I have an an app, where I get all the frames from camera using AVFoundation, and process using the code below. I was wondering if there is a way to make this part multi threaded, so it can run faster. Maybe putting each frame in a queue in one thread, another thread to process the queue, and one queue to show the output of each frame as the output? I don't know if this can be done, but this is because the processing of each frame might take more time to process, and the image freeze in the output as a result.
This is the code for CaptureManager class:
class CaptureManager: NSObject {
internal static let shared = CaptureManager()
weak var delegate: CaptureManagerDelegate?
var session: AVCaptureSession?
var isBackCamera = true
override init() {
session = AVCaptureSession()
session?.sessionPreset = .high
//setup input
var device = AVCaptureDevice.default(.builtInWideAngleCamera, for: .video, position: .back)
let defaults = UserDefaults.standard
if let stringOne = defaults.string(forKey: defaultsKeys.rememberCamera) {
if(stringOne != "back"){
device = AVCaptureDevice.default(.builtInWideAngleCamera, for: .video, position: .front)
defaults.set("back", forKey: defaultsKeys.rememberCamera)
if(device != nil){
device?.set(frameRate: 30)
let input = try! AVCaptureDeviceInput(device: device!)
//setup output
let output = AVCaptureVideoDataOutput()
output.alwaysDiscardsLateVideoFrames = true
output.videoSettings = [kCVPixelBufferPixelFormatTypeKey as AnyHashable as! String: kCVPixelFormatType_32BGRA]
output.setSampleBufferDelegate(self, queue: DispatchQueue.main)
print("no camera")
func startSession() {
func stopSession() {
func switchCamera(){
//Remove existing input
guard let currentCameraInput: AVCaptureInput = session?.inputs.first else {
//Indicate that some changes will be made to the session
let defaults = UserDefaults.standard
if let stringOne = defaults.string(forKey: defaultsKeys.rememberCamera) {
if(stringOne == "back"){
defaults.set("front", forKey: defaultsKeys.rememberCamera)
defaults.set("back", forKey: defaultsKeys.rememberCamera)
//Get new input
var newCamera: AVCaptureDevice! = nil
if let input = currentCameraInput as? AVCaptureDeviceInput {
if (input.device.position == .back) {
newCamera = cameraWithPosition(position: .front)
} else {
newCamera = cameraWithPosition(position: .back)
newCamera.set(frameRate: 30)
//Add input to session
var err: NSError?
var newVideoInput: AVCaptureDeviceInput!
do {
newVideoInput = try AVCaptureDeviceInput(device: newCamera)
} catch let err1 as NSError {
err = err1
newVideoInput = nil
if newVideoInput == nil || err != nil {
print("Error creating capture device input: \(err?.localizedDescription)")
} else {
//Commit all the configuration changes at once
func cameraWithPosition(position: AVCaptureDevice.Position) -> AVCaptureDevice? {
let discoverySession = AVCaptureDevice.DiscoverySession(deviceTypes: [.builtInWideAngleCamera], mediaType: AVMediaType.video, position: .unspecified)
for device in discoverySession.devices {
if device.position == position {
return device
return nil
func getImageFromSampleBuffer(sampleBuffer: CMSampleBuffer) ->UIImage? {
guard let pixelBuffer = CMSampleBufferGetImageBuffer(sampleBuffer) else {
return nil
CVPixelBufferLockBaseAddress(pixelBuffer, .readOnly)
let baseAddress = CVPixelBufferGetBaseAddress(pixelBuffer)
let width = CVPixelBufferGetWidth(pixelBuffer)
let height = CVPixelBufferGetHeight(pixelBuffer)
let bytesPerRow = CVPixelBufferGetBytesPerRow(pixelBuffer)
let colorSpace = CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB()
let bitmapInfo = CGBitmapInfo(rawValue: CGImageAlphaInfo.premultipliedFirst.rawValue | CGBitmapInfo.byteOrder32Little.rawValue)
guard let context = CGContext(data: baseAddress, width: width, height: height, bitsPerComponent: 8, bytesPerRow: bytesPerRow, space: colorSpace, bitmapInfo: bitmapInfo.rawValue) else {
return nil
guard let cgImage = context.makeImage() else {
return nil
var image: UIImage
let defaults = UserDefaults.standard
if let stringOne = defaults.string(forKey: defaultsKeys.rememberCamera) {
if(stringOne == "back"){
image = UIImage(cgImage: cgImage, scale: 1, orientation:.right)
image = UIImage(cgImage: cgImage, scale: 1, orientation:.leftMirrored)
image = UIImage(cgImage: cgImage, scale: 1, orientation:.right)
CVPixelBufferUnlockBaseAddress(pixelBuffer, .readOnly)
return image
This is the extention to process the each frame:
extension CaptureManager: AVCaptureVideoDataOutputSampleBufferDelegate {
func captureOutput(_ output: AVCaptureOutput, didOutput sampleBuffer: CMSampleBuffer, from connection: AVCaptureConnection) {
guard let outputImage = getImageFromSampleBuffer(sampleBuffer: sampleBuffer) else {
delegate?.processCapturedImage(image: outputImage)
Process function:
extension ViewController: CaptureManagerDelegate {
func processCapturedImage(image: UIImage) {
self.imageView.image = ...
//process image
And this is how its called in the ViewController:
I fear that your question has more queue mentioned than in code samples.. but you don't need to fear anymore, we got this!
Before we modify any code, let's agree on this; camera itself deserves to have its own thread. Not on DispatchQueue.main, never.
Let's create a queue for our camera, something like;
var ourCameraQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "our-camera-queue-label")
Then use this queue over all the code you shared and wrap all the code inside each function in this;
func oneOfTheFuncs() {
ourCameraQueue.async {
and this should make things tiny bit faster.
One note is that you might want to initialize (or better inject but we will come that later, maybe..) ourCameraQueue as a first thing in init method. After initialization, make sure to wrap all remaining code in init method into ourCameraQueue.async {} as well.
Also skip the ViewController on wrapping and then read about code injection, that will help you on the future of your journey on this implementation.
I want to save image at a high frame rate.
IO is expensive, not 240fps exactly.But maybe more than 120fps.
What I'm I do is set captureDivece in viewDidLoad,
and log timestamp in captureOutput and view the rate.
But I notice that captureOutput is always 30fps.
Could you please tell me which I get wrong?
Thanks for your time and answer!
Here is my code and result:
// ViewController.swift
// CustomCamera
// Created by chunibyo on 2021/3/8.
import UIKit
import AVFoundation
import Vision
import VideoToolbox
class ViewController: UIViewController, AVCaptureVideoDataOutputSampleBufferDelegate {
#IBOutlet weak var captureButton: UIButton!
let sessionQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "Session Queue")
var status = false
private var MyCaptureDevice: AVCaptureDevice?
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Do any additional setup after loading the view.
captureButton.layer.cornerRadius = captureButton.frame.width / 2
captureButton.layer.masksToBounds = true
captureButton.layer.zPosition = 10
guard let captureDevice = AVCaptureDevice.default(.builtInDualCamera, for: .video, position: .back) else {return}
guard let input = try? AVCaptureDeviceInput(device: captureDevice) else {return}
// 1
for vFormat in captureDevice.formats {
// 2
let ranges = vFormat.videoSupportedFrameRateRanges as [AVFrameRateRange]
let frameRates = ranges[0]
// 3
if frameRates.maxFrameRate == 240 {
// 4
try? captureDevice.lockForConfiguration()
captureDevice.activeFormat = vFormat as AVCaptureDevice.Format
captureDevice.activeVideoMinFrameDuration = CMTimeMake(value: 1, timescale: Int32(240))
captureDevice.activeVideoMaxFrameDuration = CMTimeMake(value: 1, timescale: Int32(240))
captureDevice.videoZoomFactor = captureDevice.minAvailableVideoZoomFactor
let captureSession = AVCaptureSession();
// captureSession.sessionPreset = .photo
let previewLayer = AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer(session: captureSession)
previewLayer.frame = view.frame
let dataOutput = AVCaptureVideoDataOutput()
dataOutput.setSampleBufferDelegate(self, queue: DispatchQueue(label: "videoQueue"))
dataOutput.alwaysDiscardsLateVideoFrames = true;
MyCaptureDevice = captureDevice
func captureOutput(_ output: AVCaptureOutput, didOutput sampleBuffer: CMSampleBuffer, from connection: AVCaptureConnection) {
// if !status { return }
// guard let pixelBuffer: CVPixelBuffer = CMSampleBufferGetImageBuffer(sampleBuffer) else { return }
// guard let uiImage = UIImage(pixelBuffer: pixelBuffer) else { return }
// sessionQueue.async {
// guard let captureDevice = self.MyCaptureDevice else { return }
// if captureDevice.videoZoomFactor >= (captureDevice.maxAvailableVideoZoomFactor - 0.2) { return }
// UIImageWriteToSavedPhotosAlbum(uiImage, nil, nil, nil)
// try? captureDevice.lockForConfiguration()
// captureDevice.videoZoomFactor += 0.1
// captureDevice.unlockForConfiguration()
// }
#IBAction func captureControl(_ sender: UIButton) {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
if self.status {
self.captureButton.backgroundColor = .white
self.status = !self.status
else {
self.captureButton.backgroundColor = .red
self.status = !self.status
extension UIImage {
public convenience init?(pixelBuffer: CVPixelBuffer) {
var cgImage: CGImage?
VTCreateCGImageFromCVPixelBuffer(pixelBuffer, options: nil, imageOut: &cgImage)
guard let _cgImage = cgImage else { return nil }
self.init(cgImage: _cgImage)
console log (stackoverflow not allow me to post image, sorry)
captureOutput only logs is 240fps.
captureOutput with take photos to album is about 70~100fps.
This code can get 240fps logs.
// ViewController.swift
// CustomCamera
// Created by chunibyo on 2021/3/8.
import UIKit
import AVFoundation
import Vision
import VideoToolbox
class ViewController: UIViewController, AVCaptureVideoDataOutputSampleBufferDelegate {
#IBOutlet weak var captureButton: UIButton!
let sessionQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "Session Queue")
var status = false
var zoomStatus = 1
private var MyCaptureDevice: AVCaptureDevice?
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Do any additional setup after loading the view.
captureButton.layer.cornerRadius = captureButton.frame.width / 2
captureButton.layer.masksToBounds = true
captureButton.layer.zPosition = 10
guard let captureDevice = AVCaptureDevice.default(for: AVMediaType.video) else {return}
guard let input = try? AVCaptureDeviceInput(device: captureDevice) else {return}
let captureSession = AVCaptureSession();
// captureSession.sessionPreset = .photo
// 1
for vFormat in captureDevice.formats {
// 2
let ranges = vFormat.videoSupportedFrameRateRanges as [AVFrameRateRange]
let frameRates = ranges[0]
// 3
if frameRates.maxFrameRate == 240 {
// 4
try? captureDevice.lockForConfiguration()
captureDevice.activeFormat = vFormat as AVCaptureDevice.Format
captureDevice.activeVideoMinFrameDuration = CMTimeMake(value: 1, timescale: Int32(240))
captureDevice.activeVideoMaxFrameDuration = CMTimeMake(value: 1, timescale: Int32(240))
captureDevice.videoZoomFactor = captureDevice.minAvailableVideoZoomFactor
let previewLayer = AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer(session: captureSession)
previewLayer.frame = view.frame
let dataOutput = AVCaptureVideoDataOutput()
dataOutput.setSampleBufferDelegate(self, queue: DispatchQueue(label: "videoQueue"))
dataOutput.alwaysDiscardsLateVideoFrames = true;
MyCaptureDevice = captureDevice
func captureOutput(_ output: AVCaptureOutput, didOutput sampleBuffer: CMSampleBuffer, from connection: AVCaptureConnection) {
// if !status { return }
// guard let pixelBuffer: CVPixelBuffer = CMSampleBufferGetImageBuffer(sampleBuffer) else { return }
// guard let uiImage = UIImage(pixelBuffer: pixelBuffer) else { return }
// UIImageWriteToSavedPhotosAlbum(uiImage, nil, nil, nil)
// guard let captureDevice = self.MyCaptureDevice else { return }
// if self.zoomStatus == 1 && captureDevice.videoZoomFactor >= CGFloat(Int32(captureDevice.maxAvailableVideoZoomFactor * 0.6)) { self.zoomStatus = -1
// }
// else if self.zoomStatus == -1 && captureDevice.videoZoomFactor <= (captureDevice.minAvailableVideoZoomFactor + 1.0) {
// self.zoomStatus = 1
// }
// UIImageWriteToSavedPhotosAlbum(uiImage, nil, nil, nil)
// try? captureDevice.lockForConfiguration()
// captureDevice.videoZoomFactor += (0.1 * CGFloat(self.zoomStatus))
// captureDevice.unlockForConfiguration()
#IBAction func captureControl(_ sender: UIButton) {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
if self.status {
self.captureButton.backgroundColor = .white
self.status = !self.status
else {
self.captureButton.backgroundColor = .red
self.status = !self.status
extension UIImage {
public convenience init?(pixelBuffer: CVPixelBuffer) {
var cgImage: CGImage?
VTCreateCGImageFromCVPixelBuffer(pixelBuffer, options: nil, imageOut: &cgImage)
guard let _cgImage = cgImage else { return nil }
self.init(cgImage: _cgImage)
I want to create an application on IOS that can record and save RGB+Depth data. I have been able to capture both data from the dual-camera and preview on the screen in real-time. Now I want to save it as two sequences in the library (one RGB sequence and one depth map sequence).
So my question is how can I save this depth information on the iPhone gallery as a video or sequence, saving at the same time the RGB info, for future deep processing?
I am working with Xcode 10.2, Swift 5 and an iPhone XS.
import UIKit
import AVFoundation
class ViewController: UIViewController {
#IBOutlet weak var previewView: UIImageView!
#IBOutlet weak var previewModeControl: UISegmentedControl!
var previewMode = PreviewMode.original //Original(RGB) or Depth
let session = AVCaptureSession()
let dataOutputQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "video data queue", qos: .userInitiated, attributes: [], autoreleaseFrequency: .workItem)
var background: CIImage?
var depthMap: CIImage?
var scale: CGFloat = 0.0
override func viewDidLoad() {
previewMode = PreviewMode(rawValue: previewModeControl.selectedSegmentIndex) ?? .original
override var shouldAutorotate: Bool {
return false
func configureCaptureSession() {
//Add input to the session
guard let camera = AVCaptureDevice.default(.builtInDualCamera, for: .video, position: .unspecified) else {
fatalError("No depth video camera available")
session.sessionPreset = .photo
let cameraInput = try AVCaptureDeviceInput(device: camera)
if session.canAddInput(cameraInput){
fatalError("Error adding input device to session")
//Add output to the session
let videoOutput = AVCaptureVideoDataOutput()
videoOutput.setSampleBufferDelegate(self, queue: dataOutputQueue)
videoOutput.videoSettings = [kCVPixelBufferPixelFormatTypeKey as String: kCVPixelFormatType_32BGRA]
if session.canAddOutput(videoOutput){
fatalError("Error adding output to session")
let videoConnection = videoOutput.connection(with: .video)
videoConnection?.videoOrientation = .portrait
//Add output to the session DEPTH
let depthOutput = AVCaptureDepthDataOutput()
//Set the current view controller as the delegate for the new object
depthOutput.setDelegate(self, callbackQueue: dataOutputQueue)
depthOutput.isFilteringEnabled = true //take advantge of holesin the data
if session.canAddOutput(depthOutput){
fatalError("Error adding output to session")
let depthConnection = depthOutput.connection(with: .depthData)
depthConnection?.videoOrientation = .portrait
let outputRect = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 1, height: 1)
let videoRect = videoOutput.outputRectConverted(fromMetadataOutputRect: outputRect)
let depthRect = depthOutput.outputRectConverted(fromMetadataOutputRect: outputRect)
scale = max(videoRect.width, videoRect.height) / max(depthRect.width, depthRect.height)
try camera.lockForConfiguration()
if let frameDuration = camera.activeDepthDataFormat?.videoSupportedFrameRateRanges.first?.minFrameDuration{
camera.activeVideoMinFrameDuration = frameDuration
#IBAction func previewModeChanged(_ sender: UISegmentedControl) {
previewMode = PreviewMode(rawValue: previewModeControl.selectedSegmentIndex) ?? .original
extension ViewController: AVCaptureVideoDataOutputSampleBufferDelegate{
func captureOutput(_ output: AVCaptureOutput, didOutput sampleBuffer: CMSampleBuffer, from connection: AVCaptureConnection) {
let pixelBuffer = CMSampleBufferGetImageBuffer(sampleBuffer)
let image = CIImage(cvPixelBuffer: pixelBuffer!)
let previewImage: CIImage
switch previewMode {
case .original:
previewImage = image
case .depth:
previewImage = depthMap ?? image
//previewImage = image
let displayImage = UIImage(ciImage: previewImage)
DispatchQueue.main.async {
[weak self] in self?.previewView.image = displayImage
extension ViewController: AVCaptureDepthDataOutputDelegate{
func depthDataOutput(_ output: AVCaptureDepthDataOutput, didOutput depthData: AVDepthData, timestamp: CMTime, connection: AVCaptureConnection) {
if previewMode == .original{
var convertedDepth: AVDepthData
if depthData.depthDataType != kCVPixelFormatType_DisparityFloat32{
convertedDepth = depthData.converting(toDepthDataType: kCVPixelFormatType_DisparityFloat32)
convertedDepth = depthData
let pixelBuffer = convertedDepth.depthDataMap
let depthMap = CIImage(cvPixelBuffer: pixelBuffer)
DispatchQueue.main.async {
[weak self] in self?.depthMap = depthMap
Actual result preview on screen in real-time the different CIImage selected on the UI (image or depthMap)
I am new to swift and trying to build a camera app which can apply real-time filters, and save with the applied filters.
So far i can preview real-time with the applied filters, but when i save the video its all black.
import UIKit
import AVFoundation
import AssetsLibrary
import CoreMedia
import Photos
class ViewController: UIViewController , AVCaptureVideoDataOutputSampleBufferDelegate {
var captureSession: AVCaptureSession!
#IBOutlet weak var previewView: UIView!
#IBOutlet weak var recordButtton: UIButton!
#IBOutlet weak var imageView: UIImageView!
var assetWriter: AVAssetWriter?
var assetWriterPixelBufferInput: AVAssetWriterInputPixelBufferAdaptor?
var isWriting = false
var currentSampleTime: CMTime?
var currentVideoDimensions: CMVideoDimensions?
override func viewDidLoad() {
override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() {
func setupCaptureSession() {
let captureSession = AVCaptureSession()
captureSession.sessionPreset = AVCaptureSessionPresetPhoto
guard let captureDevice = AVCaptureDevice.defaultDevice(withMediaType: AVMediaTypeVideo), let input = try? AVCaptureDeviceInput(device: captureDevice) else {
print("Can't access the camera")
if captureSession.canAddInput(input) {
let videoOutput = AVCaptureVideoDataOutput()
videoOutput.setSampleBufferDelegate(self, queue: DispatchQueue.main)
if captureSession.canAddOutput(videoOutput) {
let previewLayer = AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer(session: captureSession)
if((previewLayer) != nil) {
#IBAction func record(_ sender: Any) {
if isWriting {
print("stop record")
self.isWriting = false
assetWriterPixelBufferInput = nil
assetWriter?.finishWriting(completionHandler: {[unowned self] () -> Void in
} else {
print("start record")
assetWriter?.startSession(atSourceTime: currentSampleTime!)
isWriting = true
func saveMovieToCameraRoll() {
PHAssetChangeRequest.creationRequestForAssetFromVideo(atFileURL: self.movieURL() as URL)
}) { saved, error in
if saved {
func movieURL() -> NSURL {
let tempDir = NSTemporaryDirectory()
let url = NSURL(fileURLWithPath: tempDir).appendingPathComponent("tmpMov.mov")
return url! as NSURL
func checkForAndDeleteFile() {
let fm = FileManager.default
let url = movieURL()
let exist = fm.fileExists(atPath: url.path!)
if exist {
do {
try fm.removeItem(at: url as URL)
} catch let error as NSError {
func createWriter() {
do {
assetWriter = try AVAssetWriter(outputURL: movieURL() as URL, fileType: AVFileTypeQuickTimeMovie)
} catch let error as NSError {
let outputSettings = [
AVVideoCodecKey : AVVideoCodecH264,
AVVideoWidthKey : Int(currentVideoDimensions!.width),
AVVideoHeightKey : Int(currentVideoDimensions!.height)
] as [String : Any]
let assetWriterVideoInput = AVAssetWriterInput(mediaType: AVMediaTypeVideo, outputSettings: outputSettings as? [String : AnyObject])
assetWriterVideoInput.expectsMediaDataInRealTime = true
assetWriterVideoInput.transform = CGAffineTransform(rotationAngle: CGFloat(M_PI / 2.0))
let sourcePixelBufferAttributesDictionary = [
String(kCVPixelBufferPixelFormatTypeKey) : Int(kCVPixelFormatType_32BGRA),
String(kCVPixelBufferWidthKey) : Int(currentVideoDimensions!.width),
String(kCVPixelBufferHeightKey) : Int(currentVideoDimensions!.height),
String(kCVPixelFormatOpenGLESCompatibility) : kCFBooleanTrue
] as [String : Any]
assetWriterPixelBufferInput = AVAssetWriterInputPixelBufferAdaptor(assetWriterInput: assetWriterVideoInput,
sourcePixelBufferAttributes: sourcePixelBufferAttributesDictionary)
if assetWriter!.canAdd(assetWriterVideoInput) {
} else {
print("no way\(assetWriterVideoInput)")
func captureOutput(_ captureOutput: AVCaptureOutput, didOutputSampleBuffer sampleBuffer: CMSampleBuffer!, from connection: AVCaptureConnection) {
autoreleasepool {
connection.videoOrientation = AVCaptureVideoOrientation.landscapeLeft;
guard let pixelBuffer = CMSampleBufferGetImageBuffer(sampleBuffer) else { return }
let cameraImage = CIImage(cvPixelBuffer: pixelBuffer)
let filter = CIFilter(name: "Fİlter")!
filter.setValue(cameraImage, forKey: kCIInputImageKey)
let formatDescription = CMSampleBufferGetFormatDescription(sampleBuffer)!
self.currentVideoDimensions = CMVideoFormatDescriptionGetDimensions(formatDescription)
self.currentSampleTime = CMSampleBufferGetOutputPresentationTimeStamp(sampleBuffer)
if self.isWriting {
if self.assetWriterPixelBufferInput?.assetWriterInput.isReadyForMoreMediaData == true {
var newPixelBuffer: CVPixelBuffer? = nil
CVPixelBufferPoolCreatePixelBuffer(nil, self.assetWriterPixelBufferInput!.pixelBufferPool!, &newPixelBuffer)
let success = self.assetWriterPixelBufferInput?.append(newPixelBuffer!, withPresentationTime: self.currentSampleTime!)
if success == false {
print("Pixel Buffer failed")
DispatchQueue.main.async {
if let outputValue = filter.value(forKey: kCIOutputImageKey) as? CIImage {
let filteredImage = UIImage(ciImage: outputValue)
self.imageView.image = filteredImage
I've added some comments to the critical part below:
func captureOutput(_ captureOutput: AVCaptureOutput, didOutputSampleBuffer sampleBuffer: CMSampleBuffer!, from connection: AVCaptureConnection) {
autoreleasepool {
connection.videoOrientation = AVCaptureVideoOrientation.landscapeLeft;
// COMMENT: This line makes sense - this is your pixelbuffer from the camera.
guard let pixelBuffer = CMSampleBufferGetImageBuffer(sampleBuffer) else { return }
// COMMENT: OK, so you turn pixelBuffer into a CIImage...
let cameraImage = CIImage(cvPixelBuffer: pixelBuffer)
// COMMENT: And now you've create a CIImage with a Filter instruction...
let filter = CIFilter(name: "Fİlter")!
filter.setValue(cameraImage, forKey: kCIInputImageKey)
let formatDescription = CMSampleBufferGetFormatDescription(sampleBuffer)!
self.currentVideoDimensions = CMVideoFormatDescriptionGetDimensions(formatDescription)
self.currentSampleTime = CMSampleBufferGetOutputPresentationTimeStamp(sampleBuffer)
if self.isWriting {
if self.assetWriterPixelBufferInput?.assetWriterInput.isReadyForMoreMediaData == true {
// COMMENT: Here's where it gets weird. You've declared a new, empty pixelBuffer... but you already have one (pixelBuffer) that contains the image you want to write...
var newPixelBuffer: CVPixelBuffer? = nil
// COMMENT: And you grabbed memory from the pool.
CVPixelBufferPoolCreatePixelBuffer(nil, self.assetWriterPixelBufferInput!.pixelBufferPool!, &newPixelBuffer)
// COMMENT: And now you wrote an empty pixelBuffer back <-- this is what's causing the black frame.
let success = self.assetWriterPixelBufferInput?.append(newPixelBuffer!, withPresentationTime: self.currentSampleTime!)
if success == false {
print("Pixel Buffer failed")
// COMMENT: And now you're sending the filtered image back to the screen.
DispatchQueue.main.async {
if let outputValue = filter.value(forKey: kCIOutputImageKey) as? CIImage {
let filteredImage = UIImage(ciImage: outputValue)
self.imageView.image = filteredImage
It looks to me like you're basically getting the screen image, creating a filtered copy, then making a NEW pixel buffer which is empty and writing that out.
If you write the pixelBuffer you grabbed instead of the new one you're creating, you should successfully write the image.
What you need to successfully write out the filtered video is to create a new CVPixelBuffer from a CIImage - that solution exists here on StackOverflow already, I know because I needed that step myself!
I am trying to apply a filter to video in real-time however when i tap the button to transform the CALayer no change is applied; which is curious because the filter is passed however not visible on screen. Here is my subclass of the UIView I am using to present the AVOutput...
//AVCamPreview Class
import Foundation
import UIKit
import AVFoundation
class AVCamPreviewView: UIView {
var session: AVCaptureSession? {
get {
return (self.layer as! AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer).session
set (session) {
(self.layer as! AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer).session = session
override class func layerClass() -> AnyClass {
return AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer.self
lazy var context: CIContext = {
let eaglContext = EAGLContext(API: EAGLRenderingAPI.OpenGLES2)
let options = [kCIContextWorkingColorSpace : NSNull()]
return CIContext(EAGLContext: eaglContext, options: options)
lazy var filterNames: [String] = {
return ["#nofilter","CIPhotoEffectNoir","CIPhotoEffectProcess"]
//Apply Filter func
#IBAction func applyFilter(_sender: UIButton) {
let filterName = filterNames[_sender.tag]
filter = CIFilter(name: filterName)
self.filterButtonsContainer.center.x = self.filterButtonsContainer.center.x - self.view.frame.width
// MARK: - AVCaptureVideoDataOutputSampleBufferDelegate
func captureOutput(captureOutput: AVCaptureOutput!,didOutputSampleBuffer sampleBuffer: CMSampleBuffer!,fromConnection connection: AVCaptureConnection!) {
autoreleasepool {
let imageBuffer = CMSampleBufferGetImageBuffer(sampleBuffer)!
let formatDescription = CMSampleBufferGetFormatDescription(sampleBuffer)!
self.currentVideoDimensions = CMVideoFormatDescriptionGetDimensions(formatDescription)
self.currentSampleTime = CMSampleBufferGetOutputPresentationTimeStamp(sampleBuffer)
var outputImage = CIImage(CVPixelBuffer: imageBuffer)
if self.filter != nil {
self.filter.setValue(outputImage, forKey: kCIInputImageKey)
outputImage = self.filter.outputImage!
if self.isWriting {
if self.assetWriterPixelBufferInput?.assetWriterInput.readyForMoreMediaData == true {
var newPixelBuffer: CVPixelBuffer? = nil
CVPixelBufferPoolCreatePixelBuffer(nil, self.assetWriterPixelBufferInput!.pixelBufferPool!, &newPixelBuffer)
self.context.render(outputImage, toCVPixelBuffer: newPixelBuffer!, bounds: outputImage.extent, colorSpace: nil)
let success = self.assetWriterPixelBufferInput?.appendPixelBuffer(newPixelBuffer!, withPresentationTime: self.currentSampleTime!)
if success == false {
print("Pixel Buffer failed")
let orientation = UIDevice.currentDevice().orientation
var t: CGAffineTransform!
if orientation == UIDeviceOrientation.Portrait {
t = CGAffineTransformMakeRotation(CGFloat(-M_PI / 2.0))
} else if orientation == UIDeviceOrientation.PortraitUpsideDown {
t = CGAffineTransformMakeRotation(CGFloat(M_PI / 2.0))
} else if (orientation == UIDeviceOrientation.LandscapeRight) {
t = CGAffineTransformMakeRotation(CGFloat(M_PI))
} else {
t = CGAffineTransformMakeRotation(0)
outputImage = outputImage.imageByApplyingTransform(t)
let cgImage = self.context.createCGImage(outputImage, fromRect: outputImage.extent)
self.ciImage = outputImage
dispatch_sync(dispatch_get_main_queue(), {
(self.previewView.layer as! AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer).contents = cgImage
In the project filtered CIImage is drawing on OpenGLView using CIContext and it works fine. There also is writing possibility to photo library
I'm creating a customView for the CameraView, which works fine however i'm now working on changing from the back camera to the front camera. i've at the moment done it by doing below. However this seem to create a bad user experience where it removes the previewLayer (the screen becomes white) and then show the front camera correctly. is there a way to create a better user experience by not making everything white in 1 sec before showing the new session?
func switchCamera() {
if usingbackCamera == true {
usingbackCamera = false
} else {
usingbackCamera = true
func beginSession(device: AVCaptureDevice) {
do {
captureSession.addInput(try AVCaptureDeviceInput(device: device))
previewLayer = AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer(session: captureSession)
previewLayer?.frame = self.cameraView.bounds
stillImageOutput.outputSettings = [AVVideoCodecKey:AVVideoCodecJPEG]
if captureSession.canAddOutput(stillImageOutput) {
if captureSession.canAddOutput(videoOutput) {
} catch let err as NSError {
func endSession() {
captureSession = AVCaptureSession()
Take Picture
func takePicture() {
if let videoConnection = stillImageOutput.connectionWithMediaType(AVMediaTypeVideo){
videoConnection.videoOrientation = AVCaptureVideoOrientation.Portrait
stillImageOutput.captureStillImageAsynchronouslyFromConnection(videoConnection, completionHandler: {
(sampleBuffer, error) in
let imageData = AVCaptureStillImageOutput.jpegStillImageNSDataRepresentation(sampleBuffer)
let dataProvider = CGDataProviderCreateWithCFData(imageData)
let cgImageRef = CGImageCreateWithJPEGDataProvider(dataProvider, nil, true, CGColorRenderingIntent.RenderingIntentDefault)
let image = UIImage(CGImage: cgImageRef!, scale: 1.0, orientation: UIImageOrientation.Right)
self.previewImageView.image = image
self.previewImageView.hidden = false
You don't need to stop the captureSession and start it again when switching from back to front camera and vice versa.
All you need to do is remove the old capture session inputs, add the new one and all that in between a begin/commit session configuration block.
Here is a rough example:
func switchCamera() {
//begin configuration changes
//remove the previous inputs
let inputs = captureSession.inputs as! [AVCaptureInput]
for oldInput:AVCaptureInput in inputs {
//add the new input
if usingbackCamera == true {
usingbackCamera = false
else {
usingbackCamera = true
//end the configuration
func addInput(device: AVCaptureDevice) {
do {
captureSession.addInput(try AVCaptureDeviceInput(device: device))
} catch let err as NSError {
I think you don't have to remove the preview layer when changing the input device.
The layer is bond to the session, all you have to do is stop the session, remove the original input and add the new input then start the session again.
I make my capture view by custom rendering, but I thought the process will be the same.
The capture snippet:
for output in session.outputs {
if let capture = output as? AVCaptureStillImageOutput{
for connection in (capture.connections as! [AVCaptureConnection]){
for port in (connection.inputPorts as! [AVCaptureInputPort]){
if port.mediaType == AVMediaTypeVideo{
capture.captureStillImageAsynchronouslyFromConnection(connection, completionHandler: {(buffer, err) -> Void in
if err != nil{
let imageData = AVCaptureStillImageOutput.jpegStillImageNSDataRepresentation(buffer)
guard let image = CIImage(data: imageData) else{
let rotatedImage = image.imageByApplyingTransform(CGAffineTransformMakeRotation(-CGFloat(M_PI_2)))