Is December somehow special in Google Sheets? - google-sheets

I count the number of transactions made per month
Where 10 is October, while referencing a sheet named in $H$12. This works well for months 1-11.
When it comes to December, I am getting a seemingly random (wrong) integer back.
Is December somehow special?

I ended up using Filter. Seems to work perfectly fine


Stop counting after today date passed in Google Sheets

I have a column on Google sheets with different dates, I made a dashboard where you can see the upcoming rows with dates within 5 days away from today. It's a box saying "Starting within 5 days" and shows how many rows starts within 5 days. I made it work, the problem is that once we reached the date and passed it, it keeps counting it.
Let's say a row have a cell with the date 2022-10-20 and today is 2022-10-21, that means it already passed the date, so it should stop counting it. It should only count as "1" if the date set in a cell is within 5 days from todays date.
I hope I was clear enough, I use currently =COUNTIF('Under arbete'!C2:C; "<" & today()+5)
your formula
=COUNTIF('Under arbete'!C2:C; "<" & today()+5)
will work only today. every next day it will be offset by +1 day because TODAY will "recalculate" on a daily basis
you can either feed it today's date like:
=COUNTIF('Under arbete'!C2:C; "<"&"2022-10-20"+5)
or try to freeze today's date like:
=COUNTIF('Under arbete'!C2:C; "<"&LAMBDA(x; x)(TODAY()+5))
=COUNTIFS(Kommande!C2:C; ">="&TODAY();
Kommande!C2:C; "<"&TODAY()+10)
for multiple sheets:
=COUNTIFS({Kommande!C2:C; Sheet2!C2:C}; ">="&TODAY();
{Kommande!C2:C; Sheet2!C2:C}; "<"&TODAY()+10)

How to Calculate Age from Year Only in Google Sheets

I have the year a car was purchased in column A. For example, 2015. I'm trying to calculate the age of the vehicle comparing the year provided in column A to TODAY() in an arrayformula, like this...
={"Vehicle Age";arrayformula(if(A2:A="",,(datedif(A2:A,today(),"Y"))))}
For some reason, it gives me the number 115 as the result for every cell where a year has been specified. Any idea why? I can't seem to find an answer on this anywhere on the internets.
Thanks for your help!
You are mixing apples and oranges here, so to speak.
Internally, Google Sheets sees all full dates as a number of days from an origin point of December 31, 1899. As such, the year 2015 on its own, in a comparison with a full date will be seen as two-thousand-fifteen days since December 31, 1899 (or July 7, 1905 — which was 115 some-odd years ago, as would be the case with any relatively recent year, because they'll all be interpreted in their raw form by Sheets as a cluster of days from late June to early July of 1905).
Instead, you want to compare the years only, which will mean extracting the year from TODAY(), since A2:A are already year-only numbers:
={"Vehicle Age";arrayformula(if(A2:A="",,year(TODAY())-A2:A))}
However, since any year's car models are actually released the year before, you may want to add a year to your formula:
={"Vehicle Age";arrayformula(if(A2:A="",,year((TODAY())-A2:A)+1))}
Of course, you could also have turned your A2:A years into real dates (e.g., January 1 of each year listed) and then used datedif as well:
={"Vehicle Age";arrayformula(if(A2:A="",,datedif(DATE(A2:A,1,1),today(),"Y")))}
... or with that extra year added ...
={"Vehicle Age";arrayformula(if(A2:A="",,datedif(DATE(A2:A,1,1),today(),"Y")+1))}
={"Vehicle Age";arrayformula(if(A2:A="",,datedif(DATE(A2:A,1,1),today(),"Y")))}
Not working

Match date in two cells with conditional formatting, +/- 3 days.. Google sheets

I am making a deadline sheet for office.
I have made a conditional format that compares the dates with our "office are closed"-dates provided by our HR-department. If the delivery date match any of the "office closed"-dates in the next column it will be coloured red.
This works fine, but I just noticed one thing. If the date where 1 day before the holidays, and the holidays would be many days a row starting next day, we wouldn't see that and we would probably get big trouble manage Finnish these masters before deadline as we are not at office for a few days.
So, I thought, maybe I could add to the script something that says: "compare the dates in this column with the dates in "Office Closed"-column, if there is a match within a range of 5 days, color it red...?
Is this something I can do?
here is a screenshot of the sheet.
This is the code I use in Conditional Formatting now:
=COUNTIF($L$4:$L$25,H6)>0 which works fine.
Thanks for any help!
Use following formula in CF:

SUM gives me a date instead of a number in Google Sheets

I am writing a few simple formulas for Google Sheets and I've been stuck on this for a little while now. I am trying to get a quick overlook of how many people got added to a sheet in the past week, counting from Saturday, but unfortunately, it's not working.
I have this piece of code to set the date since last Saturday.
This works just fine. The output gives the date as 3/7/2020.
I then have a different row which checks if the recruitment date, which is stated somewhere differently, is bigger or equal to past Saturday. It checks it like this:
=IF(I2>=K2, "1", "0")
This gives an output of either 1 or 0 (1 if it was on Saturday or after Saturday, 0 if not).
Then I went to the main page, where I want to put the SUM. I put the following code:
=SUM('Control Center'!J2:J)
It should just add the 1's that are said earlier, but instead, it gives me the following date: 12/30/1899.
Does anybody know what went wrong? If you need any clarification, feel free to ask.
go to 123 menu and select Automatic or Number:
Take the quotation marks off the 1 and 0 so:
=IF(I2>=K2, 1, 0)

Getting data from a google sheet for the previous XX days

I'm logging calls, emails and meetings using Google sheets. I am trying to get a chart of results based on a number of days in the past, 7, 30, last month, current month, etc. I am able to do exactly what I need to do using a fixed date but I can't figure out how to convert that to a date range.
Here is what is working:
={ARRAYFORMULA({UNIQUE(FILTER(CRM!M2:M2510,CRM!N2:N2510>=VALUE("2018-06-01 00:00:00"),CRM!N2:N2510<=VALUE("2018-08-01 23:59:59"),CRM!M2:M2510<>"")),ARRAYFORMULA(COUNTIF(FILTER(CRM!M2:M2510,CRM!N2:N2510>=VALUE("2018-06-01 00:00:00"),CRM!N2:N2510<=VALUE("2018-08-01 23:59:59")),SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(UNIQUE(FILTER(CRM!M2:M2510,CRM!N2:N2510>=VALUE("2018-06-01 00:00:00"),CRM!N2:N2510<=VALUE("2018-08-01 23:59:59"),CRM!M2:M2510<>"")),"*","~*"),"?","~?")))})}
I need to change the value from a fixed date to a number of days in the past. What do I need to change in this formula? I tried using TODAY() -7 but I keep getting an error saying that I am missing brackets. When I use (TODAY()-7) I just get an #ERROR.
How can I change the VALUE("fixed date") to VALUE(TODAY -7)?
If your data looks like "2018-06-01 00:00:00".
Then use this conditions for filter to filter the last 7 days:
