Please I want to calculate the sum of adjacent cell based on the first cell
As you can see in the picture in the column C there is the sum of all the adjacent cells in column B of each transaction based on the number in column A
Given the setup in your post, delete everything from C:C. Then place the following formula in C1:
=ArrayFormula(IF(A:A="",,VLOOKUP(A:A,QUERY({VLOOKUP(ROW(A:A),FILTER({ROW(A:A),A:A},A:A<>""),2,TRUE),B:B},"Select Col1, SUM(Col2) WHERE Col2 Is Not Null GROUP BY Col1"),2,FALSE)))
I encourage you (and others who may be interested) to use free columns in a test sheet to see what each of the following cumulative pieces does on its own:
1.) =FILTER({ROW(A:A),A:A},A:A<>"")
2.) =ArrayFormula(VLOOKUP(ROW(A:A),FILTER({ROW(A:A),A:A},A:A<>""),2,TRUE))
3.) =ArrayFormula({VLOOKUP(ROW(A:A),FILTER({ROW(A:A),A:A},A:A<>""),2,TRUE),B:B})
4.) =ArrayFormula(QUERY({VLOOKUP(ROW(A:A),FILTER({ROW(A:A),A:A},A:A<>""),2,TRUE),B:B},"Select Col1, SUM(Col2) WHERE Col2 Is Not Null GROUP BY Col1"))
5.) =ArrayFormula(VLOOKUP(A:A,QUERY({VLOOKUP(ROW(A:A),FILTER({ROW(A:A),A:A},A:A<>""),2,TRUE),B:B},"Select Col1, SUM(Col2) WHERE Col2 Is Not Null GROUP BY Col1"),2,FALSE))
and finally the full formula:
=ArrayFormula(IF(A:A="",,VLOOKUP(A:A,QUERY({VLOOKUP(ROW(A:A),FILTER({ROW(A:A),A:A},A:A<>""),2,TRUE),B:B},"Select Col1, SUM(Col2) WHERE Col2 Is Not Null GROUP BY Col1"),2,FALSE)))
I'm not too savvy with programming, so bear with me. The data is of the players' names and fighters in a fighting game, with the table as below:
I'm making a leaderboard where it will show which fighter each player uses most. I found a formula that shows which fighter is used the most in general using the following formula:
"select Col1,count(Col1)
group by Col1
order by count(Col1) desc"), 2, 1)
The problem is, I don't understand how to make a formula that checks the player's name before returning the most used fighter from two columns. What I'm after is a result like so:
Thanks in advance!
"select Col2,count(Col3)-1 where Col2!='.' group by Col2 pivot Col1"),"select Col1,Col3,Col2,Col3/Col2,Col3/(Col3+Col2) order by Col3 desc label Col1 'Name',Col2 'Loss',Col3 'Wins',Col3/Col2 'W/L',Col3/(Col3+Col2) 'Win Rate %' format Col3/Col2 '0.0',Col3/(Col3+Col2) '#.0%'"),
VLOOKUP(INDEX(QUERY({D2:D},"select Col1,count(Col1) where Col1!='' group by Col1 order by count(Col1) desc label Col1 'Name'"),0,1),QUERY({D2:E;F2:G},"select Col1,Col2,count(Col2) group by Col1,Col2 order by Count(Col2) desc label Col1 'Name',Col2 'Most Used Character'"),2,0)})
column Wins/Loss cannot be calculated when Loss=0 .
Hope you're okay with that
I am trying to calculate a count of how many times a course is listed in different columns and return the count in a list of all the courses found in those columns.
I have a spreadsheet that shows the start of my formula...
query(UNIQUE({C2:C21; F2:F21;I2:I21}),"select C,F,I, count(C), count(F), count(I) where B is not null group by C,F,I")
Clear cells A23, A24 and B23 and then try in A23
=query({C2:C21; F2:F21;I2:I21},"select Col1, count(Col1) where Col1 <> '' group by Col1 label Col1 'Fall Courses', Count(Col1) 'Count'")
and see if that helps?
If it does, you can repeat the same logic for 'winter' and 'spring'.
Alternatively, you can also try this single formula
=query(ArrayFormula(split(transpose(split(textjoin("~", true, regexreplace(C1:K1, "(Winter|Spring|Fall)", "_$1")&"_"&C2:K21), "~")), "_")), "Select Col3, Count(Col3) where Col3 <>'' group by Col3 pivot Col2", 0)
I know the code to find the most frequent value in a single column, but I'm trying to figure out the code that lets me find the most frequent value in multiple specific columns.
For example:
^^this formula only allows me to have two arguments for COUNTIF
^^this one only allows 4 arguments max in the index
I want an equation that'll allow me to find the most frequent text value for 16 specific columns.
Is that even possible?
You asked for formula when you have 2 top values with the same frequency
"select Col1, count(Col1)
where Col1 is not null group by Col1
order by count(Col1) desc label count(Col1) '' ",0),1,1,2,0)
First answer
Use only 1 QUERY formula
For top value
"select Col1, count(Col1)
where Col1 is not null group by Col1
order by count(Col1) desc limit 1",0)
For all values
"select Col1, count(Col1)
where Col1 is not null group by Col1
order by count(Col1) desc limit 1",0)
I show it in 2 steps then combine steps together in one formula:
First you flatten table and remove duplicates to get a column of values you check frequency for:
Then for each one you check number of occurences:
Then you have to filter new table and get only rows with highest values:
=filter({first , second column};second column = max(second column)
Using earlier values:
My solution is available here:
If your columns are scattered around your sheet, you should use { } and make a table of them.
I'm looking for a formula, =query possibly, that will turn this:
Into this:
I used the following formula successfully to get the AFTER picture, but I can't get the counts. I tried using concatenate but there isn't a way to do that to each item in the array. Maybe there is a way to do this using a query?
And here's my flavour of it, which also needs to be dragged to the right, to fill the other columns:
{UNIQUE(A$2:A) & " - " & COUNTIF(A$2:A,UNIQUE(A$2:A))},
"where Col1<>' - 0'",0))
Yes, you can use query to get the unique values and counts then join the two columns
=ArrayFormula(index(query(A2:A,"select A,count(A) where A is not null group by A label count(A) ''"),0,1)&"-"&index(query(A2:A,"select A,count(A) where A is not null group by A label count(A) ''"),0,2))
Apologies, in order to drag it across you would have to put:
=ArrayFormula(index(query({A2:A},"select Col1,count(Col1) where Col1 is not null group by Col1 label count(Col1) ''"),0,1)
&"-"&index(query({A2:A},"select Col1,count(Col1) where Col1 is not null group by Col1 label count(Col1) ''"),0,2))
Try the following in cell A2 and drag to the right.
Also using a query
=ArrayFormula(index(query({A2:A},"select Col1,count(Col1) where Col1 is not null group by Col1 label count(Col1) ''"),0,1)&"-"&
index(query({A2:A},"select Col1,count(Col1) where Col1 is not null group by Col1 label count(Col1) ''"),0,2))
The only difference is that using the first formula you maintain the names within the order they appear, while using the query they get sorted alphabetically.
Functions used:
I have a data set with multiple columns and roughly 1000 rows. I need to find out how many times certain combinations of columns can be found within the data set.
In my example below, columns A:B represents the raw data set. In C2 I have a formula that finds all non-unique combinations from columns A:B. What I need is a formula that counts how many times combinations in columns C:D are found within columns A:B. The desired output should be in ColE.
you can do it all in one go... delete columns C, D, E and use this formula:
"select Col1,Col2,count(Col3)
where Col1 is not null
group by Col1,Col2
order by count(Col3) desc
label count(Col3)''"))
for a selected combination only use this formula in E2 cell:
"select Col1,count(Col1)
where Col1 is not null
group by Col1
label count(Col1)''"), 2, 0)))
It's always better to share a copy of your spreadsheet, but try entering in E1
={"Count"; ArrayFormula(IF(LEN(C2:C), VLOOKUP(C2:C&D2:D, query({A2:A&B2:B, A2:B}, "Select Col1, count(Col3) where Col1 <>'' group by Col1"), 2, 0),))}
and see if that works?
Note that you can create the same output (columns C, D and E) with a single formula
=query(ArrayFormula(query({A2:B, A2:A&B2:B}, "Select Col1, Col2, count(Col3) where Col1 <>'' group by Col1, Col2")), "where Col3 >1 label Col1 'Value 1', Col2 'Value 2'")