I've built a minimal example of distributing fortran derived types using MPI_PACK, MPI_SEND, MPI_RECV, and also exchanging their boundaries to test MPI_SENDRECV for MPI_PACKED derived types.
The code just works fine, but it shows some strange behavior that I attribute to some memory corruption if I put deallocate statement in the middle of the code, while the code works fine with the deallocate statement at the end of the code. The dellocate statements are marked with (*) at the left side of the main script.
The flow of the code is,
1) MPI_PACK the whole derived type.
2) Distribute with MPI_SEND, MPI_RECV, and MPI_UNPACK recovering the derived type
3) MPI_PACK the boundaries of the distributed local derived type.
4) Exchange boundaries between adjacent processors using MPI_SENDRECV
I've put the exactly same code that I tested, so they would compile well with like mpif90 mod_data_structure.f90 main.f90 -o main, and the problem would be totally reproducible. The results below are the output from mpirun -np 2 main.
module mod_data_structure
implicit none
type type_cell
real(selected_real_kind(15,307)):: xc(2)
real(selected_real_kind(15,307)):: values_c(8)
integer :: flag_boundary
end type type_cell
type type_cell_list
type(type_cell) :: cell(13,13)
end type type_cell_list
type type_cell_list_local
type(type_cell),allocatable :: cell(:,:)
end type type_cell_list_local
end module mod_data_structure
program main
use MPI
use mod_data_structure
implicit none
integer,parameter :: nxmax = 9, nymax = 9, nbc = 2
integer :: i, j, k, ii, jj
type(type_cell_list) :: A
type(type_cell_list_local) :: A_local
type(type_cell) :: acell
character(len=20) :: write_fmt
! MPI variables
integer :: n_proc, my_id, ierr, source, dest
integer :: tag, tag_send, tag_recv
integer :: status ( MPI_STATUS_SIZE ), &
status_l ( MPI_STATUS_SIZE ), &
status_r ( MPI_STATUS_SIZE )
integer,allocatable :: local_size(:), local_start(:)
real(selected_real_kind(15,307)):: tmp
character,allocatable :: buffer(:), buffer_l(:), buffer_lg(:), buffer_r(:), buffer_rg(:)
integer :: bufsize, bufsize_gc
integer :: left_proc, right_proc
integer :: DBL_SIZE, INT_SIZE, position_local
integer :: position_l, position_r
integer,allocatable :: position(:)
call MPI_INIT ( ierr )
call MPI_COMM_RANK ( MPI_COMM_WORLD, my_id, ierr )
call MPI_COMM_SIZE ( MPI_COMM_WORLD, n_proc, ierr )
! Construct the derived data types
if ( my_id .eq. 0 ) then
do i = 1,nxmax+2*nbc
do j = 1,nymax+2*nbc
A%cell(i,j)%flag_boundary = 0
do k = 1,8
A%cell(i,j)%values_c(k) = 0.d0
do k = 1,2
A%cell(i,j)%xc(k) = 0.d0
do i = 1+nbc,nxmax+nbc
do j = 1+nbc,nymax+nbc
ii = i - nbc
jj = j - nbc
A%cell(i,j)%flag_boundary = 10*ii + jj
do k = 1,8
A%cell(i,j)%values_c(k) = 1.d1*ii + jj + 0.1d0*k
do k = 1,2
A%cell(i,j)%xc(k) = 1.d1*ii + jj + 0.1d0*k
write(write_fmt, '(a,i,a)') '(',nymax+2*nbc,'i3)'
write(*,*) 'my_id ', my_id
write(*,*) 'Total flag_boundary'
do i = 1,nxmax+2*nbc
write(*,write_fmt) A%cell(i,:)%flag_boundary
write(*,*) ' '
! Prepare for the distribution
allocate ( local_size(n_proc), local_start(n_proc), position(n_proc) )
local_size = 0
local_start = 1
tmp = (nymax+2*nbc) / n_proc
! 'local_size'
do i = 1,n_proc-1
local_size(i) = ceiling(tmp)
local_size(n_proc) = nymax + 2*nbc - (n_proc - 1)*ceiling(tmp)
allocate ( A_local%cell(nxmax+2*nbc,local_size(my_id+1)) ) ! ###
! 'local_start'
do i = 1,n_proc-1
local_start(i+1:n_proc) = local_start(i+1:n_proc) + local_size(i)
! allocate 'buffer'
bufsize = maxval(local_size) * ( nxmax + 2*nbc ) * ( (8+2)*DBL_SIZE + (1)*INT_SIZE )
allocate ( buffer(bufsize) )
position = 0
if ( my_id .eq. 0 ) then
! Assign 'A_local' for 'my_id .eq. 0' itself
do j = 1, local_size(my_id+1)
do i = 1, nxmax+2*nbc
A_local%cell(i,j) = A%cell(i,j)
do k = 2, n_proc ! w/o 'my_id .eq. 0' itself
do j = local_start(k), local_start(k) + local_size(k) - 1
do i = 1,nxmax+2*nbc
acell = A%cell(i,j)
call MPI_PACK(acell%xc, 2, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, buffer, bufsize, position(k), MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
call MPI_PACK(acell%values_c, 8, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, buffer, bufsize, position(k), MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
call MPI_PACK(acell%flag_boundary, 1, MPI_INTEGER , buffer, bufsize, position(k), MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
dest = k-1 ! ###
tag = k-1
call MPI_SEND (buffer, bufsize, MPI_PACKED, dest, tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr )
else ! ( my_id .ne. 0 ) then
source = 0
tag = my_id
call MPI_RECV (buffer, bufsize, MPI_PACKED, source, tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD, status, ierr )
position_local = 0
do j = 1, local_size(my_id+1)
do i = 1, nxmax+2*nbc
call MPI_UNPACK (buffer, bufsize, position_local, acell%xc, 2, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
call MPI_UNPACK (buffer, bufsize, position_local, acell%values_c, 8, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
call MPI_UNPACK (buffer, bufsize, position_local, acell%flag_boundary, 1, MPI_INTEGER , MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
A_local%cell(i,j) = acell
(*)!deallocate ( buffer )
do k = 1,n_proc
if ( my_id .eq. (k-1) ) then
write(write_fmt, '(a,i,a)') '(',local_size(my_id+1),'i3)'
write(*,*) ' Before MPI_SENDRECV'
write(*,*) 'my_id ', my_id
write(*,*) 'cols ', local_size(my_id+1)
do i = 1,nxmax+2*nbc
write(*,write_fmt) A_local%cell(i,:)%flag_boundary
write(*,*) ' '
bufsize_gc = nbc * ( nxmax + 2*nbc ) * ( (8+2)*DBL_SIZE + (1)*INT_SIZE )
allocate ( buffer_l(bufsize_gc), buffer_lg(bufsize_gc), buffer_r(bufsize_gc), buffer_rg(bufsize_gc) )
! 'left_proc'
if ( my_id .eq. 0 ) then
left_proc = MPI_PROC_NULL
else ! ( my_id .ne. 0 ) then
left_proc = my_id - 1
! 'right_proc'
if ( my_id .eq. n_proc-1 ) then
right_proc = MPI_PROC_NULL
else ! ( my_id .ne. n_proc - 1 )
right_proc = my_id + 1
! pack 'buffer_l' & 'buffer_r'
position_l = 0
do j = 1,nbc
do i = 1,nxmax+2*nbc
acell = A_local%cell(i,j)
call MPI_PACK(acell%xc, 2, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, buffer_l, bufsize_gc, position_l, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
call MPI_PACK(acell%values_c, 8, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, buffer_l, bufsize_gc, position_l, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
call MPI_PACK(acell%flag_boundary, 1, MPI_INTEGER , buffer_l, bufsize_gc, position_l, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
position_r = 0
do j = local_size(my_id+1)-nbc+1, local_size(my_id+1)-nbc+nbc
do i = 1,nxmax+2*nbc
acell = A_local%cell(i,j)
call MPI_PACK(acell%xc, 2, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, buffer_r, bufsize_gc, position_r, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
call MPI_PACK(acell%values_c, 8, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, buffer_r, bufsize_gc, position_r, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
call MPI_PACK(acell%flag_boundary, 1, MPI_INTEGER , buffer_r, bufsize_gc, position_r, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
tag_send = my_id
tag_recv = right_proc
call MPI_SENDRECV (buffer_l, bufsize_gc, MPI_PACKED, left_proc, 0, &
buffer_rg, bufsize_gc, MPI_PACKED, right_proc, 0, &
MPI_COMM_WORLD, status_l, ierr )
tag_send = my_id
tag_recv = left_proc
call MPI_SENDRECV (buffer_r, bufsize_gc, MPI_PACKED, right_proc, 0, &
buffer_lg, bufsize_gc, MPI_PACKED, left_proc, 0, &
MPI_COMM_WORLD, status_r, ierr )
! fill left boundary
position_l = 0
do j = 1,nbc
do i = 1,nxmax+2*nbc
call MPI_UNPACK (buffer_lg, bufsize_gc , position_l, acell%xc, 2, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
call MPI_UNPACK (buffer_lg, bufsize_gc , position_l, acell%values_c, 8, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
call MPI_UNPACK (buffer_lg, bufsize_gc , position_l, acell%flag_boundary, 1, MPI_INTEGER , MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
A_local%cell(i,j) = acell
! fill right boundary
position_r = 0
do j = local_size(my_id+1)-nbc+1, local_size(my_id+1)-nbc+nbc
do i = 1,nxmax+2*nbc
call MPI_UNPACK (buffer_rg, bufsize_gc , position_r, acell%xc, 2, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
call MPI_UNPACK (buffer_rg, bufsize_gc , position_r, acell%values_c, 8, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
call MPI_UNPACK (buffer_rg, bufsize_gc , position_r, acell%flag_boundary, 1, MPI_INTEGER , MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
A_local%cell(i,j) = acell
do k = 1,n_proc
if ( my_id .eq. (k-1) ) then
write(write_fmt, '(a,i,a)') '(',local_size(my_id+1),'i3)'
write(*,*) ' After MPI_SENDRECV'
write(*,*) 'my_id ', my_id
write(*,*) 'cols ', local_size(my_id+1)
do i = 1,nxmax+2*nbc
write(*,write_fmt) A_local%cell(i,:)%flag_boundary
write(*,*) ' '
(*)deallocate ( buffer )
deallocate ( buffer_l, buffer_lg, buffer_r, buffer_rg )
call MPI_FINALIZE ( ierr )
end program
With deallocate(buffer) in the middle of the code, a part of the output looks like below, which worked as I intended.
my_id 0
cols 6
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 11 12 15 16
0 0 21 22 25 26
0 0 31 32 35 36
0 0 41 42 45 46
0 0 51 52 55 56
0 0 61 62 65 66
0 0 71 72 75 76
0 0 81 82 85 86
0 0 91 92 95 96
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
But if I locate deallocate(buffer) in the middle of the code, the same part of the output looks like this.
my_id 0
cols 6
0 0 0 0 0 0
****** 0 0 0 0
****** 11 12 15 16
****** 21 22 25 26
****** 31 32 35 36
****** 41 42 45 46
****** 51 52 55 56
****** 61 62 65 66
****** 71 72 75 76
****** 81 82 85 86
0 0 91 92 95 96
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
And if I change write format to show more digits of integer, they are 10 digits of integer which goes like 1079533568.
I've seen this kind of problem at Segmentation Fault using MPI_Sendrecv with a 2D contiguous array, but there were no clear answer to the reason why putting the deallocate statement of variables that I wouldn't use for the rest of the code at the middle of the code makes such problem.
Where this problem stems from?
I am not sure if I'm answering this question fairly, but my practical experience with derived types is that the safest way to handle them with different MPI implementations is to not use any advanced MPI constructs and keep all derived type work on the Fortran side.
For example, I would write pure functions to pack and expand your datatypes:
integer, parameter :: TYPE_CELL_BUFSIZE = 11
pure function type_cell_pack(this) result(buffer)
class(type_cell), intent(in) :: this
real(real64) :: buffer(TYPE_CELL_BUFSIZE)
buffer(1:8) = this%values_c
buffer(9:10) = this%xc
! It will be faster to not use a separate MPI command for this only
buffer(11) = real(this%flag_boundary,real64)
end function type_cell_pack
pure type(type_cell) function type_cell_unpack(buffer) result(this)
real(real64), intent(in) :: buffer(TYPE_CELL_BUFSIZE)
this%values_c = buffer(1:8)
this%xc = buffer(9:10)
this%flag_boundary = nint(buffer(11))
end function type_cell_unpack
And then write two wrappers for MPI comms using MPI_send and MPI_recv only, like this for a scalar quantity:
subroutine type_cell_send_scalar(this,fromCpu,toCpu,mpiWorld)
type(type_cell), intent(inout) :: this
integer, intent(in) :: fromCpu,toCpu,mpiWorld
real(real64) :: mpibuf(TYPE_CELL_BUFSIZE)
if (cpuid==fromCpu) then
mpibuf = type_cell_pack(this)
call mpi_send(...,mpibuf,...,MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,...)
elseif (cpuid==toCpu) then
call mpi_recv(...,mpibuf,...,MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,...)
this = type_cell_unpack(mpibuf)
end subroutine type_cell_send_scalar
And the following for an array quantity:
subroutine type_cell_send_array(these,fromCpu,toCpu,mpiWorld)
type(type_cell), intent(inout) :: these(:)
integer, intent(in) :: fromCpu,toCpu,mpiWorld
integer :: i,ncell,bufsize
real(real64) :: mpibuf(TYPE_CELL_BUFSIZE*size(these))
ncell = size(these)
bufsize = ncell*TYPE_CELL_BUFSIZE
if (cpuid==fromCpu) then
do i=1,ncell
mpibuf((i-1)*TYPE_CELL_BUFSIZE+1:i*TYPE_CELL_BUFSIZE) = type_cell_pack(these(i))
end do
call mpi_send(bufsize,mpibuf,...,MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,...)
elseif (cpuid==toCpu) then
call mpi_recv(bufsize,mpibuf,...,MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,...)
do i=1,ncell
these(i) = type_cell_unpack(mpibuf((i-1)*TYPE_CELL_BUFSIZE+1:i*TYPE_CELL_BUFSIZE))
end do
end subroutine type_cell_send_array
I got the FunctionDecl for the definition of a function. There is no declaration for this function.
For example:
int foo(char c, double d)
How do I get the signature (qualifier, return type, function name, parametrs) as a valid signature I could use to make a declaration?
I found that the easiest way is to use the lexer to get the signature of the function. Since I wanted to make a declaration out of a definition, I wanted the declaration to look exactly like the definition.
Therefore I defined a SourceRange from the start of the function to the beginning of the body of the function (minus the opening "{") and let the lexer give me this range as a string.
static std::string getDeclaration(const clang::FunctionDecl* D)
clang::ASTContext& ctx = D->getASTContext();
clang::SourceManager& mgr = ctx.getSourceManager();
clang::SourceRange range = clang::SourceRange(D->getSourceRange().getBegin(), D->getBody()->getSourceRange().getBegin());
StringRef s = clang::Lexer::getSourceText(clang::CharSourceRange::getTokenRange(range), mgr, ctx.getLangOpts());
return s.substr(0, s.size() - 2).str().append(";");
This solution assums that the FunctionDecl is a definition (has a body).
Maybe this is what you were looking for...
bool VisitDecl(Decl* D) {
auto k = D->getDeclKindName();
auto r = D->getSourceRange();
auto b = r.getBegin();
auto e = r.getEnd();
auto& srcMgr = Context->getSourceManager();
if (srcMgr.isInMainFile(b)) {
auto d = depth - 2u;
auto fname = srcMgr.getFilename(b);
auto bOff = srcMgr.getFileOffset(b);
auto eOff = srcMgr.getFileOffset(e);
llvm::outs() << std::string(2*d,' ') << k << "Decl ";
llvm::outs() << "<" << fname << ", " << bOff << ", " << eOff << "> ";
if (D->getKind() == Decl::Kind::Function) {
auto fnDecl = reinterpret_cast<FunctionDecl*>(D);
llvm::outs() << fnDecl->getNameAsString() << " ";
llvm::outs() << "'" << fnDecl->getType().getAsString() << "' ";
} else if (D->getKind() == Decl::Kind::ParmVar) {
auto pvDecl = reinterpret_cast<ParmVarDecl*>(D);
llvm::outs() << pvDecl->getNameAsString() << " ";
llvm::outs() << "'" << pvDecl->getType().getAsString() << "' ";
llvm::outs() << "\n";
return true;
Sample output:
FunctionDecl <foo.c, 48, 94> foo 'int (unsigned int)'
ParmVarDecl <foo.c, 56, 69> x 'unsigned int'
CompoundStmt <foo.c, 72, 94>
ReturnStmt <foo.c, 76, 91>
ParenExpr <foo.c, 83, 91>
BinaryOperator <foo.c, 84, 17>
ImplicitCastExpr <foo.c, 84, 84>
DeclRefExpr <foo.c, 84, 84>
ParenExpr <foo.c, 28, 45>
BinaryOperator <foo.c, 29, 43>
ParenExpr <foo.c, 29, 39>
BinaryOperator <foo.c, 30, 12>
IntegerLiteral <foo.c, 30, 30>
IntegerLiteral <foo.c, 12, 12>
IntegerLiteral <foo.c, 43, 43>
You will notice the reinterpret_cast<OtherDecl*>(D) function calls. Decl is the base class for all AST OtherDecl classes like FunctionDecl or ParmVarDecl. So reinterpreting the pointer is allowed and gets you access to that particular AST node's attributes. Since these more-specific AST Nodes inherit the NamedDecl and ValueDecl classes, obtaining the function name and the function type (signature) is simple. The same can be applied to the base class Stmt and other inherited classes like the OtherExpr classes.
Preface: this may be an stupid uniformed question.
I have a grammar I wrote with the pyparsing library (and the help of stack-overflow posts) that parses nested expressions with parenthesis, curly, and square brackets. I'm curious what productions in a grammar table would look like. I was wondering if there was a way to automatically generate this for an arbitrary pyparsing context free grammar.
For reference the pyparsing grammer is defined here:
def parse_nestings(string, only_curl=False):
python -m utool.util_gridsearch parse_nestings:1 --show
>>> from utool.util_gridsearch import * # NOQA
>>> import utool as ut
>>> string = r'lambda u: sign(u) * abs(u)**3.0 * greater(u, 0)'
>>> parsed_blocks = parse_nestings(string)
>>> recombined = recombine_nestings(parsed_blocks)
>>> print('PARSED_BLOCKS = ' + ut.repr3(parsed_blocks, nl=1))
>>> print('recombined = %r' % (recombined,))
>>> print('orig = %r' % (string,))
('nonNested', 'lambda u: sign'),
('paren', [('ITEM', '('), ('nonNested', 'u'), ('ITEM', ')')]),
('nonNested', '* abs'),
('paren', [('ITEM', '('), ('nonNested', 'u'), ('ITEM', ')')]),
('nonNested', '**3.0 * greater'),
('paren', [('ITEM', '('), ('nonNested', 'u, 0'), ('ITEM', ')')]),
>>> from utool.util_gridsearch import * # NOQA
>>> import utool as ut
>>> string = r'\chapter{Identification \textbf{foobar} workflow}\label{chap:application}'
>>> parsed_blocks = parse_nestings(string)
>>> print('PARSED_BLOCKS = ' + ut.repr3(parsed_blocks, nl=1))
('nonNested', '\\chapter'),
('curl', [('ITEM', '{'), ('nonNested', 'Identification \\textbf'), ('curl', [('ITEM', '{'), ('nonNested', 'foobar'), ('ITEM', '}')]), ('nonNested', 'workflow'), ('ITEM', '}')]),
('nonNested', '\\label'),
('curl', [('ITEM', '{'), ('nonNested', 'chap:application'), ('ITEM', '}')]),
import utool as ut # NOQA
import pyparsing as pp
def as_tagged(parent, doctag=None):
"""Returns the parse results as XML. Tags are created for tokens and lists that have defined results names."""
namedItems = dict((v[1], k) for (k, vlist) in parent._ParseResults__tokdict.items()
for v in vlist)
# collapse out indents if formatting is not desired
parentTag = None
if doctag is not None:
parentTag = doctag
if parent._ParseResults__name:
parentTag = parent._ParseResults__name
if not parentTag:
parentTag = "ITEM"
out = []
for i, res in enumerate(parent._ParseResults__toklist):
if isinstance(res, pp.ParseResults):
if i in namedItems:
child = as_tagged(res, namedItems[i])
child = as_tagged(res, None)
# individual token, see if there is a name for it
resTag = None
if i in namedItems:
resTag = namedItems[i]
if not resTag:
resTag = "ITEM"
child = (resTag, pp._ustr(res))
out += [child]
return (parentTag, out)
def combine_nested(opener, closer, content, name=None):
opener, closer, content = '(', ')', nest_body
import utool as ut # NOQA
ret1 = pp.Forward()
_NEST = ut.identity
#_NEST = pp.Suppress
opener_ = _NEST(opener)
closer_ = _NEST(closer)
group = pp.Group(opener_ + pp.ZeroOrMore(content) + closer_)
ret2 = ret1 << group
if ret2 is None:
ret2 = ret1
#raise AssertionError('Weird pyparsing behavior. Comment this line if encountered. pp.__version__ = %r' % (pp.__version__,))
if name is None:
ret3 = ret2
ret3 = ret2.setResultsName(name)
assert ret3 is not None, 'cannot have a None return'
return ret3
# Current Best Grammar
nest_body = pp.Forward()
nestedParens = combine_nested('(', ')', content=nest_body, name='paren')
nestedBrackets = combine_nested('[', ']', content=nest_body, name='brak')
nestedCurlies = combine_nested('{', '}', content=nest_body, name='curl')
nonBracePrintables = ''.join(c for c in pp.printables if c not in '(){}[]') + ' '
nonNested = pp.Word(nonBracePrintables).setResultsName('nonNested')
nonNested = nonNested.leaveWhitespace()
# if with_curl and not with_paren and not with_brak:
if only_curl:
# TODO figure out how to chain |
nest_body << (nonNested | nestedCurlies)
nest_body << (nonNested | nestedParens | nestedBrackets | nestedCurlies)
nest_body = nest_body.leaveWhitespace()
parser = pp.ZeroOrMore(nest_body)
debug_ = ut.VERBOSE
if len(string) > 0:
tokens = parser.parseString(string)
if debug_:
print('string = %r' % (string,))
print('tokens List: ' + ut.repr3(tokens.asList()))
print('tokens XML: ' + tokens.asXML())
parsed_blocks = as_tagged(tokens)[1]
if debug_:
print('PARSED_BLOCKS = ' + ut.repr3(parsed_blocks, nl=1))
parsed_blocks = []
return parsed_blocks