How to deal with the problem of insufficient precision of lua floating point numbers [duplicate] - lua

This question already has an answer here:
Dealing with big numbers in Lua
(1 answer)
Closed 1 year ago.
When using lua to handle floating point numbers I found that lua can handle very limited precision, for example:
The result will be missing a few decimal places, which will lead to calculation bias. How can I deal with such a lack of precision

By default, Lua only displays 14 digits of a number. A float can require 15 to 17 digits to be represented exactly as a base-10 string. We can use a loop to find the right number of digits. Note that %g will drop the trailing zeros, so we can start our search at 15 digits, not 1. This is the function I use:
local function floatToString(x)
for precision = 15, 17 do
-- Use a 2-layer format to try different precisions with %g.
local s <const> = ('%%.%dg'):format(precision):format(x)
-- See if s is an exact representation of x.
if tonumber(s) == x then
return s
Output: 3.14159265358979


Dart wrong calculation in sum [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Is floating point math broken?
(31 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
Can someone explain to me why the following sum gives wrong result in dart?
final double result = 90071992547409.9 + 0.01;
It prints the number 90071992547409.92
According to Dart documentation:
Dart doubles are 64-bit floating-point numbers as specified in the IEEE 754 standard.
It's because of floating-point arithmetic. In your case (I used this converter):
90071992547409.9 = 90071992547409.90625 ~= 90071992547409.91
0.01 = 0.01000000000000000020816681711721685132943093776702880859375 ~= 0.01
90071992547409.91 + 0.01 = 90071992547409.92
The best solution in dart is to use the decimal package.

Calculating ISIN checksum

HI I know there have been may question about this here but I wasn't able to find a detailed enough answer, Wikipedia has two examples of ISIN and how is their checksum calculated.
The part of calculation that I'm struggling with is
Multiply the group containing the rightmost character
The way I understand this statement is:
Iterate through each character from right to left
once you stumble upon a character rather than digit record its position
if the position is an even number double all numeric values in even position
if the position is an odd number double all numeric values in odd position
My understanding has to be wrong because there are at least two problems:
Every ISIN starts with two character country code so position of rightmost character is always the first character
If you omit the first two characters then there is no explanation as to what to do with ISINs that are made up of all numbers (except for first two characters)
Note contains even less information on verifying ISINs, they even use the same example as Wikipedia.
I agree with you; the definition on Wikipedia is not the clearest I have seen.
There's a piece of text just before the two examples that explains when one or the other algorithm should be used:
Since the NSIN element can be any alpha numeric sequence (9 characters), an odd number of letters will result in an even number of digits and an even number of letters will result in an odd number of digits. For an odd number of digits, the approach in the first example is used. For an even number of digits, the approach in the second example is used
The NSIN is identical to the ISIN, excluding the first two letters and the last digit; so if the ISIN is US0378331005 the NSIN is 037833100.
So, if you want to verify the checksum digit of US0378331005, you'll have to use the "first algorithm" because there are 9 digits in the NSIN. Conversely, if you want to check AU0000XVGZA3 you're going to use the "second algorithm" because the NSIN contains 4 digits.
As to the "first" and "second" algorithms, they're identical, with the only exception that in the former you'll multiply by 2 the group of odd digits, whereas in the latter you'll multiply by 2 the group of even digits.
Now, the good news is, you can get away without this overcomplicated algorithm.
You can, instead:
Take the ISIN except the last digit (which you'll want to verify)
Convert all letters to numbers, so to obtain a list of digits
Reverse the list of digits
All the digits in an odd position are doubled and their digits summed again if the result is >= 10
All the digits in an even position are taken as they are
Sum all the digits, take the modulo, subtract the result from 0 and take the absolute value
The only tricky step is #4. Let's clarify it with a mini-example.
Suppose the digits in an odd position are 4, 0, 7.
You'll double them and get: 8, 0, 14.
8 is not >= 10, so we take it as it is. Ditto for 0. 14 is >= 10, so we sum its digits again: 1+4=5.
The result of step #4 in this mini-example is, therefore: 8, 0, 5.
A minimal, working implementation in Python could look like this:
import string
isin = 'US4581401001'
def digit_sum(n):
return (n // 10) + (n % 10)
alphabet = {letter: value for (value, letter) in
enumerate(''.join(str(n) for n in range(10)) + string.ascii_uppercase)}
isin_to_digits = ''.join(str(d) for d in (alphabet[v] for v in isin[:-1]))
isin_sum = 0
for (i, c) in enumerate(reversed(isin_to_digits), 1):
if i % 2 == 1:
isin_sum += digit_sum(2*int(c))
isin_sum += int(c)
checksum_digit = abs(- isin_sum % 10)
assert int(isin[-1]) == checksum_digit
Or, more crammed, just for functional fun:
checksum_digit = abs( - sum(digit_sum(2*int(c)) if i % 2 == 1 else int(c)
for (i, c) in enumerate(
reversed(''.join(str(d) for d in (alphabet[v] for v in isin[:-1]))), 1)) % 10)

Large lua numbers are being printed incorrectly

I have the following test case:
Lua 5.3.2 Copyright (C) 1994-2015, PUC-Rio
> foo = 1000000000000000000
> bar = foo + 1
> bar
> string.format("%.0f", foo)
> string.format("%.0f", bar)
That last line should be 1000000000000000001, since that's the value of bar, but for some reason it's not. This doesn't only apply to 1000000000000000000, I've yet to find another number over that one which gives the correct value. Can anyone give an explanation for why this happens?
You're formatting the number as floating-point, not integer. That's what %.0f is doing. At some point, floats lose precision. double, for example, will lose precision after about 16 decimal digits.
If you want to format an integer as an integer, then you need to format it as an integer, using standard printf rules:
string.format("%i", bar)
log2(1000000000000000000) is between 59 and 60, which means that the binary representation of that number needs 60 bits. double-precision floating point numbers have only 53 bits of precision, plus a power-of-two exponent with 11 bits of range. So to store that large of a number as floating point (which is what you requested with the %f format specifier), six to seven bits of precision are chopped off the end of the number, and the whole thing is multiplied by a power of two to get it back in range (259 in this case, I think). Chopping off those final bits removes the precision that allows 1000000000000000000 and 1000000000000000001 to be distinct from each other.
(This is not a particularly precise description of floating point, apologies if my numbers or descriptions are not exact.)

Unexpected result subtracting decimals in ruby [duplicate]

Can somebody explain why multiplying by 100 here gives a less accurate result but multiplying by 10 twice gives a more accurate result?
± % sc
Loading development environment (Rails 3.0.1)
>> 129.95 * 100
>> 129.95*10
>> 129.95*10*10
If you do the calculations by hand in double-precision binary, which is limited to 53 significant bits, you'll see what's going on:
129.95 = 1.0000001111100110011001100110011001100110011001100110 x 2^7
129.95*100 = 1.1001011000010111111111111111111111111111111111111111011 x 2^13
This is 56 significant bits long, so rounded to 53 bits it's
1.1001011000010111111111111111111111111111111111111111 x 2^13, which equals
Now 129.95*10 = 1.01000100110111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 x 2^10
This is 54 significant bits long, so rounded to 53 bits it's 1.01000100111 x 2^10 = 1299.5
Now 1299.5 * 10 = 1.1001011000011 x 2^13 = 12995.
First off: you are looking at the string representation of the result, not the actual result itself. If you really want to compare the two results, you should format both results explicitly, using String#% and you should format both results the same way.
Secondly, that's just how binary floating point numbers work. They are inexact, they are finite and they are binary. All three mean that you get rounding errors, which generally look totally random, unless you happen to have memorized the entirety of IEEE754 and can recite it backwards in your sleep.
There is no floating point number exactly equal to 129.95. So your language uses a value which is close to it instead. When that value is multiplied by 100, the result is close to 12995, but it just so happens to not equal 12995. (It is also not exactly equal to 100 times the original value it used in place of 129.95.) So your interpreter prints a decimal number which is close to (but not equal to) the value of 129.95 * 100 and which shows you that it is not exactly 12995. It also just so happens that the result 129.95 * 10 is exactly equal to 1299.5. This is mostly luck.
Bottom line is, never expect equality out of any floating point arithmetic, only "closeness".

Lua - round to double

The result of math.sqrt(2) seems to be irrational so this occurs:
> return math.sqrt(2)
> return math.sqrt(2) == 1.4142135623731
How do I make this "irrational" variable same as if I got the variable different way (like in the example above)?
The variable is not irrational, it is floating-point, so it isn't even real. (the square-root of 2 is irrational though, and thus cannot be accurately represented by it)
Just use more digits for your literal, and the round-trip conversion will work. An IEEE double-precision floating-point value needs 17 significant decimal digits to safely represent it, not 14.
Let's see what happens when we take the number 1 and uptick it in the least significant bit. (The '0x' means the numeral is hexadecimal. That makes it easier for me to control the bits for this example.):
x = 0x1.0000000000001
> print(x == 1)
> print(('%.16g'):format(x))
> print(('%.17g'):format(x))
