Uneven text in Latex, although I used the package ragged2e - latex

Here is the latex code:
\usepackage{babel,etoolbox, lineno}
\par The value of "a" is the number of times the word occurs in the analysis text. The value of "b" is the number of times the word occurs in the reference text. The value of "c" is the total number of words in the analysis text. The value of "d" is the total number of words in the reference text.\par
Given this contingency table, WordHoard calculates the log-likelihood ratio statistic G2 to assess the size and significance of the difference of a word's frequency of use in the two texts. The log-likelihood ratio measures the discrepancy of the the observed word frequencies from the values which we would expect to see if the word frequencies (by percentage) were the same in the two texts. The larger the discrepancy, the larger the value of G2, and the more statistically significant the difference between the word frequencies in the texts. Simply put, the log-likelihood value tells us how much more likely it is that the frequencies are different than that they are the same.\par
When you compute many log-likelihood ratio values some will appear significant by chance alone. For example, if we compute one thousand log-likelihood values, we can expect about ten of them to exceed the breakpoint value of 6.63 by chance. This may lead us to accept a frequency difference as significant when it is really just a chance fluctuation.\par
One way to deal with this problem is to "up the ante" by adjusting the breakpoint values for the number of comparisons. WordHoard allows this as an option. The method used by WordHoard is called the Sidak correction. It is very conservative, particularly as the total number of comparisons increases.\par
As an example, let's see how comparing word form frequencies reveals some properties of Shakespeare's play "Othello, the Moor of Venice." The comparison we select will highlight lemmata that are disproportionately common or rare in Othello with respect to Shakespeare's tragedies as a whole. To compare the lemmata counts, select "Compare Many Word Forms" from the Analysis menu. WordHoard displays the following dialog.
The outputted text is completely uneven, every line ends somewhere else, looks completely unformatted. I put \par before each paragraph. What could be the issue?

The ragged2e package's purpose is to have a ragged edge (vs block). If you don't want uneven line endings, don't use that package.
When I remove \usepackage{ragged2e} from your code, I get one line that's too long. It doesn't get hyphenated cause LaTeX doesn't know which language your text is in. Use the babel package for hyphenation, e.g., add \usepackage[american]{babel} in the packages list. With babel and without ragged2e I get block mode with all lines equally long.


Figures all over the show in latex in overleaf

I am having issues with a report I am writing. First time using latex and after getting some help on here regarding some tables weirdness I again have a silly frustrating issue. Figures don't stay where I put them. I made a MWE Posted Below
\graphicspath{ {./Figures/} }
%%%%%% Referencing %%%%%%
The average sea surface temperature (SST) trend is shown in Figure \ref{fig:SST}.
\includegraphics[width = \linewidth]{Figures/SST.png}
I expect, probably an error, for the figure to be inserted under the Figures subheading however it appears on the next page after references. I have to refer to my figure in the text, hence the \ref{fig:SST} so it is clickable. It's not a size issue as there is more than enough space on the page to accommodate the figure. Even if that was the issue I would expect the references subheading to be after it.
Most latex classes use so called floats for figures, tables etc. The idea is that latex will automatically find a good place for your images and avoid ugly white space.
To make use of the abilities of latex to produce a good looking output, you must specify possible placements with floating specifier such as [htbp], which allows latex to place the image here, at the top, at the bottom or an a separate page.
Also if you want to use the \label-\ref mechanism, your figure must have a caption (and the label inside or after the caption).
\graphicspath{ {./Figures/} }
%%%%%% Referencing %%%%%%
The average sea surface temperature (SST) trend is shown in Figure \ref{fig:SST}.
\includegraphics[width = \linewidth]{example-image-duck}
Generally, LaTeX's attitude is ‘you write the text, let me worry about placing the figures’.
Floats (that is, figures and tables) will float to where LaTeX thinks they go best. I can't remember the precise rules in the article style, but generally they float to the top of the nearest following page that has room for them. LaTeX won't fill too much of a page with figures, so if you have a dense sequence of large-ish figures, some of them can end up quite a long way away from the point in the source text where they're written.
This is normal, and how figures and tables appear in the majority of published books and articles.
You'll usually write a caption:
\caption{This is a caption for my figure\label{fig:SST}}
Then you can write
...this is shown in Figure~\ref{fig:SST}
If you want to, you might add ...on p.\thinspace\pageref{fig:SST} and LaTeX will insert the page number where the figure ends up. Also, see the prettyref package.
As mentioned in the other answer, you can add placement specifiers like [ht], which give LaTeX permission to put the figure ‘here’ or at the top of a page, but that doesn't force anything. It is possible to fight with LaTeX about this (the Overleaf docs give some hints), but it's generally not worth it in my experience.
That said, one bit of guidance it's useful to give LaTeX is something like \renewcommand{\floatpagefraction}{.8}, which says that LaTeX is allowed to use as much as 80% of the page for floats (ie, figures and tables) – the default value is a bit tight (there are more comments on this in this TeX.SE question – tex.stackexchange.com is generally a better site for LaTeX-related questions).
If you do feel compelled to fight/fiddle with float placement, do it at the very end of the process, where you're fine-tuning the punctuation of your document. Small changes in the document can have big effects on where floats end up, and it's simply not worth worrying about this until your document is almost finalised.
Your final puzzlement was about the figure ending up after the references. In the case of your document, the figure goes on p.2, so there's plenty of space on p.1 for LaTeX to carry on setting text, so naturally it puts the references there. Since you generally do want the references to go at the very end of an article, this is a case where it's reasonable to exert a little control over placement, and a good idea would be to put \clearpage before the References section. What that does is to make a new page and force out any floats which are still in the queue waiting for space to appear.

How to make all numbers and letter take up the same amount of space in latex?

I'm trying to show step by step how to sort an array. But since the numbers and letters take up different amounts of space, the columns get staggered. I'm very new to latex and am not sure if there's an easy fix for this.
If that's not possible, is there some kind of grid system I can use to keep them in straight lines? (without showing the grid).
You can place each of the elements in a box that are of similar width and height. This will ensure that each take up the same amount of space. It's possible using eqparbox's \eqmakebox[<tag>][<align>]{<stuff>}. All \eqmakeboxes with the same <tag> are put in a box of maximum width of <stuff>. You can adjust the <align>ment of every element, if needed (centred, left-aligned or right-aligned).
\newcommand{\swl}[2][nmbr]{\eqmakebox[#1]{\strut #2}}
\swl{a}\swl{b}\swl{m}\swl{0} \\
The above code provides a wrapper \swl[<tag>]{<stuff>} that provides a similar-width letter macro. If you want a blank space, you can use \swl{~}.
eqparbox uses TeX's \label-\ref system to store the widths and therefore requires at least two compilations for any change (increase in width) in elements under the same <tag>.

Variable font height via tables in LaTeX

I've been looking for a more elegant solution to the following typesetting problem. Consider those banners found in print media where the text is aligned like:
small text small text small text
m o r e m e d i u m t e x t
The font sizes are adjusted so that the height is scaled down for longer lines of text such that each line has equal width. I've written a small script that runs each line separately, compiles, crops the resulting pdf and then \includegraphics each in a table. This gives the desired effect but requires an both an outside script and pdfcrop (which only crops to a white bounding box). Since much of LaTeX is self-aware, I imagine it would be possible to have it recognize the width of a box and scale it appropriately so that any text fits exactly into the desired width.
Any thoughts or ideas on how a pure LaTeX implementation might work?
EDIT As a supplement to the suggested solution by AVB (since large code in comments looks awful), I've posted below the code used so that others may find it easily.
\resizebox{10cm}{!}{BIG Text} \\
\resizebox{10cm}{!}{small text small text small text} \\
\resizebox{10cm}{!}{Medium Text Medium Text}
\end{table} \end{document}
First, read the TeX FAQ entry titled Changing the space between letters. Depending on your circumstances, the packages and recommendation in that FAQ may suffice.
Also, take a look at the \scalebox and \resizebox commands in the graphicx package. They do what the names imply.
I'm sure that this could be improved upon, and due to different font implementations at different sizes then it isn't going to be exact, but here's a quick-and-dirty way to do it:
\pgfmathsetmacro{\x}{round(\mywidth/\testwidth * 10)}%
\pgfmathsetmacro{\y}{round(\mywidth/\testwidth * 15)}%
\bgroup\fontsize{\x pt}{\y pt}\selectfont#1\egroup}
\fixedwidth{hello world}
\fixedwidth{greetings earthlings}
In practice, it's a little less than the 4in, but the two lines of text do get scaled to the same amount.
Check out the package textfit. Usage:

Is there unresizable space in latex? Pictures in good looking grid

I've created latex macro to typeset guitar chords diagrams(using picture environment).
Now I want to make diagrams of different appear in good looking grid when typeset one next to each other as the picture shows:
The picture.
(on the picture: Labeled "First" bad layout of diagrams, labeled "Second" correct layout when equal number of diagrams in line)
I'm using \hspace to make some skips between diagrams, otherwise they would be too near to each other. As you can see in second case when latex arrange pictures in so that there is same number of them in each line it works. However if there is less pictures in the last line they become "shifted" to the right. I don't want this.
I guess is because latex makes the space between diagrams in first line a little longer for the line to exactly fit the page width. How do I tell latex not to resize spaces created by \hspace ? Or is there any other way ?
I guess I cannot use tables because I don't know how many diagrams will fit in one line...
This is current state of code:
%calculate dimensions xdim and ydim according to settings
\begin{picture}(xdim, ydim){%
%draw the diagram inside defined area
%end preambule and begin document
\chordChart{...some arguments to change diagram look...}
\chordChart{...some arguments to change diagram look...}
\chordChart{...some arguments to change diagram look...}
\chordChart{...some arguments to change diagram look...}
\chordChart{...some arguments to change diagram look...}
%...above line is repeated 12 more times to produce result shown at the picture
Thanks for any help.
A long shot, since I can't easily recreate your situation: would wrapping a flushleft environment around your \chordCart be of any help?
\chordChart{...some arguments to change diagram look...}
If your hypothesis is correct and LaTeX is indeed trying to stretch spaces to justify lines, then the above should solve your problem by turning off justification on the right.

How do I indicate an en-dash while in math mode using LaTeX?

There are four kinds of 'dashes' in LaTeX: hyphen, en-dash(--), em-dash(---) and minus $-$. They are used for, respectively, hyphenation and joining words, indicating a range, punctuation, and a mathematical symbol. My question is: how do I indicate an en-dash (range) in math mode? (as in $S=1 to 2$)? Do I have to drop out of math mode in the middle of the 'equation' ($S=1$--$2$)? Or is there a symbol I can use and stay in math mode? I tried $S=1\--2$ but this gives me a minus, not a en-dash, and $S=1--2$ gives two minuses. My guess is I am going to have to drop out of math mode but maybe there is a way to do it without that.
The simplest way is to use $S=1\mbox{--}2$. If you already have \usepackage{amsmath} in your document's preamble, however, you're better off using \text: $S=1\text{--}2$ because \text will adjust the size of the font when used in super- and subscripts: $S_{1\text{--}2}=0$.
An en dash used in math may easily be confused with a minus sign. You may want to look at other techniques for indicating a range such as ellipses (\ldots for dots on the baseline [used between commas], or \cdots for centered dots [used between centered operators such as plus signs]) or using the bracket notation. Some examples:
$S = \{1, 2, \ldots, n\}$ indicates an element in the set containing integers between 1 and $n$.
$S = [0, 1]$ indicates a real number between 0 and 1 (inclusive).
You can use \textrm which does not depend on \usepackage{amsmath}.
Some examples:
$S_{1\textrm{--}2}=0$ % correctly changes the font size for subscript
$S_{1\textrm{2}2}=0$ % does not change the font size :(
Or maybe use \textnormal instead of \textrm.
See also LaTeX: use \textnormal instead of \textrm (or \textsf) in math.
Well, you could use $1\mbox{--}2$, but I'd look at the list of math symbols in the symbol list. Hmm. I don't find one.
Use the command \leftrightline in the package MnSymbol. I don't know if it's the length needed for your purposes, but hopefully it will do the trick.
