Usage of q-card-actions - quasar-framework

In, I simply change q-card-actions to q-card-section, I saw some padding changes. Wrapping buttons in q-card-actions, but not q-card-section - is it only for the padding change or there are other purposes?


React-Native iOS: Hide the text input bottom tool and autosuggest bar

My text input field searches over unique content that never matches auto-suggest and doesn't need undo/redo functionality. Is there a way to hide this bar in react-native for iOS? I have spellCheck and autoCorrect both set to false but as shown in the image below, the bar remains only without those features.
I want to hide the whole thing. It is covering my interface!
Alternatively, I could move the UI up by that height when the text field is in focus, but I was hoping to avoid that.
BRyan! try setting autoComplete="off" as well. You might also want autoCapitalize="none" for this use case.

Align Icons and text in QListView centered

I want to align the items in the QListView centered like on this image:
Currently I manage to aligenn them only left:
In the property inpector of QtCreateor I have found nothing related to alignment. Also the style-sheet documentation for QListView tells nothing about the alignment.
Is this only to acheive using custom delegates?
I think you will have to subclass the QStyledItemDelegate object which is responsible to customize the rendering of your items.
Here is a link to the doc.
There are also some samples availaible on the Qt website:
Star Delegate
I comming back if I find a solution: I need the same effect as yours.

Set prompt text to the center of TextArea control in JavaFX

I was wondering if there is a way to set prompt text location in TextArea.
Basically I am trying to create the similar effect as ListView Placeholder does. It is just to keep consistency in UI, so that everything mostly would look similar.
Any suggestions with this.
I think you can only do this by a dirty hack:
Set alignment to center.
Depending on your desired behavior either add a focus listener which sets the alignment to left again when focused and back to center when focus left.
}else {
Or add a keylistener to get the left aligned text while typing(and a focus-left listener to reset it if needed, eg. empty)

How use different font styles and icon in a Firemonkey stringgrid cell

There seems to be not much information available about this subject so hopefully someone can give some suggestions.
I would like to change color and style of different parts of text in a stringgrid cell.
20-02-2011 - Document Title
Would it also be possible to show an icon in a stringgrid cell?
It is indeed possible to show icons or bitmaps in a string grid, the Monkey Styler blog includes an example of how to customise cell display in a FMX grid.
Thinking about the other part of your question though, you will have to build a style up to display text in different fonts, as yet FMX does not have a richtext equivalent or HTML rendering components (I'm sure the latter will come, the former I am not confident on getting for a while!). You would have to have a text component in the style for each different font size/style etc, you would need to name the text elements (using binding or stylename properties) and handle the setting of the text contents using code in the ongetvalue and onsetvalue events (I guess you could also use a onapplystyle event) to display some text in bold and some not.
The event handler would then use either a binding - which is easier to set but - in my experience - buggy;
Or find a style element by stylename by using findstyleresource;
if tempobj is ttext then
Excuse any bad coding style there, but you get the general idea (I hope) if you set autosize to true for the ttext components in the style and align them left you get - mostly - what you are after. The only issue is that the resulting text doesn't look quite seamless because autosizing and aligning left doesn't really give you the same space between the fonts that you would get with a richtext or HTML display. You should be able to fiddle with the padding (giving it a negative number for the left padding should allow you to remove any extra space) but you have to live with that not being entirely perfect compared to proper font hinting and alignment.

how to handle the DataMemo of RaveReports to display correctly

i created a Reports using RaveReports(Updated) I found out the the memo field does not display correctly or incorrect wrapping causing the text will spill-out of the area. and i notice if i change the zoom in/out, it also change the wrapping that sometimes display correct sometimes even worst.
i changed the ff properties but no effect.
Truncate, ContrainsRTF, anchor.
