multiple text colors in jQuery Tooltip - jquery-ui

I'm trying to get some words in a jQuery tooltip text, another colour. Is this possible? I would like to give the words 'CONTROL PANEL BUTTON' another colour. I already give the tooltip a custom class. Can I for instance use two classes for different parts of the tooltip text?
Here's my script:
content: "CONTROL PANEL BUTTON<br><br>Click to show or hide the Fluid Control Panel.",
tooltipClass: "ui-tooltip_trans"


Highcharts: How to display multiple tooltips by click in multiple series with shared true

I search for a way to display a tooltip permanently, when the tooltip is shared. These points are very important:
Click on the point --> tooltip is cloned and displayed permanently
Click on the same point again, the clone is removed
Multiple tooltips are allowed to be displayed at the same time
As Sebastian pointed out in comment - you could clone tooltip.
When tooltip has useHTML set to false (by default it does), then you will only need to clone SVG element. See similar topic: link
When useHTML is set to true then div element is created and appended to container of chart. You will need to clone not only SVG frame, but also HTML's div. Another issue is to check cloned tooltips only by x, because tooltip is shared.
When useHTML is true HTML will overflow other SVG elements - to avoid this you could style HTML div with tooltip text and remove visible style in SVG tooltip. In other words - make tooltip in pure HTML.

Is there a Z order value, for clicks on Highcharts tooltips?

I am noticing something strange; I have a click event on a chart, and the chart fire up the event no problem.
Then I add a link in the tooltip, but when I click on it; the chart event fire, not the one that should open the link.
It works only if the tooltip will render on an area that is not part of the plot area (say, a value is high enough to render a tooltip on the title bar; if I click on that link, it will work).
I suspect that there is some sort of parameter that tell highcharts if the link in the tooltip is above the chart plot area? Otherwise it is impossible to have the tooltip open a link, if the highcharts click event is enabled.
You need to set useHTML flag as true.

How can I control legend items through a custom button in Highcharts?

I'm looking for a way of controlling legend items through my custom button.
The button will be placed out of the canvas area.
How can I get a list of legend items, and toggle them through checkboxes?
By doing that, I can give users more spaces to see graphs.
Sung Am YANG
You can look at the legend item names using
To toggle axes on and off, use
e.g. shows hiding and showing the first series with buttons, including setting the button text to the series name.

Tooltip for jmesa cells?

How can I add tooltips for all cells in one column for instance? I'm using a jmesa table.
I need this because in the cells i've got text like this: 'this is the ...'. On hover I need to display a tooltip with the complete text.
Use a SPAN tag with a TITLE attribute to show the tooltip:
<span title='${bean.fullDescription}'>${bean.value}</span>

Disable tooltip on some elements even when title is defined

Is there a way not to show a tooltip when the title of an element is defined ?
Im using huddletogether's LightBox2 which takes whatever is in the anchor's title and converts into HTML.
Can I insert links in the caption?
Im calling a javascript function in that link and that tooltip shows this when the mouse hovers the image.
Other option is to change return [anchor.href, anchor.title]; to something like return [anchor.href, anchor.aTitle]; as mentioned here.
