How can I use Wismote in Contiki-NG? - contiki

I am running Cooja and Contiki-NG using Docker. When I want to emulate a simple application using "Wismote" mote, Cooja returns the following error:
> make udp-server.wismote TARGET=wismote
../../Makefile.include:100: *** The target platform "wismote" does not exist (maybe it was misspelled?). Stop.
Process returned error code 2
The application works properly with Z1 and Sky motes. Does anyone know how I can add Wismote to Contiki-NG and emulate a program using it?
Thank you!


Multiple commands produce error in react native project build in xcode 12.4

I am trying to add react native vector icons into my react native CLI project and linking it manually with iOS. First, it was giving me some weird errors about "React/RCTDefine.h not found" but I managed to get it but now it is giving Multiple command produce error as you can see below
I tried multiple solutions from the stack overflow but nothing seems to work for me, I do not know if I am doing them correctly or not, If any expert can help me in this regard please, Thanks in advance

Embedding a custom video in a XCUITest

I'm writing a test that is supposed to test uploading a video file, using XCUITest in XCode 12. The test is supposed to be self-contained so I'm not certain how to exactly do this.
Typically I want the flow to work like this:
App builds
File is copied from the code folder (I've moved the video to be in the code) into the simulator
Tests run
However step 2 is giving me a ton of problems. I'm trying using this in a build phase:
xcrun simctl addmedia booted ~/code/resources/
Bur it's currently giving a completely unspecified error. I'm not sure if this is because I'm trying to do it before the simulator is "booted" or if something else is going on. Does anyone have a solution?
I figured it out. The correct way to do this was to just use a . instead of ~ and then realize that:
. puts you at the project level (.xcproj)

How to integrate WinAppDriver using Robot Framework with or without Appium?

I want to test a Desktop application (proprietary software), using WinAppDriver whereas the test is written in Robot Framework and /or Appium if Appium is needed at all.
I need one example test case using Robot Framework which will use WinAppDriver (WADLibrary) and/or Appium, exercising the opening of an application, clicking a button in a dialog and closing the application.
Any help will be appreciated.
So far I have done it this way, practically using AutoItLibrary as I could not figure out to how to do it using WinAppDriver:
It opens the software but does not click on the button.
Any help will be greatly appreciated. Even links where I can find and understand how I can make a Robot Framework test exercising winappdriver to test a desktop application. I have been searching robot framework using WinAppDriver examples but not much success.
Thank you
If you are open to a different library perhaps you could try robotframework-zoomba?
Here are the example test in robot.
Essentially it would look like:
*** Settings ***
Library Zoomba.DesktopLibrary
Library Operating System
*** Variables ***
${REMOTE_URL} http://localhost:4723/wd/hub
${someSoftware} Path/To/Software.exe
*** Test Cases ***
Open Application ${REMOTE_URL} platformName=Windows deviceName=Windows app=${someSoftware}
Wait For And Click Element xpath/id/etc
Close Application
Keyword documentation can be found here

Android things UsbDevices

I am developing with Android Things on rpi3.
I have a problem working with usb devices(pendrive) in my Raspi3 on Android things platform 1.0 Versión, i have been able to detect Usb(pendrive) Files, and copy files to them from my sd Card.
I use 'com.github.mjdev:libaums:0.5.5' library, and I cannot work with all kind of usb devices.I have 3 pendrives which are FAT32, and i can only use one, the others report me an error message, as soon as i plug them into mi rpi3, i get this messages:
"Unsupported fs on partition"
"E/2: error setting up device"
So i cannot work with them, because the error appears on setup_device() functions of this library.
Any idea?
Best regards
unfortunately, I do not think I will be able to help you out on that one.
You should make sure it is FAT32 and an MBR (GPT is not supported, atm).
If that is the case then please debug and see why the Fat32FileSystem cannot be initialized properly.

Build error for FABS, Xcode uses different header file (math.h vs tgmath.h)

I have a method which uses FABS
return (fabs(x - y) <= EPSILON);
It compiles and builds fine on four of my machines, but when I recently tried to configure another new machine i get a weird build error whereby it says
"ApplicationBackgroundColor.m:146:14: Called object type 'int' is not a function or function pointer"
On closer inspection it seems that the FABS is pointing [when i command click it in Xcode] to tgmath.h; while for the other machines that is working it is supposed to be redirected to math.h in /usr/include of the iOS simulator.
The entire repository is directly cloned from git and there are no difference between those working and those not working - the code and the project workspaces. Therefore, as far as I can tell, there must be something else I'm missing.
Could someone help me?
Try doing it:
Open terminal
type --> xcode-select --install
It could be related to not find the math.h where it is defined
It is for installing the command-line tool again. Many times it solves this kind of problems. And after doing it restart XCode
