I am trying to install Kivy again it is shows this warning - kivy

this error and warning is showing when I tried to install Kivy

As Python 3.10 is still currently relatively new and library developers need to recompile their package to the newest version, there is currently no way to install Kivy and its dependencies on Python 3.10 . I suggest you downgrade to Python 3.9 or even 3.8 for the installation to succeed.


Buildozer not using correct kivy version when packaging for android

I am having a couple of problems packaging my Kivy app for android which may, or may not be related:
The only packages my app imports other than Kivy, are the time, and math modules. When I add either or both of them to the requirements in the buildozer spec file, I get a "pip._internal.exceptions.DistributionNotFound: No matching distribution for time." error. When I don't include them in my requirements, the build is successful, but crashes upon open with the error:
"Exception: The version of Kivy installed on this system is too old. (You have 1.11.1, but the application requires 2.0.0)"
I am doing the install in a VirutalBox on Ubuntu, and have followed the installation procedure outlined in the Kivy, and Buildozer documentation, as well as following a tutorial by Eric Sandberg on YouTube. I have set the Kivy version in the buildozer spec file, and installed Kivy 2.0.0 on the VM using pip. When I pip freeze, it shows the correct version of Kivy. One thing I have noticed is the when I try and install it with "apt-get install python3-kivy", it says kivy 1.10 is installed and that this is the most up to date version.
This seems like an easy problem to address but I have cannot figure out why it is trying to use this version of Kivy! Please let me know if any other information is required to debug. The spec file is hardly changed, other then specifying Kivy=2.0.0 in requirements.
Here are the logs:
Here are the requirements:
You don't have to add math and time in requirements of your buildozer.spec file as they are inbuild modules in python. So, they will automatically get added when you add python3 in your requirements.
To use a newer versio version of kivy you have to specify it in your requirements. In requirements you have to add like requirements=python3,kivy==2.0.0rc4 or any other version you want to use. Also, after changing requirements you might have to rebuild you package. You have to delete .buildozer directory and again run the buildozer using buildozer android debug deploy run

installing old versions of cv2 using pip

i've been trying to download older versions of cv2 as an easy way to get around not being able to use SIFT.
I've tried the following:
pip install opencv-contrib-python==
however I get this error:
ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement opencv-contrib-python== (from versions:,,,,,
ERROR: No matching distribution found for opencv-contrib-python==
All the advice I've seen on the site so far tells me to either download these older versions of opencv or to build it myself (which seems like an absolute nightmare)
Anyone have any suggestions on how to install these older versions of cv2?
opencv-contrib-python provides wheels for Pythons up to 3.7. Probably you use Python 3.8.
Use Python 3.7 (or lower). Or compile from sources for 3.8.

Prompt-toolkit version issue- incompatible with rasa-core and spyder

I am training a question answering model with rasa-nlu and rasa-core from terminal, wherein it requires the version of prompt-toolkit to be less than version 2.0.0 and when I try to open spyder IDEfrom Anaconda prompt, it is throwing error as it is expecting the prompt-toolkit version to be greater than 2. If I upgrade the version of prompt-toolkit the rasa-core code throws error in terminal. Is there any way to overcome this problem?
This was due to the not maintained dependency for PyInquirer in Rasa Core.
The library PyInquirer is replaced in the new Rasa Core release 0.13.0 with the library questionary. If you already want to have the latest release you can use the latest alpha version, by doing pip install rasa_core==0.13.0a5.

Install version cordova-ios 4.3.0 for visual studio and issue with cordova command not existing in CLI

Someone has asked the exact question I need on this page.
However, as I am new, my rep will not allow me to comment yet! So I have had to create a new question.
A guy in the question linked above suggests to "Type cordova platform add ios;". So there I suppose is where my question is different.
When I type Cordova in cmd prompt, I get a message saying "cordova is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file."
Update: Please note, I have followed these steps: http://cordova.apache.org/docs/en/7.x/guide/cli/ And I am able to run the npm commands in CLI. I was hoping to simply update my ios version only.
I have also looked up PATH but I have no idea where to start, problem is, people suggest that I shouldn't need to adjust PATH as running the CLI commands to install the Cordova CLI should just allow me to use it?
So to summarize:
I downloaded the node.js and installed it
I typed this into cmd "npm install -g cordova" which installed
I type "cordova" and get my "cordova is not recognized as an internal or external command" message above
My aim is to upgrade my cordova-ios 4.2.0 to cordova-ios 4.3.0 to fix my main error of "remote build requires your projects to use cordova-ios 4.3.0 or greater with XCode 8.3"
Update 2 9th oct 2017:
I have given up for now with the above, to work around this i installed Node.js 8.6.0 then updated cordova using npm... im now facing some more issues that I am again stuck on and will create a new question.
Hopefully in the meantime, someone can answer this question and i can try again.
I suspect my issues could be relating to the fact i installed VS 2017 and used all the built in nuget packages (for cordova and node.js) and they are conflicting with the manual way in some way (i suspect that, as running the "cordova" command on my other PC worked fine!)

Is OpenCV supported on Python 3 yet?

I already have part of a program running in Python 3 but I need OpenCV (or SimpleCV), for a robotic vehicle, but I haven't found any install commands that seem to work, other than for Python 2.7.
If it is compatible could you please include instructions (/links to) for installation of the module?
I am using Ubuntu 14.
Maybe a little late to answer, but it's actually supported on OpenCV version 3 (in alpha state nowadays). I have successfully managed to install it, on MacOS, but I guess it would be similar on Ubuntu.
Now you have separated options for python2 and python3 when using Cmake. So you'll have to set those to make it work. That's all I needed to set:
Here you can find more detailed description: Link
Luigolas is correct that OpenCV 3.0 supports Python 3.x bindings. It was in release candidate status since April and the production version was released on 4 June 2015. Unfortunately for some reason the downloadable installation program on the OpenCV site does not contain a Python 3.x-compatible cv2.pyd file.
OP asked about Ubuntu but for those requiring a Windows installer, use Christoph Gohlke's site, which maintains Windows binaries for many Python packages, including OpenCV 3.0 with Python 3.x bindings. Visit:
To install, just download the 64-bit or 32-bit .whl file appropriate for your system, then run pip install [filename]. Then the instruction import cv2 should work in your Python 3.x interpreter.
