How to change new File method in Groovy? - jenkins

How do I replace the new File method with a secure one? Is it possible to create a python script and connect it?
Part of the code where I have a problem:
def template Name = new File(file: "${template}")".html", "").replace(".yaml", "")
But when I run my pipeline, I get the error
java.lang.SecurityException: Unable to find constructor: new .File java.util.LinkedHashMap
This method is prohibited and is blacklisted. How do I replace it and with what?

If you're reading the contents of the file, you can replace that "new File" with "readFile".
readFile: Read file from workspace
Reads a file from a relative path (with root in current directory, usually > workspace) and returns its content as a plain string.
file : String
Relative (/-separated) path to file within a workspace to read.
encoding : String (optional)
The encoding to use when reading the file. If left blank, the platform default encoding will be used. Binary files can be read into a Base64-encoded string by specifying "Base64" as the encoding.


Nifi: How to concatenate flowfile to already existing tables in a directory?

This is a question about Nifi.
I made Nifi pipeline to convert flowfile with xml format to csv format.
Now, I would like to concatenate or union the converted csv flowfile to existing tables by filename (which stands for table name as well).
Simply put, my processor flow is following.
GetFile (from a particular directory) -> 2. Convert xml to csv -> 3.Update the flowfile with table name
-> 4. PutFile (to a different directory)
But, at the end of the flow, PutFile processor throws an error, saying "file with the same name already exists".
I have no ideas how flowfile can be added to existing csv table.
Any advice, tips, ideas are appreciated.
Thank you in advance.
there is no support to append file however you could use ExecuteGroovyScript to do it:
def ff=session.get()
String path = "./out_folder/${ff.filename}"
//sync on file path to avoid conflict on same file writing (hope)
new File( path ).append(s)
if you need to work with text (reader) content rather then byte (stream) content
the following example shows how to exclude 1 header line from flow file if destination file already exists
def ff=session.get()
String path = "./.data/${ff.filename}"
//sync on file path to avoid conflict on same file writing (hope)
def fout = new File( path )
if(fout.exists())r.readLine() //skip 1 line (header) only if out file already exists
fout.append(r) //append to the file the rest of reader content

Store Path as String Applescript

In my Applescript, I'm choosing a file of which I would like to store the path (to be opened later).
When I tried storing the path of the file as a string, this is the error I received:
error "Can’t make path of alias \"Macintosh
HD:Users:Username:Desktop:Folder:File.xls\" into type string." number -1700
from path of alias "Macintosh HD:Users:Username:Desktop:Folder:File.xls" to string
How can I effectively store this file path, so that I may recall it later when opening this file?
tell application "Finder"
set filePath to path of (choose file) as string
set fileName to name of file filePath
end tell
*Note: I also tried as text.
This seems to work:
tell application "Finder"
set filePathAlias to (choose file)
set fileName to name of filePathAlias
set filePath to filePathAlias as string
end tell

Save current document as .html with same name and path

I'm working on a script for FoldingText which will convert a FoldingText outline (basically a Markdown Text file) into a Remark presentation (an HTML script which makes slideshows from Markdown files). The script works, but I'd like to make the following improvement:
Instead of asking for the name and location to save the HTML file, I'd like to grab the name of the current document and save it as an HTML file (with the same name) in the current folder. The script should fail nicely if there is already a document with that name (offering to either write-over the document or save as a new document with a different name).
The script I'm using for writing to the file was from these forums. The first part is:
on write_to_file(this_data, target_file, append_data) -- (string, file path as string, boolean)
set the target_file to the target_file as text
set the open_target_file to ¬
open for access file target_file with write permission
if append_data is false then ¬
set eof of the open_target_file to 0
write this_data to the open_target_file starting at eof as «class utf8»
close access the open_target_file
return true
on error
close access file target_file
end try
return false
end try
end write_to_file
And the second part is:
set theFile to choose file name with prompt "Set file name and location:"
my write_to_file(finalText, theFile, true)
FoldingText should have some way of retrieveng the path of the document. I've not found any free dowonload fo the application, so I've not benn able to check by myself, but you should be able to find it if you view the dictionary of the application.
My guess is that there's a property like 'path of', or 'file of' for the FoldingText document:
You will probably end up with something like this:
set theDocPath to file of front document of application "FoldingText"
tell application "Finder"
set theContainer to container of theFile
end tell
set newPath to (theContainer & "export.html) as string
repeat while (file newPath exists)
set newPath to choose file name with prompt "Set file name and location:"
end repeat
my write_to_file(finalText, newPath, true)

Unable to concatenate defined string and the text within the path to image file

I got a problem with setting a path to image within the resource file (.rc).
For some reasone it was not possible to concatenate defined string and the text.
#define Path "Brand_1"
#include File1
Logo BITMAP Path "\Logo.bmp"
Borland resource compiler (5.4) throws error message: 39: Cannot open file: Brand_1
My question would be: Is is possible to combine the path for loading image using resource string variable and a string (file name).
Also, project I'm working on relates to a file (Logo.bmp) being present in two locations. I would like to have a switch (.bat file) to generate a different resouce file depending on requirements.
BRCC32 accepts -i as search path seperated by semicolon, so you could create a bat file like this
brcc32 -ic:\mypath1;c:\mypath2 resource_script
and you define your resource_script as normal, for ex:
myImg BITMAP Logo.bmp
myDOC RCDATA mydoc.doc
when you run the compile_res.bat, it will run the brcc32.exe with the search path, and having the bat file saves you from retyping the search path every time.
You're not concatenating anything. You're compiling to Logo BITMAP "Brand_1" "\Logo.bmp", and "Brand_1" isn't a valid path to a bitmap file.
#define in the resource compiler acts sort of like find/replace in a text processor - not exactly, but close enough in this case.
You might get by (untested) with removing the quotes and space between them, as long as there are no space characters in either the path or filename; otherwise, you're probably out of luck. (Not sure what you're trying to accomplish, anyway.)

Can't set OBJECTS_DIR from .pri file

I want to have one directory for all object files and create Common.pri file that set OBJECTS_DIR like that
But when build project i can't find obj file in given directory.If I write this direct in .pro file I get the expected result.I successfully include Common.pri file. I checked that with
!include( ../../Common.pri)::warning(Fail to include Common.pri)
How to achieve what i want.I can't find anything in google
The PWD variable specifies the full path leading to the directory containing the current file being parsed, that is, in your case the full path leading to the Common.pri file and NOT the .pro file. I would place a warning($$OBJECTS_DIR) function in both the .pri and the .pro file to verify the value of OBJECTS_DIR variable.
