Does Quasar support Git-based blogging - quasar-framework

Hi does Quasar supports Git Based Blogging (i.e., read the markdown static files and render the blog)? If yes, how to achieve that?


Running ruby code in markdown editor

How can I run ruby code in markdown editor? I am using eRuby as templating system for my RoR app. My registration form is in contentful cms where I am using markdown approach.Sample image for contentful markdown approach.
You seem to have a misunderstanding what Contentful is. Contentful is a Content Management System, it's not meant to store application code nor templates. A registration form should be kept out of and content storage so editors don't inadvertently introduce bugs, or worse, security issues into it.
I'd recommend using Contentful only for things that a non-technical editor would want to change, everything else should be part of your Ruby on Rails application.

User custom theme support with rails assets pipeline

I have a rails app that allows users to create their own website easily but they share the same page structure.
I plan to switch my classic rails views for a templating language such as liquid or handlebars.
The goal is that my users could upload their own version of templates and css to completely customize the look and feel of their website.
Example of workflow :
User upload a theme folder containing Templates and Css files
Their website automatically uses this new templates and designs
Is it possible to do that and continue to take advantages of the Rails Assets pipeline?
Thanks a lot for your answers !
This might be something you can try:
I've used this in a Rails 3.2x project and it works fine, but I'm having difficulties getting it working in a different (somewhat modified Rails 4 project).
It's older article about compiling css on the fly using the Sprockets::StaticCompiler class.

Export my Rails site to Phonegap

I want to use Phonegap for create light cellular version of my site.
Is there any way to save all my HTML`s and assets (after merge all the partials, create the entire assets pipeline items and convert haml and coffees to html and javascript)?
I want to use Rails for writing my client side code and save it.
It depends on the site - if it is mostly static content it should work, but any user interaction will need to be built knowing that the server won't be there when the app runs. Using rails as a compiler for something designed as a phonegap app will work a lot better than trying to package an existing website.
Actually generating the static site is easy enough though:
wget -m -nH

Word cloud generator for Rails

Is there a Ruby/Rails library that I can generate word clouds (output should be an image file) like in
Why does it have to be a Ruby/Rails library?
You could use JQCloud, which is a nice JQuery plugin to build word and tag clouds.
Have you looked at heatmap? There's also a nice blog post explaining it:

Help with rails and tinyMce

I have been using tinyMce_hammer plugin to use tinymce in my rails app... but right now I also want a way for my users to upload photos and insert them into their wysiwyg editor.... is there a simple way to get this done??.. is there any other wysiwyg editor that works with rails and comes with this feature built in??... what do you reccomend?
These two plugins claim to offer it - Rails 2.3 -
Rails 3 -
I don't think there's an easy way to do this in any of the common rich text editors. I usually have a separate section where users can upload photos and then choose from a variety of layout options.
TinyMCE has a couple of commercial image and file management plugins, but they are based on PHP and .Net. However, I haven't seen a Rails version. It's not particularly hard to build your own image manager using a plugin like paperclip and hook into TinyMCE.
