Freeradius: Authenticate users on certain condition - freeradius

There is a network where users are using PPPoE to establish connections to the Access servers. We have lost the billing system and users' DB. The only condition that we know is that 'Valid credential should be credential where username and password are the same value. (i.e. username: johnsmith, password: johnsmith)'.
We'd like to recover access to the Internet asap.
Setup that we have now: Ubuntu 2004, accel-ppp, freeradius3. Everything works fine but we have to add a record for each user to raddb/mods-config/files/authorize file.
user1 Cleartext-Password := "user1"
user2 Cleartext-Password := "user2"
userN Cleartext-Password := "userN"
Updated: Is that possible to avoid manually adding users? The script should verify credential assuming that username and valid password are the same value.

This is trivial to do in unlang, FreeRADIUS's configuration language.
The "known" clear password to be matched in FreeRADIUS must be made available in the Cleartext-Password attribute. This is where it will generally be placed after a successful database lookup.
As you know the User-Name, you can update the password to match it. In sites-enabled/default you can add:
update control {
&Cleartext-Password = &request:User-Name
Adding this right at the bottom of the authorize{} section, and using = above (rather than :=) means that the Cleartext-Password attribute will only be changed if it hasn't previously been set by some other method, ensuring that as you add entries back into a database they will take precedence.
Authentication will then compare User-Name to Cleartext-Password; they will of course match so access will be permitted.


send an auto email with account details

I have a database and there some tables.
There are some users in the table users
I am trying to create a form which the user will be able to get his/her password to his/her email.
I would like to send an automatic email with both username and password (which are fields in the table named 'users')
//you can connect to you database with the following code
mysql_connect(HOST, USR, PSD);
/*where HOST = Database host server eg localhost
USR = Database username
PSD = Databse password
DB = The name of the database that contain the table
place the code after
$id = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['id']);
using mysql is has been deprecated and remove as of php 7. Try to use PDO or MYSQLI
To connect to a database, please read this page. You need to connect to a database before you can perform any action with SQL in your file. Also consider security when sending account details by mail, especially unencrypted passwords. Even if you're practising it's a good exercise to make a secure system.

Encrypt password in postgres jsonb

At my company we're designing a new flow for our user to register. User and Company are very closely tied to each other. Due to several reasons we can't create the user and the company one after the other but we need to create them at the same time.
However as our form is on several steps, we collect all the user input in a separate Registration model in a jsonb attribute and then create the user and company at the end of the process from this intermediate model.
One of the problem is that we collect the user password. However as we're storing the registration in our database, the password is exposed.
How would you try to protect this?
EDIT: We're using Bcrypt to encrypt password
I have not tried this but I guess this will work. You can use the following code to encrypt the password before storing it as intermediate json.
my_password = BCrypt::Password.create("my password")
If you have designed the User model properly, there will be a password_digest field in your table. So while saving encrypted password, use:
#user.password_digest = my_password
instead of
#user.password = my_password
where you expect encryption to take place in the background.

How authenticate a user in active directory that have to change his password?

I'm trying to login an account in Active Directory with have to change this password (pwdlastset = '0'). The problem I've found is that when this propertie of the entity is enabled, the ldap method can not authenticate with old password. I'am doing the connection with a ruby client and I need to authenticate the user before send the replace instruction to de unicodePwd to avoid security problems. How can I check old password when I have pwdlastset enabled?
A bit of pseudocode:
auth = ldap_con.auth(login, old_pass) # Fail when pwdlastset eql 0
ldap_con.modify(:dn => dn, :operations => [:replace, "unicodePwd", new_pass]) if auth
If I change the pass without authenticate, someone can change the pass of an account without old credentials.
You can set the pwdLastSet to "-1" and then set the password for the user.
As I recall, these need to be done in two LDAP operations.

Generate temporary URL to reset password

I am looking to implement a Forgot Password feature on my website. I like the option where an email containing a temporary one-time use URL that expires after some time is sent to the user.
I have looked at the following pages to get these ideas but I am not sure how to implement this using ASP.NET and C#. As one of the users indicated, if I can implement this without storing this information inside the database, that will be ideal. Please advise.
Password reset by emailing temporary passwords
Probably the easiest way is going to be to modify your users table to add 2 extra columns, OR if you don't want to modify the existing table you could add a new dependent table called "UserPasswordReset" or something like that. The columns are like this:
PasswordResetExpiration DATETIME
If you go with the additional table route, you could do also add the UserID column, make it a primary key and a foriegn key reference back to your users table. A UNIQUE constraint would also be recommended. Then you simply use a Guid in your application as the token.
The flow could be something like this:
User requests password reset for their account
You insert a new record in the table (or update their user record) by setting the PasswordResetExpiration to a date in the future (DateTime.Now.AddDays(1)), and set the token to Guid.NewGuid()
Email the user a link to your ResetPassword.aspx page with the guid in the query string (
Use the ResetPassword.aspx page to validate the token and expiration fields. (I.E. Make sure DateTime.Now < PasswordResetExpiration)
Provide a simple form that allows the user to reset this password.
I know you wanted to avoid modifying the database, but it really is probably the simplest method.
You can also use System.Security.Cryptography classes in .NET for the hash algorithms. For example:
using System.Security.Cryptography;
var hash = SHA256CryptoServiceProvider.Create().ComputeHash(myTokenToHash);
Here, the System.Guid class in your friend, as it will generate a unique (well, unique enough) 128-bit number:
Generate a new Guid ( System.Guid.NewGuid() )
Store that Guid somewhere (Application object maybe?)
Send a custom URL in an email with that Guid
When the user hits the site, make them enter the password you sent in the email
If the passwords match, go ahead and force them to enter a new password
I used a Hashing Class to create unique automatic logins made up of the current date/time and the users email address:
string strNow = DateTime.Now.ToString();
string strHash = strNow + strEmail;
strHash = Hash.GetHash(strHash, Hash.HashType.SHA1);
get the Hash Class from:
Then just take it from the URL using:
if (Request.QueryString["hash"] != null)
//extract Hash from the URL
string strHash = Request.QueryString["hash"];
I would definitely include the database in this process. Once a reset is requested, it's a good idea to indicate that the account is locked out.
For example, if you are changing your pw because you think your account may have been compromised, you definitely don't want it to remain accessible while you go about the change process.
Also, inclusion of "real" information in the reset token could be decoded if someone really wants it and has the horsepower. It would be safer to generate a random string, save it in the db in the row for that user, and then key back to it when the link is clicked.
This gives you two things:
1) There's nothing to decrypt, and therefore nothing of value can be gained from it.
2) The presence of the token in the user record indicates that reset is in progress and the account should be treated as locked out.
The goal of sending some data|string to user email is validation of account owner. Please care about some points:
Avoid sending important information in reset or activate link.
It's best way to store unique string data conjunction with user
account and send it as that link. but be aware if you send just one
section as link to user email and just check it in page, your
application may be in dangerous by brute-force or dictionary
attacker. It's enough to check a list of string to find some links
and change password. I know that has a little chance, but not zero.
I think it's better if you
combine user email with string link then encrypt them
(not hash because hashed value can't be reverse) and send to user
User click and your page get the encrypted value.
decrypt value.
extract user email.
find email in database.
compare string from received link with other one attached to user
email in database.
Good luck.
I'd use a hash code to validate details in the password reset url. This can all be done without writing anything to the DB or sending any privileged info to an attaker.
To briefly explain normal password salt and hashing; say the salt is 1111 and the pasword is password, you'd concatenate the two and hash the string 1111password, say this gives you a hash of 9999, you'd then store the original salt 1111 and hash 9999 in your user record.
When you are validating a password you use the stored salt, concatenate the password attempt, hash it and compare with the stored hash. For example asecret becomes 1111asecret but hashes to 8888. This doesn't match the original hash so the password match fails.
Of course the salt and hash would normally be properly generated and calculated with established crypto libraries (don't invent your own!).
For the password reset URL I'd put in the unique identifier for the user, i.e. email address, the date the request is made, and a new hash. This hash would be generated from those details concatenated together plus the salt and hash already stored for the user.
For example:
Request Date: 2014-07-17
Salt: 1111
Hash: 9999
Generate a new hash of those concatenated, i.e. 'user#example.com2014-07-1711119999', say this gives a hash of 7777.
The URL I then generate would then have the email, request date and the new hash:
The server will combine the email and supplied date with it's salt and hash and confirm the hash it generated is the same as the supplied one. If this is Ok then it will show the reset form with the same three parameters hidden behind it, otherwise an error. These get resubmitted and rechecked when the new password is entered to prevent that form being spoofed.
The email address needs to be supplied to make the request and it is only sent out in an email to the same address. the date is hardly priveleged info and the hash is not reversible so gives nothing anyway. Nothing has been written to the database and any tampering with the parameters causes the hash to fail and the URL to report an error.
There is an issues with this approach. A safe hash makes the token really long. Either you integrate the salt into the hash itself (makes it about 20 charactes longer), or you store this unique salt in the database. If you store the salt in the database, you could as well store a random token which is not derrived from any existing
Depending on your needs, you could encrypt information, in a format similar to the following format
Encrypt the data, make that the link, then decrypt the data and take action from there...
Crude, but most likely usable, and not requiring DB usage

Signup or Invitation Email Verification w/o Database

I'd like to keep my database clean of stale almost-accounts, and I was thinking about making new signups and invitations put their data into the welcome email as an encrypted or hashed url. Once the link in the url is visited, the information is then added into the database as an account.
Is there something that currently does this? Any references, thoughts, or warnings about doing user registration this way?
I've made a working example, and the url is 127 characters.
Obviously, more data = larger url
def create
# Write k keys in params[:user] as v keys in to_encrypt, doing this saves LOTS of unnecessary chars
#to_encrypt =
{:firstname => :fn,:lastname => :ln,:email => :el,:username => :un,:password => :pd}.each do |k,v|
#to_encrypt[v] = params[:user][k]
encrypted_params = CGI::escape(Base64.encode64(encrypt(compress(Marshal.dump(#to_encrypt)), "secret")))
def aes(m,t,k)
(aes ='aes-256-cbc').send(m)).key = Digest::SHA256.digest(k)
aes.update(t) <<
def encrypt(text, key)
aes(:encrypt, text, key)
def decrypt(text, key)
aes(:decrypt, text, key)
# All attempts to compress returned a longer url (Bypassed by return)
def compress(string)
return string
z =
o = z.deflate(string,Zlib::FINISH)
def decompress(string)
return string
z =
o = z.inflate(string)
Use true asymmetric cypher for the "cookie" to prevent bots creating accounts. Encrypt the "cookie" using public key, verify it by decoding with private key.
Rationale: If only a base64 or other algorithm was used for encoding the cookie, it would be easy to reverse-engineer the scheme and create accounts automatically. This is undesirable because of spambots. Also, if the account is password protected, the password would have to appear in the cookie. Anyone with access to the registration link would be able not only to activate the account, but also to figure out the password.
Require re-entry of the password after activation through the link.
Rationale: Depending on the purpose of the site you may want to improve the protection against information spoofing. Re-entering the password after activation protects against stolen/spoofed activation links.
When verifying the activation link, make sure the account created by it is not created already.
How do you protect against two users simultaneously creating an account with the same name?
Possible answer: Use email as the login identifier and don't require unique account name.
Verify the email first, than continue account creation.
Rationale: This will minimize the information you need to send in the cookie.
There are some e-mail clients which break URLs after 80 letters. I doubt that you can fit all the information in there.
Some browsers have limitations for the URL, Internet Explorer 8 has a limit of 2083 characters, for example.
Why don't you clean your database regularly (cron script) and remove all accounts that haven't been activated for 24 houres?
I have done pretty much the same before. I only have 2 suggestions for you,
Add a key version so you can rotate the key without breaking outstanding confirmation.
You need a timestamp or expiration so you can set a time limit on confirmation if you want to. We allow one week.
As to the shortest URL, you can do better by making following changes,
Use a stream cipher mode like CFB so you don't have to pad to the block size.
Compress the cleartext will help when the data is big. I have a flag and only use compression when it shrinks data.
Use Base64.urlsafe_encode64() so you don't have to URL encode it.
There's a few problems with your solution.
Firstly, you're not setting the IV of the cipher. In my view this has exposed a serious bug in the Ruby OpenSSL wrapper - it shouldn't let you perform an encryption or decryption until both key and iv have been set, but instead it's going ahead and using an IV of all-zeroes. Using the same IV every time basically removes much of the benefit of using a feedback mode in the first place.
Secondly, and more seriously, you have no authenticity checking. One of the properties of CBC mode is that an attacker who has access to one message can modify it to create a second message where a block in the second message has entirely attacker-controlled contents, at the cost of the prior block being completely garbled. (Oh, and note that CFB mode is just as much a problem in this regard).
In this case, that means that I could request an account with Last Name of AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA and my own email address to recieve a valid URL. I can then, without knowing the key, modify the email address to (and garble the Last Name in the process, which doesn't matter), and have a valid URL which I can submit to your server and create accounts for email addresses that I don't control.
To solve this, you need to compute a HMAC over the data, keyed with a secret that only the server knows, and send that as part of the URL. Note that the only reason you need encryption at all here is to secure the user's password - other than that it could just be plaintext plus a HMAC. I suggest you simply send as the url something like:
...and have the verification page prompt for a password (there doesn't seem to be a reason to bounce the password back and forth).
I will take a crack at describing a design that may work.
Cryptography library with support for RSA and some secure hash function H (eg. SHA-1)
One pair of private and public keys
Unique user identifier is e-mail address
An account has associated password and possible other data
The activation cookie is kept as small as possible
User is asked for e-mail address and password. Upon submission of the form a cookie is computed as
cookie = ENCRYPT(CONCAT(email, '.', H(password)), public key)
E-mail is sent containing a link to the activation page with the cookie, eg.[cookie]
The activation page at decrypts the cookie passed as parameter: data = SPLIT(DECRYPT(cookie, private key), '.')
In the same activation page the user is asked for password (which must be hashed to the the same value as in cookie) and any other information necessary for the account creation
Upon submission of the activation page a new account is created
Please point out anything that I have missed or any improvements. I'd be glad to update the answer accordingly.
