In iOS, How many times does RunLoop cycle in one second - ios

In iOS, How many times does RunLoop cycle in one second?
Is it the same as the screen refresh rate, 60 times a second?

No, the run loop frequency is not the same as the screen refresh rate. (It generally exceeds the potential screen refresh rates unless you block the thread.)
When we need to coordinate something with the screen refresh process, we generally use a CADisplayLink, which not only runs with the desired frequency, but also maximizes its timing within the screen refresh cycle.
Note, screen refresh rates can vary from device to device, and, on new devices, they can even vary depending upon the needs of a particular task running on a particular device (faster when you need better performance, slower when not needed and you want to enjoy more energy efficiency). See Optimizing ProMotion Refresh Rates for iPhone 13 Pro and iPad Pro.


How fast can I send a UIImage between an iPhone and Apple Watch, with watchOS 2?

I'm building an Apple WatchOS 2 app which is continuously animated with generated images.
Because these can't be bundled with the app, they're generated in InterfaceController, and then set to display on the watch like so:
Until this point, I've been generating these at a rate of 1 image per second, which feels fairly safe, but obviously gives a very low framerate of 1fps. Now I'm wondering how much this could be improved?
I measured the speed at which the UIImages themselves are generated, which is a fairly low .017 seconds. The size of these images is fairly consistent, too at about 10000 bytes. If there was no further delay, that'd give me a much more acceptable performance of about 58fps.
My question is - Is there a typical speed at which bluetooth communicates with my phone, which I could compare to that image size to determine a realistic frame rate?
Or - I presume that calling setBackgroundImage doesn't block the main thread while that happens. Is there a way that I can find out how long it takes for that to actually be set?
Apple doesn't have this speed documented because so much of it depends on connection strength. And since a user doesn't need to have the watch and phone right next to each other, the further away (or the type of objects between the phone and watch) a user is the slower it will transfer.
Your images are 10 KB, and you want to send 58 images per second so 580 KB or .58 MB per second? The amount of data doesn't sound unrealistic (though it will be a battery drain). However, each network call between the two devices will have some overhead. Do these image need to be sent in real time? If not you would likely get better performance if you could delay for 1-2 seconds initially and then batch a group of 58 images together which you would them animate on the watch. You would only have 1 network call every second which would be more more manageable for the devices than 58 calls per second.

How to calculate the remaining time for a device to power down

I've searched a lot on stackoverflow/google/apple reference, but couldn't find the answer, I'm building a utility app and I want to show the estimated time before the device powers down, I know there isn't any API for that, so should I capture a NSDate whenever the battery level change and calculate the intervals between two NSDates and multiply it by the remaining battery level?
But in this case, if the battery is on level 100 it won't show any estimated time,
please help if there is any other way to do it.
Well, based on your algorithm on how you want to calculate the remaining battery time, you can't determine how long it is when you have only 100% start-up battery level.
Then I would suggest you simply to display the officially announced max battery lifetime for a particular device from Apple. And then, whenever you have a battery level change perform your calculations accordingly.

iPhone - Blinking Animation - Screen Refresh Rate Limits

From what I've researched online, the iPhone screen refresh rate is 60Hz (not sure if this applies to iPhone 6 as well) - meaning, it can refresh an image up to 60 times a second.
However, I have a project in which I need a very fast blinking animation - to animate a view back-and-forth (from visible to invisible), more than 60 times a second. I thought about using CADisplayLink, so I'll get called every time the screen refreshes, but unfortunately, as stated above, this is not fast enough (gets called 60 times a second only).
Is there something I'm missing here, or is there a way to achieve a higher blinking rate? Do iOS games achieve better rates than this?
There's no way to achieve a faster display rate than the screen refresh itself, mainly because the screen can't refresh as fast, so people won't see it anyway.
Hence all iOS games are effectively vsynced at 60 fps.
That said, depending on what you're doing, you might not be getting 60 fps. Have you profiled your app to determine the fps it's running?
If it's not doing 50+, there's probably some optimization that you can do to get it as close to 60 as possible.

ios "smart" location tracker and battery drain

I'm creating an activity tracker similar to the "Moves" app that seeks to track steps, distance, calories and active time.
For Iphone5s+ devices, I am using the built in M7 chip to determine Steps, and then making estimates at the rest from that. For M7 devices I never use GPS. There is basically no battery drain and the interpolated numbers are reasonable enough for the need. This gets walking/running data reasonably enough.
However to support Iphone5 and Iphone4 at least, I need to use GPS to get location and then interpolate steps and calories from the distance. I'm running into significant battery drain issues (somewhat expected), and am seeking advice on how to minimize this. I'm also using the accelerometer in addition to speed to help make an educated guess on activity type (walking,running,biking,transport)
Some things I've tried for GPS optimization:
Deferred Updates: The Iphone5 and a minimum version of IOS supports this. The code to do this is straight forward, however whether the device actually uses it is questionable. I've only seen it work on 1 out of 4 devices, where it does regularly. 3 other devices have never deferred updates from the same code. Another user suggested other apps prevent the device from sleeping, including when I had "Moves" also installed. This thus hasn't helped much beyond theory.
Reduce Accuracy: reduce the accuracy of continuous location polling. I started at High, but reduced to 10m, then hundreds of meters, etc. This doesn't seem to help and polling still seems to occur at a regular interval anyway.
startMonitoringSignificantLocationChanges: In order to reduce endless gps polling when the user may not be moving for hours at a time (especially at night), I switched from continuous polling to significant changes only after the device stopped moving for an arbitrary 2 minutes. I then re enable continuous tracking after any significant location update. This works pretty much as expected-- if it stops tracking then battery drain slows, and when it resumes continuously, battery drain resumes. Further, if a user starts walking, there is no guarantee of a significant motion event for some time. This is very poor for accuracy. Sometimes it doesn't seem to resume at all.
I've been relatively impressed that the "Moves" app, among others is able to track location so well with respectable battery drain. It can go most of a day until needing a charge. With my code, users have reported full battery drain in a couple of hours.
What kind of optimizations could be used to improve this but still maintain a reasonable accuracy in tracking movement?
startMonitoringSignificantLocationChanges. I set this up with a timer that switches to significant monitoring after 2 minutes of inactivity (not moving). Normal location tracking is then resumed again on any significant change, or when the app becomes active from reopening. This seems to work well. My phone still goes from 100% to 10% in 8 hours overnight of sitting around. It is an old iphone with some battery troubles, but normally it might just lose 30-40% uncharged overnight with no apps running. I need to test more, but startMonitoringSignificantLocationChanges still seems to use some battery.
Further, startMonitoringSignificantLocationChanges has some expected accuracy issues in terms of when it restarts the app. In rural setting, it can go several kilometers before restarting. This could be okay for a long drive, but if I want to catch a 30 minute walk, it may miss that entirely. In urban setting it seems to kick in within 2-3 blocks of movement, which is reasonable.
Even if I used continuous location tracking that stopped+started on a timer to check for movement, I'd still likely have worst case of a minute of lag between restarts before resuming continuous logging.
Significant change updates described above have a fatal flaw for me: they don't always start fast enough. Sometimes it takes 1-2 miles it seems!
As an a better approach, I've tried keeping continuous location updates on, but toggling the "desiredAccuracy" property from high to low accuracy when the device is not moving. This should essentially turn the GPS receiver off during inactivity. I've been experimenting between 100meter and 1km accuracy for inactivity with promising results. It does seem to use slightly more batter than only using significant change monitoring, but it seems more responsive as well.
Nothing of your above proposed solutions works.
You need GPS, and that is enabled if you speficiy full precision (CLLocationAcuracyBest).
if I remeber correctly there is a difference betwween CLLocationAcuracyBest and CLLocationAcuracyBestForNavigation that way that the latter uses additonaly the acceleration sensor, which in sum uses more battery.
There is no half battery GPS mode!
A GPS chip is enabled or not.
For distance counting you need GPS, cell Tower and Wlan locations will not work.
And only the cell tower an Wlan locationg can save battery.
On Iphone4 such an full precision GPS App (e.g my) lasts about 8 hours untill the battery is low.
8 hours are enough, if the user has a benefit of the app.

In image processing, what is real time?

in image processing applications what is considered real time? Is 33 fps real time? Is 20 fps real time? If 33 and 20 fps are considered real time then is 1 or 2 fps also real time?
Can anyone throw some light.
In my experience, it's a pretty vague term. Often, what is meant is that the algorithm will run at the rate of the source (e.g. a camera) supplying the images; however, I would prefer to state this explicitly ("the algorithm can process images at the frame rate of the camera").
Real time image processing = produce output simultaneously with the input.
The input may be 25 fps but you may choose to process 1 of every 5 frames(that makes 5 fps processing) and your application is still real time.
TV streaming software: all the frames are processed.
Security application and the input is CCTV security cams: you may choose to skip some frames to fit the performance.
3d game or simulation: fps changes depending on the current scene.
And they are all real time.
Strictly speaking, I would say real-time means that the application is generating images based on user input as it occurs, e.g. a mouse movement which changes the facing of an avatar.
How successful it is at this task - 1 fps, 10 fps, 100 fps, etc - is actually another question.
Real-time describes an approach, not a performance metric.
If however you ask what is the slowest fps which passes as usable by a human, the answer is about 15, I think.
i think it depends on what the real time application is. If the app is showing slideshows with 1 picture every 3 seconds, and the app can process 1 picture within this 3 seconds and show it, then it is real time processing.
If the movie is 29.97 frames per second, and the app can process all 29.97 frames within the second, then it is also real time.
An example is, if an app can take the movie from a VCR or Cable's analog output, and compress it into 29.97 frames per second video and also send all that info to a remote area for another person to watch, then it is real time processing.
(Hard) Real time is when an outcome has no value when delivered too early or too late.
Any FPS is real time provided that displayed frames represent what should be displayed at the very instant they are displayed.
The notion of real-time display is not really tied to a specific frame rate - it could be defined as the minimum frame rate at which movement is perceived as being continuous. So for slow moving objects in a visual frame (e.g. ships in a harbour, or stars in the night sky) a relatively slow frame rate might suffice, whereas for rapid movement (e.g. a racing car simulator) a much higher frame rate would be needed.
There is also a secondary consideration of latency. A real-time display must have sufficiently low latency in relation to other events (e.g. behaviour of a real-time simulation) that there is no perceptible lag in display updates.
That's not actually an easy question (even without taking into account differences between individulas).
Wikipedia has a good article explaining why. For what it's worth, I think cinema films run at 24fps so, if you're happy with that, that's what I'd consider realtime.
It depends on what exactly you are trying to do. For some purposes 1fps or even 2 spf (Seconds per frame) could be considered real-time. For others thats way too slow ...
That said, real-time means that it takes as long (or less) to process x frames as it would take to just present those x frames.
It depends.
automatic aircraft cannon - 1000 fps
monitoring - 10 - 15 fps
authentication - 1 fps
medical devices - 1 fph
I guess the term is used with different meanings in different contexts. In industrial image processing, real time processing is usually the opposite of offline processing. In offline processing applications, you record images (many of them) and process them at a later time. In real time processing, the system that acquires the images also processes them, at the same time, so the processing frame rate must not be higher than the acquisition frame rate.
Real-time means your implementation is fast enough to meet some deadline. The deadline is part of your system's specification. If it's an interactive UI and the users are not too picky, 15Hz update can be OK, although it can feel laggy. If you're using it to drive a car along the motorway 30Hz is about right. If it's a missile, well, maybe 100Hz?
