QnA task for Z3. Is it possible? - z3

I'm trying to solve a question answering task. There are several approaches to this like Deep Learning methods, querying Knowledge Graphs, Semantic Search etc. But I thought if it would be possible to use Z3 theorem prover for that task as well? For example, if we can present knowledge as a set of axioms, each axiom consists of the predicates (relations), subjects and objects and is expressed in FOL clauses, then we can traverse through them and find an answer to the query (which can be expressed as axiom as well). For example, I can encode a simple knowledge "English is language" in FOL clause:
exists l.(language(l) & exists n.(name(n) & :op1(n,"English") & :name(l,n)))
How can I translate it into Z3? And how can I extract an answer to the query "{unknown} is language" to find an {unknown} variable or clause? Note that the {unknown} can be anything. It can be an atom or logical clause depending on the match with the query.

I don't think an SMT solver is very suitable for this task. Not because you can't do it using z3, but a system like Prolog or a custom-program you build will work just as fine as well. SMT solvers shine when you have combination of theories (numbers, arithmetic, arrays, data-structures, etc.); for your problem domain, all you need is a Prolog like simple-database and a query engine.
Encoding your suggested statement really depends on what sort of predicates you have in mind. Note that SMTLib is a "typed" language; so a predicate like language(l) is redundant: You'd have a value of the type language only when that call type-checks; i.e., you can't pass the predicate language anything that's not a language anyways. (This is similar to programming in a typed-language like Haskell/O'Caml etc., vs. in a dynamically typed language like Lisp/Scheme/Python etc.)
See Solving predicate calculus problems with Z3 SMT for an example of how to use an SMT solver to deal with first-order-logic modeling problems.


Getting a counterexample from µZ3 (Horn solver)

Using Z3's Horn clause solver:
If the answer is SAT, one can get a satisfying assignment to the unknown predicates (which, in most applications, correspond to inductive invariants of some kind of transition system or procedure call system).
If the answer is unsat, then this means the exists an unfolding of the Horn clauses and an assignment to the universally quantified variables in the Horn clauses such that at least one of the safety conditions (the clauses with a false head) is violated. This constitutes a concrete witness why the system had no solution.
I suspect that if Z3 can conclude unsat, then it has some form of such witness internally (and this anyway is the case in PDR, if I remember well). Is there a way to print it out?
Maybe I badly read the documentation, but I can't find a way. (get-proof) prints something unreadable, and, besides, (set-option :produce-proofs true) makes some problems intractable.
The refutation that Z3 produces for HORN logic problems is in the form of a tree of unit-resulting resolution steps. The counterexample you're looking for is hiding in the conclusions of the unit-resolution steps. These conclusions (the last arguments of the rules) are ground facts that correspond to program states (or procedure summaries or whatever) in the counterexample. The variable bindings that produce these facts can be found in "quant-inst" rules.
Obviously, this is not human readable, and actually is pretty hard to read by machine. For Boogie I implemented a more regular format, but it is currently only available with the duality engine and only for the fixedpoint format using "rule" and "query". You can get this using the following command.
(query :engine duality :print-certificate true)

HORN Clause Z3 Documentation

I am trying to encode some imperative program using HORN logic of Z3 (set-logic HORN) but getting some difficulties of defining clause (using SMT2). Could anyone tell me where can I find a good source of documentations for this feature of Z3?
Well, there's more to it when it comes to "encoding" a program in horn clauses.
First you need to check an appropriate proof rule: does the program has recursive functions, should you do function summarization? and so on.
There are a few papers on the subject, but I don't think there's any tutorial on VC gen.
You may also want to take a look to some benchmarks in Horn SMT format to draw inspiration: https://svn.sosy-lab.org/software/sv-benchmarks/trunk/clauses/
Feel free to ask if you have a specific question.

Z3: Is a custom theory extension appropriate for my application?

I have precise and validated descriptions of the behaviors of many X86 instructions in terms amenable to encoding in QF_ABV and solving directly with the standard solver (using no special solving strategies). I wrote an SMT-LIB script whose interface matches my ultimate goal perfectly:
X86State, a record sort describing x86 machine state (registers and flags as bitvectors, and memory as an array).
X86Instr, a record sort describing x86 instructions (enumerated mnemonics, operands as an ML-like discriminated union describing registers, memory expressions, etc.)
A function x86-translate taking an X86State and an X86Instr, and returning a new X86State. It decodes the X86Instr and produces a new X86State in terms of the symbolic effects of the given X86Instr on the input X86State.
It's great for prototyping: the user can write x86 easily and directly. After simplifying a formula built using the library, all functions and extraneous data types are eliminated, leaving a QF_ABV expression. I hoped that users could simply (set-logic QF_ABV) and #include my script (alas, neither the SMT-LIB standard nor Z3 support #include).
Unfortunately, by defining functions and types, the script requires theories such as uninterpreted functions, thus requiring a logic other than QF_ABV (or even QF_AUFBV due to the types). My experience with SMT solvers dictates that the lowest acceptable logic should be specified for best solving time. Also, it is unclear whether I can reuse my SMT-LIB script in a programmatic context (e.g. OCaml, Python, C) as I desire. Finally, the script is a bit verbose given the lack of higher-order functions, and my lack of access to par leading to code duplication.
Thus, despite having accomplished my technical goals, I think that SMT-LIB might be the wrong approach. Is there a more natural avenue for interacting with Z3 to implement my x86 instruction description / QF_ABV translation scheme? Is the SMT-LIB script re-usable at all in these avenues? For example, you can build "custom OCaml top-levels", i.e. interpreters with scripts "burned into them". Something like that could be nice. Or do I have to re-implement the functionality in another language, in a program that interacts with Z3 via a theory extension (C DLL)? What's the best option here?
Well, I don't think that people write .smt2 files by hand. These are usually generated automatically by some program.
I find the Z3 Python interface quite nice, so I guess you could give it a try. But you can always write a simple .smt2 dumper from any language.
BTW, do you plan releasing the specification you wrote for X86? I would be really interested!

The "pull-nested-quantifiers" option seems to cause problems in the context for UFBV?

I am currently experimenting with Z3 as bounded engine for specifications written in Alloy (a relational logic/language). I am using the UFBV as target language.
I detect a problem using the Z3 option (set-option :pull-nested-quantifiers true).
For two semantically identical SMT specifications Spec1 and Spec2, Z3 times out (200 sec) for proving Spec1 but proves Spec2.
The only different between Spec1 and Spec2 is that they have different function identifiers (because I use java hash names). Can this be related to a bug?
The second observation I would like to share and discuss, is the "iff" operator in the context of UFBV. This operator is not supported, if (set-logic UFBV) is set. My solution was to use "=" instead but this do not work well if the operands contains deeply nested quantifiers and the "pull-nested-quantifiers" is set. The other saver solution is to use double implication.
Now the question:
Is there any other better solution for model "iff" in UFBV, because I think, that using double implication will in general loose maybe useable semantic information for improvement/simplifications.
you can find: spec1 and spec2 the tow (I think) semantically identical SMT specifications, and spec3 an SMT specification using "=" to model "iff", for which z3 times out.
The default strategy for the UFBV logic is not effective for your problems. Actually, the default strategy solves all of them in less than 1 sec. To force Z3 to use the default strategy, you just need to comment the following lines in your script.
; (set-logic UFBV)
; (set-option :pull-nested-quantifiers true)
; (set-option :macro-finder true)
If the warning messages are bothering you, you can add:
(set-option :print-warning false)
That being said, I will try to address the issues you raised.
Does identifier names affect the behavior of Z3? Yes, they do.
Starting at version 3.0, we started using a total order on Z3 expressions for performing operations such as: sorting the arguments of associative-commutative operators.
This total order is based on the identifier names.
Ironically, this modification was motivated by user feedback. In previous versions, we used an internal ID for performing operations such as sorting, and breaking ties in many different heuristics. However, these IDs are based on the order Z3 creates/deletes expressions, which is based on the order users declare symbols. So, Z3 2.x behavior would be affected by trivial modifications such as removing unused declarations.
Regarding iff, it is not part of SMT-LIB 2.0 standard. In SMT-LIB 2.0, = is used for formulas and terms. To make sure Z3 is fully compliant with the SMT-LIB 2.0 standard, whenever users specify a SMT-LIB supported logic (or soon to be supported such as UFBV), Z3 only "loads" the symbols defined in it. When, a logic is not specified, Z3 assumes the user is using the "Z3 logic" that contains all supported theories in Z3, and many extra aliases such as: iff for Boolean =, if for ite, etc.

Can Z3 check the satisfiability of recursive functions on bounded data structures?

I know that Z3 cannot check the satisfiability of formulas that contain recursive functions. But, I wonder if Z3 can handle such formulas over bounded data structures. For example, I've defined a list of length at most two in my Z3 program and a function, called last, to return the last element of the list. However, Z3 does not terminate when asked to check the satisfiability of a formula that contains last.
Is there a way to use recursive functions over bounded lists in Z3?
(Note that this related to your other question as well.) We looked at such cases as part of the Leon verifier project. What we are doing there is avoiding the use of quantifiers and instead "unrolling" the recursive function definitions: if we see the term length(lst) in the formula, we expand it using the definition of length by introducing a new equality: length(lst) = if(isNil(lst)) 0 else 1 + length(tail(lst)). You can view this as a manual quantifier instantiation procedure.
If you're interested in lists of length at most two, doing the manual instantiation for all terms, then doing it once more for the new list terms should be enough, as long as you add the term:
isCons(lst) => ((isCons(tail(lst)) => isNil(tail(tail(lst))))
for each list. In practice you of course don't want to generate these equalities and implications manually; in our case, we wrote a program that is essentially a loop around Z3 adding more such axioms when needed.
A very interesting property (very related to your question) is that it turns out that for some functions (such as length), using successive unrollings will give you a complete decision procedure. Ie. even if you don't constrain the size of the datastructures, you will eventually be able to conclude SAT or UNSAT (for the quantifier-free case).
You can find more details in our paper Satisfiability Modulo Recursive Programs, or I'm happy to give more here.
You may be interested in the work of Erik Reeber on SULFA, the ``Subclass of Unrollable List Formulas in ACL2.'' He showed in his PhD thesis how a large class of list-oriented formulas can be proven by unrolling function definitions and applying SAT-based methods. He proved decidability for the SULFA class using these methods.
See, e.g., http://www.cs.utexas.edu/~reeber/IJCAR-2006.pdf .
