Docker for windows missing quick start terminal - docker

I installed the latest version of Docker for windows in my windows 10 machine. It seems the new Docker Desktop toolbox doesn't contain the Quick start terminal. Every documentation says to check the quick start terminal option at the time of installation. I dont see any option to check that option with the latest Docker toolbox.
Is there any way we could install Quick start terminal for windows.
Or are there any other alternate to the QS terminal. My objective is to build, tag and push / pull docker images to a gitlab registry. Powershell, command promt doesn't work because its a windows machine.

with the new Docker-for-desktop versions there's no need for the added toolbox as marked here
Legacy desktop solution. Docker Toolbox is for older Mac and Windows
systems that do not meet the requirements of Docker for Mac and
Docker for Windows. We recommend updating to the newer applications,
if possible.
You can just open any typical terminal in your OS of choice and use the docker cli if you can't remember the exact usage try docker --help 😉


visual-studio-code : failed to connect. is docker installed?

my environment :
MacOS M1 chip
VSCode version 1.66.2 arm64
local installed docker version : 20.10.22
I have situations that docker is not working in VSCode.
I already installed docker in local. But when I'm trying to connect docker in VSCode, repeatedly asking install docker extensions. (but I do have docker already ). and if I do reinstall with following the VSCode, the docker version was broken (changed to intel chip docker).
Does anybody know what's wrong?
Docker Extensions for VS Code have nothing to do with the Docker engine itself. They are like an additional layer of tools and commands over the installed Docker. E.g. they provide IntelliSense for editing Docker-related files, you can run Docker commands from F1 drop-down, etc. But you should be able to do all the required tasks even without Docker Extensions, e.g. from the Terminal in VS Code, but for this the path to Docker CLI (command line interface) should be added to PATH environment variable.
If you are getting failed to connect error then maybe Docker engine is not running. Please refer to and about how to check if the engine is running and how to troubleshoot the issues.
If that doesn't help, please provide some specific error and steps, which led to it, then we'll try to find out.

'docker" command cannot be found in this WSL1 distro

While attempting to install, in VS Code, the Fabric samples and binaries through the curl command :
I've encountered the following error, as soon as Fabric docker images are pulled :
The command 'docker' could not be found in this WSL1 distro. We recommend to convert this distro into
WSL 2 and activate the WSL integration in Docker Desktop settings.
N.B: Docker version 20.10.0-beta1
Thus any relevant feedback, not impacting the usage of the IBM Blockchain Platform v.1.0.39 (e.g. prerequisites installed), would highly be appreciated.
See the Docker Desktop WSL 2 backend guide.
Specifically, you need to convert your Ubuntu distribution to WSL2 (it is currently WSL1). To do so, see Step 6 in the Install section:
To upgrade your existing Linux distro to v2, run:
wsl.exe --set-version Ubuntu 2
Either that, or create a new WSL instance by backing up the WSL1 version (wsl --export) and then importing it into a new copy (wsl --import). See wsl --help for the parameters needed.
Then proceed with the rest of the Docker installation instructions.
in my case, resolved by enabling the WSL2 distro option in the docker settings.
As the log says (in your qusetion)
We recommend to convert this distro into WSL 2 and activate the WSL integration in Docker Desktop settings.
in Docker Settings
go Resources
check Enable integration with my default WSL distro
Apply & Restart
I faced the same issue and solved it by navigating to: docker desktop > Resources > wsl integration then choose the right distro for integrating docker with.

Docker create command hangs on "Waiting for host to start"

Docker hangs when I try to create a docker node
I am trying to set up a docker node as per step 4 of the instructions on Unfortunately, Whenever I run the "create" command in the command prompt, the process hangs on
(testNode1) Waiting for host to start...
The instruction set is roughly as follows:
Enable HyperV (done)
Set up external network switch (done)
Reboot (done)
Create nodes (hangs)
The document explicitly states that step 3 is included to prevent exactly this error from happening. However, I have completed that step, and I still encounter this error.
Solutions I have tried
Other sources have suggested that I'm either targeting the wrong network switch, or that the one I've created is not set to "external". I have verified that the switch is set to "external" and that the correct network switch is being targeted, so that does not seem to be the problem.
I have also made sure to restart my machine a few times already, so I doubt another reboot on its own will help.
I also left it running for a day to see if it would eventually resolve itself, but it did not.
Additional details
The command I'm using is:
docker-machine create -d hyperv --hyperv-virtual-switch "VirtualSwitchName" testNode1
I am using Docker version 18.09
I am using Windows 10 Enterprise.
The node is hosted on Hyper-V
Make sure the Docker version is compatible with the Windows version
There are multiple versions of Docker Enterprise. Each successive version has improved functionality, but each version also requires a more up-to-date version of Windows 10.
For example, if you are trying to run Docker 18.09, then you need Windows 10 version 1809 or higher. Docker 18.09 is simply not compatible with earlier versions of Windows 10.
How to check for a compatible Docker version
There is a useful chart here detailing which versions of Docker are compatible with which operating systems. This will tell you what the highest version of Docker is that you can run based on your current OS.
To check your OS version, open your command prompt and type "winver". This will bring up a popup telling you what version of windows you are running (for example, Windows 10, Version 1709). Use this and the above chart to determine if your current version of Docker is compatible with your current OS.

Docker for linux is giving error

I am new learner for Docker.I have a very simple question.
I want my application to work on Linux system but I am writing application in Windows.So do I need to install Docker for Windows or Linux?
If I run using Docker for Linux,i am not getting option to run in windows and it is getting failed(I understand it might be some other unrelated error) but I need to confirm if my approach is correct or not.
Am I right in installing Docker for Linux?
Also,in case I plan to move to AWS, what docker I need in that case.
Consider docker as any software. if your OS is windows you install windows version of a software. if your is a linux distro then you install linux version of a software.
So you need to install docker for windows afterwards you can install any docker image/container you want under your operating system. Could be windows, linux or anything else.

Linux Docker container on Windows Server 2016

What is the way to run Linux docker container on Windows Server 2016? With Docker for Windows it easy to do in Windows 10. Is the only way to install Docker Toolbox and ignore the build-in containers feature all together?
It is possible to use Linux containers on W2016. It's a bit hacky though. User "Algore" described it here but I've copied it into this answer, of course.
Download "Docker for Windows":
Install "Docker for Windows" on Windows 10 Pro.
Copy C:\Program Files\Docker from the Windows 10 machine to C:\Program Files on your Server 2016 box.
On the W2016 box run install-windowsfeature hyper-v,containers
Copy these registry entries to a file and import them on your Server 2016 box (reg import):
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
"AppPath"="\"C:\Program Files\Docker\Docker\Docker for Windows.exe\""
"BinPath"="\"C:\Program Files\Docker\Docker\resources\bin\""
"DisplayName"="Docker for Windows Service"
"Description"="Run Docker for Windows backend service"
You can add an entry to currentversion\run or a scheduled job if you want docker for windows.exe to start up automatically.
Restart the computer and run the PowerShell script C:\Program Files\Docker\Docker\Resources\mobylinuxvm.ps1 -Create
Look into this ps1 file and notice that you can set various options. Please refer to these websites:
Make sure the docker service com.docker.service (start-service com.docker.service) is running before you start C:\Program Files\Docker\Docker for Windows.exe
If you are running on server core and don't have the tray icon, click "change privacy settings" when the notification comes up after it starts to get to settings (or modify the json in programdata)
If you run into issues when trying things and rebuilding, check out the C:\Program Files\Docker\Docker\Resources\forceremovedocker.ps1 file for locations to delete settings such as in C:\programdata. I would advise against running the script as it deletes all docker related things. Just use pieces of it.
According to this from Stefan Scherer it is possible to run Linux containers on Server 2016. The instructions are:
Create a Linux Docker machine in Hyper-V
If you want to try out multi architecture you also use docker-machine
to create a Linux Docker Engine running in Hyper-V. I have prepared a
script that will set up everything as there are some known issues.
This PowerShell script creates a Docker machine and updates Docker
Engine to the latest so that the Windows Docker client is able to
communicate with the Linux Docker Engine.
Use the Linux Docker machine
Open a PowerShell terminal as an administrator and select the Linux
Docker machine with
docker-machine env --shell powershell | iex
Now run your first busybox container with
docker run -it busybox uname -a
Unfortunately, right now it is not possible to easily install the "Docker for Windows" tool. This installer provides a thin VM called MobyLinux which allows running of Linux containers on Windows Server 2016. You can find a hacky install attempt (which I have not tried) on the Docker forums.
For reference there is a good discussion about what is going on behind the scenes with "Docker for Windows".
The below worked on Windows Server 2016 build 14393.693 (January 2017) without hacky workarounds.
It may work on higher/lower builds but I tried to replicate on a recently updated version of Windows Server 2016 and it failed spectacularly! Feels like this hole had to be patched!
Download Docker Community Edition 2019-02-15
Page with all versions:
Simply download/copy the file to the Windows Server 2016 machine and run it.
It can also run offline for air-gapped systems.
Uncheck the "Use Windows containers" during setup. Unchecked by default.
You will get a message after installing saying that windows so and so is deprecated. Click OK. enter image description here
Log out and log back in.
If you hadn't installed Hyper-V it'll prompt you to do it automatically. Allow it, let it finish and restart. You're good to go now. You may need to restart again if it fails to switch to Linux.
I've tested this by running several Linux containers, it works fine. If I'm missing something do share for the benefit of others. The downside is you cannot update to a later version of Docker.
Simply download and install Docker on Windows Server 2016
If you run Windows Server 2016 as a VM using Hyper-V make sure to check this MS doc
