How to mount a single volume to multiple /var/lib/docker simultaneously? - docker

Is is possible to share a single docker volume to multiple docker containers with /var/lib/docker destination?
A minimal reproducible example would be like below:
$ docker volume create --name lib
$ docker run --privileged -v lib:/var/lib/docker --name c1 -d docker:dind
$ docker run --privileged -v lib:/var/lib/docker --name c2 -d docker:dind
I want to work with docker inside c1 and c2 containers simultaneously. But if you wait a moment, you'll see it's not possible and the second container (c2) stops. I've checked the error logs:
$ docker logs -f c2
failed to start containerd: timeout waiting for containerd to start
And, I can not make multiple volumes; Because the storage is limited and the size of images are heavy.
Maybe I'm facing with XY Problem! Actually I want to have my images shared. I want all of my Docker Images inside my host machine, go into all DinD containers ALSO the containers should be able to create a new Docker Image and this new image should be accessible from other containers at the same time.

On the title of the question, yes, multiple containers can mount the same volume. However, your containers are each docker engines, and the second engine is failing to start because there's already a running docker engine on the /var/lib/docker directory. This isn't a volume mounting issue so much as a docker engine design challenge.
Given your requirements, a container image database from the host engine, shared with various DinD instances, while not sharing the docker engine of the host itself (via a docker.sock or mTLS), I don't believe there's a good answer. You're left with two options:
Run your own local registry server. This is keep the layers from being sent outside your network, and could even be on the same host. However, the layers will be copied for each engine, and you'll need to manage GC policies on that registry. This gives you the desired isolation without the desired deduplication of image layers.
Share the docker.sock between the host and trusted containers. The containers would then have direct access to the host engine, effectively root on the host (unless you have setup the engine as rootless), so only do this in environments where you trust it. This would give you the layer deduplication, but none of the isolation.
The reason it's difficult is docker is designed to manage it's own copy of /var/lib/docker, so all the state can be tracked in memory and periodically pushed out as json metadata files on disk to handle restarts. Mutexes are within the one process, and it doesn't need to worry about multiple writers modifying layers, or a reader running while a writer is still creating a layer.

Take a look at this Document:


How to persist docker Images through multiple dind containers? [duplicate]

Is is possible to share a single docker volume to multiple docker containers with /var/lib/docker destination?
A minimal reproducible example would be like below:
$ docker volume create --name lib
$ docker run --privileged -v lib:/var/lib/docker --name c1 -d docker:dind
$ docker run --privileged -v lib:/var/lib/docker --name c2 -d docker:dind
I want to work with docker inside c1 and c2 containers simultaneously. But if you wait a moment, you'll see it's not possible and the second container (c2) stops. I've checked the error logs:
$ docker logs -f c2
failed to start containerd: timeout waiting for containerd to start
And, I can not make multiple volumes; Because the storage is limited and the size of images are heavy.
Maybe I'm facing with XY Problem! Actually I want to have my images shared. I want all of my Docker Images inside my host machine, go into all DinD containers ALSO the containers should be able to create a new Docker Image and this new image should be accessible from other containers at the same time.
On the title of the question, yes, multiple containers can mount the same volume. However, your containers are each docker engines, and the second engine is failing to start because there's already a running docker engine on the /var/lib/docker directory. This isn't a volume mounting issue so much as a docker engine design challenge.
Given your requirements, a container image database from the host engine, shared with various DinD instances, while not sharing the docker engine of the host itself (via a docker.sock or mTLS), I don't believe there's a good answer. You're left with two options:
Run your own local registry server. This is keep the layers from being sent outside your network, and could even be on the same host. However, the layers will be copied for each engine, and you'll need to manage GC policies on that registry. This gives you the desired isolation without the desired deduplication of image layers.
Share the docker.sock between the host and trusted containers. The containers would then have direct access to the host engine, effectively root on the host (unless you have setup the engine as rootless), so only do this in environments where you trust it. This would give you the layer deduplication, but none of the isolation.
The reason it's difficult is docker is designed to manage it's own copy of /var/lib/docker, so all the state can be tracked in memory and periodically pushed out as json metadata files on disk to handle restarts. Mutexes are within the one process, and it doesn't need to worry about multiple writers modifying layers, or a reader running while a writer is still creating a layer.
Take a look at this Document:

Docker container A access file system of Docker container B without host volume

Is it possible for a second Docker container to natively access the internal file system of another container if they're running on the same system?
without mapping volumes, I think it is not possible!
when you run a container Docker create a namespace for that container and this namespace creates a layer of isolation for the processes of that container meaning their PID sequence, hostname, filesystem, ..... are isolated and for them it is like they are the only processes in that machine
if you need more informations refer to this book:
You can use shared filesystem mounted as volume in two separate containers.
The following command will create a directory called nginxlogs in your current user’s home directory and bindmount it to /var/log/nginx in the container:
docker run --name=nginx -d -v ~/nginxlogs:/var/log/nginx -p 5000:80 nginx
Then you can perform same operations on another container.
Finally you have to remember that if two separate processes from different containers will try to access files it can cause conflicts.

Docker keeps saying must be a superuser

I have a docker image which runs tomcat. Whenever I deploy a detached container and login to the container using docker exec, I usually get logged in by default as root. However, whenever I try commands like mount/umount, the container shell keeps returning an error saying must be superuser
What is this error and how do I fix it?
Even as root, the set of things you can do inside a Docker container is limited. There's some discussion of this under "Runtime privilege and Linux capabilities" in the docker run documentation. Among the things you can't do in a container without additional configuration is mount(8) additional filesystems.
In general, though, it's not good Docker practice to docker exec into containers and start making changes. You usually want to set things up so that you can run a single docker run (or docker-compose up) command, and everything is automatically configured for you. This is especially important when you start looking at things like restart policies or clustered environments like Docker Swarm or Kubernetes: manually tweaking things after startup doesn't work well when you have multiple copies of a container, potentially on different hosts, that might restart on their own.
Docker has some built-in support for managing filesystems in the container and it's better to use that:
If you're trying to mount --bind a host directory for things like publishing logs out, Docker has its own bind mount system, so you can
docker run -v $PWD/host/directory/path:/container/path ...
If you're trying to mount a physical device for external storage, you can mount(8) it on the host and then bind-mount it into the container as above.
Or, you can manually configure a Docker named volume to mount a physical device. The docker volume create command takes extended options that let you manually specify most of the mount options, so you can
docker volume create disk --driver local --opt device=/dev/sdX
docker run -v disk:/container/path ...
If you need to unmount a volume, stop the container, delete it, and re-run it with one fewer -v option. (Stopping and recreating containers for config changes like this is extremely routine.)

Mapping Docker Volumes in a Cluster/Docker-Swarm

I am running Docker Swarm with 3-Masters and 3-Worker nodes.
On this Swarm, I have an Elastic search container which reads data from multiple log files and then writes the data into a directory. Later it reads data from this directory and shows me the logs on a UI.
Now the problem is that I am running only 1 instance of this Elastic Search Container and say for some reason it goes down then docker swarm start this on another machine. Since I have 6 machines I have created the particular directory on all the machines, but whenever I start the docker stack the ES container starts and starts reading/writing directory on the machine where it is running.
Is there a way that we can
Force docker swarm to run a container on a particular machine
Map volume to shared/network drive
Both are available.
Force docker swarm to run a container on a particular machine
Add --constraint flag when executing docker service create. Some introduction.
Map volume to shared/network drive
Use docker volume with a driver that supports writing files to an external storage system like NFS or Amazon S3. More introduction.

Remove port binding from an existing docker container

Currently I have a container created with
docker run --detach --name gitlab_app --restart=always --publish --publish --volumes-from gitlab_data gitlab_image
I want to remove both port bindings 80 and 22 from the image. Is it possible to remove port binding from an existing docker container?
NB: It is okay to take the container offline for removing the binding.
If its ok for the container to be offline why not just remove and run again without the port switches?
If you do need to do this without deleting containers you could just modify the underlying iptables changes.
# Will list the rules
iptables -L
# Will delete the rule you want to remove
iptables --delete [chain] <Rule definition>
In general your data should always be in one of 3 places
A data only container that can be linked with a restarted service container.
A volume defined in your service container than can be linked with a new container to take backups. See here for an example.
In a host mounted volume so that you can restart containers and mount the same location into new containers.
With one of these three approaches restarting services becomes easily and this should be standard as micro-services should be designed such that they can go down and recover often. These approaches will also speed up your application as the default union file system is slower than normal file systems which are used for volumes.
If you need to recover data from a container where you did not plan volumes properly you can use the docker export functionality to export the state of your container. Then import it into a new container with a host mounted volume. Copy your critical data from inside the container to the volume.
