How does Apache Poi set Workbook to make its cells not convert string such as “_x1128_” to Unicode - character-encoding

if i just write string "_x1128" in a SXSSFCell,and then write it to a excel, it will change to "ᄨ",how to solve this problem?


How can i parse blob into table with NVARCHAR2 columns

Im using APEX21.2, and i want to parse a BLOB, which is the content of a .csv file (with separator type ';') containing Japanese characters) into an import table with NVARCHA2 columns, so that he knows the Japanese character.
Here is the content of my csv file
列 01;;;;列 05;列 06;;;;;;;;;;ぜんすう;
Column 01;Column 02;Column 03;Column 04;Column 05;Column 06;TOTAL;;;;;;;;;;
;123 A;T12345678;AZERT;QWERTY;;7000;;;;;;;;;;
NB: I already tried with the APEX_DATA_PARSER package, but it does not support strings of type NVARCHAR2
Thank you for help.

How to take in a string or int when Parsing Excel File Cell with NPOI F#

I am trying to parse an excel file using F#. I am adding a value to a record and the value is float. However in the file that I am parsing I will occasionally get a "#" and I am unable to read in the "#" and it breaks my code.
Pretend that this is a cell that is being called row by row using a Seq.unfold:
Cell Value
The code used to call it is as followed
The code works until it hits a #.
I want to change how to file is saved having 'NaN' value instead of the '#'. How would I write an if statement that would add this but also allow me to keep a double record value?

importxml converting string to int

After many hours I finally figured out how to import data from <span>...
Yet right now I've hit next wall and I can't figure out what can help me in this situation.
After using:
As result, we have 79,00 PLN, yet that is String and I can't figure out how to convert it to INT
For making everything easier cell where I'm importing data I will mark as #XML =Value('#XML')
don't work, same implemented formatting.
I also tried to export the result to another cell and format another cell but that didn't work either.
=LEFT(#XML,LEN(#XML)-3) leave me with 79,00 but still I can't convert it to Int.
And I'm quite stuck right now.
You can use the function split like this: split(str, separator, 0) and take the first item of the resulting array with
All together:
=index(split(split(IMPORTXML("","//span[#id='our_price_display']")," "),","),0,1)
The formula above truncates the string at the ",". If you want to actually convert to integer, use int() after replacing the comma with a ".":
=int(value(substitute(split(IMPORTXML("","//span[#id='our_price_display']")," "),",",".")))

Replace text after importData function

I am using importData function in Google Spreadsheet to import an external csv file. It works, but I want to replace some text in the table.
If am not wrong for replacing text there is a function:
SUBSTITUTE("search for it","search for","Google")
The problem: when I am trying to use SUBSTITUTE I get error:
Array result was not expanded because it would overwrite data in A3
Is there any way to import csv and replace text in the document?
You can use arrayformula and substitute along with importdata to replace or remove data. For example, I used this to replace '=" and double quotes with blanks:
=arrayformula(substitute(SUBSTITUTE( IMPORTDATA("") ,char(61) , "" ),char(34),""))

Excel formatting my dates when I don't want it to?

I'm using excel interop to build reports. I have the string "April 8, 2013" as a string and I'm assigning it to a cell as such (where oSheet is an Excel._Worksheet and it's VB.Net):
oSheet.Cells(5, 2) = dateStr;
Nothing is modifying the NumberFormat or any other properties for that particular cell but what is being displayed when I open the output xlsx file is "8-Apr-13".
How can I force excel to just display the string without any additional formatting that might change the text?
To force Excel to treat a date, or any non-textual data, as text, and thus not changing it's format automatically, you can use either of the following two methods:
Precede the date with a single quote, e.g. '08/01/2013
Set the NumberFormat of the range to Text with range.NumberFormat = "#";
