MSIX update on launch fails with "Unable to install because the following apps need to be closed" - msix

I have a WPF app deployed with MSIX. The .appinstaller is set to update silently on launch (no user prompt):
<OnLaunch HoursBetweenUpdateChecks="0" />
Installation works, but after releasing a new version, then starting the app, the update fails with the following message in the event log:
AppX Deployment operation failed for package
with error 0x80073D02. The specific error text for this failure is:
error 0x80073D02: Unable to install because the following apps need to
be closed
If I close the app, and then re-start it, the update finishes without problems.
The weird thing about the error is that it seems to refer to the same app that is being updated as the app that needs to be closed..?
is the app with the old version number '2021.1013.1509.1577'
is the new version '2021.1013.1518.1578'
Why does the update fail with this weird error?

Apparently, MSIX requires a second restart of the program before the update gets applied. So I guess it does not matter if the first start gives an error. It seems to be working as designed.


"[Crashlytics:Crash] Reporting is disabled"

I am getting the following error messages when our production iOS app initializes:
[Crashlytics] Version 3.8.4 (121)
[Crashlytics] Running on iOS Simulator (iPhone), 10.3.0 (16E195)
[Crashlytics:Crash] Reporting is disabled
[Crashlytics] Crash reporting could not be initialized
[Answers] Initialized
[Fabric] Initialized with kit versions: {
"com.twitter.answers.ios" = "1.3.4";
"com.twitter.crashlytics.ios" = "3.8.4";
"io.fabric.sdk.ios" = "1.6.11";
Every subsequent call to log an event gets the following error:
[Crashlytics:Crash] WARNING: CLSLog has been used before (or concurrently with)
Crashlytics initialization and cannot be recorded. The message was: ...
The non-production versions of the app work fine running the exact same code but with different bundleIDs. Normally when the app initializes for the first time, then I see the app populate in the Fabric dashboard, but in this case the app is not showing up.
We have an Android and an iOS version of the app, and they both use the same bundleID, so I am wondering if there is a conflict because of that? I see the Android version of the app in the dashboard, and it seems to be working properly. This is an app that originally was a Xamarin app that compiled to both platforms, neither of which incorporated Fabric/Crashlytics. We have now written native apps on each platform, and both are using Fabric/Crashlytics.
Since this is a pre-existing app in both stores, we do not have the option of changing either app’s bundleID.
Make sure you initialize Crashlytics with Fabric before calling any Crashlytics methods:
One step I routinely miss is to make sure you've added the build phase on your target:
and either replace ${FABRIC_API_KEY} and ${FABRIC_BUILD_SECRET} with your key and secret or add custom build settings for each.
There are apparently cases where Crashlytics does not auto-activate new apps so that they show up under your list of apps, even though everything is coded correctly and data is going to their servers. In this case, send an email to Crashlytics support ( that contains a copy of the info.plist entries for the app in question and they will activate it for you. I have had to do this several times, especially with app extensions.
When I finally traced it down in my situation, the error was entirely correct, but not obvious.
I saw these errors in various testing targets where the code we tested was using a custom logging wrapper which called CLSNSLogv(), but the test didn't actually go through the AppDelegate and therefore did NOT initialize Crashlytics. After trying a few things I was convinced that it worked when executed as an app, but in our configuration it was not working under the unit test configuration.
I'll likely alter our custom wrapper to bypass CLSNSLogv() during testing anyway. The biggest benefit of using that is when crashes occur on devices, so we won't be missing anything.

App paused on Splashscreen. Getting EXC_BAD_ACCESS error

I'm trying to run my game on a Iphone 6. Build process is completed but after load the game, I received the following error on file, line: return self[targetScreen] !=nil;
Thread 1: EXC_BAD_ACCESS error (code=1,address=0xc). file is here.
I don't see any error on the debugger log. Objective-C Automatic Reference Counting is set to YES
I can see the Icon on my iphone, but the game crash after loading. I exported this game from Unity 5.7 and I'm running on XCode 7.3
Any recommendations are welcome, Thanks
Deactivate all plugins, rebuild the project from scratch and try adding the plugins one by one. If that still doesnt work deacrivate any byte code stripping, enable exceptions and use the MONO scripting backend instead of LLVM. (for testing) iOS [pod Parse] error

I'm building a simple app, as it is described on this tutorial: Instagram like app
However, I've made all the steps correctly, to the "Run the app" part, but when I ran it, the Xcode 7 (swift2) outputs this error every time I launch the app or pull to refresh:
2015-09-20 00:46:41.224 Paws2[1196:393571] [Error]: unauthorized (Code: 0, Version: 1.8.5)
I'm using the latest pod available and I don't know how to bypass this issue.
Note that I've made an exactly app as described in the tutorial with the version 1.7.5 and the error was the same, so I updated the pos version to the latest.
I've names the app Paws2 on purpose, it wasn't a error, as it says in the Tutorial to name it 'Paws'.
Thanks in advance
- Regards, Ivan.
EDIT 1: I've updated cocoapods and everything else related and the error continues.
I had a same error too.
My case was silly. I put wrong Application ID / Client Key in didFinishLaunchingWithOptions method on AppDelegate.
[Parse setApplicationId:#“Your Application ID"
clientKey:#“Your Client Key"];
Make sure you put right keys.

Error in configuring iOS App for Push Notifications with Parse

I am following all the instructions here (i'm using Swift) without error. I can even build the project fine. When I connect my iPhone (5C) and try to run the app on the phone, I get the following error
Here's the error message in case it is not visible in the image:
Command /Applications/ failed with exit code 1
What am I doing wrong? I am using iPhone 5C for this.
hate to answer my own question but this issue is resolved now. I restarted the project completely and followed all the steps again, no issue anymore.

iOS - Running app error, unknown error code

When I try to run my app on simulator, it is crash and show error code like below.
Couldn't register com.andikurnia.integraASP.FlipView with the
bootstrap server. Error: unknown error code. This generally means that
another instance of this process was already running or is hung in the
Is there anyone can help me with this error. I clean up my code on xcode and build it again, but it doesn't work. :(
I remember that I had similar problem. To fix this you can into nasty way.
Just restart your mac.
