escape space in Jenkins pipeline - jenkins

We have this workspace and subdirectory:
$WORKSPACE/Refrens data/11. metadata/file.xml
in Jenkins section Execute Shell we have this code:
DEPLOY_FILE=$WORKSPACE/Refrens data/11. metadata/file.xml
if [[ -s $DEPLOY_FILE ]];
echo "$WORKSPACE/$DEPLOY_FILE exits in Bitbucket"
echo ""
echo "$WORKSPACE/$DEPLOY_FILE does not exits in Bitbucket"
exit 1;
When building it says that this file does not exist and the else part is executed
$WORKSPACE/Referens data/11. metadata/file.xml does not exist in Bitbucket
But our file exist!
I think Jenkins does not understand space in the directory names Reference data and 11. metadata how do I fix it?


Jenkins Pipeline Groovy script tcsh alias expansion

I have a legacy project in Jenkins that hast to be pipelined (for
later parallelization), hence moving from simple tcsh script to
running the script as
source ./
works but the same pipeline step fails due to missing alias expansion
stage ('update') {
steps {
//should be working but alias expansion fails
sh 'tcsh -c "source ./; alias; update"'
//manually expanding the alias works fine
sh 'tcsh -c "source ./; alias; python;"'
calling alias in the steps properly lists all the set aliases, so I
can see them, but not use them.
I know in bash alias expansion has to be set
#enable shell option for alias_expansion
shopt -s expand_aliases
but in csh/tcsh that should be taken care of by source.
what am I missing?
found the solution:
sh '#!/bin/tcsh \n' +
'source ./ \n' +
'echo "Calling my alias" \n' +
'my_alias \n'
every line starting with sh launches a new shell, so it has to be in one line including line breaks.
further adding to the confusing was that documentation of jenkins says that it starts "a bash" but it launched /bin/sh which in my case pointed to something else

Jenkins. Error when copying secret file to my workspace during build

While running, my pipeline is duplicating the binaries located in a BitBucket workspace into the build workspace, then needs to add in the build workspace some secret files from the credential store, and then start to build the docker image.
But the pipeline is failing when copying the files.
I searched and applied different solutions found here but still have the same error.
Running the following command :
stage('push credential in jenkins workspace') {
steps {
script {
file(credentialsId: 'saremediation', variable: 'SA_KEY_PATH')]){
sh "ls -al"
sh "mkdir ${CERTIFDIR}"
sh "cp ${SA_KEY_PATH} ${CERTIFDIR}/credent.json"
failed with the following error :
[Pipeline] sh
Warning: A secret was passed to "sh" using Groovy String interpolation, which is insecure.
Affected argument(s) used the following variable(s): [SA_KEY_PATH]
See for details.
+ cp **** server/src/configuration/certificats/credent.json
cp: target 'server/src/configuration/certificats/credent.json' is not a directory
the CERTIFDIR folder is well created, because when I add sh "ls -al ${CERTIFDIR}", I cans see that the folder is created and empty.
fix the problem by applyong this syntax in the cp command
sh "cp \"${SA_KEY_PATH}\" \"${CERTIFDIR}\""

Running liquibase update from script in jenkins pipeline

I'm trying to set up a Jenkins pipeline which will run a liquibase update whenever something is pushed to the master branch. The liquibase runner plugin for Jenkins has a security risk and therefore, I can't install it and run liquibase updates from that.
My liquibase* file (the bash script) is in my repository at the following path
I've set up the pipeline to run the following shell script. NOTE: I have the command set to liquibase --help for test purposes, but normally I'd want to run an update command.
export PATH=$PATH:/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/repo/liquibase
export PATH=$PATH:/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/repo/liquibase/liquibase
export PATH=$PATH:/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/repo/liquibase/liquibase/liquibase
export PATH=$PATH:/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/repo/liquibase/liquibase/jre/bin
cd liquibase
ls -ltr
chmod 755 liquibase/liquibase
chmod 755 liquibase/jre/bin/java.exe
liquibase --help
The liquibase --help command runs fine from the directory path /repo/liquibase in git bash. However, when I run it from Jenkins, I get the following error.
/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Database_and_Repos/liquibase/liquibase/liquibase/jre/bin/java: No such file or directory
Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure
My liquibase file looks like this and it is the last line in the file that is causing the error.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
if [ ! -n "${LIQUIBASE_HOME+x}" ]; then
# echo "LIQUIBASE_HOME is not set."
## resolve links - $0 may be a symlink
while [ -h "$PRG" ] ; do
ls=`ls -ld "$PRG"`
link=`expr "$ls" : '.*-> \(.*\)$'`
if expr "$link" : '/.*' > /dev/null; then
PRG=`dirname "$PRG"`"/$link"
# make it fully qualified
# echo "Liquibase Home: $LIQUIBASE_HOME"
# build classpath from all jars in lib
if [ -f /usr/bin/cygpath ]; then
for i in "$LIQUIBASE_HOME"/liquibase*.jar; do
i=`cygpath --windows "$i"`
for i in "$LIQUIBASE_HOME"/lib/*.jar; do
i=`cygpath --windows "$i"`
if [[ $(uname) = MINGW* ]]; then
for i in "$LIQUIBASE_HOME"/liquibase*.jar; do
for i in "$LIQUIBASE_HOME"/lib/*.jar; do
if [ -z "${JAVA_HOME}" ]; then
#JAVA_HOME not set, try to find a bundled version
if [ -d "${LIQUIBASE_HOME}/jre" ]; then
elif [ -d "${LIQUIBASE_HOME}/.install4j/jre.bundle/Contents/Home" ]; then
if [ -z "${JAVA_HOME}" ]; then
JAVA_PATH="$(which java)"
if [ -z "${JAVA_PATH}" ]; then
echo "Cannot find java in your path. Install java or use the JAVA_HOME environment variable"
#Use path in JAVA_HOME
# add any JVM options here
"${JAVA_PATH}" -cp "$CP" $JAVA_OPTS liquibase.integration.commandline.Main ${1+"$#"}
Has anyone run into this problem with liquibase commands in Jenkins? I've been googling all day, but haven't found much similar to this exact issue. Any help in the right direction would be great.
(We're updating the Liquibase Runner plugin. We have a release that is being reviewed for the security issues by the Jenkins team now.)
The error message seems to say that your "Execute shell" command in your changelog is not working correctly. Maybe the command is not installed, maybe it's calling a script that is not on your build machine.
One way to explore this to add an "echo" of the "Execute shell" command prior. Also, I'd pass --logLeve=DEBUG to Liquibase to get a better idea on the command it's trying to run.
Thanks for using Liquibase and Jenkins! I'll be talking about it here next month:
You could use the liquibase-maven-plugin and just call the maven phase in the pipeline:
sh mvn resources:resources liquibase:update
As for me, it is the best decision. Follow the official documentation

Running an Ansible playbook via Jenkins

I am using Jenkins to take a number of parameters, generate an ansible-playbook command and run it. My Jenkins server is also my Ansible server.
My shell says ::
echo $ESXi_IP
echo $VM_NAME
echo $NIC1_MAC
echo $NIC2_MAC
echo $NIC3_MAC
echo $NIC4_MAC
ansible-playbook $PLAYBOOK --extra-vars "esxi_ip=$ESXi_IP vm_name=$VM_NAME nic1_mac=$NIC1_MAC nic2_mac=$NIC2_MAC nic3_mac=$NIC3_MAC nic4_mac=$NIC4_MAC esxi_hostname=$ESXi_HOSTNAME"
When I run the Job, the output is ::
+ ansible-playbook /root/ansible/sc-ece.yaml --extra-vars 'esxi_ip= vm_name=JenkinsTest nic1_mac=00:50:C0:A8:01:02 nic2_mac=00:50:0A:A9:37:A5 nic3_mac=00:50:0A:FF:FE:4C nic4_mac=00:50:AC:10:01:65 esxi_hostname=tmolab13-14iamesxi4'
ERROR! the playbook: /root/ansible/sc-ece.yaml could not be found
The playbook path is correct. there is no issue in it at all.
What seems to be missing here ?
You are correct Matt & Dave. Permissions to the folder was an issue. Thanks !

Jenkins build runs script that exit 1 but it doesn't mark the build as a failure

In Jenkins configuration, I have the following code:
sh test has the following code:
aws s3 cp ./Bucket $S3BUCKET --recursive --content-type "video/mp4" --cache-control "max-age=$MAXAGE" --exclude "*" --include "*.mp4" --profile $PROFILE
if [ "$?" -ne 0 ]; then
exit 1
When I look at the console output, there is an error running the command above, but it doesn't exit 1 and mark the build as a failure. I see the error text "Could not deploy files to S3 bucket" but the build isn't marked as a failure. So exit 1 doesn't run.
Why is that happenning?
Use Log Parser Plugin to check if the Could not deploy files to S3 bucket text is in the output and fail the build if so
