Vaadin 14.7 does not load css style if I use redirect - vaadin-flow

I use forwardTo if the user is not logged in on my vaadin 14.7 application in a class that implements VaadinServiceInitListener.
if (loggedIn == null || !loggedIn) {
The problem is that the theme style in the login page is not loaded, if I reload the login page, the theme is loaded.
Any hint ?

This has now been fixed in Vaadin 14.7.2


TinyMCE 5.1.1 insert link form fields disabled

My problem is exactly the same as found in this post:
TinyMCE 4 insert link form fields disabled
The only difference is that I am using tinyMCE version 5.1.1 and using jquery mobile.
Basically I have initialized tinyMCE in a jquery mobile popup (see image link) and when I click on the icon to insert a link, none of the fields except the target are available for editing.
I have tried the code found in the previous post (tweaking it a little bit to target the tinyMCE css classes): This is what I have already tried:
$(document).on('focusin', function(e) {
if ($(".tox-editor-container").length) {
"e.stopImmediatePropagation()" is printed in the console but none of the fields except the target are available for editing.
If it is a problem linked to bootstrap, the solution is:
// Prevent Bootstrap dialog from blocking focusin
$(document).on('focusin', function(e) {
if ($(".tox-tinymce, .tox-tinymce-aux, .moxman-window, .tam-assetmanager-root").length) {

Vaadin : How to get Element by ID?

How to get HTML Elmement (or DOM) in Vaadin ?In GWT I can use as DOM.getElementById("myId");
I can set id attribute on my Vaadin components by setId() method. For example:
Button button = new Button("Say Hello");
So, how can I retrieve this DOM Element in Vaadin ?
You can use this:
public static Component findComponentById(HasComponents root, String id) {
for (Component child : root) {
if (id.equals(child.getId())) {
return child; // found it!
} else if (child instanceof HasComponents) { // recursively go through all children that themselves have children
Component result = findComponentById((HasComponents) child, id);
if (result != null) {
return result;
return null; // none was found
Vaadin 10 (Vaadin Flow)
The new Vaadin Flow generation replaces the internal use of GWT for Web Components.
This new architecture provides us with easy direct access to the DOM from the Java-based server-side, if you so desire. You can read the DOM, and you can manipulate elements in the DOM. Read about the new Element API in the manual.
Vaadin 6, 7, & 8 (Vaadin Framework)
This Answer expands on the comment by Vaadin expert, Henri Kerola.
Vaadin is a server-side app framework. It's purpose is to shield the app developer from the details of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, DOM, GWT, HTTP, WebSocket, and such web technologies. The app developer writes in pure Java (and maybe a tiny touch of CSS for tweaking). Vaadin transparently and auto-magically generates the HTML-CSS-JavaScript-GWT-DOM necessary to render a representation of the app’s user-interface within a web browser.
So there is no way to access the DOM from that Java server-side, nor any need to do so generally.
If you want to take control of the web technologies then Vaadin is probably not the best framework for you.
In Vaadin8 you may try this:

Cross browser compatibility issue for showing and hiding div

I have MVC app.
I have written below code in the JS in Create view.
Basically on the basis of selection on drop down I show and hide the div.
Now the problem is below code works perfectly in Google chrome and Mozilla Firefox.
but now working in IE 8.
What should I do ?
var ptype=document.getElementById("PaymentType").value;
if(ptype=="On Account")
I am not sure what real issue is but since you are using jQuery why don't you use it for your ptype, too? With this, cross-browser issue will be minimized (if not completely avoided).
var ptype = $(this).val();
Hope this helps.
If your Js files has full of references to a method called document.getelementbyid
Or order of your Js files and Css files which you import to program with < Link / > Tag ,
Reorder them and test it in IE
i think that the reason your code breaks right at the beginning of the function.

jquery-mobile navigationg back programmatically

I have a page that a user can arrive at from different parts of the application. Also from this landing page, a user can navigate to another page and come back to this landing page.
Using the default back button functionality would take the user back to that page. In short, I need to keep the url when the user first arrives at this page and than changePageto this url.
Any help is appreciated.
It even handles the transition reverse direction. From the source :
$.mobile.back = function() {
var nav = window.navigator;
// if the setting is on and the navigator object is
// available use the phonegap navigation capability
if( this.phonegapNavigationEnabled &&
nav && && ){;
} else {
I am not sure if I got your point. Maybe you should use javascript and localStorage mechanism. When navigating from page A to B set localStorage("source", "a.html"), then on page B init, try this link:
window.location.href = ('file:///android_asset/path.../' + localStorage.getItem("source") );
This should do the trick.

ASP.NET MVC 4 Mobile Display Modes Stop Working

Mobile display modes in ASP.NET MVC 4 stop serving the correct views after about an hour of uptime, despite browser overrides correctly detecting an overridden mobile device.
Recycling the application pool temporarily solves the problem.
The new browser override feature correctly allows mobile devices to view the desktop version of a site, and vice-versa. But after about an hour of uptime, the mobile views are no longer rendered for a mobile device; only the default desktop Razor templates are rendered. The only fix is to recycle the application pool.
Strangely, the browser override cookie continues to function. A master _Layout.cshtml template correctly shows "mobile" or "desktop" text depending on the value of ViewContext.HttpContext.GetOverriddenBrowser().IsMobileDevice, but the wrong views are still being rendered. This leads me to believe the problem lies with the DisplayModes.
The action in question is not being cached:
[OutputCache(NoStore = true, Duration = 0, VaryByParam = "*")]
I am using 51Degrees for mobile detection, but I don't think this should affect the overridden mobile detection. Is this a bug in DisplayModes feature for ASP.NET MVC 4 Beta & Developer Preview, or am I doing something else wrong?
Here is my DisplayModes setup in Application_Start:
DisplayModeProvider.Instance.Modes.Insert(0, new DefaultDisplayMode("iPhone")
ContextCondition = context =>
&& (context.Request.UserAgent.IndexOf("iPhone", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) >= 0
|| context.Request.UserAgent.IndexOf("Android", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) >= 0
|| !context.Request.Browser.IsMobileDevice)
/* Looks complicated, but renders Home.iPhone.cshtml if the overriding browser is
mobile or if the "real" browser is on an iPhone or Android. This falls through
to the next instance Home.Mobile.cshtml for more basic phones like BlackBerry.
DisplayModeProvider.Instance.Modes.Insert(1, new DefaultDisplayMode("Mobile")
ContextCondition = context =>
This is a known issue in MVC 4 (Codeplex: #280: Multiple DisplayModes - Caching error, will show wrong View). This will be fixed in the next version of MVC.
In the meantime you can install a workaround package available here:
For most applications simply installing this package should resolve the issue.
For some applications that customize the collection of registered view engines, you should make sure that you reference Microsoft.Web.Mvc.FixedRazorViewEngine or Microsoft.Web.Mvc.FixedWebFormViewEngine, instead of the default view engine implementations.
I had a similar issue and it turned out to be a bug when mixing webforms based desktop views with razor based mobile views.
See for more info
Possibly a bug in ASP.NET MVC 4 related to caching of views, see:
I can't speak for this particular stack (I'm still in MVC2) but check your output caching setup (either in your controllers or views - and in your web.config in your app and at the machine level). I've seen it work initially for the first few users and then a desktop browser comes in right around the time ASP decides to cache, then everyone gets the same view. We've avoided output caching as a result, hoping this would get addressed later.
If you want all mobile devices to use the same mobile layout you can use
DisplayModeProvider.Instance.Modes.Insert(1, new DefaultDisplayMode("Mobile")
ContextCondition = context =>
And of course you need to make a view in the shared layout folder named _Layout.Mobile.cshtml
If you want to have a separate layout for each type of device or browser you need to do this;
DisplayModeProvider.Instance.Modes.Insert(0, new DefaultDisplayMode("Android")
ContextCondition = (context => context.GetOverriddenUserAgent().IndexOf
("Android", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) >= 0)
DisplayModeProvider.Instance.Modes.Insert(0, new DefaultDisplayMode("iPhone")
ContextCondition = (context => context.GetOverriddenUserAgent().IndexOf
("iPhone", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) >= 0)
DisplayModeProvider.Instance.Modes.Insert(0, new DefaultDisplayMode("Mobile")
ContextCondition = (context => context.GetOverriddenUserAgent().IndexOf
("IEMobile", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) >= 0)
And of course you need to make a view in the shared layout folder for each named
Can you not just do this?
protected void Application_Start()
// Code removed for clarity.
// Cache never expires. You must restart application pool
// when you add/delete a view. A non-expiring cache can lead to
// heavy server memory load.
ViewEngines.Engines.OfType<RazorViewEngine>().First().ViewLocationCache =
new DefaultViewLocationCache(Cache.NoSlidingExpiration);
// Add or Replace RazorViewEngine with WebFormViewEngine
// if you are using the Web Forms View Engine.
So guys here is the answer to all of your worries..... :)
To avoid the problem, you can instruct ASP.NET to vary the cache entry according to whether the visitor is using a mobile device. Add a VaryByCustom parameter to your page’s OutputCache declaration as follows:
<%# OutputCache VaryByParam="*" Duration="60" VaryByCustom="isMobileDevice" %>
Next, define isMobileDevice as a custom cache parameter by adding the following method override to your Global.asax.cs file:
public override string GetVaryByCustomString(HttpContext context, string custom)
if (string.Equals(custom, "isMobileDevice", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
return context.Request.Browser.IsMobileDevice.ToString();
return base.GetVaryByCustomString(context, custom);
This will ensure that mobile visitors to the page don’t receive output previously put into the cache by a desktop visitor.
please see this white paper published by microsoft. :)
Thanks and Keep coding.....
