What is the proper way of increasing the watermark when using a joinFunction in Flink? - stream

I have two streams, stream A and stream B. Both streams contain the same type of event which has an ID and a timestamp. For now, all i want the flink job to do is join the events that have the same ID inside of a window of 1 minute. The watermark is assigned on event.
sourceA = initialSourceA.map(parseToEvent)
sourceB = initialSourceB.map(parseToEvent)
streamA = sourceA
streamB = sourceB
.window(TumblingEventTimeWindows.of(Time.of(1, TimeUnit.MINUTES)))
Inside my test I try to send the following:
sourceA.send(Event(ID_1, 0 seconds))
sourceB.send(Event(ID_1, 0 seconds))
//to increase the watermark
sourceA.send(Event(ID_1, 62 seconds))
sourceB.send(Event(ID_1, 62 seconds))
For parallelism = 1, I can see the events from time 0 getting joined together.
However, for parallelism = 2 the print does not display anything getting joined. To figure out the problem, I tried to print the events after the keyBy of each stream and I can see they are all running on the same instance. Placing the print after the watermarking, for obvious reasons, that the events are currently on the different instances.
This leads me to believe that I am somehow doing something incorrectly when it comes to watermarking since for a parallelism higher than 1 it doesn't increase the watermark. So here's a couple of questions i asked myself:
Is it possible that each event has a seperate watermark generator and i have to increase them specifically?
Do I run keyBy first and then watermark so that my events from each stream use the same watermarkgenerator?
Sending another set of events as follows:
sourceA.send(Event(ID_1, 0 seconds))
sourceB.send(Event(ID_1, 0 seconds))
//to increase the watermark
sourceA.send(Event(ID_1, 62 seconds))
sourceB.send(Event(ID_1, 62 seconds))
sourceA.send(Event(ID_1, 122 seconds))
sourceB.send(Event(ID_1, 122 seconds))
Ended up sending the joined first events. Further inspection showed that the third set of events used the same watermarkgenerator that the second one didn't use. Something which I am not very clear on why is happening. How can I assign and increase watermarks correctly when using a join function in Flink?
The custom watermark generator:
class CustomWaterMarkGenerator(
private val maxOutOfOrderness: Long,
private var currentMaxTimeStamp: Long = 0,
: WatermarkGenerator<EventType> {
override fun onEvent(event: EventType, eventTimestamp: Long, output: WatermarkOutput) {
val a = currentMaxTimeStamp.coerceAtLeast(eventTimestamp)
currentMaxTimeStamp = a
output.emitWatermark(Watermark(currentMaxTimeStamp - maxOutOfOrderness - 1));
override fun onPeriodicEmit(output: WatermarkOutput?) {
The watermark strategy:
class CustomWatermarkStrategy(
): WatermarkStrategy<Event> {
override fun createWatermarkGenerator(context: WatermarkGeneratorSupplier.Context?): WatermarkGenerator<Event> {
return CustomWaterMarkGenerator(0)
override fun createTimestampAssigner(context: TimestampAssignerSupplier.Context?): TimestampAssigner<Event> {
return TimestampAssigner{ event: Event, _: Long->
Custom source:
The sourceFunction is currently an rsocket connection that connects to a mockstream where i can send events through mockStream.send(event). The first thing I do with the events is parse them using a map function (from string into my event type) and then i assign my watermarks etc.

Each parallel instance of the watermark generator will operate independently, based solely on the events it observes. Doing the watermarking immediately after the sources makes sense (although even better, in general, is to do watermarking directly in the sources).
An operator with multiple input channels (such as the keyed windowed join in your application) sets its current watermark to the minimum of the watermarks it has received from its active input channels. This has the effect that any idle source instances will cause the watermarks to stall in downstream tasks -- unless those sources explicitly mark themselves as idle. (And FLINK-18934 meant that prior to Flink 1.14 idleness propagation didn't work correctly with joins.) An idle source is a likely suspect in your situation.
One strategy for debugging this sort of problem is to bring up the Flink WebUI and observe the behavior of the current watermark in all of the tasks.
To get more help, please share the rest of the application, or at least the custom source and watermark strategy.


Is there an equivalent to Akka Streams' `conflate` and/or `batch` operators in Reactor?

I am looking for an equivalent of the batch and conflate operators from Akka Streams in Project Reactor, or some combination of operators that mimic their behavior.
The idea is to aggregate upstream items when the downstream backpressures in a reduce-like manner.
Note that this is different from this question because the throttleLatest / conflate operator described there is different from the one in Akka Streams.
Some background regarding what I need this for:
I am watching a change stream on a MongoDB and for every change I run an aggregate query on the MongoDB to update some metric. When lots of changes come in, the queries can't keep up and I'm getting errors. As I only need the latest value of the aggregate query, it is fine to aggregate multiple change events and run the aggregate query less often, but I want the metric to be as up-to-date as possible so I want to avoid waiting a fixed amount of time when there is no backpressure.
The closest I could come so far is this:
.concatMap { it.reduce(setOf<String>(), { applicationNames, event -> applicationNames + event.body.sourceReference.applicationName }) }
.concatMap { Flux.fromIterable(it) }
.concatMap { taskRepository.findTaskCountForApplication(it) }
but this would always wait for 1 second regardless of backpressure.
What I would like is something like this:
.conflateWithSeed({setOf(it.body.sourceReference.applicationName)}, {applicationNames, event -> applicationNames + event.body.sourceReference.applicationName})
.concatMap { Flux.fromIterable(it) }
.concatMap { taskRepository.findTaskCountForApplication(it) }
I assume you always run only 1 query at the same time - no parallel execution. My idea is to buffer elements in list(which can be easily aggregated) as long as the query is running. As soon as the query finishes, another list is executed.
I tested it on a following code:
boolean isQueryRunning = false;
Flux.range(0, 1000000)
.bufferUntil(aLong -> !isQueryRunning)
.doOnNext(integers -> isQueryRunning = true)
.concatMap(integers-> Mono.fromCallable(() -> {
int sleepTime = new Random().nextInt(10000);
System.out.println("processing " + integers.size() + " elements. Sleep time: " + sleepTime);
return "";
).doOnNext(s -> isQueryRunning = false)
Which prints
processing 1 elements. Sleep time: 4585
processing 402 elements. Sleep time: 2466
processing 223 elements. Sleep time: 2613
processing 236 elements. Sleep time: 5172
processing 465 elements. Sleep time: 8682
processing 787 elements. Sleep time: 6780
Its clearly visible, that size of the next batch is proprortional to previous query execution time(Sleep time).
Note that it is not "real" backpressure solution, just a workaround. Also its not suited for parallel execution. It might also require some tuning in order to prevent running queries for empty batches.

Joining two streams

Is it possible to join two separate PubSubIo Unbounded PCollections using a key present in both of them? I try to accomplish the task with something like:
Read(FistStream)&Read(SecondStream) -> Flatten -> Generate key to use in joining -> Use Session Windowing to gather them together -> Group by key then rewindow with fixed size windows -> AvroIOWrite to disk using windowing.
Here is the pipeline code I created. I experience two problems:
Nothing get's written to the disk
Pipeline starts to be really unstable - it randomly slows down processing of certain steps. Especially group by. It's not able to keep up with ingestion speed even when I use 10 dataflow workers.
I need to handle ~ 10 000 sessions a second. Each session comprises of 1 or 2 events, then needs to be closed.
PubsubIO.Read<String> auctionFinishedReader = PubsubIO.readStrings().withTimestampAttribute(TIMESTAMP_ATTRIBUTE)
PubsubIO.Read<String> auctionAcceptedReader = PubsubIO.readStrings().withTimestampAttribute(TIMESTAMP_ATTRIBUTE)
PCollection<String> auctionFinishedStream = p.apply("ReadAuctionFinished", auctionFinishedReader);
PCollection<String> auctionAcceptedStream = p.apply("ReadAuctionAccepted", auctionAcceptedReader);
PCollection<String> combinedEvents = PCollectionList.of(auctionFinishedStream)
PCollection<KV<String, String>> keyedAuctionFinishedStream = combinedEvents
.apply("AddKeysToAuctionFinished", WithKeys.of(new GenerateKeyForEvent()));
PCollection<KV<String, Iterable<String>>> sessions = keyedAuctionFinishedStream
.apply(Window.<KV<String, String>>into(Sessions.withGapDuration(Duration.standardMinutes(1)))
PCollection<SodaSession> values = sessions
.apply(ParDo.of(new DoFn<KV<String, Iterable<String>>, SodaSession> () {
public void processElement(ProcessContext c, BoundedWindow window) {
c.output(new SodaSession("auctionid", "stattedat"));
PCollection<SodaSession> windowedEventStream = values
.apply("ApplyWindowing", Window.<SodaSession>into(FixedWindows.of(Duration.standardMinutes(2)))
AvroIO.Write<SodaSession> avroWriter = AvroIO
.withFilenamePolicy(new EventsToGCS.PerWindowFiles("sessionsoda"))
windowedEventStream.apply("WriteToDisk", avroWriter);
I've found an efficient solution. As one of my collection was disproportionate in size compared to the other one so I used side input to speed up grouping operation. Here is an overview of my solution:
Read both event streams.
Flatten them into single PCollection.
Use sliding window sized (closable session duration + session max length, every closable session duration).
Partition collections again.
Create PCollectionView from smaller PCollection.
Join both streams using sideInput with the view created in the previous step.
Write sessions to disk.
It handles joining 4000 events/sec stream (larger one) + 60 events/sec stream on 1-2 DataFlow workers versus ~15 workers when used Session windowing along with GroupBy.

Simple Babymonitor with Bass.DLL

I am trying to program a simple Babymonitor for Windows (personal use).
The babymonitor should just detect the dB level of the microphone and triggers at a certain volume.
After some research, I found the Bass.dll library and came across it's function BASS_ChannelGetLevel, which is great but seems to have limitations and doesn't fit my needs (Peak equals to a DWORD value).
In the examples I found a livespec example which is "almost" what I need. The example uses BASS_ChannelGetData, but I don't quite know how to handle the returned array...
I want to keep it as simple as possible: Detect the volume from the microphone as dB or any other value (e.g. value 0-MAXINT).
How can this be done with the Bass.dll library?
The BASS_ChannelGetLevel returns the value that is capped to 0dB (return value is 32768 in this case). If you adjust your source level (lower microphone level in sound card settings) then it will work just fine.
Another way, if you want to get uncapped value is to use the BASS_ChannelGetLevelEx function instead: it returns floating point levels, where 1 is maximum (0dB) value that corresponds to BASS_ChannelGetLevel's 32767, but it can exceed 1 to detect sound levels above 0dB which is what you may need.
I also suggest you to monitor sound level for a while: trigger only if certain level exists for 2-3 seconds at least (this way you will exclude false alarms).
Here is how you obtain the db level given an input stream handle (streamHandle):
var peak = (double)Bass.BASS_ChannelGetLevel(streamHandle);
var decibels = 20 * Math.Log10(peak / Int32.MaxValue);
Alternatively, you can use the following to get the RMS (average) peak. To get the RMS value, you have to pass in a sample length into BASS_ChannelGetLevel. I'm using 20 milliseconds here but you can play with the value to see which works best for your needs.
var decibels = 0m;
var channelCount = 2; //Assuming two channels
var sampleLengthMS = 20f;
var rmsLevels = new float[channelCount];
var rmsObtained = Bass.BASS_ChannelGetLevel(streamHandle, rmsLevels, sampleLengthMS / 1000f, BASSLevel.BASS_LEVEL_RMS);
if (rmsObtained)
decibels = 20*Math.Log10(rmsLevels[0]); //using first channel (index 0) but you can get both if needed.
Hope this helps.

Applying multiple GroupByKey transforms in a DataFlow job causing windows to be applied multiple times

We have a DataFlow job that is subscribed to a PubSub stream of events. We have applied sliding windows of 1 hour with a 10 minute period. In our code, we perform a Count.perElement to get the counts for each element and we then want to run this through a Top.of to get the top N elements.
At a high level:
1) Read from pubSub IO
2) Window.into(SlidingWindows.of(windowSize).every(period)) // windowSize = 1 hour, period = 10 mins
3) Count.perElement
4) Top.of(n, comparisonFunction)
What we're seeing is that the window is being applied twice so data seems to be watermarked 1 hour 40 mins (instead of 50 mins) behind current time. When we dig into the job graph on the Dataflow console, we see that there are two groupByKey operations being performed on the data:
1) As part of Count.perElement. Watermark on the data from this step onwards is 50 minutes behind current time which is expected.
2) As part of the Top.of (in the Combine.PerKey). Watermark on this seems to be another 50 minutes behind the current time. Thus, data in steps below this is watermarked 1:40 mins behind.
This ultimately manifests in some downstream graphs being 50 minutes late.
Thus it seems like every time a GroupByKey is applied, windowing seems to kick in afresh.
Is this expected behavior? Anyway we can make the windowing only be applicable for the Count.perElement and turn it off after that?
Our code is something on the lines of:
final int top = 50;
final Duration windowSize = standardMinutes(60);
final Duration windowPeriod = standardMinutes(10);
final SlidingWindows window = SlidingWindows.of(windowSize).every(windowPeriod);
final Pipeline pipeline = Pipeline.create(options);
// Get events
final String eventTopic =
"projects/" + options.getProject() + "/topics/eventLog";
final PCollection<String> events = pipeline
// Create toplist
final PCollection<List<KV<String, Long>>> topList = events
.apply(Count.perElement()) //as eventIds are repeated
// get top n to get top events
.apply(Top.of(top, orderByValue()).withoutDefaults());
Windowing is not applied each time there is a GroupByKey. The lag you were seeing was likely the result of two issues, both of which should be resolved.
The first was that data that was buffered for later windows at the first group by key was preventing the watermark from advancing, which meant that the earlier windows were getting held up at the second group by key. This has been fixed in the latest versions of the SDK.
The second was that the sliding windows was causing the amount of data to increase significantly. A new optimization has been added which uses the combine (you mentioned Count and Top) to reduce the amount of data.

Determine consecutive video clips

I a long video stream, but unfortunately, it's in the form of 1000 15-second long randomly-named clips. I'd like to reconstruct the original video based on some measure of "similarity" of two such 15s clips, something answering the question of "the activity in clip 2 seems like an extension of clip 1". There are small gaps between clips --- a few hundred milliseconds or so each. I can also manually fix up the results if they're sufficiently good, so results needn't be perfect.
A very simplistic approach can be:
(a) Create an automated process to extract the first and last frame of each video-clip in a known image format (e.g. JPG) and name them according to video-clip names, e.g. if you have the video clips:
clipA.avi, clipB.avi, clipC.avi
you may create the following frame-images:
clipA_first.jpg, clipA_last.jpg, clipB_first.jpg, clipB_last.jpg, clipC_first.jpg, clipC_last.jpg
(b) The sorting "algorithm":
1. Create a 'Clips' list of Clip-Records containing each:
(a) clip-name (string)
(b) prev-clip-name (string)
(c) prev-clip-diff (float)
(d) next-clip-name (string)
(e) next-clip-diff (float)
2. Apply the following processing:
for Each ClipX having ClipX.next-clip-name == "" do:
ClipX.next-clip-diff = <a big enough number>;
for Each ClipY having ClipY.prev-clip-name == "" do:
float ImageDif = ImageDif(ClipX.last-frame.jpg, ClipY.first_frame.jpg);
if (ImageDif < ClipX.next-clip-diff)
ClipX.next-clip-name = ClipY.clip-name;
ClipX.next-clip-diff = ImageDif;
Clips[ClipX.next-clip-name].prev-clip-name = ClipX.clip-name;
Clips[ClipX.next-clip-name].prev-clip-diff = ClipX.next-clip-diff;
3. Scan the Clips list to find the record(s) with no <prev-clip-name> or
(if all records have a <prev-clip-name> find the record with the max <prev-clip-dif>.
This is a good candidate(s) to be the first clip in sequence.
4. Begin from the clip(s) found in step (3) and rename the clip-files by adding
a 5 digits number (00001, 00002, etc) at the beginning of its filename and going
from aClip to aClip.next-clip-name and removing the clip from the list.
5. Repeat steps 3,4 until there are no clips in the list.
6. Voila! You have your sorted clips list in the form of sorted video filenames!
...or you may end up with more than one sorted lists (if you have enough
'time-gap' between your video clips).
Very simplistic... but I think it can be effective...
PS1: Regarding the ImageDif() function: You can create a new DifImage, which is the difference of Images ClipX.last-frame.jpg, ClipY.first_frame.jpg and then then sum all pixels of DifImage to a single floating point ImageDif value. You can also optimize the process to abort the difference (or sum process) if your sum is bigger than some limit: You are actually interested in small differences. A ImageDif value which is larger than an (experimental) limit, means that the 2 images differs so much that the 2 clips cannot be one next each other.
PS2: The sorting algorithm order of complexity must be approximately O(n*log(n)), therefore for 1000 video clips it will perform about 3000 image comparisons (or a little more if you optimize the algorithm and you allow it to not find a match for some clips)
