In CICS where is the data in the Linkage Section of COBOL stored? - cobol

In CICS on z/OS I have some questions:
What data are stored on main storage? Auxiliary storage?
Where does data in DFHCOMMAREA under linkage section exists? Is it on main storage?
If I pass DFHCOMMAREA from one program to another, will that create extra copies of the data? (pass by-value or by-reference)

There's quite some confusion here concerning the different storage types. From a COBOL perspective you won't ever be worrying about main storage or auxiliary storage. Your COBOL-data lives in an address space made up of virtual storage which in turn is backed by main or auxiliary storage as the system sees fit.
While your program will automatically allocate memory for items defined in WORKING STORAGE or LOCAL STORAGE sections, it will not do so for anything defined in the LINKAGE SECTION. For a LINKAGE SECTION item to be usable, two things are required:
Some memory must be allocated
The LINKAGE SECTION item must be associated with the address of that memory region.
These two things can happen in different ways:
For items appearing in the USING of your PROCEDURE DIVISION the memory is provided by the calling program (or some other program up the callstack) and the compiler associates the item with the respective adresses passed in the parameter list provided by the caller. In the case of DFHCOMMAREA of a top-level CICS-program the calling program that allocates the memory is CICS itself.
You can "remap" memory from your e.g. WORKING STORAGE to a LINKAGE SECTION item by using SET ADDRESS OF
With more recent compilers you can also use ALLOCATE to dynamically request memory from your program and when used with a LINKAGE SECTION item it will also automatically associate the item with the memory
As for your last question: passing parameters BY REFERENCE from one program to another will not create extra copies of that data. Passing BY VALUE or BY CONTENT will duplicate the data.


In how many ways we can create a PS file in Mainframes?

How many ways we can create A PS file using jcl.strong text
z/OS supports a couple of different data set organizations, short DSORGs. Data set organizations are
Physical Sequential, DSORG=PS
Partitioned Organized, DSORG=PO. There are two subtypes: PDS and PDS/E
Direct Access, DSORG=DA
Virtual Storage Access Method (the name is irritating, it is a DISK data set), DSORG=VS. There are a couple of subtypes.
The creation of a new data set is called allocation. Allocation is finally performed by calling internal system services. That means, you can code an assembler of C program to offer the allocation of a new data set. Therefore, the number of ways is unlimited.
However, the following ways are offered by z/OS, so you don't need to write a program on your own.
1. JCL
You can allocate a new PS, PO, or DA data set with JCL keywords on a DD statement. The main indicator that you want to allocate a new data set is DISP=(NEW,...). (Any other DISP= option allocates an existing data set.) The keyword DSORG= determines the type of data set. If it is omitted, the keyword SPACE= determines whether a PS or a PDS is allocated. If SPACE=specifies primary, secondary, and directory space amounts, a PDS is allocated, else a PS.
With limitations, you can also allocate a new VSAM data set with JCL keywords.
2. TSO/E
You can use the TSO/E ALLOC command to do (almost) the same as with JCL DD statement keywords (see above). Again, the keyword DISP(NEW,...) is used to allocate a new data set.
You can use ISPF panels in a TSO/E session to allocate a new data sets.
4. Program IDCAMS
You can run program IDCAMS in a batch job to allocate a new data set. This is the preferred method to allocate VSAM data sets.
There are possibilites, depending on the tools that are available at your installation.
Note that members of PDS, and PDS/E data sets are *not allocated. Once a PDS, or PDS/E has been allocated, members can be created. But we do not say "allocate a member". A new allocation is tied to reserving some disk space for he data set. Members make use of that space.
There is more behind allocation; too much to write it all down here.

OpenCL memory consistency

I have a question concerning the OpenCL memory consistency model. Consider the following kernel:
__kernel foo() {
__local lmem[1];
lmem[0] = 1;
lmem[0] += 2;
In this case, is any synchronization or memory fence necessary to ensure that lmem[0] == 3?
According to section 3.3.1 of the OpenCL specification,
within a work-item memory has load / store consistency.
To me, this says that the assignment will always be executed before the increment.
However, section 6.12.9 defines the mem_fence function as follows:
Orders loads and stores of a work-item executing a kernel. This means that loads and stores preceding the mem_fence will be committed to memory before any loads and stores following the mem_fence.
Doesn't this contradict section 3.3.1? Or maybe my understanding of load / store consistency is wrong? I would appreciate your help.
As long as only one work-item performs read/write access to a local memory cell, that work-item has a consistent view of it. Committing to memory using a barrier is only necessary to propagate writes to other work-items in the work-group. For example, an OpenCL implementation would be permitted to keep any changes to local memory in private registers until a barrier is encountered. Within the work-item, everything would appear fine, but other work-items would never see these changes. This is how the phrase "committed to memory" should be interpreted in 6.12.9.
Essentially, the interaction between local memory and barriers boils down to this:
Between barriers:
Only one work-item is allowed read/write access to a local memory cell.OR
Any number of work-items in a work-group is allowed read-only access to a local memory cell.
In other words, no work-item may read or write to a local memory cell which is written to by another work-item after the last barrier.

Does the whole linkage section return?

In program a
In program b
Does program b only return the commarea that program a passed? Or does it return the whole LINKAGE SECTION?
Program B returns neither the entire LINKAGE SECTION nor the commarea (COMMA in your example).
It returns nothing.
Why does it return nothing? Because nothing gets passed to it.
Or, rather, what gets passed to it is simply the address(es) of the parameter(s). Nothing else. That is all. Importantly, no length.
01 some-stuff.
05 a-bit-of-stuff PIC X.
05 the-rest-of-the-stuff PIC X(99).
CALL .... USING a-bit-of-stuff
01 stuff-that-is-somewhere-else PIC X(100).
PROCEDURE DIVISION USING stuff-that-is-somewhere-else.
a-bit-of-stuff is define as only one byte. This makes no difference. It is the definition, in the LINKAGE SECTION, of the item on the PROCEDURE DIVISION USING ... which matches, in order of reference, nothing else, to the CALL ... USING ...
PROGB will be "passed" the address of a-bit-of-stuff. If that address is then mapped to 100 bytes in the LINKAGE SECTION of the CALLed program, COBOL does not mind at all.
If we change that example CALL to use instead some-stuff, since some-stuff has the same starting address as a-bit-of-stuff, there would be absolutely no change in the generated code, and no change in the execution of the two programs.
Defining different sizes of data "between" CALLer and CALLed is usually not done, because it makes things less clear to us, humans. The compiler cares not one jot.
What you need to look at the 01s (or 77s if that silly idea takes your fancy) as is a REDEFINES. They are a REDEFINES, an implicit one, of data which is defined somewhere else. No data is defined for items in the LINKAGE SECTION (there is one exception to that on the Mainframe). The 01-levels in the LINKAGE SECTION are just redefining, or mapping, the address of the data that is passed to the program. The data does not "leave" the CALLing program, and the data is never "passed back".
Things can go wrong, of course, if you use different lengths for matching items on the USINGs. If the storage from the CALLer is "acquired" (like a GETMAIN in CICS) then attempting to referencing data outside of that storage, even one byte further on, can get you an abend due to an Addressing Exception (a S0C4, which CICS will kindly name something else for you, an AKEA).
Even without acquired storage, other fields after the one "passed" can be accidentally trashed, or the field itself may not get the expected amount of data MOVEd to it by the CALLed program, if the definition is short in the CALLed program.
There are actually two things which get "returned" from a CALLed program. They are the special-register RETURN-CODE, and the single item on the RETURNING of the PROCEDURE DIVISION (if used, likely not).
Even so, the mechanisms of how those are achieved are different from the normal misunderstanding of data "passed" between CALLing and CALLed programs.
I have not had the joy of programming CICS for sometime now, this answer is based on what knowledge I still remember.
The calling program gets at most an amount of data less than or equal to the size of the data area sent in the calling program (or as specified by the optional LENGTH parameter). Don't try to access data beyond what you have sent.
"So if program x LINKS to program y, any updates done to the COMMAREA in y will be visible in x."
Source: SOVF:How CICS Shared Memory Works.
"When a communication area is passed by way of an EXEC CICS LINK command, the invoked program is passed a pointer to the communication area itself. Any changes that are made to the contents of the data area in the invoked program are available to the invoking program, when control returns to it; to access any such changes, the program names the data area that is specified in the original COMMAREA option." Source: IBM-CICS-Ref.
So, does program b only return the commarea that program a passed?
I would answer the above as Yes.
Does it return the whole linkage section?
As for this one, it depends on the structure of the DFHCOMMAREA of the linked program. If it only contains 1 such area, then the answer is that it returns as many bytes as was sent on link command from that area (either implicitly or explicitly). Remember that this area is outside your caller. So, if the caller sends 100 bytes and the linkage section has an area of 500 bytes, you only get 100 back at the most.
If you want to allow your linked program to modify data in the commarea, there are some very serious limitations.
Will expose a changes in a commarea to the LINKing program, but only by accident and only if both tasks execute on the same CICS region. This is because the commarea is actually a pointer. On a distributed program link, the area is copied, but not copied back.

Why is a process's address space divided into four segments (text, data, stack and heap)?

Why does a process's address space have to divide into four segments (text, data, stack and heap)? What is the advandatage? is it possible to have only one whole big segment?
There are multiple reasons for splitting programs into parts in memory.
One of them is that instruction and data memories can be architecturally distinct and discontiguous, that is, read and written from/to using different instructions and circuitry inside and outside of the CPU, forming two different address spaces (i.e. reading code from address 0 and reading data from address 0 will typically return two different values, from different memories).
Another is reliability/security. You rarely want the program's code and constant data to change. Most of the time when that happens, it happens because something is wrong (either in the program itself or in its inputs, which may be maliciously constructed). You want to prevent that from happening and know if there are any attempts. Likewise you don't want the data areas that can change to be executable. If they are and there are security bugs in the program, the program can be easily forced to do something harmful when malicious code makes it into the program data areas as data and triggers those security bugs (e.g. buffer overflows).
Yet another is storage... In many programs a number of data areas aren't initialized at all or are initialized to one common predefined value (often 0). Memory has to be reserved for these data areas when the program is loaded and is about to start, but these areas don't need to be stored on the disk, because there's no meaningful data there.
On some systems you may have everything in one place (section/segment/etc). One notable example here is MSDOS, where .COM-style programs have no structure other than that they have to be less than about 64KB in size and the first executable instruction must appear at the very beginning of file and assume that its location corresponds to IP=0x100 (where IP is the instruction pointer register). How code and data are placed and interleaved in a .COM program is unimportant and up to the programmer.
There are other architectural artifacts such as x86 segments. Again, MSDOS is a good example of an OS that deals with them. .EXE-style programs in it may have multiple segments in them that correspond directly to the x86 CPU segments, to the real-mode addressing scheme, in which memory is viewed through 64KB-long "windows" known as segments. The position of these windows/segments is relative to the value of the CPU's segment registers. By altering the segment register values you can move the "windows". In order to access more than 64KB one needs to use different segment register values and that often implies having multiple segments in the .EXE (can be not just one segment for code and one for data, but also multiple segments for either of them).
At least the text and data segments are separated to prevent malicious code that's stored inside a variable from being run.
Instructions (compiled code) are stored in the text segment, while the contents of your variables are stored in a data segment, the latter of which never gets executed, only read from and written to.
A little more info here.
Isn't this distinction just a big, hacky workaround for patching security into the von-Neumann architecture where data and instructions share the same memory?

Records in Delphi

some questions about records in Delphi:
As records are almost like classes, why not use only classes instead of records?
In theory, memory is allocated for a record when it is declared by a variable; but, and how is memory released after?
I can understand the utility of pointers to records into a list object, but with Generics Containers (TList<T>), are there need to use pointer yet? if not, how to delete/release each record into a Generic Container? If I wanna delete a specific record into a Generic Container, how to do it?
There are lots of differences between records and classes; and no "Pointer to record" <> "Class". Each has its own pros and cons; one of the important things about software development is to understand these so you can more easily choose the most appropriate for a given situation.
This question is based on a false premise. Records are not almost like classes, in the same way that Integers are not almost like Doubles.
Classes must always be dynamically instantiated, whereas this is a possibility, but not a requirement for records.
Instances of classes (which we call objects) are always passed around by reference, meaning that multiple sections of code will share and act on the same instance. This is something important to remember, because you may unintentionally modify an object as a side-effect; although when done intentionally it's a powerful feature. Records on the other hand are passed by value; you need to explicitly indicate if you're passing them by reference.
Classes do not 'copy as easily as records'. When I say copy, I mean a separate instance duplicating a source. (This should be obvious in light of the value/reference comment above).
Records tend to work very nicely with typed files (because they're so easy to copy).
Records can overlay fields with other fields (case x of/unions)
These were comments on certain situational benefits of records; conversely, there are also situational benefits for classes that I'll not elaborate on.
Perhaps the easiest way to understand this is to be a little pedantic about it. Let's clarify; memory is not really allocated 'when its declared', it's allocated when the variable is in scope, and deallocated when it goes out of scope. So for a local variable, it's allocated just before the start of the routine, and deallocated just after the end. For a class field, it's allocated when the object is created, and deallocated when it's destroyed.
Again, there are pros and cons...
It can be slower and require more memory to copy entire records (as with generics) than to just copy the references.
Passing records around by reference (using pointers) is a powerful technique whereby you can easily have something else modify your copy of the record. Without this, you'd have to pass your record by value (i.e. copy it) receive the changed record as a result, copy it again to your own structures.
Are pointers to records like classes? No, not at all. Just two of the differences:
Classes support polymorphic inheritance.
Classes can implement interfaces.
For 1 and 2: records are value types, while classes are reference types. They're allocated on the stack, or directly in the memory space of any larger variable that contains them, instead of through a pointer, and automatically cleaned up by the compiler when they go out of scope.
As for your third question, a TList<TMyRecord> internally declares an array of TMyRecord for storage space. All the records in it will be cleaned up when the list is destroyed. If you want to delete a specific one, use the Delete method to delete by index, or the Remove method to find and delete. But be aware that since it's a value type, everything you do will be making copies of the record, not copying references to it.
One of the main benefits of records is, when you have a large "array of record". This is created in memory by allocating space for all records in one contiguous RAM space, which is extremely fast. If you had used "array of TClass" instead, each object in the array would have to be allocated by itself, which is slow.
There has been a lot of work to improve the speed of allocating memory, in order to improve the speed of strings and objects, but it will never be as fast as replacing 100,000 memory allocations with 1 memory allocation.
However, if you use array of record, don't copy the record around in local variables. That may easily kill the speed benefit.
1) To allow for inheritance and polymorphism, classes have some overhead. Records do not allow them, and in some situations may be somewhat faster and simpler to use. Unlike classes, that are always allocated in the heap and managed through references, records can be allocated on the stack also, accessed directly, and assigned each other without requiring to call an "Assign" method.
Also records are useful to access memory blocks with a given structure, because their memory layout is exactly how you define it. A class instance memory layout is controlled by the compiler and has additional data to make objects work (i.e. the pointer to the Virtual Method Table).
2) Unless you allocate records dynamically, using New() or GetMem(), record's memory is managed by the compiler as ordinals, floats or static arrays: global variables memory is allocated at startup and released when the program terminates, and local variables are allocated on the stack entering a function/procedure/method and released exiting. Allocating/releasing memory in the stack is faster because it doesn't require calls to the memory manager, it's just very few assembler instructions to change the stack registers. But be aware that allocating large structure on the stack may cause a stack overflow, because the maximum stack size is fixed and not very large (see linker options).
If records are fields of a class, they are allocated when the class is created and released when the class is freed.
3) One of the advantages of generics is to eliminate the need of low-level pointer management - but be aware of the inner workings.
There are a few other differences between a class and a record. Classes can use polymorphism, and expose interfaces. Records can not implement destructors (although since Delphi 2006 they can now implement constructors and methods).
Records are very useful in segmenting memory into a more logical structure since the first data item in the record is at the same address point of the pointer to the record itself. This is not the case for classes.
