I am using quickfixj 2.3
Sample aw fix msg :
Created Message using fix string like: (removed pipes with soh)
Message msg=new Message(rawString);
I m getting below reason in 58 :
Failed to parse repeated groups: LegOrdGrp(555) at position : 242soh45=11
I have the following console output from a jenkins build:
23:21:16 [ ERROR ] - Problem occured while installing the chart AbCdEfG , aborting!
if the line appears, i want to be able to get only AbCdEfG and put it in error message, or in a varaiable.
i tried something like:
if (manager.logContains('.*\${error_string}')) {
error("Build failed because of ${AbCdEfG}")
regexp string that seems to be working, but stuck
[\n\r]*Problem occured while installing the chart:*([^\n\r]*)
Have you tested example 4 from plugin documentation? That example is using Java, not Groovy.
Anyway, the method getLogMatcher returns a Matcher, not a String.
Calling logContains will evaluate the log twice.
Using Groovy, (not tested inside Jenkins, only locally) you can adapt this snippet:
def matcher = ("23:21:16 [ ERROR ] - Problem occured while installing the chart AbCdEfG , aborting!" =~ /Problem occured while installing the chart\s?([^\n\r]*)\s?, aborting!/)
/* One item from array is the group, first item from this group is the full match and the second is group match */
if (matcher.hasGroup()) {
def msg = matcher[0][1]
println("Build failed because of ${msg}")
I tried official schema-registry-confluent example (consumer/producer) with my local installed confluent 4.0.0, it can send "sensor" avro message when send post request and receive in listener, but when I use kafka-avro-console-consumer tool shipped with confluent 4.0.0 to view avro message sent, the tool raised the following error (a). I also tried to consume avro message sent by kafka-avro-console-producer tool (and the message can be shown correctly in kafka-avro-console-consumer tool) , it reported the following error (b). Doesn't the given example support confluent 4.0.0? Many thanks!
(a) kafka-avro-console-consumer error =>
ERROR Unknown error when running consumer: (kafka.tools.ConsoleConsumer$:107)
org.apache.kafka.common.errors.SerializationException: Error deserializing Avro message for id -1
Caused by: org.apache.kafka.common.errors.SerializationException: Unknown magic byte!
(b) listener error =>
org.springframework.messaging.converter.MessageConversionException: Could not read JSON: Invalid UTF-32 character 0x51473863 (above 0x0010ffff) at char #1, byte #7); nested exception is java.io.CharConversionException: Invalid UTF-32 character 0x51473863 (above 0x0010ffff) at char #1, byte #7)
at org.springframework.messaging.converter.MappingJackson2MessageConverter.convertFromInternal(MappingJackson2MessageConverter.java:234) ~[spring-messaging-5.1.0.BUILD-SNAPSHOT.jar!/:5.1.0.BUILD-SNAPSHOT]
Every time there is a MessageConversionException it simply means that the provided Message Converters could not convert Message. . . and rightfully so as we can't handle every scenario, only the common ones.
So, you should implement custom Message Converter (either from scratch or extending one of the existing ones).
Here is more info on how to define custom Message Converter
Since I develop under J3.2, I've got a recurrent error with the Joomla "calendar" field.
Once the field value is recorded in BDD with the sql format : "Y-m-d H:i:s", I've got an error 500 when I open the form for edit my content.
DateTime::__construct() [datetime.--construct]: Failed to parse time string (2014-10-17 10-28-58) at position 11 (1): Unexpected character
The component K2 and all these associated extension are disabled.
It appear that the parser have a problem with the empty string between the date and the time.
Is anybody can give me a solution ??
Thankz by advance for your help !
I found my mistake : the format string of my calendar field was bad.
I used "Y-m-d H-i-s" instead of "Y-m-d H:i:s"
Quickfixj is rejecting the following logon message:
The actual log entry for it is:
20140704-11:24:22.316 ERROR [QFJ Message Processor] quickfixj.errorEvent - FIXT.1.1:XXxUSxXX->XXxVENUExXX: Rejecting invalid message: quickfix.FieldException: Tag appears more than once, field=1407: 8=FIXT.1.1^A9=184^A35=A^A34=77086^A49=XXxVENUExXX^A52=20140704-11:24:22.308^A56=XXxUSxXX^A1128=9^A58=RFA:f718fdb8-2ed3-4e0b-965f-4305188d06f9^A98=0^A108=4^A553=USRC^A554=test234^A789=7806 9^A1137=9^A1407=100^A1409=0^A10=093^A
Tag 1407 doesn't appear more than once though. We're using Quickfixj 1.5.3. With a FIX Version 5.0 SP2 - EP100 data dictionary. I can't see any issues with the data dictionary entries. The Logon message fields are all flat (except for the optional MsgTypeGrp which is not being used). Have tried with ValidateFieldsOutOfOrder as both Y and N. Config entries are:
# Only the SP2 version supported
# Endpoint
Anyone have any ideas what could cause this. It couldn't be because there is '1407' in today's date?
when I run this cypher from the browser console, I get an Unknown error. I'm not sure how to troubleshoot that.
MATCH (s:ContactMembership)
MATCH (contact:Contact {ContactId : s.ContactId})
MATCH (contactmembershiptype:ContactMembershipType
{ContactMembershipTypeId : s.ContactMembershipTypeId})
{ContactId : s.ContactId, ContactMembershipTypeId : s.ContactMembershipTypeId}]->
ContactMembership has about 52k nodes
Contact has 42k
ContactMembershipType has 6
Each contact can have multiple membership types so there can be multiple relationships but each contactMembership node has a single contactid.
Should I be using Create instead of merge?? Not sure how to get more detail on the Unknown error...
Turns out that the Unknown Error was just a timeout on the console window. When running the command in the shell, I can see that it completes in just over 154 seconds.
It would be nice if the 2.0 browser console gave a better description of the error, like 'Timed out waiting for a response'.
Try below :
MATCH (s:ContactMembership),(contact:Contact {ContactId : s.ContactId}),
(contactmembershiptype:ContactMembershipType {ContactMembershipTypeId :
WITH s,contact,contactmembershiptype
{ContactId : s.ContactId, ContactMembershipTypeId : s.ContactMembershipTypeId}]->