Google sheets match index arrayformula - google-sheets

I have a count using a formula that needs to be stretched (the formula is in cell F9
=IF(ISBLANK(E9);;IF(O9=TRUE;INDEX('Тех Лист'!$F$2:$M$2;MATCH(TRUE;Q9:X9;0));IF(P9=TRUE;INDEX('Тех Лист'!$F$3:$M$3;MATCH(TRUE;Q9:X9;0));"Ошибка!")))
I tried to remake it under Arrayformula, but nothing came of it ... later I got the idea to do it through query, but when I add query to the array, the data I need disappears
=INDEX(split(FLATTEN(TRANSPOSE({'Стадник'!$D9:D&"x"&'Стадник'!$Q8:$X8&"x"&'Стадник'!Q9:X&"x"&'Тех Лист'!$F$2:$M$2&"x"&'Тех Лист'!$F$3:$M$3}));"x"))
Please tell me how I can compare the headers, and if the list is TRUE, take the sum from the table

In G9 I entered
=ArrayFormula(if(len(E9:E); vlookup(trim(transpose(query(transpose(if(Q9:X; Q8:Y8;));;50000)))&""; transpose('Тех Лист'!E1:M3)&""; if(O9:O; 2; if(P9:P; 3;));0)+0;))
Note that this solution requires that only one checkbox can be ticked in the range X9:X.
See if that helps ?


Creating a recursive Formula in Google Sheets

So here's what I'm trying to do: I have a query formula on Sheet 3 that pulls data from Sheet 2, based on values from Sheet 1. Then I add a header/footer row before/after the data. What I want to do is re-run that formula block for each row in Sheet 1 Column A that has data, but in each instance increase the value of the row by one, and stop when the rows are empty.
Can't just do it with a single query with grouping/ordering, because of the headers/footers.
So far, I've got this (just the first two cycles):
query(Sheet2!D:S, "select D,F,H,J,N,P,R where J contains '"&Sheet1!A3&"' order by F",0);
query(Sheet2!D:S, "select D,F,H,J,N,P,R where J contains '"&Sheet1!A4&"' order by F",0); {"TOTAL","","","","","",Sheet1!B4}
The result is this:
It works great, but it'll be super tedious to repeat dozens of times.
This is pushing against the bounds of my formula knowledge, so I need someone to point me in the right direction. Is this handled with some sort of INDEX or VLOOKUP or ARRAY function? Or would it require a script?
Could you try with this REDUCE option and let me know if it returns your desired result?
query(Sheet2!D:S, "select D,F,H,J,N,P,R where J contains '"&INDEX(Sheet1!A3:A,b)&"' order by F",0);
You may change the first argument all those "","","" with the headers from your table. Let me know if it's useful

How to insert row with formula that links cell? Google Sheets API

The answer is next:
1) There is formula in Google Sheet cell "A11", for example "=F11+C11";
2) I append multiple data to this Google Sheet list with the help of
3) I need to append the value for "A12" using its current position. It had to become "=F12+C12".
Or if I append data on top
(as described here - Google sheets API append method (last on top))
I need that formulas under my append changed to correct value. If current value of "A11" is "=F11+C11" then,
if I add 3 rows before this row, it becomes "A14" cell and it's value had to be changed to "=F14+C14"
Is there any way to realise both this scenarious directly in Google Sheets API request? May be there is some settings in Google Sheet that can help me (something like formating of cells/columns etc)?
UPD. For now it all works fine except of that incident when formula returns exception! My questions is not actual for now, but I still not understand in which cases formulas will change and in which they will not.
The answer is quiet simple!
I update cell 'A13' with formula '=B2+C2' and as cells 'B2' and 'C2' stay on their places after every changes my cell 'A13' still link cells 'B2' and 'C2'.
But if I will add row before 'B2' and/or 'C2' then formula will change and my cell 'A13' will link 'B3' and 'C3'.

Exclude empty cells when using SORT() in descending order

Use case
Sort formula against other sheet but exclude empty values after last item. Empty values get sorted at top, creating a whole bunch of blank space, and then data I care about.
=SORT('other sheet'!A1:C36,'other sheet'!D1:D36,FALSE)
A-C is the data I wish to show.
D is the column I wish to sort on.
The "36" must be manually updated each time I add/remove a row to 'other sheet'.
Possible solution would be:
Get the row number of the last non-empty cell in a column in Google Sheets as [last row].
=SORT('other sheet'!A1:C[last row],'other sheet'!D1:D[last row],FALSE)
What I tried
Lookup("",'other sheet'!A:A)
Result: #N/A
No examples in Help for finding empty cells
Get the last non-empty cell in a column in Google Sheets
Returns value not address. Could find that value in row but not as efficient. Also what if value is found in more than one place?
** Example Speadsheet **
I cannot recreate this in a new spreadsheet. I believe this may be a bug.
If you want to find the last row, you can use the following formula.
=SORT(INDIRECT("'other sheet'!A1:C"&QUERY(TRANSPOSE(FILTER(ROW('other sheet'!A:A),'other sheet'!A:A="")),"select Col1")),INDIRECT("'other sheet'!D1:D"&QUERY(TRANSPOSE(FILTER(ROW('other sheet'!A:A),'other sheet'!A:A="")),"select Col1")),FALSE)
The code in bold is a formula to find the first blank cell in column A in 'other sheet'.
The code in italic return a reference range based on the bolded code.
I hope this help even though it seems to be a very long time since your question.
Edited: I just found out that query can limit rows.
=SORT(INDIRECT("'other sheet'!A1:C"&QUERY(FILTER(ROW('other sheet'!A:A),'other sheet'!A:A=""),"limit 1")),INDIRECT("'other sheet'!D1:D"&QUERY(FILTER(ROW('other sheet'!A:A),'other sheet'!A:A=""),"limit 1")),FALSE)
Edited: Sorry, I didn't read the question carefully. If you want to remove the first blank cell when sort in descending order, you just have to simply add a QUERY function at front, without query for anything.
=QUERY(SORT(INDIRECT("'other sheet'!A1:C"&QUERY(FILTER(ROW('other sheet'!A:A),'other sheet'!A:A=""),"limit 1")),INDIRECT("'other sheet'!D1:D"&QUERY(FILTER(ROW('other sheet'!A:A),'other sheet'!A:A=""),"limit 1")),FALSE),"")

Google spreadsheet Multiple result with VLOOK UP

The VLOOKUP formulas which works individually are
=if(VLOOKUP(E2,DB!$F:$H,1,0)>0,"IN PROGRESS",)
The issue is while displaying both results in a single cell, the formula which I came up for this was
I have tested the formula with normal conditions other than VLOOKUP and it works without any issues, not sure what's wrong with it.
Example : C10=if(AND(E10=1),"ONE",if(E10=2,"TWO","NO DATA"))
Any help appreciated.
May be its something simple but I am pulling my hair out for the last 3 hours.
Thanks :)
Updated 03.05.2016
Sorry for the comments that I have posted as I am new at using Stack overflow.
I have tried with only IF statements without any AND conditions, but the result is still same. The VLOOKUP is not returning the second value.
What I am expecting in cell C2 (sheet1) is check the values in cell
E2 against the columns C:H ( Sheet 2/ DB). If it belongs to
Column C:C in (sheet2/DB) then the value in C2 (sheet1) should display
as "Completed" else if the value is in column F:F ( sheet2/DB) then in C2
(sheet1) should display "In Progress".
Link to my spreadsheet link
There are a few problems with your formula.
VLOOKUP and similar functions search within a single row or column, and it seems like you're looking for your value in multiple rows and columns.
As #Meta mentioned, VLOOKUP returns N/A when the value is not found in the range, and you are expecting a zero or less value to be returned (when you check for >0 in the IF statement). Note that VLOOKUP returns the cell value itself and not an index of a match (like the MATCH function).
My suggestion is to replace your VLOOKUPs with COUNTIF.
COUNTIF counts in multiple rows and columns, and will return a zero if no matches are found.

Google Spreadsheet Function That Sums Numbers In A Column When the Row Contains An EXACT Text

I've been at this problem for a while now. I am trying to sum numbers under a specific column when the rows equal a certain text and then display that sum on a different sheet. So far I came up with this formula: =IF(EXACT(A2,Table!A2:A)=TRUE,SUM(Table!C2:C)); however the only problem is that is sums everything in column C (which makes sense).
I wish there was a way to do something like the following: SUM(Table!C2:C where EXACT(A2,TABLE!A2:A)=TRUE). I've also tried the SUMIF(), DSUM(), and QUERY() functions to no avail. I must be getting logically tripped up somewhere.
Figured it out: =SUM(FILTER(Table!E4:E, EXACT(Table!A4:A,A4)=TRUE)).
=sum ( FILTER (b1:b10, a1:a10 = "Text" ) )
// the above formula will help you to take the sum of the values in column B when another column A contain a specific text.
The formula is applicable only in Google Spreadsheets
