How to set ForkPullRequestDiscoveryTrait trustId to Collaborators - Jenkins - jenkins

newbie here.
In Jenkins, I need to set "Discover pull requests from forks" setting as a code with Trust set to Collaborators. What trustId I should use?
configure {
def traits = it / sources / data / 'jenkins.branch.BranchSource' / source / traits
traits << 'org.jenkinsci.plugins.github__branch__source.ForkPullRequestDiscoveryTrait' {
All I managed to find is this. But I can't see collaborators setting anywhere.
// Values
// 0 : Everyone
// 1 : Forks in the same account
// 2 : Nobody
Wanted option can be found and set using GUI.
I've found something like this. Running build like this throws: groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException: No such property: TrustContributors for class: groovy.lang.Binding
def traits = it / sources / data / 'jenkins.branch.BranchSource' / source / traits
traits << 'org.jenkinsci.plugins.github__branch__source.ForkPullRequestDiscoveryTrait' {
trust(class: 'org.jenkinsci.plugins.github_branch_source.ForkPullRequestDiscoveryTrait$TrustContributors')
} ```

I finally got it to work. Here's what it looks like.
configure {
def traits = it / sources / data / 'jenkins.branch.BranchSource' / source / traits
traits << 'org.jenkinsci.plugins.github__branch__source.ForkPullRequestDiscoveryTrait' {
strategyId (1)
extension(class: 'org.jenkinsci.plugins.github_branch_source.ForkPullRequestDiscoveryTrait') {


Jenkins Job DSL: unknown return statement

some days ago I bumped into a code snippet used to override the default configuration of the Jenkins plugin "GitHub SCM Source" (unknown author):
Closure configOverride(String repo, int id, String cred) {
return {
it / sources / 'data' / 'jenkins.branch.BranchSource' << {
source(class: 'org.jenkinsci.plugins.github_branch_source.GitHubSCMSource') {
All it's good except that I can't understand the following line:
it / sources / 'data' / 'jenkins.branch.BranchSource' << { ... }
I tried to find some explanation about the use of '/' in groovy but no luck. Maybe I don't know what exactly to search.
Could someone help me please with a link to the docs or a short explanation.
This is overloading of
Groovy allows you to overload the various operators so that they can be used with your own classes. Consider this simple class:
class Bucket {
int size
Bucket(int size) { this.size = size }
Bucket plus(Bucket other) {
return new Bucket(this.size + other.size)
Just by implementing the plus() method, the Bucket class can now be used with the + operator like so:
def b1 = new Bucket(4)
def b2 = new Bucket(11)
assert (b1 + b2).size == 15
For / one would override T div(T x)
This code snippet is used in Jenkins DSL for the "multibranchPipelineJob". The closure configOverride is used to generate an XML object which replace the default configuration in config.xml on the following path "sources/data/jenkins.branch.BranchSource".

How to Set multiple credentials using withcredentials in jenkins pipeline groovy file

I need to set two or more credentials to a job, my plan is to use it separately like below, so that it can be used in multiple jobs
static void _artifactoryCredentialBinding(Job job) {
job.with {
wrappers {
credentialsBinding {
usernamePassword('USERNAME', 'PASSWORD', 'xxxxx')
static void _jasyptCredentialBinding(Job job) {
return job.with {
wrappers {
credentialsBinding {
usernamePassword('', 'PASSWORD', 'jasypt-credentials')
When I do this the first credential is getting over ridden by the second credential.
I will be calling these two methods as a helper method in where ever necessary in my groovy file.
I would require to add multiple credentials in few jobs and only one credential in a job.
Adding the credentials under one wrapper will work - multiple-credentials, but I will not be able to reuse if I add multiple under the same.
I tried returning the Job in the above methods and used the same methods to set the creds but getting the error while building -
ERROR: (CredentialBindingUtil.groovy, line 28) No signature of method: xxxx.CredentialBindingUtil$__pfJasyptCredentialBinding_closure3.wrappers() is applicable for argument types: (xxx.CredentialBindingUtil$__pfJasyptCredentialBinding_closure3$_closure9) values: [xxxx.CredentialBindingUtil$__pfJasyptCredentialBinding_closure3$_closure9#11b4d391]
[Office365connector] No webhooks to notify
How do I make the credentials to be appended with the existing ones ?
As discussed in the comments, it's possible to achieve this through the Configure Block.
static void _artifactoryCredentialBinding(def job) {
job.with {
configure { node ->
node / 'buildWrappers' / 'org.jenkinsci.plugins.credentialsbinding.impl.SecretBuildWrapper' / 'bindings' << 'org.jenkinsci.plugins.credentialsbinding.impl.UsernamePasswordMultiBinding' {
usernameVariable 'some-credential-id'
credentialsId PASS1
passwordVariable USER1
static void _jasyptCredentialBinding(def job) {
job.with {
configure { node ->
node / 'buildWrappers' / 'org.jenkinsci.plugins.credentialsbinding.impl.SecretBuildWrapper' / 'bindings' << 'org.jenkinsci.plugins.credentialsbinding.impl.UsernamePasswordMultiBinding' {
usernameVariable 'some-credential-id'
credentialsId PASS2
passwordVariable USER2
def a_job = job('a-temporaryjob')
To understand how the Configure Block works I highly suggest reading the wiki page and an older blog post which explains step by step how to configure an unsupported plugin.

DSL for triggering cron with a parameter. I have defined the parameter in the job above but unable to pass it in the cron using dsl scripts

I have created the parameter but i am unable to pass that variable while creating the cron job.
booleanParam('security_scan', true)
choiceParam('OPTION', ['false (default)', 'true',])
cron('H 23 * * 6 %security_scan; true')
Following is the error:
ERROR: Scripts not permitted to use method groovy.lang.GroovyObject invokeMethod java.lang.String java.lang.Object (javaposse.jobdsl.dsl.helpers.triggers.TriggerContext parameterizedTimerTrigger script$_run_closure1$_closure2$_closure3)
I dont know which plugins you have installed, but the Parameterized Scheduler plugin should help you with your use case.
Per their documentation, the below should work:
triggers {
parameterizedCron('''H 23 * * 6 %security_scan=true''')
This also worked for me:
triggers {
parameterizedTimerTrigger {
parameterizedSpecification('H 23 * * 6 %security_scan=true')
I know this is an old thread - but I just ran into this lately and couldn't get multiple triggers to work for the life of me. Finally I got it working so:
triggers {
parameterizedTimerTrigger {
parameterizedSpecification('''H 21 * * 0-4 %APPLICATION=php
H 23 * * 0-4 %APPLICATION=java''')

jenkins DSL dynamic parameters

This is my configure block to generate dynamic parameters. But it is not working. Can someone help?
configure { project ->
def paramDefs = project / 'properties' / 'hudson.model.ParametersDefinitionProperty' / 'parameterDefinitions'
paramDefs << 'com.seitenbau.jenkins.plugins.dynamicparameter.scriptler.ScriptlerStringParameterDefinition' {
description('Overall Build version')
Short answer: Don't use the plugin anymore, just use normal groovy code in combination with the default jenkins parameters
Full answer: Please have a look at this answer
The answer to this question didn't help so here is an example with StringParameterDefinition (just replace with sriptler.ScriptlerStringParameterDefinition if you're using the Scriptler alternative), you can find node names by opening a configured job xml:
configure { root ->
def paramDefs = root / 'properties' / 'hudson.model.ParametersDefinitionProperty' / 'parameterDefinitions'
paramDefs << 'com.seitenbau.jenkins.plugins.dynamicparameter.StringParameterDefinition' {
delegate.createNode('name', 'FirstParam')
delegate.createNode('__script', 'someScriptString')
__localBaseDirectory(serialization: 'custom') {
'hudson.FilePath' {
'default' {
delegate.createNode('remote', "${JENKINS_HOME}/dynamic_parameter/classpath")
delegate.createNode('boolean', true)
delegate.createNode('__remoteBaseDirectory', 'dynamic_parameter_classpath')
delegate.createNode('__classPath', '')
paramDefs << 'com.seitenbau.jenkins.plugins.dynamicparameter.StringParameterDefinition' {
delegate.createNode('name', 'SecondParam')
delegate.createNode('__script', 'someScriptString')
__localBaseDirectory(serialization: 'custom') {
'hudson.FilePath' {
'default' {
delegate.createNode('remote', "${JENKINS_HOME}/dynamic_parameter/classpath")
delegate.createNode('boolean', true)
delegate.createNode('__remoteBaseDirectory', 'dynamic_parameter_classpath')
delegate.createNode('__classPath', '')

How to configure tempusage in activemq grails app

I am using jms to send messages between two apps, here is the code for receiver app
xmlns amq:""
useJmx: '${grails.jms.useJmx}',
dataDirectory: '${grails.jms.dataDirectory}'){
amqConnectionFactory(ActiveMQConnectionFactory) {
brokerURL = '${grails.jms.brokerUrl}'
jmsConnectionFactory(SingleConnectionFactory) { bean ->
targetConnectionFactory = ref(amqConnectionFactory)
I am able to run the app but getting error like
"Store limit is 102400 mb, whilst the data directory: /my-activemq-data/localhost/KahaDB only has 7438 mb of usable space" in console. I just want to configure the temp memory usage, can anyone help me on this. thanks
Are you using the plugin?
If so, I added precisely that functionality to the plugin.
The plugin allows the following configuration options (just put them in your Config.groovy): = (true|false) default to true
grails.activemq.useJms = (true|false) default to false
grails.activemq.startBroker = (true|false) default to true
grails.activemq.brokerId = (string) default to "brokerId"
grails.activemq.brokerName = (string) default to "localhost"
grails.activemq.persistent = (true|false) default to false
grails.activemq.port = (int) default to 61616
grails.activemq.tempUsageLimit = (size in bytes) defaults to 64Mb
grails.activemq.storeUsageLimit = (size in bytes) defaults to 64Mb
If you aren't using the plugin maybe you should :)
For reference, this is the resources.groovy file I use for most projects (which rely on an application server jndi based JMS service for test and production and use activemq for development):
import grails.util.Environment
import org.apache.activemq.ActiveMQConnectionFactory
import org.springframework.jms.connection.SingleConnectionFactory
import org.springframework.jndi.JndiObjectFactoryBean
beans = {
switch(Environment.current) {
case Environment.PRODUCTION:
case Environment.TEST:
jmsConnectionFactory(JndiObjectFactoryBean) {
jndiName = "java:/ConnectionFactory"
case Environment.DEVELOPMENT:
jmsConnectionFactory(SingleConnectionFactory) {
targetConnectionFactory = { ActiveMQConnectionFactory cf ->
brokerURL = 'vm://localhost'
I had the same problem as you while using ActiveMQ with the activemq plugin, so I made a pull request adding those configuration options and setting them to a more reasonable default (for development) of 64Mb.
If you use the plugin you just need to add it to your BuildConfig plugins section, and it should work ok without further configuration, just the resources.groovy inside config/spring.
Anyway, the options I described should go into Config.groovy if you need any of them.
Finally, I got solution to my problem. here is the updated resource.groovy
activeMQTempUsage(TempUsage) {
activeMQTempUsage.limit = 1024 * 1024 * 1024
activeMQStoreUsage(StoreUsage) {
activeMQStoreUsage.limit = 1024 * 1024 * 1024
activeMQSystemUsage.tempUsage = ref('activeMQTempUsage')
activeMQSystemUsage.storeUsage = ref('activeMQStoreUsage')
tcpConnector(TransportConnector,uri:'tcp://localhost:61616') {
myBrokerService.useJmx = false
myBrokerService.persistent = true
myBrokerService.dataDirectory = 'my-activemq-data'
myBrokerService.systemUsage = ref('activeMQSystemUsage')
myBrokerService.transportConnectors = ref('connectors')
amqConnectionFactory(ActiveMQConnectionFactory) {
brokerURL = 'vm://localhost'
jmsConnectionFactory(SingleConnectionFactory) { bean ->
targetConnectionFactory = ref(amqConnectionFactory)
Using XbeanBrokerService properties we can achieve this, if you we want add more configuration we can add by using properties of XbeanBrokerService as like above.
