Hybris how to create another storefront with its own urls - ant

I have created a new hybris project with its own b2c electronics storefront with its own mappings:
Now I want to create another storefront and attach it to this project (I want to share the database between the sites) with its own URLs and also I want a new initialdata extension for this storefront
How can I achieve this with ant commands?

In your server, you only have one DB configured.
If you want a new storefront, you have to create a new website in the backoffice or with Impex.
If you want a custom project associated (with the initialdata directory), you have to run an ant command
ant modulegen
And select the type of storefront you want (for example, b2caccelerator) and the name of the project (mystore)
Then you set your URL
In your website configuration, in the backoffice, you have to configure the URL Pattern to match the URL configured before.


Angular2 sub directory of umbraco

I have an umbraco application. I want to integrate angular2 sub directory as a part of umbraco application. If some one type UmbracoURL/Inventory, I want to show angular2 Inventory application. Can any one provide me a solution please...?
Is the Angular2 app a single page app? In that case you can integrate it as part of the Umbraco application.
You'll need to create a template in Umbraco with you Angular2 application, perhaps introduce a new documenttype called Inventory? Then create a new node called Inventory at root level in the Content tree, set the template to new Inventory template. And you should be able to access the angular2 app through the /inventory url.
If you want to use the content of a physical directory in Umbraco, you'll probably have to change the Umbraco/MVC routing

having multiple mvc projects under same url

I was wondering if it's possible to create an mvc project with layers inside or even multiple projects using the same web address.
Like if I have a website called mysite.com which have a website project doing sine stuff.
But then I have a webproject which I'm doing some experimentational code on which I whould like to find via the url "mysite.com/test". This whold be a dufferent mvc project. Is that even possible?
It is possible, what you actually need to is create a new project and define it inside a virtual directory.
MVC is based on global.asax and web.config configurations and you can't have 2 separate projects inside the same application. In the scenario you described, it sounds like you need to create a "Virtual Directory" in IIS for the second application instead of making just a "Sub Folder".
The Virtual Directory will allow you to declare a new web.config and global.asax where you set the new routings and configurations method for your second application and this will also give you the freedom for independent updates without affecting your main project.
For a full walkthrough on how you can perform this please refer to this site:

Sub application in Umbraco

Currently I have a website built with Umbraco 4.9.
What are the options to have a sub application (pure MVC 4 preferably) running under Umbraco infrastructure?
The idea is to have a custom app with custom database and custom logic. The only integration points would be:
common user base (authentication)
access to Umbraco's dictionaries from custom app
share same session, that is if user is navigating through pages in
custom app his session should not expire for website
have custom app
under same domain (www.mysite.com for website and www.mysite.com/app
for app)
Thanks in advance
I'm not too familiar with v4.0.9, but I imagine its somewhat similar to 4.7. If that's the case, you should be fine to place your sub application inside the folder structure of your existing umrbaco instance. In IIS, you will need to convert the subfolder into an application. Within the web.config of your umbraco instance, you will need to add the path to your sub app in the umbracoReservedPaths app setting.
I'm not sure how session would here. I believe the asp.net membership should work fine. By adding references to the Umbraco dll's in your mvc project you should be able to access the Umbraco dictionaries fine.

Using Application Pages for List Forms

I'd like to use an application page that I created in the _layouts folder as the new document form for a document library in SharePoint.
When I attempt to do this in SharePoint Designer, I have to browse to the file but it doesn't let me browse to the _layouts folder.
This functionality will be list specific so is there a way to make this connection on a per-list basis? My only idea right now is to use a redirect page.

integrating YAF.NET in my MVC3 Razor Solution

I would like to know if there is a way to integrate YAF.NET to my MVC3 Application?
I dont want YAF to be inside my page like using my masterpage or stuff like that, I just want it to be in a subfolder like /forum and if a user clicks the "forum" link he will be redirected to the forum.
In the future I also would like to use a login system for my page, so I have to think about membership provider. I know that there is a way to make YAF use your basic asp.net membership provider but will yaf work with mvc 3 in that way? Since yaf isn't a .NET 4 application I wonder how I could migrate the membership provider?
If there isn't a solution for the membership stuff, I should be able to just link from my page to YAF?
My solution ->
1)I added a subdomain and config both of mine domains to use an A-Record which points to the Server where IIS is running.
2)I added 2 Websites. The first one is my Main Website with my MVC3 Application and the second one is the YAF.NET Forum.
3) I edited the binding settings of both of the websites (IIS Manager -> Sites -> yoursite -> Binding) and removed the IP binding insteed i added a HTTP header. For mainsite = mydomain.com and for the forum forum.mydomain.com
For the first part, you can just install YAF in a virtual directory on your website like www.mywebsite.com/forums/ and let it run standalone there.
Create a new Virtual Directory in the folder you like. (/forums)
Set permissions, .NET settings etc accordingly and install YAF there.
For the second, what you could do is use from your MVC app, directly read YAF's database of users (wherever it is) and use it to authenticate your users.
The Latest build of YAF is on ASP.net 3.5, you could try getting the source and building it for .NET4, although this would not be necessary since you said you don't want to mash your app with it but run it side-by-side and have them interop. (There also is some UserControl feature for CMS's you might want to check that out)
On the features page it says YAF supports asp.net memberships and roles, so you shouldn't have a problem there either.
