QuickFIXJ- Session Deactivated - Does the session auto logon on its specified time? - quickfixj

Acceptor is vendor party which has specified session time. AFTER that boundary, we are gettinglogout Reason in fromAdmin callback( 35 = 5) . We are simply sending false status to UI. Now my question is: the other day ,will the acceptor auto logon to session when it's session time start? As when logon happens, we are sending True status to UI which the user can understand and start creating orders.


How Can I set timeout interval when use bluetooth

When I use bluetooth to write data, I hope get response. But when the peripheral goes wrong, it doesn't send notification. I need set a timeout interval to handle this bad interaction. Like we use urlrequest:
/// Creates and initializes a URLRequest with the given URL and cache policy.
/// - parameter: url The URL for the request.
/// - parameter: cachePolicy The cache policy for the request. Defaults to `.useProtocolCachePolicy`
/// - parameter: timeoutInterval The timeout interval for the request. See the commentary for the `timeoutInterval` for more information on timeout intervals. Defaults to 60.0
public init(url: URL, cachePolicy: CachePolicy = .useProtocolCachePolicy, timeoutInterval: TimeInterval = 60.0) {
_handle = _MutableHandle(adoptingReference: NSMutableURLRequest(url: url, cachePolicy: cachePolicy, timeoutInterval: timeoutInterval))
How could I make it.
By "when the peripheral goes wrong" - if you mean that the peripheral crashes or stops working then you should get a BLE disconnection event to indicate the crash:
If this is not the case and you just stop receiving notifications after some time and the BLE connection is still alive, then there is no way to tell why the peripheral stopped sending notifications. The reason for this is that there is no specific "time" associated with notifications. Some peripherals send notifications every 1 second and some send notifications every 1 week. Some peripherals send notifications on a value change (e.g. if the temperature increases by 1 degree) and some send notifications on a user action (e.g. the user pressed a button).
The only workaround for this is if you add a timer in your central device, then every time you receive a notification using:
you can reset that timer (if it is the exact notifications you're expecting to timeout). Then if the timer expires, you know that you did not receive your notification on time as expected and therefore you can flag an error or force a disconnection. This is just one example and there are a few variations of this that you can create (e.g. set a flag on peripheral(_:didUpdateValueFor:error:) that you check and reset every 30 seconds). You can find more information about timers in the links below:-
The ultimate guide to timer
Timer: Apple Developer Documentation
iOS Timer Tutorial
I hope this helps.
This is an interesting question.
After checking CoreBluetooth, i figured out that there's already an timeout Error in their list .
But It's only works for the first time connect to peripheral.
So I think that, if you send a request, but you don't get any response, you have to make your own timer manager.
The concept for timeout is quite complicated. You need make a queue for timer, It's FIFO. You need an uniqueId for each request and you have to map it with your expected response.
Ex :
You call :
Call to get health info via BLE (any thread).
Call to get height info via BLE (any thread).
Call to get health info via BLE (any thread).
Your response :
height info.
health info.
After mapping your request with your response, you will notice that there's one expected response is missing. So how to know the request 1 or request 3 is missing response. It's your choice.
In conclusion, I think that you need a queue request and a queue expected response and a queue for timer. To manage these queue is not really a very big problem.

Why does apostrophe keep making POST calls to check if user logged in?

There are a bunch of POST calls from the website to the server and I don't know how to turn them off.
2019-10-24T21:24:49.606Z - info: admin already logged in. Passing through...
2019-10-24T21:25:09.767Z - info: /modules/apostrophe-notifications/poll-notifications
2019-10-24T21:25:09.768Z - info: admin already logged in. Passing through...
2019-10-24T21:25:29.911Z - info: /modules/apostrophe-notifications/poll-notifications
2019-10-24T21:25:29.912Z - info: admin already logged in. Passing through...
2019-10-24T21:25:50.023Z - info: /modules/apostrophe-notifications/poll-notifications
2019-10-24T21:25:50.024Z - info: admin already logged in. Passing through...
That just keeps going on and on...
In my app.js file, I've set the longPollingTimeout options to 0, but it doesn't stop it, and when I set it to 20000 ms it sends it every 20 seconds.
var apos = Mongo.getMongoPw().then(function(mongoPw){
return require('apostrophe')({
modules: {
'apostrophe-notifications': {
longPollingTimeout: 20000
It seems very pointless and spammy in my logs which we send to splunk.
How can I turn this off if it's unnecessary?
The API you're referring to is polling for notifications, which can be sent at any time by server-side or browser-side code. For instance, if you try this in the browser console:
apos.notify('Oh no!', { type: 'error' });
You'll get a notification, which persists until dismissed (it's stored server-side).
Where this gets more useful is when they are sent on the server side. For instance, your server-side javascript may also say:
if (req.user) {
// server side you must include req
apos.notify(req, 'Oh no!', { type: 'error' });
Now a notification will reach the currently logged-in user, sooner or later, and you don't have to think about how to deliver it; it just gets taken care of for you by poll-notifications. This is very useful in long running tasks. Without this feature enabled Apostrophe would be unable to deliver many necessary messages to the user.
However, you're wondering why you get this annoying message in your logs:
admin already logged in. Passing through...
I have checked both the apostrophe core module and the apostrophe workflow module. Neither contains any such message. I have also used github search to check the entire apostrophecms organization for this message, which does not appear. Same for a github-wide search. I left out the word "admin" and, in the apostrophecms org, also tried a search for "passing through" alone without turning up any code.
So what this indicates is that your custom code, or another npm module you have added to your project, contains custom middleware that is logging this message on every request that comes in. I would recommend quieting that middleware down as it's not necessary to report this on every notification poll.

Clearing service worker cache if user deletes cookies manually

I'm currently using Workbox to get some caching done with Service Workers. Right now, I'm facing the issue of removing more personalised data from the cache when the user logs out. We have already implemented this by posting a message to the SW upon the logout action. However, I'm having trouble handling the edge case where the user deletes the cookies. Because of how we do authentication, the user is logged out upon cookie deletion. But we are unable to detect this deletion and thus unable to clear the cache.
Any suggestions on how to handle edge case or to better handle authenticated assets in SW/Workbox? Thanks!
Below is a short example of our current flow.
* sw.js */
self.addEventListener("message", msg => {
if (msg.type) {
switch (msg.event) {
case "LOGOUT":
// delete caches which contain personalized data
exprPlugins.map(plugin =>
// ... other code
You might be thinking this in a too SW specific way I guess :-)
// Page loads / timer fires every one minute
// if (no cookie found)
// -- send logout msg to sw
// else
// -- send "the user logged in is *id from cookie*" kinda event
// -- sw checks the data matches whoever is now logged in and if needed purges the cache
Please note that since this is not an automatic event after the cookie is manually deleted, an ill-meaning user could open Dev Tools and look at the data from the previous user. Thus this is NOT SECURE, it's more like a tongue-in-the-cheek workaround.
As others pointed out, you should probably not be caching any critical PII info into the caches.

TokenResponseException - Error:"invalid_grant", Description:"", Uri:""

I have code that works - MVC app using Google Calendar API and Gmail API with OAuth2 Authentication from Google. The code works. When the page is loaded the data from both services is displayed. And I have a Javascript timer to refresh the data with certain interval (20 min). So everything works as expected until at some point of time (after some time interval I guess) it starts throwing an exception: Error:"invalid_grant", Description:"", Uri:"". The exception has no InnerException and has only that error message and this info in StackTrace (here on the screenshot):
I would really appreciate if someone has an idea what could be the reason for that error. And what is that "c:\code\google.com...." line in stack trace message, I have no "c:\code" folder on my disk. I have found a few posts related to the same error, but unfortunately they didn't help to understand the problem. Maybe with more details like this screenshot someone has more info on the subject. Thanks a lot.
What I found out - is that AppPool recycling temporary solves the problem. But then, after some time, it comes back again. What doest it have to do with AppPool recycling?
Well, after more reading I found the reason of this exception.
Invalid Grant: The refresh token limit has been exceeded (default is 25).
That's all.
According to these documentation: There is currently a 25-token limit per Google user account. If a user account has 25 valid tokens, the next authentication request succeeds, but quietly invalidates the oldest outstanding token without any user-visible warning.
If the application attempts to use an invalidated refresh token, an invalid_grant error response is returned. The limit for each unique pair of OAuth 2.0 client and Google Analytics account is 25 refresh tokens (note that this limit is subject to change).
Understood, they limit # of refresh tokens to 25, but they don't say what to do when you need to go above that limit. Arghhh... I have been experimenting and found a solution how to bypass that limitation. It seems indeed that recycling the Application Pool solves the problem (of course untill next 25-limit is reached). We can manually recycle the AppPool from IIS or by running the command:
c:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe recycle apppool /apppool.name:AppPoolName
You can schedule that command to execute every night or every hour, whatever...
But I found a have a programmatic solution:
Override OnException method for your controller (it's for MVC app)
protected override void OnException(ExceptionContext filterContext)
if (filterContext.ExceptionHandled) return;
// Log exception details
Global.LogException(filterContext.Exception, EventLogEntryType.Error);
if (filterContext.Exception.Message.Contains("invalid_grant"))
// Invalid Grant: The refresh token limit has been exceeded (default is 25).
// https://developers.google.com/accounts/docs/OAuth2#expiration
// https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/config/mgmt/v3/mgmtAuthorization?#helpme
Global.LogException(new Exception("AppPool has been recycled"), EventLogEntryType.Information);
var actionName = filterContext.RouteData.Values["action"].ToString();
// Return friendly error message
var errorMessage = string.Format("Action {0} failed with error: {1}. Please try again.", actionName, filterContext.Exception.Message);
filterContext.Result = Content(errorMessage);
filterContext.ExceptionHandled = true;
Where RecycleAppPool is defined like this (this operation is fast, not like restarting IIS :):
public static void RecycleAppPool()
ServerManager serverManager = new ServerManager();
ApplicationPool appPool = serverManager.ApplicationPools["Homepage"];
if (appPool != null)
if (appPool.State == ObjectState.Stopped) appPool.Start();
else appPool.Recycle();
So, in case of invalid_grant exception, the exception "swallowed": logged, apppool is recycled and the limit for refresh tokens is reset. Hope this helps.
Please let me know if you find some issues.
It's also possible that the server clock is out of sync. For some reason mine was not able to sync against an internet clock and was running 6 minutes fast. Resetting it to the correct time worked.

Should a server be able to execute a second request whilst a current request is sleeping?

I am using ASP.NET MVC and IIS version 7.5.
I have the following action in a controller.
public ActionResult Wait(int time = 10000)
var start = DateTime.Now;
var end = DateTime.Now;
var diff = (end - start);
return Json(new {
start = start.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff"),
end = end.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff"),
milliseconds = diff.TotalMilliseconds.ToString("#,###"),
}, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
If I visit:
The second request will not even being to execute until the first has finished.
Is this normal behaviour, or should each request be executed in its own thread?
To put this in context, in our application, different calls might need to ask data from different servers, and I don't want to have to wait for one complex request to finish before several simpler ones (requiring only local data) can execute.
I just realised I am talking about requests from the same user (in the same session). I think I am just being dim, but maybe someone can still help.
Concurrent Requests and Session State
Access to ASP.NET session state is exclusive per session, which means
that if two different users make concurrent requests, access to each
separate session is granted concurrently. However, if two concurrent
requests are made for the same session (by using the same SessionID
value), the first request gets exclusive access to the session
information. The second request executes only after the first request
is finished. (The second session can also get access if the exclusive
lock on the information is freed because the first request exceeds the
lock time-out.) If the EnableSessionState value in the # Page
directive is set to ReadOnly, a request for the read-only session
information does not result in an exclusive lock on the session data.
However, read-only requests for session data might still have to wait
for a lock set by a read-write request for session data to clear.
