I have a viewController EditMessage which has two UITextFields (UITextView) which use the keyboard and they work great. This part is basic standard stuff. When the keyboard is displayed, I register a tag gesture for the entire view, so that if the user clicks anywhere else, I dismiss the keyboard:
self.view.addGestureRecognizer(UITapGestureRecognizer(target: self,
action: #selector(dismissKeyboard)))
In dismissKeyboard, this all works fine:
#objc func dismissKeyboard(sender: Any) {
However, I have a menu button(thumbnail image) implemented as a child view controller (UIViewController) on the same EditMessage view, which hijacks the screen via UIApplication.shared.keyWindow() to display an overlay and menu on the bottom of the screen. Built using the model/code from Brian Voong's YouTube channel to replicate a YouTube style slide in menu from the bottom. However, the keyboard is in the way. Since the child is a different view controller "endEditing" doesn't work (or maybe I am referencing the wrong view?).
class ButtonPickerController : UIViewController,
UIGestureRecognizerDelegate, UINavigationControllerDelegate {
var maxSize = CGFloat(60)
let thumbnail: UIImageView = {
let thumbnail = UIImageView()
thumbnail.backgroundColor = UIColor.lightGray
return thumbnail
override func viewDidLoad() {
let tap = UITapGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(self.buttonTapped(sender:)))
tap.delegate = self
//view.backgroundColor = .yellow
view.contentMode = .scaleAspectFit
thumbnail.frame = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: self.maxSize, height: self.maxSize)
Can someone point me in a good direction? This is my first question so hopefully I am asking properly.
I figured it out in the end. Thank you for the help. In my child view controller I did used the following statement when the button was tapped:
#objc func buttonTapped(sender: UITapGestureRecognizer? = nil) {
First, its not a good way to present overlays as UIViewController.
But a solution good be, to give the second viewcontroller a reference to the first one before viewDidLoad is called. Do you use Segues ? So in prepare would be the right place. In the second viewcontroller you create a property for the first one and then use this property as target when you create the UITapGestureRecognizer.
Another way is using a protocol and delegation.
Can anyone tell me how I can mimic the bottom sheet in the new Apple Maps app in iOS 10?
In Android, you can use a BottomSheet which mimics this behaviour, but I could not find anything like that for iOS.
Is that a simple scroll view with a content inset, so that the search bar is at the bottom?
I am fairly new to iOS programming so if someone could help me creating this layout, that would be highly appreciated.
This is what I mean by "bottom sheet":
I don't know how exactly the bottom sheet of the new Maps app, responds to user interactions. But you can create a custom view that looks like the one in the screenshots and add it to the main view.
I assume you know how to:
1- create view controllers either by storyboards or using xib files.
2- use googleMaps or Apple's MapKit.
1- Create 2 view controllers e.g, MapViewController and BottomSheetViewController. The first controller will host the map and the second is the bottom sheet itself.
Configure MapViewController
Create a method to add the bottom sheet view.
func addBottomSheetView() {
// 1- Init bottomSheetVC
let bottomSheetVC = BottomSheetViewController()
// 2- Add bottomSheetVC as a child view
// 3- Adjust bottomSheet frame and initial position.
let height = view.frame.height
let width = view.frame.width
bottomSheetVC.view.frame = CGRectMake(0, self.view.frame.maxY, width, height)
And call it in viewDidAppear method:
override func viewDidAppear(animated: Bool) {
Configure BottomSheetViewController
1) Prepare background
Create a method to add blur and vibrancy effects
func prepareBackgroundView(){
let blurEffect = UIBlurEffect.init(style: .Dark)
let visualEffect = UIVisualEffectView.init(effect: blurEffect)
let bluredView = UIVisualEffectView.init(effect: blurEffect)
visualEffect.frame = UIScreen.mainScreen().bounds
bluredView.frame = UIScreen.mainScreen().bounds
view.insertSubview(bluredView, atIndex: 0)
call this method in your viewWillAppear
override func viewWillAppear(animated: Bool) {
Make sure that your controller's view background color is clearColor.
2) Animate bottomSheet appearance
override func viewDidAppear(animated: Bool) {
UIView.animateWithDuration(0.3) { [weak self] in
let frame = self?.view.frame
let yComponent = UIScreen.mainScreen().bounds.height - 200
self?.view.frame = CGRectMake(0, yComponent, frame!.width, frame!.height)
3) Modify your xib as you want.
4) Add Pan Gesture Recognizer to your view.
In your viewDidLoad method add UIPanGestureRecognizer.
override func viewDidLoad() {
let gesture = UIPanGestureRecognizer.init(target: self, action: #selector(BottomSheetViewController.panGesture))
And implement your gesture behaviour:
func panGesture(recognizer: UIPanGestureRecognizer) {
let translation = recognizer.translationInView(self.view)
let y = self.view.frame.minY
self.view.frame = CGRectMake(0, y + translation.y, view.frame.width, view.frame.height)
recognizer.setTranslation(CGPointZero, inView: self.view)
Scrollable Bottom Sheet:
If your custom view is a scroll view or any other view that inherits from, so you have two options:
Design the view with a header view and add the panGesture to the header. (bad user experience).
1 - Add the panGesture to the bottom sheet view.
2 - Implement the UIGestureRecognizerDelegate and set the panGesture delegate to the controller.
3- Implement shouldRecognizeSimultaneouslyWith delegate function and disable the scrollView isScrollEnabled property in two case:
The view is partially visible.
The view is totally visible, the scrollView contentOffset property is 0 and the user is dragging the view downwards.
Otherwise enable scrolling.
func gestureRecognizer(_ gestureRecognizer: UIGestureRecognizer, shouldRecognizeSimultaneouslyWith otherGestureRecognizer: UIGestureRecognizer) -> Bool {
let gesture = (gestureRecognizer as! UIPanGestureRecognizer)
let direction = gesture.velocity(in: view).y
let y = view.frame.minY
if (y == fullView && tableView.contentOffset.y == 0 && direction > 0) || (y == partialView) {
tableView.isScrollEnabled = false
} else {
tableView.isScrollEnabled = true
return false
In case you set .allowUserInteraction as an animation option, like in the sample project, so you need to enable scrolling on the animation completion closure if the user is scrolling up.
Sample Project
I created a sample project with more options on this repo which may give you better insights about how to customise the flow.
In the demo, addBottomSheetView() function controls which view should be used as a bottom sheet.
Sample Project Screenshots
- Partial View
- FullView
- Scrollable View
Update iOS 15
In iOS 15, you can now use the native UISheetPresentationController.
if let sheet = viewControllerToPresent.sheetPresentationController {
sheet.detents = [.medium(), .large()]
// your sheet setup
present(viewControllerToPresent, animated: true, completion: nil)
Notice that you can even reproduce its navigation stack using the overcurrentcontext presentation mode:
let nextViewControllerToPresent: UIViewController = ...
nextViewControllerToPresent.modalPresentationStyle = .overCurrentContext
viewControllerToPresent.present(nextViewControllerToPresent, animated: true, completion: nil)
I released a library based on my answer below.
It mimics the Shortcuts application overlay. See this article for details.
The main component of the library is the OverlayContainerViewController. It defines an area where a view controller can be dragged up and down, hiding or revealing the content underneath it.
let contentController = MapsViewController()
let overlayController = SearchViewController()
let containerController = OverlayContainerViewController()
containerController.delegate = self
containerController.viewControllers = [
window?.rootViewController = containerController
Implement OverlayContainerViewControllerDelegate to specify the number of notches wished:
enum OverlayNotch: Int, CaseIterable {
case minimum, medium, maximum
func numberOfNotches(in containerViewController: OverlayContainerViewController) -> Int {
return OverlayNotch.allCases.count
func overlayContainerViewController(_ containerViewController: OverlayContainerViewController,
heightForNotchAt index: Int,
availableSpace: CGFloat) -> CGFloat {
switch OverlayNotch.allCases[index] {
case .maximum:
return availableSpace * 3 / 4
case .medium:
return availableSpace / 2
case .minimum:
return availableSpace * 1 / 4
SwiftUI (12/29/20)
A SwiftUI version of the library is now available.
Previous answer
I think there is a significant point that is not treated in the suggested solutions: the transition between the scroll and the translation.
In Maps, as you may have noticed, when the tableView reaches contentOffset.y == 0, the bottom sheet either slides up or goes down.
The point is tricky because we can not simply enable/disable the scroll when our pan gesture begins the translation. It would stop the scroll until a new touch begins. This is the case in most of the proposed solutions here.
Here is my try to implement this motion.
Starting point: Maps App
To start our investigation, let's visualize the view hierarchy of Maps (start Maps on a simulator and select Debug > Attach to process by PID or Name > Maps in Xcode 9).
It doesn't tell how the motion works, but it helped me to understand the logic of it. You can play with the lldb and the view hierarchy debugger.
Our view controller stacks
Let's create a basic version of the Maps ViewController architecture.
We start with a BackgroundViewController (our map view):
class BackgroundViewController: UIViewController {
override func loadView() {
view = MKMapView()
We put the tableView in a dedicated UIViewController:
class OverlayViewController: UIViewController, UITableViewDataSource, UITableViewDelegate {
lazy var tableView = UITableView()
override func loadView() {
view = tableView
tableView.dataSource = self
tableView.delegate = self
Now, we need a VC to embed the overlay and manage its translation.
To simplify the problem, we consider that it can translate the overlay from one static point OverlayPosition.maximum to another OverlayPosition.minimum.
For now it only has one public method to animate the position change and it has a transparent view:
enum OverlayPosition {
case maximum, minimum
class OverlayContainerViewController: UIViewController {
let overlayViewController: OverlayViewController
var translatedViewHeightContraint = ...
override func loadView() {
view = UIView()
func moveOverlay(to position: OverlayPosition) {
Finally we need a ViewController to embed the all:
class StackViewController: UIViewController {
private var viewControllers: [UIViewController]
override func viewDidLoad() {
viewControllers.forEach { gz_addChild($0, in: view) }
In our AppDelegate, our startup sequence looks like:
let overlay = OverlayViewController()
let containerViewController = OverlayContainerViewController(overlayViewController: overlay)
let backgroundViewController = BackgroundViewController()
window?.rootViewController = StackViewController(viewControllers: [backgroundViewController, containerViewController])
The difficulty behind the overlay translation
Now, how to translate our overlay?
Most of the proposed solutions use a dedicated pan gesture recognizer, but we actually already have one : the pan gesture of the table view.
Moreover, we need to keep the scroll and the translation synchronised and the UIScrollViewDelegate has all the events we need!
A naive implementation would use a second pan Gesture and try to reset the contentOffset of the table view when the translation occurs:
func panGestureAction(_ recognizer: UIPanGestureRecognizer) {
if isTranslating {
tableView.contentOffset = .zero
But it does not work. The tableView updates its contentOffset when its own pan gesture recognizer action triggers or when its displayLink callback is called. There is no chance that our recognizer triggers right after those to successfully override the contentOffset.
Our only chance is either to take part of the layout phase (by overriding layoutSubviews of the scroll view calls at each frame of the scroll view) or to respond to the didScroll method of the delegate called each time the contentOffset is modified. Let's try this one.
The translation Implementation
We add a delegate to our OverlayVC to dispatch the scrollview's events to our translation handler, the OverlayContainerViewController :
protocol OverlayViewControllerDelegate: class {
func scrollViewDidScroll(_ scrollView: UIScrollView)
func scrollViewDidStopScrolling(_ scrollView: UIScrollView)
class OverlayViewController: UIViewController {
func scrollViewDidScroll(_ scrollView: UIScrollView) {
func scrollViewDidEndDragging(_ scrollView: UIScrollView, willDecelerate decelerate: Bool) {
In our container, we keep track of the translation using a enum:
enum OverlayInFlightPosition {
case minimum
case maximum
case progressing
The current position calculation looks like :
private var overlayInFlightPosition: OverlayInFlightPosition {
let height = translatedViewHeightContraint.constant
if height == maximumHeight {
return .maximum
} else if height == minimumHeight {
return .minimum
} else {
return .progressing
We need 3 methods to handle the translation:
The first one tells us if we need to start the translation.
private func shouldTranslateView(following scrollView: UIScrollView) -> Bool {
guard scrollView.isTracking else { return false }
let offset = scrollView.contentOffset.y
switch overlayInFlightPosition {
case .maximum:
return offset < 0
case .minimum:
return offset > 0
case .progressing:
return true
The second one performs the translation. It uses the translation(in:) method of the scrollView's pan gesture.
private func translateView(following scrollView: UIScrollView) {
scrollView.contentOffset = .zero
let translation = translatedViewTargetHeight - scrollView.panGestureRecognizer.translation(in: view).y
translatedViewHeightContraint.constant = max(
min(translation, Constant.maximumHeight)
The third one animates the end of the translation when the user releases its finger. We calculate the position using the velocity & the current position of the view.
private func animateTranslationEnd() {
let position: OverlayPosition = // ... calculation based on the current overlay position & velocity
moveOverlay(to: position)
Our overlay's delegate implementation simply looks like :
class OverlayContainerViewController: UIViewController {
func scrollViewDidScroll(_ scrollView: UIScrollView) {
guard shouldTranslateView(following: scrollView) else { return }
translateView(following: scrollView)
func scrollViewDidStopScrolling(_ scrollView: UIScrollView) {
// prevent scroll animation when the translation animation ends
scrollView.isEnabled = false
scrollView.isEnabled = true
Final problem: dispatching the overlay container's touches
The translation is now pretty efficient. But there is still a final problem: the touches are not delivered to our background view. They are all intercepted by the overlay container's view.
We can not set isUserInteractionEnabled to false because it would also disable the interaction in our table view. The solution is the one used massively in the Maps app, PassThroughView:
class PassThroughView: UIView {
override func hitTest(_ point: CGPoint, with event: UIEvent?) -> UIView? {
let view = super.hitTest(point, with: event)
if view == self {
return nil
return view
It removes itself from the responder chain.
In OverlayContainerViewController:
override func loadView() {
view = PassThroughView()
Here is the result:
You can find the code here.
Please if you see any bugs, let me know ! Note that your implementation can of course use a second pan gesture, specially if you add a header in your overlay.
Update 23/08/18
We can replace scrollViewDidEndDragging with
willEndScrollingWithVelocity rather than enabling/disabling the scroll when the user ends dragging:
func scrollView(_ scrollView: UIScrollView,
willEndScrollingWithVelocity velocity: CGPoint,
targetContentOffset: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGPoint>) {
switch overlayInFlightPosition {
case .maximum:
case .minimum, .progressing:
targetContentOffset.pointee = .zero
animateTranslationEnd(following: scrollView)
We can use a spring animation and allow user interaction while animating to make the motion flow better:
func moveOverlay(to position: OverlayPosition,
duration: TimeInterval,
velocity: CGPoint) {
overlayPosition = position
translatedViewHeightContraint.constant = translatedViewTargetHeight
withDuration: duration,
delay: 0,
usingSpringWithDamping: velocity.y == 0 ? 1 : 0.6,
initialSpringVelocity: abs(velocity.y),
options: [.allowUserInteraction],
animations: {
}, completion: nil)
Try Pulley:
Pulley is an easy to use drawer library meant to imitate the drawer
in iOS 10's Maps app. It exposes a simple API that allows you to use
any UIViewController subclass as the drawer content or the primary
I wrote my own library to achieve the intended behaviour in ios Maps app. It is a protocol oriented solution. So you don't need to inherit any base class instead create a sheet controller and configure as you wish. It also supports inner navigation/presentation with or without UINavigationController.
See below link for more details.
You can try my answer https://github.com/SCENEE/FloatingPanel. It provides a container view controller to display a "bottom sheet" interface.
It's easy to use and you don't mind any gesture recognizer handling! Also you can track a scroll view's(or the sibling view) in a bottom sheet if needed.
This is a simple example. Please note that you need to prepare a view controller to display your content in a bottom sheet.
import UIKit
import FloatingPanel
class ViewController: UIViewController {
var fpc: FloatingPanelController!
override func viewDidLoad() {
fpc = FloatingPanelController()
// Add "bottom sheet" in self.view.
fpc.add(toParent: self)
// Add a view controller to display your contents in "bottom sheet".
let contentVC = ContentViewController()
fpc.set(contentViewController: contentVC)
// Track a scroll view in "bottom sheet" content if needed.
fpc.track(scrollView: contentVC.tableView)
Here is another example code to display a bottom sheet to search a location like Apple Maps.
iOS 15 in 2021 adds UISheetPresentationController, which is Apple's first public release of an Apple Maps-style "bottom sheet":
UISheetPresentationController lets you present your view controller as a sheet. Before you present your view controller, configure its sheet presentation controller with the behavior and appearance you want for your sheet.
Sheet presentation controllers specify a sheet's size based on a detent, a height where a sheet naturally rests. Detents allow a sheet to resize from one edge of its fully expanded frame while the other three edges remain fixed. You specify the detents that a sheet supports using detents, and monitor its most recently selected detent using selectedDetentIdentifier.
This new bottom sheet control is explored in WWDC Session 10063: Customize and Resize Sheets in UIKit
In iOS 15, the UISheetPresentationController has launched with only medium and large detents.
A small detent is notably absent from the iOS 15 API, which would be required to display an always-presented "collapsed" bottom sheet like Apple Maps:
Custom smaller Detents in UISheetPresentationController?
The medium detent was released to handle use cases such as the Share Sheet or the "••• More" menu in Mail: a button-triggered half sheet.
In iOS 15, Apple Maps is now using this UIKit sheet presentation rather than a custom implementation, which is a huge step in the right direction. Apple Maps in iOS 15 continues to show the "small" bar, as well as a 1/3rd height bar. But those view sizes are not public API available to developers.
UIKit engineers at the WWDC 2021 Labs seemed to know that a small detent would be a hugely popular UIKit component. I would expect to see an API expansion for iOS 16 next year.
We’ve just released a pure Swift Package supporting iOS 11.4+ which provides you a BottomSheet with theme and behavior options you can customize. This component is easy to use, and flexible. You can find it here: https://github.com/LunabeeStudio/LBBottomSheet.
A demo project is available in this repository too.
For example, it supports different ways to manage the needed height, and also adds to the controller behind it the ability to detect height changes and adapt its bottom content inset.
You can find more information on the GitHub repository and in the documentation: https://lbbottomsheet.lunabee.studio.
I think it can help you to do what you’re looking for. Don’t hesitate to tell me if you have comments/questions :)
Here you can see one of all the possible BottomSheet configurations:
**for iOS 15 Native Support available for this **
#IBAction func openSheet() {
let secondVC = self.storyboard?.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "SecondViewController")
// Create the view controller.
if #available(iOS 15.0, *) {
let formNC = UINavigationController(rootViewController: secondVC!)
formNC.modalPresentationStyle = UIModalPresentationStyle.pageSheet
guard let sheetPresentationController = formNC.presentationController as? UISheetPresentationController else {
sheetPresentationController.detents = [.medium(), .large()]
sheetPresentationController.prefersGrabberVisible = true
present(formNC, animated: true, completion: nil)
} else {
// Fallback on earlier versions
iOS 15 finally adds a native UISheetPresentationController!
Official documentation
I recently created a component called SwipeableView as subclass of UIView, written in Swift 5.1 . It support all 4 direction, has several customisation options and can animate and interpolate different attributes and items ( such as layout constraints, background/tint color, affine transform, alpha channel and view center, all of them demoed with the respective show case ). It also supports the swiping coordination with the inner scroll view if set or auto detected. Should be pretty easy and straightforward to be used ( I hope 🙂)
Link at https://github.com/LucaIaco/SwipeableView
proof of concept:
Hope it helps
If you are looking for a SwiftUI 2.0 solution that uses View Struct, here it is:
Maybe you can try my answer https://github.com/AnYuan/AYPannel, inspired by Pulley. Smooth transition from moving the drawer to scrolling the list. I added a pan gesture on the container scroll view, and set shouldRecognizeSimultaneouslyWithGestureRecognizer to return YES. More detail in my github link above. Wish to help.
I'm trying to add a UIView subview into a UIViewController, and that UIView has a UISwitch that I want the user to be able to toggle. Based on the state, a UITextField's value will toggle back and forth. Here is the subview (InitialView):
import UIKit
class InitialView: UIView {
// All UI elements.
var yourZipCodeSwitch: UISwitch = UISwitch(frame: CGRectMake(UIScreen.mainScreen().bounds.width/2 + 90, UIScreen.mainScreen().bounds.height/2-115, 0, 0))
override func didMoveToSuperview() {
self.backgroundColor = UIColor.whiteColor()
yourZipCodeSwitch.setOn(true, animated: true)
yourZipCodeSwitch.addTarget(ViewController(), action: "yourZipCodeSwitchPressed:", forControlEvents: UIControlEvents.TouchUpInside)
If I want to have it's target properly pointing at the below function, where should I either set the target or include this function? I tried:
Setting the target in the UIViewController instead of the UIView
Keeping the function in the UIView
Here's the function:
// Enable/disable "Current Location" feature for Your Location.
func yourZipCodeSwitchPressed(sender: AnyObject) {
if yourZipCodeSwitch.on
yourTemp = yourZipCode.text
yourZipCode.text = "Current Location"
yourZipCode.enabled = false
yourZipCode.text = yourTemp
yourZipCode.enabled = true
And here is where I'm loading it into the UIViewController:
// add initial view
var initView : InitialView = InitialView()
// Execute on view load
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.
Any help is much appreciated - thanks!
Yeah, the didMoveToSuperView() placement doesn't make much sense. So you're creating a random, totally unconnected ViewController instance to make the compiler happy but your project sad. Control code goes in controllers, view code goes in views.
You need in your real ViewController:
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Note 'self' is the UIViewController here, so we got the scoping right
initView.yourZipCodeSwitch.addTarget(self, action: "yourZipCodeSwitchPressed:", forControlEvents: .ValueChanged)
Also, .TouchUpInside is for UIButtons. Toggle switches are much more complicated, so their events are different. Touching up inside on a toggle switch's current setting can and should do nothing, whereas touchup inside on the opposite setting triggers the control event above. iOS does all the internal hit detection for you.
I'm working on an Accessibility project where I have a segmentedController in the NavigationBar. Almost everything is working fine until the focus comes at the middle (2/3) SegmentedController. It won't speak the the accessibilityLabel..
See my code.
I'm using NSNotifications to let the 'UIAccessibilityPostNotification' know when to focus:
func chatLijst() {
let subViews = customSC.subviews
let lijstView = subViews.last as UIView
UIAccessibilityPostNotification(UIAccessibilityScreenChangedNotification, lijstView)
func berichtenLijst() {
let subViews = customSC.subviews
let messageView = subViews[1] as UIView
UIAccessibilityPostNotification(UIAccessibilityScreenChangedNotification, messageView)
func contactenLijst() {
let subViews = customSC.subviews
let contactenView = subViews.first as UIView
UIAccessibilityPostNotification(UIAccessibilityScreenChangedNotification, contactenView)
func setupSegmentedController(){
let lijst:NSString = "Lijst"
lijst.isAccessibilityElement = false
lijst.accessibilityLabel = "Lijst met gesprekken"
let bericht:NSString = "Bericht"
bericht.isAccessibilityElement = false
bericht.accessibilityLabel = "Bericht schrijven"
let contacten:NSString = "Contacten"
contacten.isAccessibilityElement = false
contacten.accessibilityLabel = "Contacten opzoeken"
let midden:CGFloat = (self.view.frame.size.width - 233) / 2
customSC.frame = CGRectMake(midden, 7, 233, 30)
customSC.insertSegmentWithTitle(lijst, atIndex: 0, animated: true)
customSC.insertSegmentWithTitle(bericht, atIndex: 1, animated: true)
customSC.insertSegmentWithTitle(contacten, atIndex: 2, animated: true)
customSC.selectedSegmentIndex = 0
customSC.tintColor = UIColor.yellowColor()
customSC.isAccessibilityElement = true
Strange enough I had to restructure the subViews array in the setup func and replace UIAccessibilityPostNotification object with the new segmentsView array.
func chatLijst() {
UIAccessibilityPostNotification(UIAccessibilityScreenChangedNotification, segmentsViews[0])
// Restructure subviews....
segmentsViews = [customSC.subviews[2], customSC.subviews[1], customSC.subviews[0]]
I'm using NSNotifications to let the 'UIAccessibilityPostNotification' know when to focus
Don't. That's a poor way to build a custom accessible control, and more importantly it can be confusing to the user. The screen changed notification doesn't just change focus, it also plays a specific sound that indicates to the user that the contents of the screen has changed.
Instead, I would recommend that you either make the subviews that you want appear as accessibility elements be accessibility elements with their own labels and traits and then rely on the OS to focus and activate them, or that you implement the UIAccessibilityContainer protocol in your custom control and then rely on the OS to focus and activate them.
I'm using a UITextView inside a UIPageViewController, and I want to determine the font size based on the size class of the device.
The first slide of the page view is loaded in ViewDidLoad like so (viewControllerAtIndex(0)):
override func viewDidLoad() {
//Some unrelated code here
// Page View Controller for Questions Slider
questionPageVC = storyboard?.instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier("QuestionPageView") as? UIPageViewController
questionPageVC!.dataSource = self;
questionPageVC!.delegate = self;
let startingViewController : QuestionContentViewController = viewControllerAtIndex(0) as QuestionContentViewController
var viewControllers = [startingViewController]
questionPageVC!.setViewControllers(viewControllers, direction: .Forward, animated: true, completion: nil)
let sliderHeight = view.frame.size.height * 0.5
questionPageVC!.view.frame = CGRectMake(20, 70,
view.frame.size.width-40, sliderHeight)
var pageControl : UIPageControl = UIPageControl.appearance()
pageControl.pageIndicatorTintColor = UIColor.lightGrayColor()
pageControl.currentPageIndicatorTintColor = UIColor.blackColor()
pageControl.backgroundColor = UIColor.whiteColor()
// Some more code here
And then, in viewControllerAtIndex:
private func viewControllerAtIndex(index: Int) -> QuestionContentViewController {
var pcvc : QuestionContentViewController = storyboard?.instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier("QuestionContentView") as! QuestionContentViewController
var fontSize = ""
if (view.traitCollection.horizontalSizeClass == UIUserInterfaceSizeClass.Compact) {
fontSize = "20"
} else {
fontSize = "28"
pcvc.questionString = TextFormatter(string: fontSize + questionsArray[index]).formattedString
pcvc.questionIndex = index
return pcvc
The problem is that the very first slide, which was called in viewDidLoad, always uses the font size in the "else" clause.
If I print view.traitCollection.horizontalSizeClass, for that first slide, I get 0 (UIUserInterfaceSizeClassUnspecified), for subsequent slides, I get the correct size.
I tried moving the whole thing to "viewWillAppear", and then weird things happen to the UIPageViewController (an extra slide with the wrong size text behind the other slides)
The problem is that viewDidLoad is too soon to be asking about a view's trait collection. This is because the trait collection of a view is a feature acquired from the view hierarchy, the environment in which it finds itself. But in viewDidLoad, the view has no environment: it is not in in the view hierarchy yet. It has loaded, meaning that it exists: the view controller now has a view. But it has not been put into the interface yet, and it will not be put into the interface until viewDidAppear:, which comes later in the sequence of events.
However, the view controller also has a trait collection, and it does have an environment: by the time viewDidLoad is called, the view controller is part of the view controller hierarchy. Therefore the simplest (and correct) solution is to ask for the traitCollection of self, not of view. Just say self.traitCollection where you now have view.traitCollection, and all will be well.
(Your solution, asking the screen for its trait collection, may happen to work, but it is not reliable and is not the correct approach. This is because it is possible for the parent view controller to alter the trait collection of its child, and if you bypass the correct approach and ask the screen, directly, you will fail to get the correct trait collection.)
I found that if I use the main screen's traitCollection, instead of the current view, I get the correct size class:
if (UIScreen.main.traitCollection.horizontalSizeClass == .compact) {
fontSize = "20"
} else {
fontSize = "28"
You will be better off moving that code to the viewWillAppear method, as in the viewDidLoad the ViewController's view has not been added to the hierarchy yet, and you might get an empty trait collection.
In my case I needed my view to know about the horizontalSizeClass so accessing the UIScreen traitCollection was tempting but not encouraged, so I had something like this:
override func layoutSubviews() {
switch self.traitCollection.horizontalSizeClass {
case .regular, .unspecified:
fontSize = 28
case .compact:
fontSize = 20
override func traitCollectionDidChange(_ previousTraitCollection: UITraitCollection?) {
guard let previousTraitCollection = previousTraitCollection else { return }
if self.traitCollection.horizontalSizeClass != previousTraitCollection.horizontalSizeClass {
I took a hint from this Apple Technical Q&A and used viewWillLayoutSubviews instead of viewDidLoad/viewWillAppear.