No intellisense on Visual Studio Live Share as a guest - visual-studio-2019

So, I've been helping a friend of mine debug some C# (Windows Forms, .NET 5) code for some college work through Live Share.
Both of us are using the most up to date version of Visual Studio 2019 and have the most recent version of the Live Share extension.
The problem is, when I enter his codebase, I cannot see Intellisense, no autocomplete, no red squiggly lines to show errors. Nothing. All I get is the solution error report at the bottom of the screen.
I also got this error when joining the session:
The Output Channel Consumer is operating with reduced functionality due to the absence of a dependency service: Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.OutputChannelStore (0.1).
Does anyone know how to solve this?


Visual Studio 2019 Diagnostic Tools always say "There is no data in the current set of filters"

The diagnostic tools in Visual Studio 2019 Community have stopped working. It shows it's recording the CPU profile but whenever I pause the program to see the results, the tools say "There is no data in the current set of filters."
It was working at one point, and as far as I'm aware, I didn't change anything. And if I go into the Filter drop down menu it shows everything except "Hide native code" is selected.
How can I fix this?
A recent Windows update has apparently added a second problem to the original NVIDIA Display adapter issue.
See this ticket in Microsoft Developer Community: No Data in CPU Usage Tool, Windows Update related
Recently a Windows Update broke the CPU Usage tool in Visual Studio
where no data is collected. After analyzing the tool will report,
“There is no data in the current set of filters”. This is due to a bug
in the Windows ETW subsystem such that profiling events are not
emitted, we are working with the Windows ETW team to root cause the
issue and create a fix. As this affects ETW, the underlying system
which creates the profiling data, this will affect any ETW profiler:
Visual Studio, PerfView, WPA, XPerf, etc.
This is also discussed in the Microsoft Developer Community link in Andrey's answer, profiling CPU still states no user code was running. Scroll down to Mar 17, 2021.
It seems that there is now another underlying root cause besides the
original NVIDIA one which is breaking ETW profiling system wide. This
means any ETW profiler (Visual Studio, WPA, PerfView, etc) will be
affected since all of them rely on the same ETW system. Unfortunately
the EnableTraceEx2 system call returns success and we end up with no
profiling data in the resulting trace which is making debugging
difficult. I’m engaging with the Windows team that owns the ETW
subsystem and will most likely need additional diagnostics once we
figure out what our next steps are. In the meantime if anyone has paid
product support licenses feel free to engage with that as well,
hopefully working together we can uncover the root cause. Once I get
more information from the ETW team I’ll report back, until then stay
Hi folks, just wanted to let everyone know that we have engaged with
the Windows ETW team on this and they are investigating. It seems like
a recent Windows Update may have caused this issue and they are
working with an internal customer in Xbox who has a repro. When I have
more info on the cause, workaround, and fix I will let everyone know.
In the mean time stay tuned.
I've found an answer here. For now, the only solution seems to be disabling NVIDIA Display Adapter in Device Manager and reboot.
In my case the other sampling profilers, e.g. AMD μProf didn't work well either with that driver.
I have been having this issue for months and no fixes have worked but using the Visual Studio Installer I ran repair on the IDE and now profiling works properly.
Edit: This didn't permanently fix the issue. But going to "Virus and threat-detection settings" and disabling "Real-time detection" allows it to collect data now too.
Edit2: My first appears to be the root cause for this and there is a MSFT solution here

How do you stop visual studio 2012 trimming white space on save

this is really giving me headaches, ever since I installed the last update pack, visual studio[2012] keeps removing white space at the end of each line when I save a file.
it's fine if I'm working on personal projects, but not when working on team projects where code changes are reviewed that gives reviewers hard time for so many changes made turn out to be white spaces
I can't find any settings that turns this off, there're some posts online mentioning about injecting a piece of macro in the IDE to stop this from happening. Seriously? I can't believe Microsoft delivers such a bad feature that there's no way to turn it off...
can anyone here help me out please?
please note it's Visual studio 2012

MVC View designer complains "There is no endpoint listening at net.pipe://localhost/

I recently installed Visual Studio 2012 (Ultimate edition) Update 2. I'm not sure if this problem is related to that update but.. now, when I view any of my View (.aspx) code in the VS designer, the initial #model or #using directive gets a squiggly underline and an associated error message of "There is no endpoint listening at net.pipe://localhost/xxx". All of the code in the page that relies on the #model or #using directive gets its own associated squiggly underline errors. But the code runs just fine. The error is in the designer, not in the runtime JIT compiler magic.
Any suggestions?
After a bit more digging, I found a blog post that suggested that the problem might be caused by failing to run VS as administrator. I tried that (I ran VS as administrator and loaded the offending solution) and, bada bing, bada boom, problem solved.
I've been happily skipping the "run as administrator" rigmarole for ASP.NET projects, and everything has worked correctly. I guess they must have changed something in Update 2 that now requires ASP.NET MVC projects to be opened with admin privs.
Can someone who knows better than I confirm this diagnosis?
(BTW, I ran across this post that shows how to force VS to always run with admin privs on Windows 8. This is an all-or-nothing solution... What I'd REALLY like is for the VS developers - or someone with time on their hands - to add a context menu item to .sln files to open them in VS with admin privs enabled.)
4 months after I posted this "solution" (actually, a work-around), here's where I am: I opened an incident with MSDN tech support. After much work, we got nowhere; still no clue what the underlying problem might be. But this problem only exists on my desktop PC - my laptop doesn't have the problem - and I'm buying a new PC, so the problem should go away when I install VS on the new PC and turn the old PC into a doorstop.

Why am i getting this error trying to compile an app using Parallels on my MacBook

I posted a question on the apple site but someone suggested that I might get a better response on stackoverflow directly since its a visual studio related issue.
I installed parallels on my macbook pro and i installed windows 7 iso via a DVD. at first everything looked fine exception now I am now trying to compile an app in visual studio and i get this error over and over
No matter what i click it will eventually progress but this is quite annoying. The same question was asked here but no good answer was given. It almost seems like it think it needs to depend on something from the DVD drive (which it shouldn't)
Can someone please explain why devenv.exe would need the ISO dvd to be connected to my laptop at this point?
after rebooting this problem seems to go away

sourcelinks and fogbugz

I just installed this:
but I don;t seem to be getting any of the functionality in my msdev. I am using 2008 professional.
Anyone have any experience with this tool? it does not seem to work for me at all. I never get the login dialog.
After about a week the Whole Tomato team gave me a solution that worked perfectly. Thanks for the support Mark, etc.
the answer is below
After doing some research, I came
across this page:
that lists several possibilities why
it might not be showing up in the
add-in manager. One of them is:
"There is a reported problem that
happens when MSXML 6.0 is not
installed correctly. In this case the
Add-In Manager doesn't show any
XML-based add-in (using an .AddIn file
for registration). It shows only
registry-based add-ins. So, if the
Add-In Manager is empty when it should
show several installed add-ins (not
only yours), try reinstalling MSXML
You might try reinstalling XSXML 6.0,
and see if that helps. Download link
is here:
I'd certainly try that before
reinstalling VS2008.
