Highlight cell if value is different from the preceding cell - google-sheets

I'm have a number of columns (A / B / A / B / A / B etc) and I want the cells from column A to highlight if they are different from the cell in the preceding column A in the same row. And the same for columns B.
If the cell in the preceding column is empty, I don't want the cell to get highlighted.
This is what I want to achieve
I tried this in Google Sheets (range F4:M22) and then Custom Formula, which comes somewhat close, but not quite:
If feel like there should be a simple solution, but I've been going around in circles. Any help much appreciated.

Select all columns except the first and second one. Create a conditionnal formating with


SUMIF sum value in next column over

I'm trying to make use of the SUMIF function in Google sheets to sum up points if a cell below it is set to "Excused" However, the condition cell (what will be "Excused") and the points cell, are not in the same column.
The basic SUMIF formula I'm starting with is below
I've tried to illustrate this below. Using ranges that go horizontally across the sheet in rows 9 and 12. If the red cell is set to "Excused", it should sum the blue cell.
With how the formula is, it tries to sum the cell in row 9 but in the same column as the cell with "Excused" in it. But, for example, if B12 has "Excused" in it, I want it to sum C9.
Hopefully, this makes sense. I've done my best to explain it, please ask for clarification if needed.
=SUM(IFNA(FILTER(C9:CX9; B12:CW12="Excused")))

Google Sheets - Multiply field by field three to the left

My title might not be very specific, so I'm going to try to explain a little better.
The sheet is divided into a name(Column A), containing a certain number of values(Column B), that get added together to a total in Column C. Furthermore, Column D, E and F contains the values I want the Total in Column C multiplied by. These first columns A to F I just fill in manually, but I would like a function to calculate the Columns I've called x, y and z total (G, H and I).
I see a pattern in this, I just can't figure out the syntax to get Sheets to see it aswell.
The pattern I'm invisioning is for each row, I want column G, H and I to take the value 3 fields to their left, and multiply it by Column C, at their row number.
Is this somehow achievable? I tried finding a solution online but I guess I don't know how to word myself.
Here's a picture to maybe make everything a little clearer
This would save me alot of time, given that I have over a hundred different rows this calculation needs to be performed on...
If something is not clear, please feel free to write a comment. I'll be following this thread quite liberally.
Thanks in advance!
You can have this formula on the first xTotal:
cell G2: =ARRAYFORMULA(if(len(C2:C),C2:C*D2:D,))
cell G2: =ARRAYFORMULA(if(len(C2:C),C2:C*E2:E,))
cell G2: =ARRAYFORMULA(if(len(C2:C),C2:C*F2:F,))
I created a sheet with the same results you had before, but this time you don't need vertical columns, just say in the # of Values column how many numbers you should have below. You just need to input the values with the grey columns.
Note: This is assuming you will always have growing vertical numbers like 1,2,3,4,5. In the new sheet you just need to set 5 in the column and it will calculate the result.
Please make a copy of this sheet and edit as you wish.
You can use a single, simpler formula for this in cell G2

How to use ARRAYFORMULA with OFFSET to previous row without getting circular reference error

Example sheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/14ma-y3esh1S_EkzHpFBvLb0GzDZZiDsSVXFktH3Rr_E/edit?usp=sharing
In column B of ItemData sheet, I have achieved the result I want by copying the formula into every cell in the column, but I want to solve this using ArrayFormula instead.
In column C I have achieved the same result using ArrayFormula. However, for addition, column C is referring to cells in column B, while column B is referring to cells in column B. I.e. every cell in column B is adding 1 to the cell on the row above.
If I select the C3 formula text and paste it into the cell edit field for cell B3 (to not screw up cell references during copy - I know I could make them static references, but this is not my problem), the cell gets an error value of
Circular dependency detected. To resolve with iterative calculation, see File > Spreadsheet Settings.
Do note that the additions that need to be done are the same in both cases: Add 1 to the value of the cell on the previous row, so there is no circular reference involved. There is a starting value provided in B2, and cells in B3 and downwards should use the data from the B cell in the previous row.
Also, note that I did try File->Spreadsheet settings and enabling circular reference computation with max 25 items, but this only fills in the first two cells (B3 and B4).
How can I solve this problem? I would prefer having something like ArrayFormula, where the formula only exists in a single cell. But copy-pasting would be acceptable as long as any new rows, inserted in between or added at the bottom, would get the same formula added in column B.
Will matching items always be consecutive? It seems that way since you're comparing each Item cell to the cell above it right in your formula logic. That breaks an [unwritten?] rule of spreadsheet normalization; values' addresses themselves generally should not be treated as data.
IF you're committed to it though, have you considered explicitly using location as a data source? Example:
Just like your formulas, all that does in English is:
for each row,
if there's no Item, don't output any ItemData,
if the number that belongs in this cell¹ is less than or equal to the lookup, print it,
otherwise, don't output any ItemData
But then what is ¹ "the number that belongs in this cell" and how can we calculate it without using column B? I abuse locations of things to get it. Looking down your row B, each number that appears is just:
this row's number,  minus  
the row where items start [always 3],  minus  
the row number [in just the Item rows] of the first row containing this row's Item
Using the second-to-last ItemC as an example: the first ItemC is the 16th item listing, and the one we're looking up… the "second-to-last ItemC" is in row 21 of the sheet. 21-3-16 = 2 …the number you wanted.
If you can stomach that, it's a single formula and does work according to your specifications.

How to write a formula that would work in different rows?

I'm trying to make a Google spreadsheet where I want the sum of the values in the row to appear in the AH cell of that row.
The row would be populated with letters like L or X and I'm using COUNTIF to give value to the alphabet characters.
For example,
=COUNTIF(C4:AG4,"X")*9 + COUNTIF(C4:AG4,"L")*12
How can I write the range such that it looks at cells C through AG from the same row the formula is in rather than change it for every row?
You don't need to change the formula, if you write that formula in one cell and then you drag the little square at the bottom right of the cell, excel will automatically change the row number
Just copy downwards:
As you see, the row index changed to 5 automatically.

Google Sheet Dynamic Sum

I am using google sheets to make a spread sheet and do some simple math, I figured how to do the summing but the problem is that I have about 180 rows of data and want to avoid, if possible, the need to make a formula for every single pair of data. Here is the simple code that I have:
So I am writing this code in this case in AH4 and is always the same relative placement to the values I want to add. I want the sum of the two numbers one column to the left and the current row and a row under that. Is there any way to make it so that the same formula can be used over and over instead of typing each one out. Maybe some way to make the formula look one column to the left take that number and add it to the cell one column to the left and one row down?
Thanks for any help you can provide.
You can use the ARRAYFORMULA function to apply a formula to multiple rows. It does not like some functions, though, and SUM() is one of them. So we need to use a different method to add the numbers. In this case, we just use AG4 + AG5. To apply the formula to all the rows in the spreadsheet we do a little more. Here is the formula, which would be placed in cell AG3 provided that is where the formula should start adding items.
The IF ISBLANK AG3:AG) causes the formula to be applied to every row from row 3 to the last row in the sheet. ISBLANK will return FALSE on any row we want to work on so we provide nothing to teh TRUE portion of the IF statement. Note that I did not put "" in for the TRUE portion as that actually places a value in the row and can cause problems with other formulas. Since we are placing this in cell AG3 the addition will increment adding the row above to the current row.
EDIT from Comments
Placing this in cell AH2 will get you what you want:
Taking it a step farther, placing this in cell AH1 will label the header row for you and keep the formula out of the data rows. This has the advantage of allowing rows to be inserted above row 2.
=ARRAYFORMULA( IF(ROW(AH1:AH) = 1, "Total", IF( ISBLANK( AG1:AG),, IF(iseven( ROW(AG1:AG)),AG1:AG + AG2:AG,))))
The explanation is similar to above, only minor changes were made.
NOTE: The rest of column AH (below the formula) should not have any other manually entered data, so you will have to delete your formulas.
