is the data structures. When I implemented a bidirectional search, just changing from array lists to a combination of hash augmented priority queues and array lists on demand, cut the runtime cost by three orders of magnitude - literally.
The main problem is that most of the papers only give pseudo-code for the algorithm using set logic - it's up to you to actually figure out how to represent the sets in your code. Don't be afraid of using multiple ADTs for a single list, i.e. your open list. I'm not 100% sure on Anytime Weighted A*, I've done other derivatives such as Anytime Dynamic A* and Anytime Repairing A*, not AWA* though.
Another issue is when you set the g-value too low, sometimes it can take far longer to find any solution that it would if it were a higher g-value. A common pitfall is forgetting to check your closed list for duplicate states, thus ending up in a (infinite if your g-value gets reduced to 0) loop. I'd try starting with something reasonably higher than 0 if you're getting quick results with a beam search.
Some pseudo-code would likely help here! Anyhow these are just my thoughts on the matter, you may have solved it already - if so good on you :)
Beam search is not complete since it prunes unfavorable states whereas A* search is complete. Depending on what problem you are solving, if incompleteness does not prevent you from finding a solution (usually many correct paths exist from origin to destination), then go for Beam search, otherwise, stay with AWA*. However, you can always run both in parallel if there are sufficient hardware resources.
