behavior of storing string in bytea across postgresql-8 & postgresql-12 - postgresql-12

currently I am migrating the postgres database from pg8 to pg12, but I have encounter with a new issue
previously in pg8
create table test (id int, data bytea);
insert into test values (1,'hello world');
table test;
id | data
1 | hello world
(1 row)
Now in pg12
create table test (id int, data bytea);
insert into test values (1,'hello world');
table test;
id | data
1 | \x68656c6c6f20776f726c64
(1 row)
I want same behavior as pg8 as describe above. can anyone have an idea how should I achieve that.
and also why this behavior is different across different version? can anyone explain it.

You need to set in postgres.conf to escape the bytea output
bytea_output = 'escape'


Is it possible to use literal data as stream source in Sumologic?

Is it possible for a Sumologic user to define data source values inside a Query and use it in subquery condition?
For example in SQL, one can use literal data as source table.
-- example in MySQL
SELECT 1 as `id`, 'Alice' as `name`
SELECT 2 as `id`, 'Bob' as `name`
-- ...
) as literal_table
I wonder if Sumo logic also have such kind of functionality.
I believe combining such literal with subqueries would make user's life easier.
I believe the equivalent in a Sumo Logic query would be combining the save operator to create a lookup table in a subquery:
Basically something like this:
[subquery:(_sourceCategory=stream explainJSONPlan.ETT) error
| where !(statusmessage="Finished successfully" or statusmessage="Query canceled" or isNull(statusMessage))
| count by sessionId, statusMessage
| fields -_count
| save /explainPlan/neededSessions
| compose sessionId keywords]
| parse "[sessionId=*]" as sessionId
| lookup statusMessage from /explainPlan/neededSessions on sessionid=sessionid
Where /explainPlan/neededSessions is your literal data table that you select from later on in the query (using lookup).
You can define a lookup table with some static map/dictionary you update not so often (you can even point to a file in the internet in case you change the mapping often).
And then you can use the |lookup operator. It's nothing special for subqueries.
Disclaimer: I am currently employed by Sumo Logic. throws an error "Select list is not in GROUP BY clause contains non aggregated column "id"

I am using in order to get unique records based on category field in Rails 5 application.
Table data:
id catgeory description
1 abc test
2 abc test1
3 abc test2
4 xyz test
5 xyz testabc
I want records (1,4) as a result. Therefore I am using which works fine for MYSQL whose sql_mode is " " .
Unforunately its throwing an error "SELECT list is not in GROUP BY clause and contains nonaggregated column which is not functionally dependent on columns in GROUP BY clause; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_by" whose sql_mode is "only_full_group_by".
whats the best way to change the query to match the mode?
Perhaps try specifying which id you want? You could use MIN(id), MAX(id) etc.
MySQL supports a non-standard extension to SQL described here. To continue using that behavior, you could change the sql_mode to TRADITIONAL in config/database.yml.

Talend csv to relational db tables : foreign key setting

I'm a Talend beginner and searched about this simple problem, many have posted the web about the same problem but no solution appeared...
I have a csv file with 50 fields, I want to load it into a three tables relational database with Talend. I did a tMap, everything is ok except for foreign key : I don't know how to set them.
Here is my job
Here is my tMap
I hope someone could give me the simple exact solution
You can do it in two Time.
(CSV) -> (tmap) -> (organisation_output)
| (organisation_input)
| |
(CSV) -> (tmap)-> (country and adress output)
Do a INNER JOIN in the second tmap on column that have unique value for each row.
And load 'ImpID' of your organisation input in the two other output table Impid column.

How to get output of sql queries in FitNesse + DbFit?

I am trying to get sql query output in DBfit using i.e. !|Execute|select * from abc| but don't know how it will display in DBfit.
I think that you are looking for the Inspect Query table (you can find reference docs about it here).
!|Inspect Query|select * from abc|
When executed, this will print the resultset of the query.
First, the execute fixture is typically used for actions that do not return data, e.g.:
!|Execute|insert into tablename values (…)|
!|Execute|update tablename st... where...|
However, even some non-data actions have more specific commands. The above update can be done with, for example, with:
!|Update|tablename |
|new value |matching value |
For returning data, use the query fixture
!|query|select Id, BatchNum from tablename|
|Id |BatchNum? |
|1 |>>Bat1 |
|2 |<<Bat1 |
As shown, just put your field names in the row below the fixture, then your data rows below that.

Newly assigned Sequence is not working

In PostgreSQL, I created a new table and assigned a new sequence to the id column. If I insert a record from the PostgreSQL console it works but when I try to import a record from from Rails, it raises an exception that it is unable to find the associated sequence.
Here is the table:
\d+ user_messages;
Table "public.user_messages"
Column | Type | Modifiers | Storage | Description
id | integer | not null default nextval('new_user_messages_id'::regclass) | plain |
But when I try to get the sequence with the SQL query which Rails uses, it returns NULL:
select pg_catalog.pg_get_serial_sequence('user_messages', 'id');
(1 row)
The error being raised by Rails is:
UserMessage.import []
NoMethodError: undefined method `split' for nil:NilClass
from /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/1.9.1/gems/activerecord-3.2.3/lib/active_record/connection_adapters/postgresql_adapter.rb:910:in `default_sequence_name'
This problem only occurs when I use the ActiveRecord extension for importing bulk records, single records get saved through ActiveRecord.
How do I fix it?
I think your problem is that you set all this up by hand rather than by using a serial column. When you use a serial column, PostgreSQL will create the sequence, set up the appropriate default value, and ensure that the sequence is owned by the table and column in question. From the fine manual:
pg_get_serial_sequence(table_name, column_name)
get name of the sequence that a serial or bigserial column uses
But you're not using serial or bigserial so pg_get_serial_sequence won't help.
You can remedy this by doing:
alter sequence new_user_messages_id owned by
I'm not sure if this is a complete solution and someone (hi Erwin) will probably fill in the missing bits.
You can save yourself some trouble here by using serial as the data type of your id column. That will create and hook up the sequence for you.
For example:
=> create sequence seq_test_id;
=> create table seq_test (id integer not null default nextval('seq_test_id'::regclass));
=> select pg_catalog.pg_get_serial_sequence('seq_test','id');
(1 row)
=> alter sequence seq_test_id owned by;
=> select pg_catalog.pg_get_serial_sequence('seq_test','id');
(1 row)
