Fuseki server down on Ubuntu: permission denied - jena

I have been having an issue to access the Fuseki server. It seems to have been down for a while and I am getting a 404 Not Found Error when trying to access it via URL.
Through SSH I am trying to restart the fuseki server or at least check its status.
This is what I am doing:
/etc/default/fuseki start
But I am getting a
-bash: /etc/default/fuseki: Permission denied
Any idea why this is happening pls?


Trying to sense files in smb server from airflow DAG using Filesensor

I have few files in smb server. My job is to sense everyday using filesensor if files exist in that path. If they exist, I have to process them and move them to S3 Bucket. But I am not able to connect with smb server.
1.I mounted smb server on my machine and tried to access files from it. It worked on my local.I could read and process.So I created a bash script with mounting commands and credentials and called that script from BashOperator in DAG.
Then realised that I must have to have a connection id to sense if files exist in that location using Filesensor.
2.So I installed samba provider on top of airflow and gave a connection by entering hostname, login and password. When I run the dag, I am getting this message.
WARNING - Unable to find an extractor. task_type=FileSensor airflow_dag_id=CSV_Upload_To_S3 task_id=Get_CDS_From_Qlik airflow_run_id=manual__2022-12-05T10:26:41.802952+00:00
[2022-12-05, 10:26:46 UTC] {factory.py:122} ERROR - Did not find openlineage.yml and OPENLINEAGE_URL is not set
[2022-12-05, 10:26:46 UTC] {factory.py:43} WARNING - Couldn't initialize transport; will print events to console.
Am I missing something in giving connection? Is there more to it?

Docker MS SQL Server database can not connect how to discover the user and password

I am new to Docker i do receive a Lumen/Vuejs website, to create some funcionalities.
The local database is not connecting the message is : Logon Login failed for user 'theuser'. Reason: Failed to open the explicitly specified database 'thedatabase'.
At the root i have APP, API e DB directories.
Where can i look for to discover how to configure the connection ?
So far i know i have a db dir with a Dockerfile where a CMD calls the scripts/entrypoint.sh with the connection.
UPDATE: The error is permission denied at the moment of the database creation:
SQL Server 2019 will run as non-root by default.
This container is running as user mssql.
Your master database file is owned by mssql.
To learn more visit https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2099216.
chmod: changing permissions of '/db/scripts/run-initialization.sh': Operation not permitted
./scripts/entrypoint.sh: line 3: /db/scripts/run-initialization.sh: Permission denied
How can i give permission to run_initialization.sh using docker? i have an entrypoint.sh calling run_initialization.sh
It work´s if i do open nodejs console, and copy and run the commands from the run_initialization.sh script.
Thank´s in advance

Jenkins: stderr: Permission denied (publickey) error not resolving

I have setup SSH key on CENTOS 7 server and also have added SSH in my Bitbucket personal settings. But still I am getting Jenkins error as:
Although I have setup ssh key on CENTOS 7 server where the Jenkins is installed. On running ssh -v git#bitbucket.org command in terminal I am getting a number of lines and it seems that the connection has been established successfully. The terminal output was:
But still I am getting authentication error.
I have tried other solutions like Jenkins Shared Library: Permission denied (publickey) and Jenkins : stderr: Permission denied (publickey). fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly But none of them worked. Please help me.
I think your Repository URL is not correct. If you have setup SSH connection in bitbucket then you should use url accordingly.
Go to Bitbucket and click on clone button ion your repository.
Select SSH on the top right of the dialogue being displayed.
Copy the url written after git clone keyword. It will go like
That should work.

Docker "The proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server." after system reboot

I'm running a Docker MERN stack on CentOS 7 with WHM, CPanels and Apache, everything works fine until I reboot the server. I get the following error on the webpage:
The proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server.
The proxy server could not handle the request
Reason: Error reading from remote server
Additionally, a 502 Bad Gateway error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
After searching around stackoverflow I found that if I run this command my problem is solved:
iptables -t filter -F
My question is, whats causing my problem? How do I configure my server so I don't need to run this command everytime my server reboots? Do I make a script to run this command everytime it restarts? Do I configure iptables?
Just to answer my own question, I was dumb and forgor to open proper outbound ports, I only opened inbound ports.

Permission denied -unable to execute remote ssh commands

I have Jenkins running on my Unix Box and i am invoking a script from remote server . I trying to figure out remote ssh problem I'm having on a server. I'm getting this permission denied error which indicates a problem with the key, yet from the same user account on the shell, I can definitely connect to my remote machine and execute the .sh file .I see the following error on the logs .
Pseudo-terminal will not be allocated because stdin is not a terminal.
Permission denied, please try again.
Permission denied, please try again.
Permission denied (publickey,gssapi-keyex,gssapi-with-mic,password).
I tried using -t -t and -vv options and then i just see
Permission denied (publickey,gssapi-keyex,gssapi-with-mic,password) .
.ssh permisssions are 700 and file permissions are 644
Do i have to create ssh keys for my Jenkins user on host and transfer it to remote server ?
If you use Key-Based Authentication: ssh will look by default in $HOME\.ssh\ for aviable identities for authentication. Are you sure you tested the remote execution logged in as user jenkins?
You can also use the option -i to provide ssh a custom identity file location.
