BitBucket: How to hide sensitive values in bitbuket repo - bitbucket

We have manifest file which contains some username and passwords which is being used by Jenkins during build and deployment.
We need to hide these values in repo when someone opens this file in browser.


Unable to login to Jenkins with AD after restore

I am trying to restore my Jenkins application onto a new ec2 server. I copied over all the .xml files within the JENKINS_HOME Directory and all the plugins but when I try to login to Jenkins I get an invalid username and credential error. I didn't change any settings in my config.xml during the copy so I'm not really for sure as to why its giving that error. I know I can disable it but by doing so it will remove all the role based authorizations that are within the config.xml and I really don't want to copy and paste them back in if I don't have to. I'm just curious if anyone else has ran into this issue before?

Running job on local jenkins with local repository

I have Selenium project and i want to run my job on local Jenkins 2.176.1 from local repository (using path to my project folder on disc).
Do You know where's that option? I remember that I use this option few months ago, but now I can't find box for path to files on disc.
Now I only see git/subversion option.
Go to Source Code Management tab and select Git
The critical part is what you enter here as the “Repository URL”. The correct value should start with file://// for a local repository which is created on your PCs local file system.
For a test project which was created under “/usr/local/projects/reporting-servicet” the Repository URL should be entered as “file:////usr/local/projects/reporting-service”.
Now save this configuration, go to “Jenkins” dashboard (http://localhost:8080/) and click your projects name on the right
#Sunny Sharma's answer works well for a local git repository. I setup a Multibranch Pipeline Project, added the following into Branch Sources > Git > Project Repository
or simply w/o file:///
Where file:/// or file://// both are working for *nix style forward slash path. Even though you're using a local git repository, any changes you made needed to be committed locally first in order to let Jenkins check out and pick them up. Validated on Jenkins 2.263.4.

How to use and Firebase on public repository

I have a public Github project which uses Firebase, so it needs a GoogleService-Info.plist file. Since this file includes a bunch of API keys and such, I added the file to .gitignore
Today I set up for CI purposes. Adding the project went just fine but now every time I trigger a build (or push to master), the build fails since the GoogleService-Info.plist is obviously missing from the repo.
Is there any kind of workaround to still hide the .plistfile from Github but expose it to Bitrise?
Use Secrets or Generic File Storage ( in the Workflow editor.
There's just one limitation, that as your app is a public one on those secrets won't be available in Pull Request builds. But based on what you wrote that shouldn't be a problem, you don't want to expose it for anyone who can send a PR.
Note: if you'd store it as a Secret, then you can just write it into a file via a simple Script step: echo "$MY_PLIST_SECRET" > ./path/to/file.plist

Upgrade Jenkins CI withourt losing User/Job Config

I would like to upgrade Jenkins to the latest version without losing job/user configuration.
From looking through various posts the answer seems to be to replace the jenkins war directory.
I did this and although the new version seems to be in place the about dialogue still has the original version,
I think this is because the versionnumber is held in a config file outside of the war folder.
Is there a better method to upgrade.
I have the best practice with replacing jenkins.war file, content of the folder should got extracted from war file during server startup (automatically).
All configuration is stored as files in jenkins home directory.
jobs in subfolder jobs, users in users etc.
So if you will replace war file, you will dont loose the configuration or content.
You can check this for better info, looks for "Install the New Jenkins War File
I am sharing my experience here, as this would definitely help someone. We were on jenkins 2.138.3 and wanted to upgrade to 2.235.5 version. Now the issue we were facing is our users were getting deleted when we tried to restore the users folder from the backup of old jenkins.
Root Cause: In the jenkins upgrade the mechanism to store the users on the disk is changed. This is verified by seeing the users//config.xml of both old and new jenkins.
The first problem we faced starting the jenkins is below error
java.nio.file.DirectoryNotEmptyException: /Users/jenkins/<username>
The reason being, in the upgraded jenkins the username folder is changed. for e.g. if your username is admin then in new jenkins the folder would be something like $JENKINS_HOME/users/admin_6635238516816951048/ instead of $JENKINS_HOME/users/admin/ and this mapping is captured separately in a file
$JENKINS_HOME/users/users.xml where a sample entry would look like
Here the first String is your username and second is the folder where config.xml for your user should exists.
In our old jenkins this folder structure is not available and hence we see the error
java.nio.file.DirectoryNotEmptyException: /Users/jenkins/<username>
So, what are the steps to migrate users properly so existing credentials can be used.
Once the new jenkins war is deployed on the new jenkins, stop the jenkins.
If there exists a users.xml file in $JENKINS_HOME/users/users.xml, delete it or rename it so jenkins wont look for the new folder structure
Restore your users folder from old jenkins to new jenkins at $JENKINS_HOME location. So all your users should appear in new jenkins # $JENKINS_HOME/users folder
Start the jenkins service.
And you should be able to login with your old jenkins user's credentials.
The detailed explanation can be found at

Plugin to Copy Files from Desktop to Jobs Workspace in Jenkins

I have a scenario wherein the users who have created some configuration files need to upload the same from the desktop where they access Jenkins onto the Job's workspace to build and execute tests.
So I did try using the Config File Provider plugin as mentioned in This seems to work fine to copy the configuration file to the Jenkins UI, which can be later synced to the Slave with the given path in the Build environment of the respective job. But the users who wish to upload these files don't have the administrative rights. Hence they are unable to access the Configuration File Management which is under the Manage Jenkins tab. Is there any way that I can move the Configuration File Management under the Jenkins sidebar and allow users to edit the same.
Are there any other plugins that will help me achieve the same? I did also try Copy to Slave plugin but this only copies the files under $JENKINS_HOME/userContent to the job's workspace. We will have to copy the files from the desktop to $JENKINS_HOME/userContent and then use the plugin.
Wouldn't using a parameterized job and have one of the parameters be a File Parameter? See
