Iam just writing simple ansible playbook to run container getting error
This is my playbook code
- name: Create container
name: mydata
image: busybox
- /data
Getting error like this.
ERROR! docker container' is not a valid attribute for a Play
Anybody help please.
You need to add some more lines to your playbook.
- name: Play name
hosts: your_hosts
tags: your tag
gather_facts: no|yes
- name: Create container
name: mydata
image: busybox
- /data
If you haven't yet, do:
ansible-galaxy collection install community.general where you are running the playbook (Ansible host).
Then, `ansible-playbook [your_playbook.yaml]``
Notice if you are using volume you may want to use docker_volume module to config it before the container starts. Also, try to map the volume, like - /data:/my/container/path so you can find it easier.
This is a continuation of my journey of creating multiple docker projects dynamically. I did not mention previously, to make this process dynamica as I want devs to specify what project they want to use, I'm using ansible to up local env.
Logic is:
running ansible-playbook run.yml -e "{projectsList:
['app-admin']}" - providing list of projects I want to start
stop existing main containers (in case they are running from the previous time)
Start the main containers
Depend on the provided list of projects run role tasks () I have a separate role for each supported project
stop the existing child project containers (in case they are running from the previous time)
start the child project containers
make some configuration depend on the role
And here is the issue (again) with the network, when I stop the main containers it's failing with a message:
error while removing network: network appnetwork has active endpoints
it makes sense as child docker containers use the same network, but I do not see so far way to change ordering of tasks as I'm using the roles, so main docker tasks always running before role-specific tasks.
main ansible file:
#- import_playbook: './services/old.yml'
- hosts: localhost
gather_facts: true
# add list of all supported projects, THIS SHOULD BE UPDATED FOREACH NEW PROJECT!
supportedProjects: ['all', 'app-admin', 'app-landing']
- name: "ansible_become_pass"
prompt: "Sudo password"
private: yes
# List of projects should be provided
- fail: msg="List of projects you want to run playbook for not provided"
when: (projectsList is not defined) or (projectsList|length == 0)
# Remove unsupported projects from list
- name: Filter out not supported projects
filteredProjectsList: "{{ projectsList | intersect(supportedProjects) }}"
# Check if any of projects exist after filtering
- fail: msg="All project you provided not supported. Supported projects {{ supportedProjects }}"
when: filteredProjectsList|length == 0
# Always stop existing docker containers
- name: stop existing common app docker containers
project_src: ../docker/common/
state: absent
- name: start common app docker containers like nginx proxy, redic, mailcatcher etc. (this can take a while if running by the first time)
project_src: ../docker/common/
state: present
build: no
nocache: no
- name: Get www-data id
command: docker exec app-php id -u www-data
register: wwwid
- name: Get current user group id
command: id -g
register: userid
- name: Register user and www-data ids
userid: "{{userid.stdout}}"
wwwdataid: "{{wwwid.stdout}}"
- { role: app-landing, when: '"app-landing" in filteredProjectsList or "all" in filteredProjectsList' }
- { role: app-admin, when: ("app-admin" in filteredProjectsList) or ("all" in filteredProjectsList) }
and role example app-admin/tasks/mian.yml:
- name: Sync {{name}} with git (can take while to clone repo by the first time)
repo: "{{gitPath}}"
dest: "{{destinationPath}}"
version: "{{branch}}"
- name: stop existing {{name}} docker containers
project_src: "{{dockerComposeFileDestination}}"
state: absent
- name: start {{name}} docker containers (this can take a while if running by the first time)
project_src: "{{dockerComposeFileDestination}}"
state: present
build: no
nocache: no
- name: Copy {{name}} env file
src: development.env
dest: "{{destinationPath}}.env"
force: no
- name: Set file permissions for local {{name}} project files
command: chmod -R ug+w {{projectPath}}
become: yes
- name: Set execute permissions for local {{name}} bin folder
command: chmod -R +x {{projectPath}}/bin
become: yes
- name: Set user/group for {{name}} to {{wwwdataid}}:{{userid}}
command: chown -R {{wwwdataid}}:{{userid}} {{projectPath}}
become: yes
- name: Composer install for {{name}}
command: docker-compose -f {{mainDockerComposeFileDestination}}docker-compose.yml exec -T app-php sh -c "cd {{containerProjectPath}} && composer install"
Maybe there is a way to somehow unlink the network if the main container stop. I thought when a child container network set like external:
external: true
solves the issue, but it's not.
A quick experiment with an external network:
version: "3.0"
image: nginx
- "8080:80"
- an0
external: true
version: "3.0"
image: redis
- "6379:6379"
- an0
external: true
Starting and stopping:
$ docker network create -d bridge an0
$ docker-compose -f dc1/dc1.yml up -d
Creating dc1_nginx_1 ... done
$ docker-compose -f dc2/dc2.yml up -d
Creating dc2_redis_1 ... done
$ docker-compose -f dc1/dc1.yml down
Stopping dc1_nginx_1 ... done
Removing dc1_nginx_1 ... done
Network an0 is external, skipping
$ docker-compose -f dc2/dc2.yml down
Stopping dc2_redis_1 ... done
Removing dc2_redis_1 ... done
Network an0 is external, skipping
I'm using the kubernetes plugin to setup a pipeline on jenkins to compile some code.
In this pipeline, I'm trying to access some data from a docker container to use it as a cache in a second on (as shown below).
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: cache-test
restartPolicy: Never
- name: shared-data
emptyDir: {}
- name: cache-container
image: cache:latest
- name: shared-data
mountPath: /cache
- cat
- name: debian-container
image: debian
- name: shared-data
mountPath: /pod-data
- cat
My issue is that when I mount my shared-folder in /cache directly, all my data get erased (overwritten).
One work around would be to to create an intermediate directory where I can copy my data:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: cache-test
restartPolicy: Never
- name: shared-data
emptyDir: {}
- name: cache-container
image: cache:latest
- name: shared-data
mountPath: /shared-folder
- cat
- name: debian-container
image: debian
- name: shared-data
mountPath: /pod-data
- cat
And the in my Jenkins pipeline add this step:
container('cache-container') {
sh """#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -exu
cp -r /cache/* /shared-folder
} // container
Is there a way to avoid this copy step? Maybe a kubernetes volume setup that doesn't overwrite what's in the container?
I went through the documentation couple times without finding anything..
You can't use a container as a cache without copying data to a volume shared with other containers. But you probably shouldn't anyway.
You probably want to move your cache out of the container and make it a PersistentVolume. PersistentVolumeClaims can claim PV and then pods can mount these PVCs.
The problem with PVs, no matter static or dynamic they are - they won't be Available for PVCs when previously locking PVC was deleted. They will stuck in Released state. Kubernetes doesn't do it automatically for a reason - workloads aren't supposed to have access to data from other workloads. For when they do - the idiomatic Kubernetes way to do it is StatefulSets, so Kubernetes guarantees that only the replicas of the same workload may claim the old data. Unfortunately it's just doesn't work for a build caches.
I wrote two simple controllers - automatic PV releaser (that would find and make Released PVs Available again for new PVCs) and dynamic PVC provisioner (for Jenkins Kubernetes plugin specifically - so you can define a PVC as annotation on a Pod). Check it out here https://github.com/plumber-cd/kubernetes-dynamic-reclaimable-pvc-controllers. There is a full Jenkinsfile example here https://github.com/plumber-cd/kubernetes-dynamic-reclaimable-pvc-controllers/tree/main/examples/jenkins-kubernetes-plugin-with-build-cache.
From the docker hub there is an image which is maintained by amazon.
Any one know how to configure and start the container as I cannot find any documentation
I got this working! I was having the same issue with you when you see Reading json config file path: /opt/aws/amazon-cloudwatch-agent/bin/default_linux_config.json ... Cannot access /etc/cwagentconfig: lstat /etc/cwagentconfig: no such file or directoryValid Json input schema.
What you need to do is put your config file in /etc/cwagentconfig. A functioning dockerfile:
FROM amazon/cloudwatch-agent:1.230621.0
COPY config.json /etc/cwagentconfig
Where config.json is some cloudwatch agent configuration, such as given by LinPy's answer.
You can ignore the warning about /opt/aws/amazon-cloudwatch-agent/bin/default_linux_config.json, or you can also COPY the config.json file to that location in the dockerfile as well.
I will also share how I found this answer:
I needed this run in ECS as a sidecar, and I could only find docs on how to run it in kubernetes. Following this documentation: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/en_pv/AmazonCloudWatch/latest/monitoring/Container-Insights-setup-StatsD.html I decided to download all the example k8s manifests, when I saw this one:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
namespace: default
name: amazonlinux
- name: amazonlinux
image: amazonlinux
command: ["/bin/sh"]
args: ["-c", "sleep 300"]
- name: cloudwatch-agent
image: amazon/cloudwatch-agent
imagePullPolicy: Always
cpu: 200m
memory: 100Mi
cpu: 200m
memory: 100Mi
- name: cwagentconfig
mountPath: /etc/cwagentconfig
- name: cwagentconfig
name: cwagentstatsdconfig
terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 60
So I saw that the volume mount cwagentconfig mounts to /etc/cwagentconfig and that's from the cwagentstatsdconfig configmap, and that's just the json file.
You just to run the container with log-opt, as the log agent is the main process of the container.
docker run --log-driver=awslogs --log-opt awslogs-region=us-west-2 --log-opt awslogs-group=myLogGroup amazon/cloudwatch-agent
You can find more details here and here.
I do not know why you need an agent in a container, but the best practice is to send each container log directly to cloud watch using aws log driver.
Btw this is entrypoint of the container.
"Entrypoint": [
All you need to call
Here is how I got it working in our Docker containers without systemctl or System V init.
This is from official Documentation:
sudo /opt/aws/amazon-cloudwatch-agent/bin/amazon-cloudwatch-agent-ctl -a fetch-config -m ec2 -c file:configuration-file-path -s
here the Docs:
Installation path may be different, but that is how the agent is started as per docs.
I need to start a docker container with several port mapping as following:
- name: Run My container
name: "MyContainer"
image: "MyImage"
state: present
pull: true
restart_policy: always
- 1200:1200
- 1201:1201
- 1202:1202
- 1203:1203
- 1300:1300
What I want to do is to run Ansible script as:
- name: Run My container
name: "MyContainer"
image: "MyImage"
state: present
pull: true
restart_policy: always
- 1200-1300:1200-1300
Although, It doesn't work, Ansible give me the following error message:
File \"/tmp/ansible_8zDYC9/ansible_module_docker_container.py\", line 987, in _parse_publish_ports\r\n container_port = int(parts[-1])\r\nValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: '1200-1300'
Is possible to map several ports betwen host and container in the same line?
PS: I'm using Ansible 2.3
I am not sure if I have the conclusion but u need to set the ports in double quotes like these:
I am trying to build docker container which should include startup scripts in container's /etc/my_init.d directory via ansible. I have difficulty finding any documentation how to do this. Here is relevant portion of my yaml file:
- name: Create container
name: myserver
image: "{{ docker_repo }}/myserver:{{ server.version }}"
state: started
restart_policy: always
docker_api_version: 1.18
registry: "{{ docker_repo }}"
username: "{{ registry_user }}"
password: "{{ registry_password }}"
- "mywebservices"
- "8000:8000"
- "9899:9899"
- "{{ myserver_home_dir }}/logs:/var/log/my_server"
MY_ENVIRONMENT: "{{ my_environment }}"
when: myserver_action == "create"
or (myserver_action == "diff-create" and myserver.changed)
or myserver_action == "update"
What should I add in here to tell ansible to put my files into container's /etc/my_init.d during build?
First of all, you can't build container (you can start it), you build images.
Second, docker module is deprecated, use docker_image to build images.
You should copy your files into build directory (with copy or synchronize modules), for example:
Then create Dockerfile that will take them from build directory and add into your image.
After that call docker_image:
path: /tmp/build
name: myimage
Finally start your container:
image: myimage
name: mycontainer
Unsure if it's relevant, as I don't know what your startup Ansible content is doing, but it's probably worth looking at the Ansible Container project.
You can build your container images using Ansible roles instead of a Dockerfile, orchestrate them locally, and deploy them to production Kubernetes or Red Hat OpenShift.