"Shops cannot create Listings in languages other than the Shop's primary language. (fr)" Etsy Request Error - etsy

I'm using the Etsy2 module on Python to automatically create a listing using the createListing() API request, but unfortunately I always get the following error:
ValueError: Could not decode response from Etsy as JSON: status_code: 400, text: "Shops cannot create Listings in languages other than the Shop's primary language. (fr)", url 'https://openapi.etsy.com/v2/listings'
Is it possible to create a listing in my shop's language instead of English? The language=fr parameter is not supported for this request...
Thank you!


Cannot bind query parameter; Unknown name basicRequest when retrieving basic insights for a location

I'm trying to retrieve insights for a location using the Google Business Profile API. I've tried a few approaches, but I always get an error about "Cannot bind query parameter".
According to the docs, I should be posting to this URL: https://mybusiness.googleapis.com/v4/accounts/xxx/locations:reportInsights
and in the body, pass in an array of locationNames, but when I do that, I get the error about "Cannot bind query parameter 'locationNames'".
So I just tried doing a GET on this URL and pass in the names on the name querystring and that worked just fine to get the high-level data.
So I know I have the right account ID, location ID, etc. But I need to be able to add in the basicRequest parameter so I can indicate which metric that I want to retrieve.
So I've POST to both of those URLS above with a body that looks like this:
But again, I get the same errors about "Cannot bind query parameter" to field "basicRequest" (Same as when I tried to pass in the "locationNames" param in the JSON.
So clearly, I'm doing something wrong with how I am sending in the parameters in the body because it doesn't seem to think any of those parameter names are valid. My end goal is to be able to retrieve queries_direct, actions_total, etc.
I'm using Ruby, and there isn't a client library for it, so I'm just crafting the URLs and the JSON body and doing a GET or POST to it.
Greatly appreciate any pointers!

Using Adwords, is it possible to create url specific to each keyword for thousands of keywords?

Every URL ends with the same pattern, "Part-123456789" where the "Part" is a constant and the "123456789" is a part number. I want to run an adwords campaign targetting every part # and directing to the unique url for that part. Is there a simple way to do this?
Note: Adwords Editor is giving me ambiguous rowtype errors whenever I try to upload the keywords and URL's together in the same line of a .csv file.
The available value track parameters for AdWords tracking templates offers both the keyword ID and matched keyword:
You could use this to determine the part number in the URL but it may require some mapping in the content management system.

How to specify a language using Insight API for Twitter from IBM Bluemix Platform

I'm starting to use Insight API for Twitter from IBM Bluemix.
It's hard to find supporting resource for using this. So far I am using CURL and specifically formed URL to query the API service, and the service returns results in JSON format.
Here's an example of the URL I used with CURL to search for some tweets with the API:
https://(my seucrity key)#cdeservice.mybluemix.net:443/api/v1/messages/search?q=$MSFT%28posted:2016-01-01T00:00:00Z,2016-09-01T00:00:00Z%29&size=20
This URL returns a JSON object with tweets with keyword #MSFT, and between the time frame of 2016-1-1 to 2016-9-1, only return 20 tweets.
I would like to add to that link by specifying a language for the tweet to search for, so far I come up empty. Can you please help me ?
I have tried adding the following to the URL and did not do anything:
lang=EN, lang="en"
lang:en, lang:EN
The syntax is lang:en and you need to make sure to include it as part of your query.
I created the following query based on the one you provided in your question:
The unencoded query is
($MSFT AND posted:2016-01-01T00:00:00Z,2016-09-01T00:00:00Z AND lang:en)
You can find documentation here.
But in this link you can find more details on the syntax, which is:

Mendeley search by query parameters

Mendeley has a Catalog Search -> Search by query API that looks like the following: curl 'https://api.mendeley.com/search/catalog?query=polar+bears&limit=3' ...
The API Reference documentation says: "Retrieve documents which match general query terms."
I am wondering what general query terms (besides 'query=xxx' and 'limit=y') are available. I tried including some of the returned fields as parameters, e.g. year=2002, which was seemingly ignored, and title=xxx, which provoked the error: "Invalid parameters supplied"
It's all documented on the Swagger page.
You can use title, and you can also search by year using min_year and max_year.

URL length limit for google reader api

I am using "/reader/api/0/stream/items/ids" API to get the item ids for sources that I want.
I have quite a number of sources, so I repeated "s=" parameter to include in the api url.
However, google has given me an error of "URL is too long".
So the question is that How can I solve it so that I just use one time api call to get item ids for that many sources?
It seems that /reader/api/0/stream/items/ids path supports a POST method. This means the amount of data you could pass by using POST verb is much more than by using a query string and a GET method.
So use https://www.google.com/reader/api/0/stream/items/ids URL for the post, and pass your query string as a post data. Don't forget to include an action token(T) which is required for POST requests.
