How to get the path of an folder in lua - lua

does someone know how i can get the path of an folder in lua?
at the moment i use the path like this: "C:\Users\"..username.."\AppData\Roaming\Wireshark\plugins\RSTP_Dissector\channel_json"
My lua code is in the RSTP_Dissector folder. Does someone know how to work with the files in the channel_json folder without using the whole path like above?

From the documentation under "package.path":
A string with the path used by require to search for a Lua loader.
At start-up, Lua initializes this variable with the value of the
environment variable LUA_PATH_5_4 or the environment variable LUA_PATH
or with a default path defined in luaconf.h, if those environment
variables are not defined. A ";;" in the value of the environment
variable is replaced by the default path.
Like package.path = "C:\\Users\\"..username.."\\AppData\\Roaming\\Wireshark\\plugins\\RSTP_Dissector\\?.lua;".. package.path, add this code to the entry program, and you can use the relative path in the "C:\Users\"..username.."\AppData\Roaming\Wireshark\plugins\RSTP_Dissector" directory.
Hope to help you.


Require looks for .dll files instead of my modules?

So i've been trying to figure this out, im doing the following
package.path = io.popen("cd"):read'*all' -- to set the path the same as main.lua (for exporting)
local u = require("utilities") -- this is the line that dosent work
local u = {}
function u.GetService(s)
return require(tostring(s))
function u.Wait(s)
local ntime = os.clock() + s/10
repeat until os.clock() > ntime
function u.NPWait(s)
local ntime = os.time() + s
repeat until os.time() > ntime
return u
The error:
module 'utilities' not found:
Then here goes a search that DOES look in the correct folder, however it looks for .dll files
Require has never been something I've been good at, Sometimes I get it to work, sometimes it breaks like this, if someone can help me understand how to fix this then thank you, as this has been annoying me every so often
You're misunderstanding package.path.
Unlike the PATH variable used by windows and linux, in Lua you don't just tell it what directory to look in but also what the files should look like.
What you're doing is erasing the default search paths completely and replacing it with a broken path that won't find any files.
Generally speaking, to add a new directory to your path, you should add both C:\path\to\your\files\?.lua, and C:\path\to\your\files\?\init.lua, which are the two ways Lua loads modules by default.
You also shouldn't replace package.path, because you're keeping modules from being loaded elsewhere.
Your code should look somewhat like this:
local cd = io.popen("cd")
package.path = cd:read('*line') .. "\\?.lua;" .. package.path
The reason why it's still looking for DLL files is that package.cpath is separate, so you're not changing that.
require("utilities.lua") should work.
You have to specify how to get from the required name to the file. For example by adding a path and a file extension to it.
If you want to require c:\folder\script.lua with require("script") your package.path must contain something like c:\folder\?.lua where ? is replaced by the required name.
If you have your module in a folder with its name and let's say a init.lua for that module the path is c:\folder\?\init.lua
Just print the original package.path and see what's inside befor you overwrite it.
Refer to Lua Reference Manual 6.3 Modules: package.searchpath
A path is a string containing a sequence of templates separated by
semicolons. For each template, the function replaces each
interrogation mark (if any) in the template with a copy of name
wherein all occurrences of sep (a dot, by default) were replaced by
rep (the system's directory separator, by default), and then tries to
open the resulting file name.
For instance, if the path is the string
"./?.lua;./?.lc;/usr/local/?/init.lua" the search for the name foo.a will try to open the files ./foo/a.lua, ./foo/, and
/usr/local/foo/a/init.lua, in that order.

Project level environment variable in source path

I'd like to specify an environment variable for use in the source path (library path) at a project level.
We often have a couple of versions checked out of our SVN repository at the same time in different directories, and I'd like to specify the repository root for a project in relative terms at a project level. I could then use that path in a project's source path and I wouldn't have to include indecipherable dot dot slashes (..\) in paths.
For example, say I have checked out trunk to c:\projects\trunk. Then underneath there I have a project in <repositoryroot>\Foo\Bar\ under trunk which uses the Delphi Spring framework under <repositoryroot>\components\external\Spring4d. I end up with a whole bunch of directories in the search path with ..\..\External\Spring4D\Source at the beginning. For example ..\..\External\Spring4D\Source\Base\Collections. I would like to be able to be able to use ${Spring4D} instead, producing ${Spring4D}\Base\Collections\, which is much less wordy and it means that if you move a project or component you can change one value and it updates all paths.
I know that you can do this on a Delphi level by specifying paths in Delphi's environment variables, but I would like to achieve the same thing on a project level or repository level.
Does anyone have any ideas on how to achieve this? Are there any settings or even add-ins that would allow this sort of functionality?
You can manually edit your project file (.dproj) and add a variable there:
Later on, you can refer to the content of that variable:
You can also define a new environment variable (SystemPropertiesAdvanced.exe -> Environment variables -> Add) and then refer to that variable using the same syntax, e.g.:
(Note that it is a very bad idea to use PATH here, it's only an example of a variable which will exist in your environment.)
You could also employ some cmd script magic to to create environment variables that point to those subdirectories and at the end call the IDE, so these environment variables are available in the IDE in the same way as global environment variables would be (see pepak's answer for that).
%0 is the name of the current cmd file
use tilde for file name parts

Can someone explain about script variable "environment"?

what is environment variable and how does it work?
♥image = ♥environment⟦USERPROFILE⟧\Desktop\image.png
Here is an explanation of environment variables on the G1ANT Website: Environment Variables
Basically what ♥environment⟦USERPROFILE⟧ is doing is specifying a path to C:\Users\YOURUSERNAMEHERE (The drive letter could be different, it is C:\ on my computer)
So ♥environment⟦USERPROFILE⟧\Desktop\image.png would be something like C:\Users\YOURUSERNAMEHERE\Desktop\image.png

Can I separate `init.lua` to different components in Hammerspoon?

I would like to separate init.lua script used in Hammerspoon to enhance the readability and maintainance.
So it looks like the following:
And then from within init.lua I would read these files and make the watcher activate.
However, it seems that there is no such function defined (maybe I may be missing it, though). Is it possible to separate the logic like that in Hammerspoon?
Yes, you can do this using require.
If you put your Lua files in ~/.hammerspoon/, you can then load them using require('modulename'). For example, if you have the following modules:
Then you can load them from ~/.hammerspoon/init.lua like this:
local AppWatcher = require('AppWatcher')
local WiFiWatcher = require('WiFiWatcher')
local KeyRemap = require('KeyRemap')
You can load any Lua modules, as long as they appear in package.path. To see the directories you can use, take a look at HammerSpoon's package.path setup file. This references the default Lua package.path, which is defined in luaconf.h.
If you want to put your Lua modules in a directory not included in package.path, you can do it by adding them to the LUA_PATH_5_3 or LUA_PATH environment variables.

Running C processes in Rails

I make a call just like this:
value = ./simulated_annealing
Which is a C Object file, but Rails tells me it cannot find that file. I
put it in the same dir that the rest of the models files (since it's
called by one of those models), but I guess it should be in any other
I've tried that outside Ruby and it works great.
What do I have to do?
The thing is, when you say:
you're explicitly saying: run file named simulated_annealing which is found in the current directory. That's what the ./ means. If the file's located elsewhere you need to provide the path to it, or add that path to the environment variable $PATH. So, you should replace that line with:
where /path/to represents the actual path.
The best option is to use an absolute path for running the program. For ex.,
you can create a directory "bin" under your rails application top level
directory. Place your program under "bin" directory. Then you can
execute the program something like:
cmd = "#{RAILS_ROOT}/bin/cbin arg1 arg2"
value = `#{cmd}`
