embed video shows "Video unavailable Watch on YouTube" on certain devices - youtube

On Mac (tried on Safari, Chrome and Safari)
This link doesn't work:
But if you click on the "watch on YouTube" link, the video is available
This link works:
On Window both links works on chrome and edge.
I wonder why? Thanks.


video not playing on iOS safari

This video plays perfectly on Chrome Desktop and Android Chrome, on the latest releases.
However it won't work on an iPad and an iPhone.
Video Link
also here is the file info.

Safari iOS debugging with USB shows blank screen

My problem is when I connect my iPhone 7 Plus into my Macbook Retina 12' and open "Develop > My Phone > Website That My Phone On Safari", under MacOs Safari it always shows a blank page like in the screenshot below.
What I have done already;
My phone is up to date.
My MacOs up to date.
I opened Safari Web Inspector from my phone.
Deleted Safari Cache from my phone and macOS.
But still, I have the issue. I really appreciate the help, I dig on the internet but couldn't find anything valuable. Don't want to Hard Reset my phone because I have loads of data.
If someone is having the same issue here is the solution;
The problem was safari version misalignment between phone. If you download safari technology preview it will solve your issue

"WebRTC>Allow Media Capture on Insecure Sites" for iOS?

As of Safari 11, the desktop has a useful devtool that overrides restrictions to allow WebRTC on non-HTTPS sites:
I've been looking for a way to do something similar for the iOS version of Safari. but can't find anything. Any ideas?
You can enable WebRTC on insecure origins by opening the iOS device web inspector window in Mac Safari clicking on the "document icon" to the far right on the top, (to the left of the search bar), near the "crosshair" icon.

Why does the Pinterest custom share URL not create a rich pin only on iOS Safari?

Background: I'm using the custom pin share URL as you can see in the example below.
Problem: This share URL works on every single operating system and browser except Safari on iOS. It works in all other browsers on iOS, and it works in Safari on all other operating systems.
Example Link: https://pinterest.com/pin/create/button/?url=http://redefiningmom.com/the-real-reason-i-left-corporate-america/&media=http%3A%2F%2Fredefiningmom.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2016%2F01%2Freal-reason-i-left-corporate-america-pinterest.jpg&description=After+ten+years%2C+I+quit+my+job+in+Corporate+America.+Find+out+the+real+reason+I+left+Corporate+America+and+how+you+can+too.
Desired/Usual Behavior: This link would open a share dialogue leading to the creation of a rich pin with a large image, a description, and a link back to the webpage.
Undesired Behavior: Only on Safari on iOS this opens a share dialogue leading to the creation of a non-rich pin with a large image, a description and a link to the image, not the web page.
How do I fix this?
Using an iPhone 5S with iOS 9.2.1 (the latest), the pages look exactly the same on Chrome and Safari:

How can I see the source of a webpage as it would be displayed on an iPhone?

I don't have an iphone, but I want to see what the HTML looks like to my users using an iphone.
Is there a way to emulate an iphone, so that flash does not appear ? For example if I visit YouTube, I don't want to see the Flash player in an emulator.
Download Xcode for free if you have a mac and you can use the iphone simulator bundled with it. See this link on How to run iPhone emulator without opening Xcode
try safari browser. select Develop, User Agent, iPhone (or iPad or iPod Touch) from that menu.
if the Developp menu is not found then, Show Develop menu in menu bar in the Advanced Preferences
