I am new to Jira so the question is as follows. How in Jira to find all issues by a certain label and containing a certain text (in the title or description of the issue) ?
Working out the answer to this question could be done easily by reading some related SO questions, and the official documentation and learning from them. Please try to do your own research first before posting on SO.
That being said, here's the (an) answer:
The JQL search query would be something like (summary ~ "text" OR description ~ "text") AND labels in ("label1", "label2")
I strongly suggest reading the Jira documentation if you expect to do this often, to get a proper understanding. Also make sure to change to cloud docs if you arent on server or DC (however its not very different so not a big deal).
There is one search box at the top right corner where you can search the JIRA item by id or description
I am using JIRA GET /rest/api/3/search And I want to filter issues by their priority, but using this URL does not work. https://MyJira.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/search??jql=priority="Low" I am really new, so sorry if my question is very basic.
I tried different filters but it is returning all the results
You're almost there; just use "Low" without quotes:
And as additional resource on Priority field and all other JQL operators&fields, you can check this Atlassian documentation page.
Can you search for submissions (over all subreddits) to find those having a particular keyword use in the discussions i.e comments of that submission?
I am trying to :
Collect all the submission ids and hence the comments that have this word say "awesome".
I would also like to know if there are some subreddits that are likely to have this word used often based on the comments?
I have already looked at PRAW & PSAW documentation and even found the exact solution to this problem i.e the aggs paramter but apparently it is not working at the moment? Every query gives me a JSON that is empty(with the same code as in the documentation)?
I was wondering if there are alternatives or workarounds to this? Or something that could solve my problem.
Thanks in advance for your time.
longtime lurker, first-time poster. I usually solve my issues & upvote without needing to post, but I've been stumped all weekend!
Edit: Erik solved it:
I was looking for an answer to extract the "datePublished" or "dateModified" from a Substack article in a Google Sheet.
Goal: This will tell me when it was the last date/time I updated, for example, my PS5 restock guide, my Walmart PS5 restock guide, etc. If it's too stale, I try to add relevant information. Having it in Google Sheets makes it streamlined as there are dozens of guides.
Test Google Sheet:
I've done this before for other sites I've worked at, but there appears to be no date in the meta data on Substack :/ (I could be wrong, as I'm no expert at reading XPATH)
I do see this in the body for the linked example:
<time datetime="2022-07-29T11:52:00.000Z">Jul 29</time>
I've been trying things like this (where E17 is where I put the article URL in Google Sheets) to no effect.
=REGEXEXTRACT(IMPORTXML(E17, "//time[#datetime='datePublished']/#content"), "(.+)T")
I've been mostly working off of this StackOverflow solution, but I haven't been able to apply the same finding to Substack's formatting.
If you want to grab it directly using a Google Sheets formula, this should work for you:
To set realistic expectations, I usually can't invest this much time into working out such a solution on this forum. But I'm on vacation at the moment and filling time while my guest is otherwise occupied.
One further note: this is specific to the two sites you gave as examples. It will only work for sites where the second <div> holds this information and only where the data exists as strings exactly like those found on these two sites (including the poster's last name as "Swider").
Looking at this further, did you try simply the following?
=IMPORTXML(C2, "//time")
(assuming your URL is in C2, etc.)
This seems to work for me, given that it appears the date/time data you want is contained within the first <time> element on the web page.
I am new to JIRA / JQL, and wanted help in knowing if the following is possible:
I want to filter JIRAs which have been commented on by a particular user (a bot account) in the past xx days
I want to filter JIRAs which have a particular regex in its comments in the past xx days
If the above cannot be done, I am open to suggestions as to how to achieve it using a combination of labels and description in the JIRA!
Sorry, but comments are stored within each Issue and you can't search for them globally using the native JQL query. You'd need to utilise the REST API to iterate through the Issues, extracting all the comments, then filtering the results.
Refer to this article in the Atlassian community Jira blog on the same topic and what third party tools can help work around the issue.
Is there a native JQL (not a plugin) that returns tickets that have linked issues listed as "is blocked by" (so I can see all my blocked tickets).
All I have found is linkedIssues() but that can require a specific issue ID to search for which is entirely unhelpful.
I am using Jira Cloud 7.4.
In the core JIRA JQL functionality the closest thing you have, as you've already found out, is linkedIssues() that requires a parent Issue reference.
What you need is Adaptavist ScriptRunner, they have a function called hasLinks(). There are also a handful of other add-ons that offer this functionality but like ScriptRunner, they all cost money.
Related JIRA community question
JIRA Cloud feature request
The below query is also helpful (add it in the filter setup):
project = "Project ID" AND issuetype in (story, Spike) AND Sprint = "Sprint ID" AND linkedIssue in issueHistory()
According to Esther Strom's answer on this Atlassian site, there's a new query type:
Atlassian has very recently introduced a new JQL function called issueLinkType, which can be used in filters, but also in boards.
It's not perfect; if you're already using card colors for something else, you won't be able to use this as well. It also behaves inconsistently when a ticket has links of multiple types. But if you're looking for an easy way to get a view into what might be blocked, and what might have blockers, it works pretty well.
In KQL you can specified the type of link.
For what you want to do here what you can use
issue in linkedIssues([Issue#],"is blocked by")