Microsoft Graph API remove Check List Item - microsoft-graph-api

I have a plannerTask and in its Details it has a CheckList. I use it to programatically insert CheckListItems in it, and it all works like a charm when inserting or retrieving the tasks.
My problem arrives when I am going to insert a new CheckListItem and the CheckList already has 20 items. It returns a MaximumChecklistItemsOnTask (because it is forbidden to insert more than 20 items in a check list).
Solution could be to remove the oldest item, but I am not able to do it. I have tried this:
var elementToRemove = oldDetails.Checklist.Where(c => c.Value.IsChecked).OrderBy(c => c.Value.LastModifiedDateTime).First();
oldDetails.Checklist = oldDetails.Checklist.Where(c => c.Value.LastModifiedDateTime <> elementToRemove.Value.LastModifiedDateTime);
But it throws a casting error in the second line:
Unable to cast object of type
to type 'Microsoft.Graph.PlannerChecklistItems'.
Which is the right way to remove the oldest element from the ChecklistItem?
In first place I retrieve a plannerTask from the server. Then I get the details from this plannerTask. So oldDetails is a plannertaskdetails object ( Inside the plannertaskdetails object (oldDetails), I have the plannerchecklistitems object (oldDetails.Checklist):
If plannerchecklistitems were just a List, it would be as easy as list.Remove(item), but it is not a normal list, and that is why I am not able to remove the item.
I have found this way to remove the item from oldDetails:
But, the the way I send the changes to the server is this:
await graphClient.Planner.Tasks(plannerTask.Id).Details.Request().Header("If-Match", oldDetails.GetEtag).UpdateAsync(newDetails)
As it is a PATCH request (not a PUT one), I only have in newDetails the records that have changed, it is, the new records. How could I specify there that a record has been deleted from the list? Sorry if my English is not good enough to express myself properly, but what I mean is that newDetails is not the full list, it only contains the records that must be added and I do not know how to specify in that request that one record must be deleted.


Dexie eachUniqueKey and Where Clause

I'm developing an application in Quasar/Electron and using Dexie/IndexedDB for my database. I want to find all distinct records in the database that contain both my Event ID and a Dog ID (both key indexed fields). I am able to do this with the following code:
await myDB.runTable
.eachUniqueKey((theDuo) => {
this.runsArray.push({eventID: theDuo[0], dogID: theDuo[1]})
I'm using a combined key which is working well. However, I need to have more of the records than just the keys. I need a few more fields, is this possible?
I was trying to get records with the unique key function while also using the where function, but that doesn't seem to work.
I need to get all the unique (distinct?) dogs in the table that are in a particular event. And also get their corresponding information. I'm not sure if there is a better, more efficient way to do this? I can always pull out all the records and loop through them to build a custom array, I was just hoping to do this at the table read level. (yeah I'm still in tables/records even though these are collections etc. :p ).
Even the above code gives me all the events, and I can pull out what I need with a filter. I just was thinking it would be faster and more efficient to do it at the read level.
this.enteredRuns = this.runsArray.filter((theEvent) => {
return ( (theEvent.eventID == this.currentEventID) )
await myDB.runTable
.clone({unique: "unique"})
I know this isn't documented but it should do the work to use unique cursor while still extracting the whole objects and not just the keys. You cannot combine with where but you could use .filter. Just be aware that not all records with be scanned as it will jump over records with same keys - selecting the first visited records only.

Looping through list of objects created by createEntry() and editing their properties before doing submitChange()

Good afternoon fellow developers,
I have come across a scenario where I found myself needing to retrieve the list of pending changes from my model and editing a specific property of those entries before sending them to my back-end.
These are new entities I created using the createEntry() method of the OData model v2. But, at the time of creation of said entities, I do not possess the value I need to add to them yet. This is the list of entities I retrieve by using the getPendingChanges() method on my model:
What I need to do is to loop through each of these newly created entities and set a specific property into them before actually sending them to my back-end with the submitChanges() method. Bare in mind that these are entry objects created by the createEntry() method and exist only in my front-end until I am able to submit them with success.
Any ideas that might point me in the right direction? I look forward to reading from you!
I was able to solve this issue in the following way:
var oPendingChanges = this.model.getPendingChanges();
var aPathsPendingChanges = $.map(oPendingChanges, function(value, index) { return [index];});
aPathsPendingChanges.forEach(sPath => oModel.setProperty("/" + sPath + "/PropertyX","valueFGO"));
The first two instructions retrieve the entire list of pendingChanges objects and then builds an array of paths to each individual entry. I then use that array of paths to loop through my list of pending changes and edit into the property I want in each iteration of the loop. Special thanks to the folks at for the guidance!

About saving data into grails databse

This my project code I want to save my data into database.
def save(){
List<Employee> list = Employee.findAllById(session.getAttribute("empId"))
Milestone milestone = new Milestone()
EmployeeMilestone employeeMilestone=new EmployeeMilestone()
Employee employee = list.get(0)
I am getting this error
Error 500: Internal Server Error URI /ProjectTrackerMain/milestone/save Class java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException Message Index: 0, Size: 0
You didn't actually ask a question, so this may be a bit vague!
An IndexOutOfBoundsException happens when you try to access something from a collection in a location where there is no "something". For example, maybe you asked for the tenth element in a list, but there are only two. In your case, you're asking for the zeroth (in plain English, "First") element on this line of code:
Employee employee = list.get(0)
and presumably the list is empty. Your error message says "Size: 0". You can't get the first element from a list that has zero elements in it, so that's an index out of bounds exception.
Why is your list 0? That's a different question. You might try printing out
to see if your employee ID is what you expected. You might also look at the data in your database to see if you actually managed to save an employee! One way or another, you're not getting the data you expected, and then you're trying to use it.
In general, using a debugger to look at your elements, or just using "println" along the way to look at values is helpful in debugging problems like this. That way, you'll find out on line 1 that your list of Employees is not what you expected, instead of several lines later when you try to use it!

When I try to save data to Firebase it only updates the existing data, Swift, Firebase

The way I set up my database structure was like this:
It starts with Lists then there is a child that shows the users UID then inside that there is one item.
The one item inside the UID gets updated every time I attempt to save new data. Instead of adding another item the same one just keeps changing. I was wondering how I could instead of update the same one item every time add more items.
The way that I save my data is with this line of code.
let user = FIRAuth.auth()?.currentUser
let item: String = self.ItemTextField.text!
self.ref.child("Lists").child(user!.uid).setValue(["Items": item])
More idiomatic is to store the list of items with so-called push ids:
-Km....: "Yoghurt"
You'd do this with:
The childByAutoId() generates a unique, sequential ID. It's similar to an array index, but this one works reliably in multi-user environments and when users can be offline. Read this blog post about these so-called push ids.
Alternatively you can use the name of the item as the key (if the item has to be unique in the list):
"Yoghurt": true
In that case the code becomes:
One thing you'll note is that both of these approaches only deal with the newly added item, instead of the list of items as a whole. This is a general pattern you'll see when using Firebase. By isolating your modifications, your app will be more scalable without users getting into each other's way.
The problem is that you are setting a key-value pair ("Items" : item) so that each time it is updating the value for the same key. What you could do instead is ("Items" : [your array of items here]), which will update a list of items for the same key each time.
You could also fetch the current list of items, append your new item locally, and then update.

Adding values to custom (DataExt) fields when adding line items to existing quickbooks Estimates

I'm trying to find the best way to add a value to a DataExt field when adding a line item to an existing Quickbooks transaction (in this particular case an Estimate). I can add a value for a DataExt field when adding line items to a NEW Estimate since the IEstimateLineAdd object includes IDataListExt. However, IEstimateLineMod does not appear to include IDataExtList. There also does not appear to be support for defMacro/useMacro either. I would like to avoid having to go back and dig out the line items (using some combination of their data values) from the Response data, get the TxnLineIDs for each one and then use DataExMod to add the custom data field after the fact.
However, IEstimateLineMod does not appear to include IDataExtList.
There also does not appear to be support for defMacro/useMacro either.
Also correct.
I would like to avoid having to go back and dig out the line items (using some combination of their data values) from the Response data, get the TxnLineIDs for each one and then use DataExMod to add the custom data field after the fact.
That is exactly what you need to do.
